1,108 research outputs found

    Marine introductions in the Shark Bay World Heritage Property, Western Australia: A preliminary assessment

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    The presence and impacts of non-indigenous species (NIS) in marine areas of high conservation or World Heritage significance have rarely been examined. Case studies worldwide suggest that the potential exists for the introduction of NIS to significantly impact conservation values in regions conserved for the uniqueness and diversity of native assemblages. In this study, a preliminary investigation was conducted to provide information essential for managing marine introductions in the Shark Bay World Heritage Property. A focused fouling plate survey sampled a total of 112 encrusting taxa, of which 10 (11.2%) were classified as introduced and 10 others as cryptogenic. Eight introduced bryozoans: Aetea anguina (Linnaeus, 1758), Bugula neritina (Linnaeus, 1758), Bugula stolonifera Ryland, 1960, Conopeum seurati (Canu, 1928), Savignyella lafontii (Audouin, 1826), Schizoporella errata (Waters, 1878), Watersipora subtorquata (d’Orbigny, 1842) and Zoobotryon verticellatum della Chiaje, 1828; one tunicate, Styela plicata Lesueur, 1823; and an introduced hydroid, Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758) were frequent, and in some cases dominant, components of encrusting communities. Of the 20 most frequently occurring species detected in the Bay, four were introduced and of the 20 species with highest average percent cover per plate, six were introduced. At one site, space occupation by NIS averaged 71.6% ± 7.4 of plate live cover. Space occupation by an individual NIS was as high as 62.4% of plate area (mean 7.82% ± 1.8). NIS were detected at sites lacking commercial traffic and ballast water discharge and isolated by distance and physical environment, suggesting that hull fouling of recreational craft may be the most important vector in the region. Seventy-five percent of NIS detected in Shark Bay are established in Australian ports to the south of Shark Bay, while 33% are established to the north, tentatively implicating temperate affinity NIS and the movement of vessels from Australian ports south of Shark Bay as a greater risk to the region

    Using metadynamics to obtain the free energy landscape for cation diffusion in functional ceramics : dopant distribution control in rare earth-doped BaTiO3

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    Barium titanate is the dielectric material of choice in most multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) and thus in the production of ≈3 trillion devices every year, with an estimated global market of ≈$8330 million per year. Rare earth dopants are regularly used to reduce leakage currents and improve the MLCC lifetime. Simulations are used to investigate the ability of yttrium, dysprosium, and gadolinium to reduce leakage currents by trapping mobile oxygen defects. All the rare earths investigated trap oxygen vacancies, however, dopant pairs are more effective traps than isolated dopants. The number of trapping sites increases with the ion size of the dopant, suggesting that gadolinium should be more effective than dysprosium, which contradicts experimental data. Additional simulations on diffusion of rare earths through the lattice during sintering show that dysprosium diffuses significantly faster than the other rare earths considered. As a consequence, its greater ability to reduce oxygen migration is a combination of thermodynamics (a strong ability to trap oxygen vacancies) and kinetics (sufficient distribution of the rare earth in the lattice to intercept the migrating defects)

    What matters most - what parents model or what parents eat?

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    however, researchers struggle to identify which food parenting practices to recommend. This study examined the influence of parents modeling of healthy eating (“parent role modeling”) and parents’ actual food intake (“parent dietary intake”) on child diet quality, and explored whether these practices work together to influence children's diets. Methods: Baseline data from a larger intervention trial were used for this analysis. The sample included parents of preschool-age children from households with at least one overweight parent. The Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire was used to assess parent modeling of healthy eating (“healthy modeling”). Three days of dietary recalls were used to collect parents’ report of their own intake and their children's intake (excluding food at child care). Associations between parent healthy modeling and parent intake of healthy and unhealthy foods were explored using Pearson correlations. Associations between parent healthy modeling and parent Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score on child HEI score were examined with linear regression. Additionally, the interaction between parent healthy modeling and HEI score on child HEI score was tested. Results: Parent healthy modeling was significantly correlated with parent intake of healthy foodsLinear regression showed a significant association between parent modeling and child HEI score, even after controlling for parent diet (ÎČ = 3.08, SE = 0.87, p < 0.001). Children whose parents had high parent healthy modeling scores had higher HEI scores (mean = 61.5 ± 10.4) regardless of parent HEI score. We did not find evidence that parent healthy modeling and diet quality interact to influence child diet quality. Conclusions: Parents’ healthy modeling is an important practice in influencing children's diet quality, possibly more so than the quality of parents’ diets.Purpose: Parents have a strong influence on their children's eating habit

    Epigenetic predictors of all-cause mortality are associated with objective measures of neighborhood disadvantage in an urban population

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    BACKGROUND: Neighborhood characteristics are robust predictors of overall health and mortality risk for residents. Though there has been some investigation of the role that molecular indicators may play in mediating neighborhood exposures, there has been little effort to incorporate newly developed epigenetic biomarkers into our understanding of neighborhood characteristics and health outcomes. METHODS: Using 157 participants of the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study with detailed assessments of neighborhood characteristics and genome-wide DNA methylation profiling via the Illumina 450K methylation array, we assessed the relationship between objective neighborhood characteristics and a validated DNA methylation-based epigenetic mortality risk score (eMRS). Associations were adjusted for age, race, sex, ever smoking, ever alcohol usage, education, years spent in neighborhood, and employment. A secondary model additionally adjusted for personal neighborhood perception. We summarized 19 neighborhood quality indicators assessed for participants into 9 principal components which explained over 90% of the variance in the data and served as metrics of objective neighborhood quality exposures. RESULTS: Of the nine principal components utilized for this study, one was strongly associated with the eMRS (ÎČ = 0.15; 95% confidence interval = 0.06-0.24; P = 0.002). This principal component (PC7) was most strongly driven by the presence of abandoned cars, poor streets, and non-art graffiti. Models including both PC7 and individual indicators of neighborhood perception indicated that only PC7 and not neighborhood perception impacted the eMRS. When stratified on neighborhood indicators of greenspace, we observed a potentially protective effect of large mature trees as this feature substantially attenuated the observed association. CONCLUSION: Objective measures of neighborhood disadvantage are significantly associated with an epigenetic predictor of mortality risk, presenting a potential novel avenue by which neighborhood-level exposures may impact health. Associations were independent of an individual's perception of their neighborhood and attenuated by neighborhood greenspace features. More work should be done to determine molecular risk factors associated with neighborhoods, and potentially protective neighborhood features against adverse molecular effects

    Understanding constant connectivity to work: How and for whom is constant connectivity related to employee well-being?

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    Over the past few decades, the widespread use of mobile work devices (MWDs: e.g., laptops and smartphones) has enabled constant connectivity to work. This study advances previous work on the effects of constant connectivity for employees by focusing on how and for whom constant connectivity might be related to employee well-being. Additionally, organizational-level antecedents of constant connectivity are investigated. This paper reports on two survey studies that a) operationalize constant connectivity and its organizational antecedents and b) investigate the relationship between constant connectivity and employee well-being. The findings demonstrate that constant connectivity is negatively related to employees' well-being due to the inability to disengage from work. Moreover, this negative association exists independently of

    Dynamic tilting in perovskites

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    A new computational analysis of tilt behaviour in perovskites is presented. This includes the development of a computational program – PALAMEDES – to extract tilt angles and the tilt phase from molecular dynamics simulations. The results are used to generate simulated selected-area electron and neutron diffraction patterns which are compared with experimental patterns for CaTiO3. The simulations not only reproduced all symmetrically allowed superlattice reflections associated with tilt but also showed local correlations that give rise to symmetrically forbidden reflections and the kinematic origin of diffuse scattering

    Together Eating & Activity Matters (TEAM): results of a pilot randomized-clinical trial of a spousal support weight loss intervention for Black men

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    Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, participation, preliminary efficacy and retention in a couples-based weight loss intervention among Black men. Design, setting, participants: Two-arm pilot randomized clinical trial in an academic clinical setting. Forty self-identified Black men and their female cohabitating partners (n = 80) aged 18 to 65 years with body mass index from 25 to 45 kg/m2 were randomized using computer generated tables to allocate treatments. Intervention: Participants were randomized to a standard behavioural weight loss (Standard) programme or the Standard programme plus partner involvement (Enhanced). Both interventions focused on calorie reduction, physical activity and self-monitoring to facilitate weight loss. Enhanced included couples skills training and couple's communication components. Main outcome and measures: Changes in weight from baseline to 3 months among men. Partner weight loss (secondary). Results: Forty Black couples (men mean [SD] age, 47.4[11] years; body mass index, 35.0[6.1]), were recruited. Retention was 100% of the men and 98% of female partners. Attendance at group sessions was 63–73%. Between groups, mean (SD) weight changes among men were −3.4[.04] and −4.7[5.9] kg (p = 0.57) and among women −0.23[4.46] and −2.47[3.62] kg (p = 0.09), in the standard and enhanced groups. Conclusions: Weight losses from an intervention enhanced by partner involvement and an intervention with no partner involvement were not different. Treatment choice can be based on preference rather than outcome as both treatments are effective in producing clinically significant percent weight loss. Trial registration Clinical Trials NCT02458053

    Biological anthropology in the Indo-Pacific Region: New approaches to age-old questions

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    Biological anthropological research, the study of both modern and past humans, is a burgeoning field in the Indo-Pacific region. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the unique environments of the Indo-Pacific have resulted in an archaeological record that does not necessarily align with those in the northern hemisphere. New, regionally-specific archaeological models are being developed, and biological anthropological research has an important role to play in establishing past human experience within these models. In the Indo-Pacific, research using ancient and modern human tissues is adding insight into global processes of prehistoric settlement and migrations, subsistence change and human biosocial adaptation. This review synthesises current themes in biological anthropology in this region. It highlights the diverse methods and approaches used by biological anthropologists to address globally-relevant archaeological questions. In recent decades a collaborative approach between archaeologists, biological anthropologists and local communities has become the norm in the region. The many positive outcomes of this multi-disciplinary approach are highlighted here through the use of regionally-specific case studies. This review ultimately aims to stimulate further collaborations between archaeologists, biological anthropologists and the communities in the region, and demonstrate how the evidence from Indo-Pacific research may be relevant to global archaeological models

    Exploring the thermal behaviour of the solvated structures of Nifedipine

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    Abstract: Understanding the solvation of pharmaceutical materials is an important part of materials discovery and development. The isolation and desolvation pathways can provide routes to new polymorphs as well as providing important information of intermolecular interactions that can be formed. Providing detailed in-situ structural data is vital to be able to fully characterise changes that may occur in the system. In this paper, we describe the isolation and characterisation of seven solvates of the L-type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine using variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction so that the structural evolution as a function of temperature can be followed. The solvates reported herein can be split into those that are structurally similar to the previously reported DMSO and Dioxane solvates and those that have a unique crystal structure. Of particular note is the solvate with THF which has a hydrogen-bonding motif between the nifedipine molecules very similar to the metastable ÎČ-nifedipine. In addition to variable-temperature X-ray diffraction, the stability of the solid-forms was assessed using differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis and indicate that in all cases desolvation results in the thermodynamically stable α-polymorph of nifedipine even the THF solvate. From the diffraction data the pathway of desolvation during heating of the DMF solvate showed conversion to another likely 1:1 polymorph before desolvation to α-nifedipine. The desolvation of this material indicated a two-stage process; first the initial loss of 90% of the solvent before the last 10% on melting. The methanol solvate shows interesting negative-thermal expansion on heating, which is rarely reported in organic materials, but this behaviour can be linked back to the winerack-type hydrogen bonding pattern of the nifedipine molecules
