556 research outputs found

    Leann Tengowski

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    The Art or Non-Art of Writing

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    The science of graphology ( the study and analysis of handwriting) has traditionally been applied to delineate personality traits. Some of the results have been invalidated, although we believe the field can be expanded into broader categories. Specifically, this study analyzes the handwriting of artistic and non-artistic subjects. Our working hypothesis (with results still being compiled) is that our artistic informants will display a less formal type of handwriting compared to our non-artistic informants

    Using Mie Scattering to Determine the Wavelength-Dependent Refractive Index of Polystyrene Beads with Changing Temperature

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    Polystyrene beads are used as test aerosol. A contact-less technique is reported for determining the size and refractive index of a solid aerosol particle as a function of wavelength and temperature (20-234°C). Polystyrene beads of 2μm diameter were optically trapped in air, in the central orifice of a ceramic heating element and Mie spectroscopy (0.480-0.650μm) was then used to determine the radius and refractive index (to precisions of 0.8nm and 0.0014) of 8 beads as a function of heating and cooling. Refractive index, n, as a function of wavelength, λ, in microns, and temperature, T, in centigrade, was found to be n = 1.5753 - (1.7336 × 1014) T + (9.733 × 10-3) λ-2 in the temperature range 20 < T < 100 °C and n = 1.5877 - (2.9739 × 10-4) T + (9.733 × 10-3) λ-2 in the temperature range 100< T <234 °C, significantly extending the temperature and wavelength range for refractive index of polystyrene. The work represents a step change in measuring the refractive index of materials in an absolute manner with high precision as a function of temperature and wavelength simultaneously. The work also demonstrates a new development in measurement of refractive index as a function of wavelength and temperature for measuring phase changes.All raw data and results obtained for each spectra are uploaded

    Walks of Life: The Journey of (some) Women

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    Panel Chair: Marta Moore, Collin Colleg

    Opening and Welcome

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    Melodic ornamentation from Muffat to Telemann

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    Writers on 18th-century musical ornamentation have traditionally focused on the execution of notated ornaments, and on certain disputes arising from ambiguous and contradictory primary sources. Less attention has been given to the addition of ornaments where not prescribed by the composer. Such ornaments can be short, defined, patterns such as trills, turns, and mordents, or larger measured or unmeasured additions known as diminutions, divisions, or passaggi. Additions of this nature are only in the rarest of cases compulsory. However, the practice of more or less spontaneous embellishment by the performer was so integral to pre-19th-century musical culture that this must have had a significant effect on composition. The scope of this thesis is loosely defined by its titular composers, covering the period between Georg Muffat‟s later publications in the last years of the 17th century and G.P. Telemann‟s death in 1767. Both lived and worked in the German states, a region which had traditionally looked to Italian models of composition and performance. This period saw a flowering of German composition into its own unique and diverse genre which integrated aspects of various styles, most prominently Italian and French music. This thesis centres on stringed instruments, but is directly relevant to woodwind players. Many aspects are also transferrable to the keyboard and to vocal music; however, these musicians will find a large volume of more targeted research elsewhere

    Attraction to Physical Activity for Youth Who are BVI/DHH at a Residential School

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    Youth who are blind or visually impaired (BVI) and youth who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) often have low participation in sport and regular physical activity. Minimal research has sought to explore the variables associated with relatively low involvement in sport and physical activity among youth with BVI and/or DHH at residential schools. Financial situations and budget cuts have forced many states to combine residential schools for low incidence disabilities such as BVI &amp; DHH. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the nature of attraction to physical activity for those attending a residential school for DHH and BVI. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 school residents (n = 5 blind; 3 male, 2 female and n = 6 deaf; 4 male, 2 female) who ranged in age from 10-18 years. Deductive content analyses revealed a number of meaningful themes in each category for both disability groups. Findings suggest that both hearing and visually impaired youth enjoyed physical activity and valued health benefits. However, this desire did not translate into being physically active. Youth suggested barriers for this including low parental encouragement for sport and physical activity and some social exclusion from non-disabled peers in game settings

    Collection Development Based on Patron Requests: Collaboration between Interlibrary Loan and Acquisitions

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    Libraries are exploring new models of collaboration between interlibrary loan, collection development, and acquisitions. This paper presents two models in which libraries set aside acquisitions or other funds to purchase books requested by patrons through interlibrary loan processes. Workflows, scope criteria, and departmental relationships are described. The article reports on several aspects of the effectiveness of these models, such as turnaround time (comparable to traditional ILL loans), average cost per book ($37.00), and patron satisfaction (very high). The authors also address the subsequent circulation of titles and report on the bibliographers’ analysis of the relevance of the titles to the collection of one of the libraries