76,124 research outputs found

    Reverse Engineering from Assembler to Formal Specifications via Program Transformations

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    The FermaT transformation system, based on research carried out over the last sixteen years at Durham University, De Montfort University and Software Migrations Ltd., is an industrial-strength formal transformation engine with many applications in program comprehension and language migration. This paper is a case study which uses automated plus manually-directed transformations and abstractions to convert an IBM 370 Assembler code program into a very high-level abstract specification.Comment: 10 page

    A Comparative Study of John Wesley’s Doctrine of Christian Perfection

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    Lutheran Theology and Liturgical Acculturation

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    (Excerpt) The Lutheran churches in the United States have historically reflected Teutonic and Scandinavian culture and heritage. This was a natural phenomenon due to the fact that the earliest Lutheran settlers in this country were of Teutonic and Scandinavian background

    SCUBA polarisation observations of the magnetic fields in the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B

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    We have mapped linearly polarized dust emission from the prestellar cores L1498 and L1517B with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) and its polarimeter SCUBAPOL at a wavelength of 850um. We use these measurements to determine the plane-of-sky magnetic field orientation in the cores. In L1498 we see a magnetic field across the peak of the core that lies at an offset of 19 degrees to the short axis of the core. This is similar to the offsets seen in previous observations of prestellar cores. To the southeast of the peak, in the filamentary tail of the core, we see that the magnetic field has rotated to lie almost parallel to the long axis of the filament. We hypothesise that the field in the core may have decoupled from the field in the filament that connects the core to the rest of the cloud. We use the Chandrasekhar-Fermi (CF) method to measure the plane-of-sky field strength in the core of L1498 to be 10 +/- 7 uG. In L1517B we see a more gradual turn in the field direction from the northern part of the core to the south. This appears to follow a twist in the filament in which the core is buried, with the field staying at a roughly constant 25 degree offset to the short axis of the filament, also consistent with previous observations of prestellar cores. We again use the CF method and calculate the magnetic field strength in L1517B also to be 30 +/- 10 uG. Both cores appear to be roughly virialised. Comparison with our previous work on somewhat denser cores shows that, for the denser cores, thermal and non-thermal (including magnetic) support are approximately equal, while for the lower density cores studied here, thermal support dominates.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication by MNRA

    The Bioeconomic Implications of A Bycatch Reduction Device as a Stock Conservation Management Measure

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    The proposed regulation to reduce bycatch and discarding of finfish in the southeastern region is a gear modification that excludes finfish from shrimp trawls. This regulation is analyzed using a simple theoretical model of a multispecies fishery whose bycatch is harvested in a directed fishery consisting of commercial and recreational fishermen. The costless reduction in bycatch fishing mortality imposed on the multispecies fishery does not result in an increased stock size for the bycatch fish species or a substantial increase in its level of harvest. Instead, the fish stock is reallocated from the multispecies fishery to the fishery directed at the bycatch species causing fishing effort to expand in the bycatch species fishery that drives the stock size down to the previously existing equilibrium level. Recreational harvest and effort levels remain unchanged since the model is linear in effort and the commercial fishery is given access to the fishery first.Bycatch, policy analysis, bioeconomic model, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Evaluation of wet tantalum capacitors after exposure to extended periods of ripple current, volume 2

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    The application of tantalum capacitors in the Viking Lander includes dc voltage and ripple current electrical stress, high temperature during nonoperating times (sterilization), and high vibration and shock loads. The capacitors must survive these severe environments without any degradation if reliable performance is to be achieved. A test program was established to evaluate both wet-slug tantalum and wet-foil capacitors under conditions accurately duplicating actual Viking applications. Test results of the electrical performance characteristics during extended periods of ripple current, the characteristics of the internal silver migration as a function of extended periods of ripple current, and the existence of any memory characteristics are presented

    An ultra scale-down analysis of the recovery by dead-end centrifugation of human cells for therapy.

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    An ultra scale-down method is described to determine the response of cells to recovery by dead-end (batch) centrifugation under commercially defined manufacturing conditions. The key variables studied are the cell suspension hold time prior to centrifugation, the relative centrifugal force (RCF), time of centrifugation, cell pellet resuspension velocities, and number of resuspension passes. The cell critical quality attributes studied are the cell membrane integrity and the presence of selected surface markers. Greater hold times and higher RCF values for longer spin times all led to the increased loss of cell membrane integrity. However, this loss was found to occur during intense cell resuspension rather than the preceding centrifugation stage. Controlled resuspension at low stress conditions below a possible critical stress point led to essentially complete cell recovery even at conditions of extreme centrifugation (e.g., RCF of 10000 g for 30 mins) and long (~2 h) holding times before centrifugation. The susceptibility to cell loss during resuspension under conditions of high stress depended on cell type and the age of cells before centrifugation and the level of matrix crosslinking within the cell pellet as determined by the presence of detachment enzymes or possibly the nature of the resuspension medium. Changes in cell surface markers were significant in some cases but to a lower extent than loss of cell membrane integrity. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015;112: 997-1011. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Exploring 'dual diagnosis' treatment motivation

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    Section A reviews the clinical and risk implications of dual diagnosis along with the treatment context. The value of gathering firsthand accounts of service users to inform the planning and delivery of healthcare is touched on. The second part of the paper centres on theories of motivation and how they might be applied to help explain low rates of dual diagnosis treatment uptake and engagement. Finally, gaps in the literature are highlighted with recommendations for further research. Section B There is an emerging evidence base to support the use of integrated approaches that treat co-existing mental health and substance use disorders simultaneously. However, low rates of treatment uptake and engagement remain a concern. To address this, it would seem important to understand dual diagnosis treatment motivation and engagement, an area that has received little attention from the research community. The aim of this study was to explore service users’ and clinicians' understandings of how treatment motivation and its relationship with treatment engagement relate specifically to people with dual diagnosis. Transcripts from semi-structured interviews with four service users and four clinicians were analysed using narrative methodology. The study suggests that the factors underpinning treatment motivation and engagement among people viewed as having dual diagnosis are similar to those thought to be associated with addictions and mental health disorders generally although their relative influence and interaction effect might be different. It is suggested that negative perceptions of services, difficulties with trust, and therapeutic relationship are particularly important issues among dual diagnosis populations. Clinical and theoretical implications of the study are discussed in relation to the literature as well as recommendations for future research. Section C: Critical Appraisal. This paper provides a general overview of narrative research, including strengths and limitations as they relate to this study. With reference to the literature, clinical and theoretical implications are elaborated along with recommendations for future research. The author’s critical self-reflections regarding the process of initiating, carrying out and completing the study are highlighted. Following this, there is a section on the ethical considerations of the study. Finally, the measures taken to ensure the quality of the study and maximise internal consistency are presented

    The metabolism of ingested peroxides Final report, 1 May 1970 - 30 Apr. 1971

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    Determination of growth patterns in rats fed on balanced diets differing by the presence of either oxidized or unoxidized fa