34 research outputs found

    Zadania samorządów gminnych województwa lubelskiego w zakresie ochrony zdrowia = The tasks of local governments Lublin province about Healthcare

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    Warchoł Martyna, Furtak-Niczyporuk Marzena. Zadania samorządów gminnych województwa lubelskiego w zakresie ochrony zdrowia = The tasks of local governments Lublin province about Healthcare. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(7):218-227. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.57348http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3688   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.06.2016. Revised 09.07.2016. Accepted: 09.07.2016.   Zadania samorządów gminnych województwa lubelskiego w zakresie ochrony zdrowiaThe tasks of local governments Lublin province about Healthcare Martyna Warchoł1, Marzena Furtak-Niczyporuk2 1absolwent Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie2Katedra i Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Adres do korespondencjidr n. med. Marzena Furtak-NiczyporukUniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie20 – 081 Lublinul. Chodźki 1  AbstraktWprowadzenie Gmina jest podstawową jednostką samorządu terytorialnego. Konstytucja RP określa gminę jako podstawową jednostkę samorządu terytorialnego. Dostęp do świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej gwarantuje obywatelom art. 68 ust 1  Konstytucji RP. W ust. 2 tegoż artykułu nakłada na władze publiczne obowiązek zapewnienia równego dostępu do opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych. Zgodnie z u. s. g. do zadań własnych gminy należy zaspokajanie potrzeb zbiorowych wspólnoty w sprawach ochrony zdrowia.Cel pracy Celem pracy jest przedstawienie działalności  samorządu gminy w zakresie ochrony zdrowia na terenie województwa lubelskiego.Materiał i metody W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa złożony z 24 pytań. Grupę badaną stanowili urzędnicy 213 samorządów gminnych województwa lubelskiego, z czego 170 to gminy wiejskie, 23 to gminy miejsko – wiejskie, 20 to gminy miejskie. Badania odbywały się na zasadzie anonimowości. Ankiety zostały wysyłane do respondentów za pomocą Internetu.Wyniki i wnioski Z badań wynika, że jednostki samorządu terytorialnego podejmują bardzo okrojone działania w zakresie ochrony. Często nie wykonując obowiązkowych zadań do których zobowiązują ich normy prawne. Słowa kluczowe: gmina, ochrona zdrowia, zadania.  AbstractIntroduction The municipality is the basic unit of local government. The Constitution defines the municipality as the basic unit of local government. Access Health Care Services do guarantee citizens the art. 68 of the Constitution Paragraph 1. Paragraph. 2 of the same article imposes on the public authorities to ensure equal access to health care financed from public funds. According to the u. S. Sol. do commune's own tasks must satisfy the collective needs of the community in matters of Health.Aim The aim of the study is to present the activities of local Municipality in the field of Health in the province of Lublin.Material and Methods The study used a method of diagnostic survey. The research tool was a questionnaire Polls own authorship consisting of 24 questions. The study group comprised 213 officials of local governments of Lublin province, of which 170 Rural Municipalities, 23 Municipalities to urban - Rural, 20 Municipalities. Research conducted on the principle of anonymity. Surveys were sent to do the respondents using the Internet.The results and conclusions The research shows that local governments take very truncated activities Protection. Often without the mandatory tasks for which oblige them legal standards. Keywords: community, healthcare, tasks, local governments

    The knowledge and the attitude of students from the selected Lublin’s universities towards the influenza vaccination

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    Among all of the infectious diseases, it is influenza that affects the most people. The high infectiousness is it’s characteristic, therefore people fall ill to it, regardless of age or gender. When it comes to the flu illness, the highest risk group are children and people over 65.The airways’ infection caused by the flu virus is a serious health issue all around the world, causing 3-5 millions of clinical infections and 250-500 thousands deaths per year

    Application of photochemical parameters and several indices based on phenotypical traits to assess intraspecific variation of oat (Avena sativa L.) tolerance to drought

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    Functionality of the photosynthetic system under water stress is of major importance in drought tolerance. Oat (Avena sativa L.) doubled haploid (DH) lines obtained by pollination of F_{1} oat crosses with maize were used to assess the differences in plant genotypic response to soil drought. The investigations were based on the measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics. Drought was applied to 17-day-old seedlings by withholding water for 14 days and subsequent plant recovery. Non-stressed optimally watered plants served as controls. Yield components were determined when plants reached full maturity. It was shown differences among the oat lines with respect to drought stress susceptibility (SI) and stress tolerance index mean productivity and drought susceptibility index. Sensitivity to drought of individual DH lines was significantly different, as demonstrated by the correlation between drought susceptibility index and yield components, such as dry weight (GW) or grain number (GN) of the harvested plants. GW and GN were lower in drought-sensitive genotypes exposed to drought stress compared to those resistant to drought. The principal component analysis allow to separate three groups of lines differing in their sensitivity to drought stress and indicated that tolerance to drought in oat has a common genetic background

    The improvement of medical services as an essential component of changes to the medical care system

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    The high quality of the medical services, it’s constant improvement and custom approach to the patients needs stand as one of the most important issues of modern healthcare. The patient, being beneficiary, shapes the market of health services through expressing his opinions and expectations. The exclusion of their feedback during management might lead to the loss of reputation on the medical services market. The term “quality”, same as “health” is subjective. Defining quality will depend on experience, knowledge, demands, and expectations of the clients. The aim of the article is to survey the patients’ opinions and expectations towards the quality of healthcare services. The patients expect the constant improvement of that quality during ongoing changes to the healthcare system. They place it very high on their priorities' list. To them quality equals security and medical professionalism. The nature of providing medical services entails that higher quality demand are not possible to meet without overall improvement of how the patients are taken care of

    The Internet as a source of information on health and disease

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    The Internet has become a significant factor influencing the public health area. It contributes to higher awareness of the health problems in the society and to the greater self-reliance of the patients, it helps to carry out the health promotion campaigns and health education with more effectiveness. Having at our disposal an enormous reserves of specialized knowledge, we become more and more aware patients. One of the most frequent usages of the Internet in the context of one’s health is searching for the medical information – whether it is for the diagnosis, finding the proper form of treatment, looking into the opinion of given specialist, make an appointment with a doctor, collect the results of examinations and so on. The Internet has become one of the most important sources of medical information, and the information on health. However, it also poses a certain threats to the health. It may be used to propagate disadvantageous or even dangerous behaviours, to distribute the addictive or other harmful substances, to promote substances of alleged healthy effectiveness, and to spread untested methods of treatment that is contradictory with modern medical knowledge

    3-D Nucleus Architecture in Oat × Maize Addition Lines

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    The nucleus architecture of hybrid crop plants is not a well-researched topic, yet it can have important implications for their genetic stability and usefulness in the successful expression of agronomically desired traits. In this work we studied the spatial distribution of introgressed maize chromatin in oat maize addition lines with the number of added maize chromosomes varying from one to four. The number of chromosome additions was confirmed by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Maize chromosome-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to identify the added chromosomes. GISH on 3-D root and leaf nuclei was performed to assess the number, volume, and position of the maize-chromatin occupied regions. We revealed that the maize chromosome territory (CT) associations of varying degree prevailed in the double disomic lines, while CT separation was the most common distribution pattern in the double monosomic line. In all analyzed lines, the regions occupied by maize CTs were located preferentially at the nuclear periphery. A comparison between the tissues showed that the maize CTs in the leaf nuclei are positioned closer to the center of the nucleus than in the root nuclei. These findings shed more light on the processes that shape the nucleus architecture in hybrids

    Functioning of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Response to Drought Stress in Oat x Maize Addition Lines

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    The oat × maize chromosome addition (OMA) lines, as hybrids between C3 and C4 plants, can potentially help us understand the process of C4 photosynthesis. However, photosynthesis is often affected by adverse environmental conditions, including drought stress. Therefore, to assess the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in OMA lines under drought stress, the chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a fluorescence (CF) parameters were investigated. With optimal hydration, most of the tested OMA lines, compared to oat cv. Bingo, showed higher pigment content, and some of them were characterized by increased values of selected CF parameters. Although 14 days of drought caused a decrease of chlorophylls and carotenoids, only slight changes in CF parameters were observed, which can indicate proper photosynthetic efficiency in most of examined OMA lines compared to oat cv. Bingo. The obtained data revealed that expected changes in hybrid functioning depend more on the specific maize chromosome and its interaction with the oat genome rather than the number of retained chromosomes. OMA lines not only constitute a powerful tool for maize genomics but also are a source of valuable variation in plant breeding, and can help us to understand plant susceptibility to drought. Our research confirms more efficient functioning of hybrid photosynthetic apparatus than oat cv. Bingo, therefore contributes to raising new questions in the fields of plant physiology and biochemistry. Due to the fact that the oat genome is not fully sequenced yet, the mechanism of enhanced photosynthetic efficiency in OMA lines requires further research

    Complex characterization of oat (Avena sativa L.) lines obtained by wide crossing with maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Background. The oat×maize addition (OMA) lines are used for mapping of the maize genome, the studies of centromere-specific histone (CENH3), gene expression, meiotic chromosome behavior and also for introducing maize C4 photosynthetic system to oat. The aim of our study was the identification and molecular-cytogenetic characterization of oat × maize hybrids. Methods. Oat DH lines and oat × maize hybrids were obtained using the wide crossing of Avena sativa L. with Zea mays L. The plants identified as having a Grande- 1 retrotransposon fragment, which produced seeds, were used for genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Results. A total of 138 oat lines obtained by crossing of 2,314 oat plants from 80 genotypes with maize cv. Waza were tested for the presence of maize chromosomes. The presence of maize chromatin was indicated in 66 lines by amplification of the PCR product (500 bp) generated using primers specific for the maize retrotransposon Grande-1. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) detected whole maize chromosomes in eight lines (40%). All of the analyzed plants possessed full complement of oat chromosomes. The number of maize chromosomes differed between the OMA lines. Four OMA lines possessed two maize chromosomes similar in size, three OMA-one maize chromosome, and one OMA-four maize chromosomes. In most of the lines, the detected chromosomes were labeled uniformly. The presence of six 45S rDNA loci was detected in oat chromosomes, but none of the added maize chromosomes in any of the lines carried 45S rDNA locus. Twenty of the analyzed lines did not possess whole maize chromosomes, but the introgression of maize chromatin in the oat chromosomes. Five of 66 hybrids were shorter in height, grassy type without panicles. Twenty-seven OMA lines were fertile and produced seeds ranging in number from 1-102 (in total 613). Sixty-three fertile DH lines, out of 72 which did not have an addition of maize chromosomes or chromatin, produced seeds in the range of 1-343 (in total 3,758). Obtained DH and OMA lines were fertile and produced seeds. Discussion. In wide hybridization of oat with maize, the complete or incomplete chromosomes elimination of maize occur. Hybrids of oat and maize had a complete set of oat chromosomes without maize chromosomes, and a complete set of oat chromosomes with one to four retained maize chromosomes

    Competence of the Labour Inspection.

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    The topic of this dissertation is the labour protection. The public protective intervention requires the presence of the proper stabilizing authority. This dissertation describes key functions of labour inspectors, according to current law regulations. The competence of this organs is described on the basis of Polish and international law. The consecutive chapters present the organisational and functional strukture. Each task has been analysed legally and practically. The effectiveness of these organs is the result of supervising instruments beloging to labour inspektors. The problems discussed try to evaluate the applied management strategy.Podłożem tematu opracowania w zakresie uprawnień Państwowej Inspekcji Pracy jest tematyka ochrony pracy. Wymagana ingerencja instytucji państwowych o charakterze ochronnym implikuje istnienie odpowiednich organów o skutecznych kompetencjach stabilizacji porządku prawnego. Praca ta ma charakter porządkujący, odnoszący się do kluczowych funkcji inspektora pracy w postaci uprawnień nadanych ustawą. W kolejnych częściach znajduje się problematyka organizacji i funkcjonowania organu. Definiowanie kompetencji ujęte zostało w postaci ram prawnych odnoszących się do uregulowań międzynarodowych oraz krajowych. Wskazane zostało umiejscowienie w strukturach państwa, z omówieniem zobowiązań i obowiązków wynikających z przepisów ustawy. Każde konkretne zadanie przedstawiono w ujęciu analitycznym, prezentując przyjęte rozwiązanie prawne oraz praktyczne zastosowanie z uwzględnieniem pożądanego efektu. Trzon pracy w postaci analizy działalności kontrolno - nadzorczej wskazuje potrzebę konwergencji idącą w kierunku realizacji potrzeb oraz ramowych rozwiązań legislacyjnych funkcjonujących w krajach europejskich. Efektywność działań wynika z instrumentów nadzorczych, a zatem omówiono środki prawne leżące w kompetencji inspektorów. Co więcej prezentowana problematyka obejmuje próbę oceny przyjętej strategii zarządzania, skutkującej sprawnością funkcjonowania

    Realizacja zaleceń lekarza rodzinnego przez pacjentów w wybranych jednostkach chorobowych = Implementation of the recommendations of the General Practice Doctor by patients in selected disease entities

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    Warchoł–Sławińska Ewa, Furtak–Niczyporuk Marzena, Włoch Krzysztof, Żuber Agata. Realizacja zaleceń lekarza rodzinnego przez pacjentów w wybranych jednostkach chorobowych = Implementation of the recommendations of the General Practice Doctor by patients in selected disease entities. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(12):171-183. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.192883 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4043 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.11.2016. Revised 22.11.2016. Accepted: 06.12.2016. Realizacja zaleceń lekarza rodzinnego przez pacjentów w wybranych jednostkach chorobowych Implementation of the recommendations of the General Practice Doctor by patients in selected disease entities Ewa Warchoł–Sławińska*, Marzena Furtak–Niczyporuk*, Krzysztof Włoch*, Agata Żuber** *Katedra i Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie **Absolwent Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie Adres do korespondencji: Katedra i Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Lublin 20-093, ul. Chodźki 1 Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: Rolą podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej jest opanowanie czynników ryzyka sprzyjających chorobom cywilizacyjnym, jak choroby układu krążenia, czy choroby metaboliczne. Dużą rolą lekarza rodzinnego jest promocja zdrowia, która skupia się na edukacji zdrowotnej społeczeństwa poprzez przekazywanie wiedzy i kompetencji pozwalających na zwiększenie kontroli nad zdrowiem i jego pomnażanie. Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena realizacji zaleceń lekarza rodzinnego przez pacjentów w wybranych jednostkach chorobowych. Badanie skupiało się na odpowiedzi na pytanie w jakim stopniu pacjenci z wybranymi jednostkami chorobowymi przestrzegają zaleceń lekarza rodzinnego? Materiał i metody: W badaniu opinii publicznej zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, przy zastosowaniu techniki badawczej w formie ankiety. Badanie przeprowadzono przy użyciu autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety zawierającego 38 pytania. Badaniem objęto 99 pacjentów, z 2 przychodni podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej, z obszaru województwa lubelskiego. Wyniki i wnioski: Z badań wynika potrzeba zwiększenia działań edukacji zdrowotnej w obszarach promocji zdrowego stylu życia. Szczególnie widoczna jest potrzeba zwiększenia promocji badań przesiewowych, wyeliminowania używek, zwiększenia aktywności fizycznej, zwiększenia promocji zdrowej i zbilansowanej diety zawierającej owoce i warzywa. Ma się to przyczynić do zwiększenia odsetka populacji pozostającej w dobrym zdrowiu. Przedmiotowe badanie pokazało, że z grupy 99 badanych aż 52% z nich oceniło swoje zdrowia przeciętnie i źle. Dlatego najważniejszą tu rolę będzie miał lekarz rodzinny, gdyż najczęściej w pierwszej kolejności właśnie do niego udaje się pacjent ze swoim problemem. Słowa kluczowe: podstawowa opieka medyczna, lekarz rodzinny. Abstract Introduction: The role of primary health care is to reduce the risk factors for lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases. An important role of the family doctor is the health promotion, which focuses on health education through the transfer of knowledge and competence to increase control over one's health and its multiplication. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of the recommendations of the family doctor by patients in selected disease entities. The study focused on responses to the question of the extent to which patients with selected disease units carried out the recommendations of General Practice Doctor. Material and Methods: The survey of public opinion used diagnostic survey method, using a research technique in the form of a questionnaire. The study was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire containing 38 questions. The study included 99 patients of 2 primary care clinics, from the Lublin province. The results and conclusions: The research shows the need to increase health education activities in the areas of promoting healthy lifestyles. Particularly evident is the need to increase the promotion of screening, eliminating stimulants, increasing physical activity, increase the promotion of a healthy and balanced diet containing fruits and vegetables. This should contribute to increase the percentage of the population remains in good health. These study showed that 52% of the respondents from the group of 99 patients rated their health on average and bad. The most important role in improving this situation will be filled by a family doctor, because usually he is a person to which patients go first to solve their health problems. Keywords: primary health care, General Practice Doctor