714 research outputs found

    Does Hydrotherapy Impact Behaviours Related to Mental Health and Well-Being for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? A Randomised Crossover-Controlled Pilot Trial

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    Background: Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are less physically active than typically developing children due to reduced socialisation and delayed gross-motor skills, negatively impacting social, emotional and physical well-being. This study aimed to determine whether hydrotherapy influences behaviours which impact mental health and well-being in children with ASD. Methods: A within-subjects, randomised crossover-controlled pilot trial was used over 8 weeks. Children aged 6–12 years and diagnosed with ASD (n = 8) were randomly allocated to Group 1 (n = 4) or Group 2 (n = 4). All children participated in hydrotherapy intervention from either weeks 1 to 4 or weeks 5 to 8. The Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) measured behaviour changes impacting mental health and well-being, administered at weeks 0, 4 and 8. Results: No observable differences were found in CBCL subscales between Group 1 or 2 at baseline (week 0). Paired-samples t-tests revealed significant improvements post-intervention: Anxious/Depressed subdomain (p = 0.02) and the Internalising Problems Domain Summary (p = 0.026), with large effect size (d = 1.03 and d = 1.06 respectively). Thought Problems (p = 0.03) and Attention Problems (p = 0.01) both significantly improved post-intervention. The Total Problems score significantly improved post-intervention (p = 0.018) with a large effect size (d = 1.04). Conclusion: Hydrotherapy may enhance behaviours impacting mental health and well-being of children with ASD and could be considered a beneficial therapy option

    Breaking the cycle? The effect of education on welfare receipt among children of welfare recipients

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    We examine the impact of high school graduation on the probability individuals from welfare backgrounds use welfare themselves. Our data consists of administrative educational records for grade 12 students in a Canadian province linked with their own and their parents' welfare records. We address potential endogeneity problems by: 1) controlling for ability using past test scores; 2) using an instrument for graduation based on school principal fixed effects; and 3) using a Heckman- Singer type unobserved heterogeneity estimator. Graduation would reduce welfare receipt of dropoutsby Ý to 3/4. Effects are larger for individuals from troubled family backgrounds and low income neighbourhoods.

    Shuttle landing facility cloud cover study: Climatological analysis and two tenths cloud cover rule evaluation

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    The two-tenths cloud cover rule in effect for all End Of Mission (EOM) STS landings at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) states: 'for scattered cloud layers below 10,000 feet, cloud cover must be observed to be less than or equal to 0.2 at the de-orbit burn go/no-go decision time (approximately 90 minutes before landing time)'. This rule was designed to protect against a ceiling (below 10,000 feet) developing unexpectedly within the next 90 minutes (i.e., after the de-orbit burn decision and before landing). The Applied Meteorological Unit (AMU) developed and analyzed a database of cloud cover amounts and weather conditions at the Shuttle Landing Facility for a five-year (1986-1990) period. The data indicate the best time to land the shuttle at KSC is during the summer while the worst time is during the winter. The analysis also shows the highest frequency of landing opportunities occurs for the 0100-0600 UTC and 1300-1600 UTC time periods. The worst time of the day to land a shuttle is near sunrise and during the afternoon. An evaluation of the two-tenths cloud cover rule for most data categorizations has shown that there is a significant difference in the proportions of weather violations one and two hours subsequent to initial conditions of 0.2 and 0.3 cloud cover. However, for May, Oct., 700 mb northerly wind category, 1500 UTC category, and 1600 UTC category there is some evidence that the 0.2 cloud cover rule may be overly conservative. This possibility requires further investigation. As a result of these analyses, the AMU developed nomograms to help the Spaceflight Meteorological Group (SMG) and the Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility (CCFF) forecast cloud cover for EOM and Return to Launch Site (RTLS) at KSC. Future work will include updating the two tenths database, further analysis of the data for several categorizations, and developing a proof of concept artificial neural network to provide forecast guidance of weather constraint violations for shuttle landings

    Collaborative governance of ageing: Challenges for local government in partnering with the seniors' sector

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    This paper considers the role local government plays in the formation and effectiveness of local collaborative partnerships in ageing well. Collaborative processes are central to emerging models of local governance and have received considerable practical and theoretical consideration with respect to many policy domains. Such collaborations require local organisations and actors from various sectors to work together in partnerships and networks to achieve policy goals. This paper reports research from two collaborations in southeast Queensland municipalities, and shows that joint efforts between local government and community organisations pose challenges. These relate to the political context and specifically to the tensions between flexibility and coordination; and tensions between harnessing community resources and investing resources. We highlight the value of a framing role for local government to ensure that such governance models for local action on ageing realise a collaborative advantage. In particular, the findings highlight the need for local government to invest in these processes and build social infrastructure and assets in order to develop improved ways of facilitating collaborative governance

    Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) as a biomarker in metachronous melanoma and colorectal cancer- a case report

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    Background: Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) has emerged as a promising blood-based biomarker for monitoring disease status of patients with advanced cancers. The presence of ctDNA in the blood is a result of biological processes, namely tumour cell apoptosis and/or necrosis, and can be used to monitor different cancers by targeting cancer-specific mutation. Case presentation: We present the case of a 67 year old Caucasian male that was initially treated with BRAF inhibitors followed by anti-CTLA4 and then anti-PD1 immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma but later developed colorectal cancer. The kinetics of ctDNA derived from each cancer type were monitored targeting BRAF V600R (melanoma) and KRAS G13D (colon cancer), specifically reflected the status of the patient\u27s tumours. In fact, the discordant pattern of BRAF and KRAS ctDNA was significantly correlated with the clinical response of melanoma to pembrolizumab treatment and progression of colorectal cancer noted by PET and/or CT scan. Based on these results, ctDNA can be used to specifically clarify disease status of patients with metachronous cancers. Conclusions: Using cancer-specific mutational targets, we report here for the first time the efficacy of ctDNA to accurately provide a comprehensive outlook of the tumour status of two different cancers within one patient. Thus, ctDNA analysis has a potential clinical utility to delineate clinical information in patients with multiple cancer types

    Nano-optical observation of cascade switching in a parallel superconducting nanowire single photon detector

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    The device physics of parallel-wire superconducting nanowire single photon detectors is based on a cascade process. Using nano-optical techniques and a parallel wire device with spatially-separate pixels we explicitly demonstrate the single- and multi-photon triggering regimes. We develop a model for describing efficiency of a detector operating in the arm-trigger regime. We investigate the timing response of the detector when illuminating a single pixel and two pixels. We see a change in the active area of the detector between the two regimes and find the two-pixel trigger regime to have a faster timing response than the one-pixel regime.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Detectable ctDNA at the time of treatment cessation of ipilimumab and nivolumab for toxicity predicts disease progression in advanced melanoma patients

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    Background: Immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) has led to unprecedented outcomes for melanoma patients but is associated with toxicity. ICI resumption after high grade irAEs poses a significant challenge in the clinical management of melanoma patients and there are no biomarkers that can help identify patients that might benefit from resuming treatment. This study aims to determine if circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) levels at the time of treatment-limiting irAE could guide treatment decisions in this clinical context. Methods: This is a retrospective exploratory biomarker study from 34 patients treated with combination ICI for stage IV melanoma. Patients had a treatment-limiting toxicity and a baseline plasma collection prior to commencing ICI and within 6 weeks of stopping therapy. Blood samples were tested for ctDNA at baseline and cessation therapy. Results: Median progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) have not been reached (24-month PFS rate 54% and OS rate 72.3%). PD occurred in 47% (16/34) of patients. Median PFS with detectable ctDNA from plasma collected at the time of toxicity was 6.5 months while not reached (NR) with undetectable levels (HR: 4.0, 95% CI 0.95-17.5, p=0.0023). Median OS with detectable ctDNA at cessation for toxicity was 19.4 months and NR for undetectable ctDNA (HR: 3.9, 95%CI 20.8-18.6, p=0.024). Positive ctDNA at the time of cessation was highly specific (specificity 0.94, 95% CI 0.74-0.99, PPV 0.88, 95% CI 0.53-0.99). However, ctDNA negativity has low sensitivity as a predictor of ongoing disease control (sensitivity 0.437, 95% CI 0.23-0.67). Notably, 4/9 (44%) ctDNA negative patients who had disease progression had brain only disease progression. Conclusions: Undetectable ctDNA and CR on imaging after stopping immunotherapy for toxicity results in high rates of long-term durable control. For patients with immunotherapy related toxicity, who have persistent ctDNA at 8 – 12 weeks, the risk of disease progression is significant