345 research outputs found

    Elbilpolitikk fra et samfunnsøkonomisk perspektiv

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    This thesis focuses on the economics and polices for the electrification of transport. Over the last few years we have observed a rapid rise in the number of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in Norway. This growth is the combined result of rapid technological change and a targeted national climate policy. The rising share of BEVs relative to the share of conventional vehicles could lead to socio-economic benefits such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and local pollution, but it could also pose new challenges such as pressure on the capacity of the electricity distribution network. In addition, BEVs have similar negative externalities as fossil-fueled vehicles with regards to congestion, road wear and accidents. BEVs can mitigate some market failures and exacerbate others, creating a messy optimization problem for the social planner. This illustrates the need for new knowledge on mechanisms and welfare enhancing policies in the transport and electricity markets as they become more integrated. This thesis seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge on the subject, in the following introductory chapter and four independent chapters. The latter chapters are written as scientific papers that are either published or in the process of getting published in peer-reviewed journals.Denne avhandlingen tar for seg elbilpolitikk i et samfunnsøkonomisk perspektiv. De siste årene har vi opplevd en rask økning i antall elbiler i Norge. Denne veksten er et resultat av både rask teknologisk utvikling og en målrettet nasjonal klimapolitikk. Den økende andelen av elbiler i forhold til andelen konvensjonelle biler kan føre til samfunnsøkonomiske fordeler som reduserte klimagassutslipp og lokal forurensning, men det kan også gi nye utfordringer som press på kapasiteten til strømdistribusjonsnettet. I tillegg har elbiler tilsvarende eksterne kostnader som konvensjonelle biler med tanke på kø, veislitasje og ulykker. Elbiler kan dempe noen markedssvikt og forverre andre, og skape et rotete optimaliseringsproblem for samfunnsplanleggeren. Dette understreker behovet for ny kunnskap om den gjensidige påvirkningen mellom transport- og elektrisitetsmarkedet, og hva som kan være samfunnsmessig effektiv politikk. Denne avhandlingen bidrar til kunnskapen om emnet, i det følgende kappen og fire uavhengige kapitler. De siste kapitlene er skrevet som vitenskapelige artikler som enten er publisert eller i ferd med å bli publisert i fagfellevurderte tidsskrifter

    A Guide to Teaching Writing in Kindergarten

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    Research was conducted on the topic of writing in kindergarten. Many different forms of teaching writing were researched and summarized in the literature review of this project. Curriculum that is designed for kindergarten is mostly written for full day kindergarten, not taking into account the time constraints of half-day kindergarten. The results of the research were combined in the form of lesson plans that a half-day kindergarten teacher could use to begin teaching writing

    The matrix completion problem regarding various classes of P0,1- matrices

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    A pattern of positions in an n x n real matrix is said to have pi-completion if every partial pi-matrix which specifies that pattern can be completed to a pi-matrix. An n x n partial matrix A (and the pattern describing the specified entries of A) is associated with a digraph G(V E) where the vertices V of G are 1, 2, 3,...,n, and an arc (i, j) [is in] E if and only if ail is specified in A. A P 0,1-matrix is a matrix in which all principal minors are non-negative and the diagonal is positive. A matrix A is sign symmetric if either aijaji \u3e 0 or a ij = aji = 0 for all entries aij in A. A matrix A is weakly sign symmetric if aijaji \u3e 0 for all entries aij in A. In this dissertation, all digraphs up through order 4 are classified as to whether or not every partial pi-matrix specifying the digraph can be completed to a pi-matrix for pi either of the classes weakly sign symmetric P0,1-matrices, and sign symmetric P 0,1-matrices. Also, all symmetric digraphs of size 5 and 6 are classified as to completion for the class weakly sign symmetric P 0,1-matrices, and all symmetric digraphs of order 4 are classified for the class P0,1-matrices. A number of digraphs of size up through 4 are also classified as to whether or not every partial P0,1-matrix specifying the digraphs can be completed to a P0,1-matrix. A general result is proved that allows the assumption that the non-zero entries associated with up to n - 1 arcs of a subdigraph containing no semicycle are all equal to one in a partial matrix being completed

    Evaluation of a direct method for measuring absorption from the gut

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    Pocket Deformable Mirror for Adaptive Optics Applications

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    Adaptive/active optical elements are designed to improve optical system performance in the presence of phase aberrations. For atmospheric optics and astronomical applications, an ideal deformable mirror should have sufficient frequency bandwidth for compensation of fast changing wave front aberrations induced by either atmospheric turbulences or by turbulent air flows surrounding a flying object (air optical effects). In many applications, such as atmospheric target tracking, remote sensing from flying aircraft, boundary layer imaging, laser communication and laser beam projection over near horizontal propagation paths the phase aberration frequency bandwidth can exceed several kHz. These fast-changing aberrations are currently compensated using relatively small size (a few inches or less) deformable mirrors, such as micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) based DMs [1], piezoelectric deformable mirrors based on semi-active or passive bimorph elements (bimorph mirrors) [2,3], or DMs with an array of push-pull type actuators [4-8]. These DMs are difficult to scale to larger size without either significant reduction of their operational speed or substantial increase of optical system complexity and cost, when DM scaling is performed by combining small size DMs to a larger size phased array. To match small size DM diameter d the optical telescope aperture of diameter D\u3e\u3ed is re-imaging with demagnification factor M = D/d. In most practical applications the demagnification factor M can be extremely large (on the order of 100 or even more). Re-imaging of the telescope pupil with a high magnification factor requires installation of additional optical elements, including one or more optical relay systems, resulting in a substantial increase of size, weight, and cost of the entire optical system. This high magnification factor also makes it highly sensitive to vibrations, “high g” and high-thermal gradient environmental factors. The deformable mirror described in the presented paper intends to overcome the mentioned drawbacks of the existing DMs by offering the deformable mirror design scalable up to the aperture diameter of the optical telescope primary mirror. The proposed Pocket-DM (PDM) can be directly used as a primary adaptive mirror of optical telescope and laser beam delivery system eliminating the need for additional optical elements used for incorporation of a small size DM into telescope optical train

    An Analysis of the Secondary Market for Live Music and Complementary Goods

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    Ticket scalpers exist because ticket prices in the primary market are often set below the market equilibrium price. The question is why are prices consistently set too low? One theory says that the desire to sell complementary goods such as concert memorabilia explains why ticket price are set below equilibrium. Technological improvements, however, have rendered that theory obsolete. Economic theory still does not explain why ticket prices are frequently set too low. Perhaps the reason is simply that artists do not want to gouge their fans

    Empirical Analysis of the User Needs and the Business Models in the Norwegian Charging Infrastructure Ecosystem

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    Figenbaum, E.; Wangsness, P.B.; Amundsen, A.H.; Milch, V. Empirical Analysis of the User Needs and the Business Models in the Norwegian Charging Infrastructure Ecosystem. World Electr. Veh. J. 2022, 13, 185. https://doi.org/10.3390/wevj13100185The Norwegian charging infrastructure ecosystem was investigated from a user perspective by (1) developing knowledge of end-user experiences with public charging, (2) mapping BEV owners and future owner’s user-friendliness needs and the extent to which these needs are met, (3) pointing at potential user-friendliness improvements, (4) mapping the charging infrastructure ecosystem and business models, and (5) developing scenarios for the future system development and the impact on charging infrastructure user-friendliness. The article draws on the literature, a BEV (battery electric vehicle) and ICEV (internal combustion engine vehicle) owner survey, 15 BEV owner interviews, 21 charging infrastructure actor interviews, and open information sources on the charger actors. The unregulated charging system evolved into a complex web of actors that developed their own charging networks following their individually sensible business models, which in sum led to serious user-friendliness issues. To gain access to all chargers, users need to interact with up to 20–30 apps and 13 payment systems, which comes on top of different plug types, power levels, and charger interfaces. Some actors support roaming, while others oppose it. OEMs want users to interface with chargers through the navigation system. In the future, the system will become even more complex and less user friendly as more actors join unless, e.g., consolidation, regulation, or independent network orchestrators reduce the complexity.publishedVersio

    Dynamics of a large spin with weak dissipation

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    We investigate the generalization of the spin-boson model to arbitrary spin size. The Born-Markov approximation is employed to derive a master equation in the regime of small coupling strengths to the environment. For spin one half, the master equation transforms into a set of Bloch equations, the solution of which is in good agreement with results of the spin-boson model for weak ohmic dissipation. For larger spins, we find a superradiance-like behavior known from the Dicke model. The influence of the nonresonant bosons of the dissipative environment can lead to the formation of a beat pattern in the dynamics of the zz-component of the spin. The beat frequency is approximately proportional to the cutoff ωc\omega_c of the spectral function.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Chemical Physics Special Issue on the Spin-Boson Problem, ed. by H. Grabert and A. Nitza

    The P0-matrix completion problem

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    In this paper the P0-matrix completion problem is considered. It is established that every asymmetric partial P0-matrix has P0-completion. All 4 × 4 patterns that include all diagonal positions are classified as either having P0-completion or not having P0-completion. It is shown that any positionally symmetric pattern whose graph is an n-cycle with n ≥ 5 has P0-completion

    Dissipation in Josephson qubits

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    We discuss the dissipative dynamics of superconducting qubits in the applicability range of the Bloch equations and beyond.Comment: A tutorial prepared for the Proceedings of "New Directions in Mesoscopic Physics" (Erice, 2002