22 research outputs found

    Assessment of Covalently Binding Warhead Compounds in the Validation of the Cytomegalovirus Nuclear Egress Complex as an Antiviral Target

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    Herpesviral nuclear egress is a regulated process of viral capsid nucleocytoplasmic release. Due to the large capsid size, a regular transport via the nuclear pores is unfeasible, so that a multistageregulated export pathway through the nuclear lamina and both leaflets of the nuclear membrane has evolved. This process involves regulatory proteins, which support the local distortion of the nuclear envelope. For human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), the nuclear egress complex (NEC) is determined by the pUL50–pUL53 core that initiates multicomponent assembly with NEC-associated proteins and capsids. The transmembrane NEC protein pUL50 serves as a multi-interacting determinant that recruits regulatory proteins by direct and indirect contacts. The nucleoplasmic core NEC component pUL53 is strictly associated with pUL50 in a structurally defined hook-into-groove complex and is considered as the potential capsid-binding factor. Recently, we validated the concept of blocking the pUL50–pUL53 interaction by small molecules as well as cell-penetrating peptides or an overexpression of hook-like constructs, which can lead to a pronounced degree of antiviral activity. In this study, we extended this strategy by utilizing covalently binding warhead compounds, originally designed as binders of distinct cysteine residues in target proteins, such as regulatory kinases. Here, we addressed the possibility that warheads may likewise target viral NEC proteins, building on our previous crystallization-based structural analyses that revealed distinct cysteine residues in positions exposed from the hook-into-groove binding surface. To this end, the antiviral and NEC-binding properties of a selection of 21 warhead compounds were investigated. The combined findings are as follows: (i) warhead compounds exhibited a pronounced anti-HCMV potential in cell-culturebased infection models; (ii) computational analysis of NEC primary sequences and 3D structures revealed cysteine residues exposed to the hook-into-groove interaction surface; (iii) several of the active hit compounds exhibited NEC-blocking activity, as shown at the single-cell level by confocal imaging; (iv) the clinically approved warhead drug ibrutinib exerted a strong inhibitory impact on the pUL50–pUL53 core NEC interaction, as demonstrated by the NanoBiT assay system; and (v) the generation of recombinant HCMV ∆UL50-ΣUL53, allowing the assessment of viral replication under conditional expression of the viral core NEC proteins, was used for characterizing viral replication and a mechanistic evaluation of ibrutinib antiviral efficacy. Combined, the results point to a ratelimiting importance of the HCMV core NEC for viral replication and to the option of exploiting this determinant by the targeting of covalently NEC-binding warhead compounds

    Development of a PROTAC-Based Targeting Strategy Provides a Mechanistically Unique Mode of Anti-Cytomegalovirus Activity

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a major pathogenic herpesvirus that is prevalent worldwide and it is associated with a variety of clinical symptoms. Current antiviral therapy options do not fully satisfy the medical needs; thus, improved drug classes and drug-targeting strategies are required. In particular, host-directed antivirals, including pharmaceutical kinase inhibitors, might help improve the drug qualities. Here, we focused on utilizing PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras (PROTACs), i.e., hetero-bifunctional molecules containing two elements, namely a target-binding molecule and a proteolysis-inducing element. Specifically, a PROTAC that was based on a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, i.e., CDK9-directed PROTAC THAL-SNS032, was analyzed and proved to possess strong anti-HCMV AD169-GFP activity, with values of EC50 of 0.030 µM and CC50 of 0.175 µM (SI of 5.8). Comparing the effect of THAL-SNS032 with its non-PROTAC counterpart SNS032, data indicated a 3.7-fold stronger anti-HCMV efficacy. This antiviral activity, as illustrated for further clinically relevant strains of human and murine CMVs, coincided with the mid-nanomolar concentration range necessary for a drug-induced degradation of the primary (CDK9) and secondary targets (CDK1, CDK2, CDK7). In addition, further antiviral activities were demonstrated, such as the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 replication, whereas other investigated human viruses (i.e., varicella zoster virus, adenovirus type 2, and Zika virus) were found insensitive. Combined, the antiviral quality of this approach is seen in its (i) mechanistic uniqueness; (ii) future options of combinatorial drug treatment; (iii) potential broad-spectrum activity; and (iv) applicability in clinically relevant antiviral models. These novel data are discussed in light of the current achievements of anti-HCMV drug development

    Combinatorial Drug Treatments Reveal Promising Anticytomegaloviral Profiles for Clinically Relevant Pharmaceutical Kinase Inhibitors (PKIs)

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a human pathogenic herpesvirus associated with a variety of clinical symptoms. Current antiviral therapy is not always effective, so that improved drug classes and drug-targeting strategies are needed. Particularly host-directed antivirals, including pharmaceutical kinase inhibitors (PKIs), may help to overcome problems of drug resistance. Here, we focused on utilizing a selection of clinically relevant PKIs and determined their anticytomegaloviral efficacies. Particularly, PKIs directed to host or viral cyclin-dependent kinases, i.e., abemaciclib, LDC4297 and maribavir, exerted promising profiles against human and murine cytomegaloviruses. The anti-HCMV in vitro activity of the approved anti-cancer drug abemaciclib was confirmed in vivo using our luciferase-based murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) animal model in immunocompetent mice. To assess drug combinations, we applied the Bliss independence checkerboard and Loewe additivity fixed-dose assays in parallel. Results revealed that (i) both affirmative approaches provided valuable information on anti-CMV drug efficacies and interactions, (ii) the analyzed combinations comprised additive, synergistic or antagonistic drug interactions consistent with the drugs’ antiviral mode-of-action, (iii) the selected PKIs, especially LDC4297, showed promising inhibitory profiles, not only against HCMV but also other α-, β- and γ-herpesviruses, and specifically, (iv) the combination treatment with LDC4297 and maribavir revealed a strong synergism against HCMV, which might open doors towards novel clinical options in the near future. Taken together, this study highlights the potential of therapeutic drug combinations of current developmental/preclinical PKIs

    An Antiherpesviral Host-Directed Strategy Based on CDK7 Covalently Binding Drugs: Target-Selective, Picomolar-Dose, Cross-Virus Reactivity

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    The repertoire of currently available antiviral drugs spans therapeutic applications against a number of important human pathogens distributed worldwide. These include cases of the pandemic severe acute respiratory coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19), human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1 or AIDS), and the pregnancy- and posttransplant-relevant human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). In almost all cases, approved therapies are based on direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), but their benefit, particularly in long-term applications, is often limited by the induction of viral drug resistance or side effects. These issues might be addressed by the additional use of host-directed antivirals (HDAs). As a strong input from long-term experiences with cancer therapies, host protein kinases may serve as HDA targets of mechanistically new antiviral drugs. The study demonstrates such a novel antiviral strategy by targeting the major virus-supportive host kinase CDK7. Importantly, this strategy focuses on highly selective, 3D structure-derived CDK7 inhibitors carrying a warhead moiety that mediates covalent target binding. In summary, the main experimental findings of this study are as follows: (1) the in vitro verification of CDK7 inhibition and selectivity that confirms the warhead covalent-binding principle (by CDK-specific kinase assays), (2) the highly pronounced antiviral efficacies of the hit compounds (in cultured cell-based infection models) with half-maximal effective concentrations that reach down to picomolar levels, (3) a particularly strong potency of compounds against strains and reporter-expressing recombinants of HCMV (using infection assays in primary human fibroblasts), (4) additional activity against further herpesviruses such as animal CMVs and VZV, (5) unique mechanistic properties that include an immediate block of HCMV replication directed early (determined by Western blot detection of viral marker proteins), (6) a substantial drug synergism in combination with MBV (measured by a Loewe additivity fixed-dose assay), and (7) a strong sensitivity of clinically relevant HCMV mutants carrying MBV or ganciclovir resistance markers. Combined, the data highlight the huge developmental potential of this host-directed antiviral targeting concept utilizing covalently binding CDK7 inhibitors

    Human Cytomegalovirus Nuclear Capsids Associate with the Core Nuclear Egress Complex and the Viral Protein Kinase pUL97

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    Abstract: The nuclear phase of herpesvirus replication is regulated through the formation of regulatory multi-component protein complexes. Viral genomic replication is followed by nuclear capsid assembly, DNA encapsidation and nuclear egress. The latter has been studied intensely pointing to the formation of a viral core nuclear egress complex (NEC) that recruits a multimeric assembly of viral and cellular factors for the reorganization of the nuclear envelope. To date, the mechanism of the association of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) capsids with the NEC, which in turn initiates the specific steps of nuclear capsid budding, remains undefined. Here, we provide electron microscopy-based data demonstrating the association of both nuclear capsids and NEC proteins at nuclear lamina budding sites. Specifically, immunogold labelling of the core NEC constituent pUL53 and NEC-associated viral kinase pUL97 suggested an intranuclear NEC-capsid interaction. Staining patterns with phospho-specific lamin A/C antibodies are compatible with earlier postulates of targeted capsid egress at lamina-depleted areas. Important data were provided by co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro kinase analyses using lysates from HCMV-infected cells, nuclear fractions, or infectious virions. Data strongly suggest that nuclear capsids interact with pUL53 and pUL97. Combined, the findings support a refined concept of HCMV nuclear trafficking and NEC-capsid interaction

    The Trimeric Artesunate Analog TF27, a Broadly Acting Anti-Infective Model Drug, Exerts Pronounced Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Activity Spanning Variants and Host Cell Types

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    Starting in 2019, the spread of respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the associated pandemic of the corona virus disease (COVID-19) has led to enormous efforts in the development of medical countermeasures. Although innovative vaccines have scaled back the number of severe COVID cases, the emergence of the omicron variant (B.1.1.529) illustrates how vaccine development struggles to keep pace with viral evolution. On the other hand, while the recently approved antiviral drugs remdesivir, molnupiravir, and Paxlovid are considered as broadly acting anti-coronavirus therapeutics, only molnupiravir and Paxlovid are orally available and none of these drugs are recommended for prophylactic use. Thus, so far unexploited small molecules, targeting strategies, and antiviral mechanisms are urgently needed to address issues in the current pandemic and in putative future outbreaks of newly emerging variants of concern. Recently, we and others have described the anti-infective potential and particularly the pronounced antiviral activity of artesunate and related compounds of the trioxane/sesquiterpene class. In particular, the trimeric derivative TF27 demonstrated strong anti-cytomegalovirus activity at nanomolar concentrations in vitro as well as in vivo efficacy after oral administration in therapeutic and even prophylactic treatment settings. Here, we extended this analysis by evaluating TF27 for its anti-SARS-CoV-2 potential. Our main findings are as follows: (i) compound TF27 exerted strong anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity in vitro (EC50 = 0.46 ± 0.20 µM), (ii) antiviral activity was clearly distinct from the induction of cytotoxicity, (iii) pretreatment with TF27 prevented virus replication in cultured cells, (iv) antiviral activity has likewise been demonstrated in Calu-3 human lung and Caco-2 human colon cells infected with wild-type, delta, or omicron SARS-CoV-2, respectively, and (v) analysis of TF27 combination treatments has revealed synergistic interaction with GC376, but antagonistic interaction with EIDD-1931. Combined, the data demonstrated the pronounced anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of TF27 and thus highlight the potential of trioxane compounds for further pharmacologic development towards improved options for COVID-specific medication

    Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDKs) and the Human Cytomegalovirus-Encoded CDK Ortholog pUL97 Represent Highly Attractive Targets for Synergistic Drug Combinations

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a pathogenic human herpesvirus associated with serious, potentially life-threatening symptoms in the immunocompromised or immunonaïve host. The limitations encountered by antiviral therapy options currently available include a narrow panel of accessible targets, the induction of viral drug resistance as well as severe drug dosage-mediated side-effects. Improved drug-targeting strategies to resolve these issues are the focus of our investigations. In particular, pharmaceutical kinase inhibitors (PKIs), either directed to host kinases or directed to the viral protein kinase pUL97, have been considered to overcome these restrictions. Recently, we reported the identification of a synergistic combination of two PKIs directed to host cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (CDK7) and viral CDK ortholog pUL97. Here, we substantiate these findings with the following results: (i) true drug synergy was exhibited by various chemical classes of PKI pairs directed to pUL97 and CDK7; (ii) no putative amplification of cytotoxicity by these drug combinations was observed; (iii) a reduction in drug dosage levels for synergistic combinations was defined on a quantitative basis and compared to monotreatments; (iv) the quantities of target proteins CDK7 and pUL97 expressed in HCMV-infected cells were assessed by confocal imaging, indicating a strong down-modulation of CDK7 levels as a result of synergistic drug treatment; (v) the functional importance of these target kinases, both binding to cyclin H, was illustrated by assessing HCMV replication under the viral genomic deletion of ORF-UL97 or cellular cyclin knock-out; (vi) new combinations of HCMV-specific drug synergy were demonstrated for solely host-directed treatments using PKIs against CDK2, CDK7, CDK8 and/or CDK9 and (vii) a triple PKI combination provided further support for the synergy approach. With these combined findings, this study highlights the potential of therapeutic drug combinations of approved, developmental and preclinical PKIs for expanding future options for anti-HCMV therapy

    Methodological Development of a Multi-Readout Assay for the Assessment of Antiviral Drugs against SARS-CoV-2

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    Currently, human infections with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are accelerating the ongoing spread of the pandemic. Several innovative types of vaccines have already been developed, whereas effective options of antiviral treatments still await a scientific implementation. The development of novel anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug candidates demands skillful strategies and analysis systems. Promising results have been achieved with first generation direct-acting antivirals targeting the viral polymerase RdRp or the protease 3CLpro. Such recently approved or investigational drugs like remdesivir and GC376 represent a basis for further development and optimization. Here, we establish a multi-readout assay (MRA) system that enables the antiviral assessment and mechanistic characterization of novel test compounds, drug repurposing and combination treatments. Our SARS-CoV-2-specific MRA combines the quantitative measurement of several parameters of virus infection, such as the intracellular production of proteins and genomes, enzymatic activities and virion release, as well as the use of reporter systems. In this regard, the antiviral efficacy of remdesivir and GC376 has been investigated in human Caco-2 cells. The readouts included the use of spike- and double-strand RNA-specific monoclonal antibodies for in-cell fluorescence imaging, a newly generated recombinant SARS-CoV-2 reporter virus d6YFP, the novel 3CLpro-based FRET CFP::YFP and the previously reported FlipGFP reporter assays, as well as viral genome-specific RT-qPCR. The data produced by our MRA confirm the high antiviral potency of these two drugs in vitro. Combined, this MRA approach may be applied for broader analyses of SARS-CoV-2-specific antivirals, including compound screenings and the characterization of selected drug candidates