72 research outputs found

    A Causal Disentangled Multi-Granularity Graph Classification Method

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    Graph data widely exists in real life, with large amounts of data and complex structures. It is necessary to map graph data to low-dimensional embedding. Graph classification, a critical graph task, mainly relies on identifying the important substructures within the graph. At present, some graph classification methods do not combine the multi-granularity characteristics of graph data. This lack of granularity distinction in modeling leads to a conflation of key information and false correlations within the model. So, achieving the desired goal of a credible and interpretable model becomes challenging. This paper proposes a causal disentangled multi-granularity graph representation learning method (CDM-GNN) to solve this challenge. The CDM-GNN model disentangles the important substructures and bias parts within the graph from a multi-granularity perspective. The disentanglement of the CDM-GNN model reveals important and bias parts, forming the foundation for its classification task, specifically, model interpretations. The CDM-GNN model exhibits strong classification performance and generates explanatory outcomes aligning with human cognitive patterns. In order to verify the effectiveness of the model, this paper compares the three real-world datasets MUTAG, PTC, and IMDM-M. Six state-of-the-art models, namely GCN, GAT, Top-k, ASAPool, SUGAR, and SAT are employed for comparison purposes. Additionally, a qualitative analysis of the interpretation results is conducted

    Atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) at a rural coastal site in North China: Seasonal variations and effects of biomass burning

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    Nitrous acid (HONO) plays a significant role in atmospheric chemistry due to its contribution to hydroxyl radical (OH). However, no scientific consensus has been achieved about the daytime HONO formation mechanisms. To identify the seasonal variations of HONO chemistry and the impacts of biomass burning (BB), we performed a two-phased field study in winter-spring and summer (covering a harvest season) in 2017 at a rural coastal site in North China. Though the mean HONO concentration in winter-spring (0.26 +/- 0.28 ppbv) was higher than in summer (0.17 + 0.19 ppbv), the maximum HONO concentrations were comparable (similar to 2 ppbv) in the two campaigns. Both the HONO/NOx ratio and nocturnal heterogeneous conversion efficiency of HONO (C-HONO) in summer were over twice of that in winter-spring. The daytime budget analysis also revealed that the strength of P(othe)r (i.e., the HONO sources apart from the reaction of OH + NO) in summer was double of that in winter-spring. BB affected the HONO concentration by enhancing the contribution of heterogeneous HONO production on the aerosol surface but weakening the role of photo-related HONO formation. HONO photolysis was a significant source of OH in both winter-spring and summer, and its contribution could be further enhanced during the BB episode in summer. Our study demonstrates the significant seasonal variations of HONO and the effects of BB, and suggests needs for more multi-season observations and considerations of BB, especially during the harvest time, in HONO research

    Diseño de 1600 ML de adoquinado, ubicado en los barrios: anexo a la villa Victoria de julio, Antonio Mendoza y Rubén Ulloa; en el casco urbano de Tipitapa, municipio de Managua

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    El desarrollo de nuestro país se basa en elementos fundamentales, como: agricultura industria, ganadería, comercio, turismo, etc. Pero el factor determinante entre estos es el sistema nacional de transporte es decir: transporte terrestre, transporte aéreo, transporte marítimo, etc. el cual es el enlace principal para el desarrollo de la sociedad. En Nicaragua el transporte terrestre es el más utilizado por la población, y debido al aumento de la movilización de vehículos con motores más potentes por las vías, obliga a la modernización de la infraestructura vial, permitiendo un tránsito más seguro y eficiente. El incremento de la red vial está vinculado directamente con la economía de nuestro país, pues su papel es primordial en las actividades que se realizan a diario en los diferentes sectores que aportan a la economía nacional. Actualmente la construcción de nuevas vías de comunicación, rehabilitación de carreteras y mejoras de los caminos ya existentes debe ser una necesidad para los gobiernos, ya que constituyen un componente fundamental para el bienestar y desarrollo de la sociedad, además su diseño debe adoptar las condiciones necesarias para obtener una obra de calidad; cumpliéndose en el todos los principios y normas correspondientes al diseño de carreteras. El presente trabajo denominado ‘‘Diseño de 1600 ML de calle, ubicados en los barrios: Anexo la Villa Rubén Ulloa, Villa Victoria de Julio y Antonio Mendoza localizados en el casco urbano de Tipitapa, municipio de Managua’’. Muestra en su contenido los estudios, métodos y normas aplicables para elaborar: el diseño geométrico de la vía, diseño hidráulico y de la estructura de pavimento, tomando en cuenta las especificaciones correspondientes al diseño de carreteras en Nicaragua

    Altered spontaneous brain activity during dobutamine challenge in healthy young adults: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study

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    IntroductionThere is a growing interest in exploring brain-heart interactions. However, few studies have investigated the brain-heart interactions in healthy populations, especially in healthy young adults. The aim of this study was to explore the association between cardiovascular and spontaneous brain activities during dobutamine infusion in healthy young adults.MethodsForty-eight right-handed healthy participants (43 males and 5 females, range: 22–34 years) underwent vital signs monitoring, cognitive function assessment and brain MRI scans. Cardiovascular function was evaluated using blood pressure and heart rate, while two resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) methods—regional homogeneity (ReHo) and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF)—were used together to reflect the local neural activity of the brain. Logistic regression was used to model the association between brain and heart.ResultsResults showed that blood pressure and heart rate significantly increased after dobutamine infusion, and the performance in brain functional activity was the decrease in ReHo in the left gyrus rectus and in ALFF in the left frontal superior orbital. The results of logistic regression showed that the difference of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) had significant positive relationship with the degree of change of ReHo, while the difference of systolic blood pressure (SBP) had significant negative impact on the degree of change in ALFF.DiscussionThese findings suggest that the brain-heart interactions exist in healthy young adults under acute cardiovascular alterations, and more attention should be paid to blood pressure changes in young adults and assessment of frontal lobe function to provide them with more effective health protection management

    Host range expansion of Acinetobacter phage vB_Ab4_Hep4 driven by a spontaneous tail tubular mutation

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    Bacteriophages (phages) represent promising alternative treatments against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (MDRAB) infections. The application of phages as antibacterial agents is limited by their generally narrow host ranges, so changing or expanding the host ranges of phages is beneficial for phage therapy. Multiple studies have identified that phage tail fiber protein mediates the recognition and binding to the host as receptor binding protein in phage infection. However, the tail tubular-dependent host specificity of phages has not been studied well. In this study, we isolated and characterized a novel lytic phage, vB_Ab4_Hep4, specifically infecting MDRAB strains. Meanwhile, we identified a spontaneous mutant of the phage, vB_Ab4_Hep4-M, which revealed an expanded host range compared to the wild-type phage. A single mutation of G to C was detected in the gene encoding the phage tail tubular protein B and thus resulted in an aspartate to histidine change. We further demonstrated that the host range expansion of the phage mutant is driven by the spontaneous mutation of guanine to cytosine using expressed tail tubular protein B. Moreover, we established that the bacterial capsule is the receptor for phage Abp4 and Abp4-M by identifying mutant genes in phage-resistant strains. In conclusion, our study provided a detailed description of phage vB_Ab4_Hep4 and revealed the tail tubular-dependent host specificity in A. baumannii phages, which may provide new insights into extending the host ranges of phages by gene-modifying tail tubular proteins

    Seasonal variation in oxygenated organic molecules in urban Beijing and their contribution to secondary organic aerosol

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    Oxygenated organic molecules (OOMs) are crucial for atmospheric new particle formation and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) growth. Therefore, understanding their chemical composition, temporal behavior, and sources is of great importance. Previous studies on OOMs mainly focus on environments where biogenic sources are predominant, yet studies on sites with dominant anthropogenic emissions, such as megacities, have been lacking. Here, we conducted long-term measurements of OOMs, covering four seasons of the year 2019, in urban Beijing. The OOM concentration was found to be the highest in summer (1.6 x 10(8) cm(-3)), followed by autumn (7.9 x 10(7) cm(-3)), spring (5.7 x 10(7) cm(-3)) and winter (2.3 x 10(7) cm(-3)), suggesting that enhanced photo-oxidation together with the rise in temperature promote the formation of OOMs. Most OOMs contained 5 to 10 carbon atoms and 3 to 7 effective oxygen atoms (nO(eff) = nO - 2 x nN). The average nO(eff )increased with increasing atmospheric photo-oxidation capacity, which was the highest in summer and the lowest in winter and autumn. By performing a newly developed workflow, OOMs were classified into the following four types: aromatic OOMs, aliphatic OOMs, isoprene OOMs, and monoterpene OOMs. Among them, aromatic OOMs (29 %-41 %) and aliphatic OOMs (26 %-41 %) were the main contributors in all seasons, indicating that OOMs in Beijing were dominated by anthropogenic sources. The contribution of isoprene OOMs increased significantly in summer (33 %), which is much higher than those in the other three seasons (8 %-10 %). Concentrations of isoprene (0.2-5.3 x 10(7) cm(-3)) and monoterpene (1.1-8.4 x 10(6) cm(-3)) OOMs in Beijing were lower than those reported at other sites, and they possessed lower oxygen and higher nitrogen contents due to high NO, levels (9.5-38.3 ppbv - parts per billion by volume) in Beijing. With regard to the nitrogen content of the two anthropogenic OOMs, aromatic OOMs were mainly composed of CHO and CHON species, while aliphatic OOMs were dominated by CHON and CHON2 ones. Such prominent differences suggest varying formation pathways between these two OOMs. By combining the measurements and an aerosol dynamic model, we estimated that the SOA growth rate through OOM condensation could reach 0.64, 0.61, 0.41, and 0.30 mu g m(-3) h(-1) in autumn, summer, spring, and winter, respectively. Despite the similar concentrations of aromatic and aliphatic OOMs, the former had lower volatilities and, therefore, showed higher contributions (46 %-62 %) to SOA than the latter (14 %-32 %). By contrast, monoterpene OOMs and isoprene OOMs, limited by low abundances or high volatilities, had low contributions of 8 %-12 % and 3 %-5 %, respectively. Overall, our results improve the understanding of the concentration, chemical composition, seasonal variation, and potential atmospheric impacts of OOMs, which can help formulate refined restriction policy specific to SOA control in urban areas.Peer reviewe

    Mechanically Robust and Flexible GO/PI Hybrid Aerogels as Highly Efficient Oil Absorbents

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    Herein, mechanically robust and flexible graphene oxide/polyimide (GO/PI) hybrid aerogels (GIAs) were fabricated by a facile method, in which the mixed suspensions of the water-soluble polyimide precursor and graphene oxide (GO) sheets were freeze-dried, which was followed by a routine thermal imidation process. The porous GIAs obtained not only exhibit excellent elasticity and extremely low density values (from 33.3 to 38.9 mg.cm−3), but they also possess a superior compressive strength (121.7 KPa). The GIAs could support a weight of up to 31,250 times of its own weight, and such a weight-carrying capacity is much higher than that of other typical carbon-based aerogels. Having such a porous structure, and high strength and toughness properties make GIAs ideal candidates for oil spill cleanup materials. The oil/organic solvents’ absorption capacity ranges from 14.6 to 85, which is higher than that of most other aerogels (sponges). With their broad temperature tolerance and acidic stability, the unique multifunctional GIAs are expected to further extend their application range into extreme environments

    Influence of Moisture Content on Electromagnetic Response of Concrete Studied Using a Homemade Apparatus

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    In this study, we examined the influence of moisture content on the electromagnetic response of concrete. A novel homemade electromagnetic monitoring apparatus was developed and used to evaluate the Hall effect voltage at both ends of concrete based on our previous study of the Hall effect. We used four different concrete mix water/binder ratios: 0.30, 0.28, 0.26, and 0.24, and three conditions (relative humidity, carbonation, and water absorption) were examined in this experiment. The results show that the moisture content inside concrete influences the relative permeability of concrete. The variation in the Hall effect voltage is more influenced by carbonation than changes in relative humidity; water absorption increases the Hall effect voltage the least amongst the other examined factors. According to the experiment, a calibration system was established, and the relevant correction factors are provided