3,447 research outputs found

    Implications of Supersymmetry Phases for Higgs Boson Signals and Limits

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    We study the supersymmetry parameter region excluded if no Higgs is found at LEP, and the region allowed if a Higgs boson is found at LEP. We describe the full seven parameter structure of Higgs sector. When supersymmetry phases are included, tan⁥ÎČ\tan \beta greater than or equal to 2 is always allowed, and the lower limit on lightest Higgs mass if no signal is found is about 20% lower than in the Standard Model and about 10% lower than in the MSSM with phases set to 0, π\piComment: 11 papges, 2 figure

    Prime Factorization in the Duality Computer

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    We give algorithms to factorize large integers in the duality computer. We provide three duality algorithms for factorization based on a naive factorization method, the Shor algorithm in quantum computing, and the Fermat's method in classical computing. All these algorithms are polynomial in the input size.Comment: 4 page

    No-relationship between impossibility of faster-than-light quantum communication and distinction of ensembles with the same density matrix

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    It has been claimed in the literature that impossibility of faster-than-light quantum communication has an origin of indistinguishability of ensembles with the same density matrix. We show that the two concepts are not related. We argue that: 1) even with an ideal single-atom-precision measurement, it is generally impossible to produce two ensembles with exactly the same density matrix; or 2) to produce ensembles with the same density matrix, classical communication is necessary. Hence the impossibility of faster-than-light communication does not imply the indistinguishability of ensembles with the same density matrix.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Forecast and Monte Carlo simulation of ZaĂŻre river flow

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    En se basant sur les mesures du dĂ©bit journalier du ZaĂŻre Ă  Kinshasa, un modĂšle autorĂ©gressif pĂ©riodique (modĂšle du type Par) est construit, qui permet la simulation Monte Carlo de sĂ©ries de dĂ©bit de longue durĂ©e (1 000 annĂ©es par exemple), ainsi que le calcul de prĂ©visions ponctuelles et d'intervalles de prĂ©vision, le tout Ă  l'Ă©chelle mensuelle ou hebdomadaire. Les tests sur les distributions mensuelles et hebdomadaires ainsi que sur les volumes d'eau maximaux et minimaux de diffĂ©rente durĂ©e donnent des rĂ©sultats positifs. Par rapport aux rĂ©sultats obtenus dans le passĂ© les prĂ©visions sont meilleures. Un essai d'amĂ©lioration de ces prĂ©visions Ă  l'aide de donnĂ©es pluviomĂ©triques en plusieurs stations du bassin se solde par un Ă©chec ; ceci est attribuĂ© Ă  la lenteur de la rĂ©ponse du fleuve. En utilisant des rĂ©sultats obtenus dans le passĂ©, les dĂ©bits Ă  Inga et Boma sont obtenus. Les prĂ©visions sont utiles lors de la planification du dragage en aval de Boma en vue de maintenir la navigation. Elles sont utiles aussi pour le contrĂŽle en temps rĂ©el de la centrale hydro-Ă©lectrique Ă  Inga. La sĂ©rie simulĂ©e peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour faire fonctionner cette centrale d'une façon optimale. Les modĂšles dĂ©veloppĂ©s peuvent ĂȘtre mis en oeuvre facilement sans exigences spĂ©ciales concernant la rapiditĂ© de calcul ou la capacitĂ© de mĂ©moire. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur


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    Resistance test is a classical method used to study ship performance. In this study, the uncertainty of large-scale ship model resistance test in actual seas is analyzed. Considering the difference between these trials and traditional test in towing tanks, this study first uses the ITTC 2014 procedure based on GUM to calculate the systematic error in the test. The parameters that affect the test accuracy are also estimated. Then, the program based on the Monte Carlo method is verified, and the differences between the two methods are compared. In this study, the uncertainty sources in the test are quantitatively analyzed, and the results will be helpful for improving the ship model test scheme in actual seas

    Thermal and ground-state entanglement in Heisenberg XX qubit rings

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    We study the entanglement of thermal and ground states in Heisernberg XXXX qubit rings with a magnetic field. A general result is found that for even-number rings pairwise entanglement between nearest-neighbor qubits is independent on both the sign of exchange interaction constants and the sign of magnetic fields. As an example we study the entanglement in the four-qubit model and find that the ground state of this model without magnetic fields is shown to be a four-body maximally entangled state measured by the NN-tangle.Comment: Four pages and one figure, small change

    One-dimensional semiconductor in a polar solvent: Solvation and low-frequency dynamics of an excess charge carrier

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    Due to solvation, excess charge carriers on 1d semiconductor nanostructures immersed in polar solvents undergo self-localization into polaronic states. Using a simplified theoretical model for small-diameter structures, we study low-frequency properties of resulting 1d adiabatic polarons. The combined microscopic dynamics of the electronic charge density and the solvent leads to macroscopic Langevin dynamics of a polaron and to the appearance of local dielectric relaxation modes. Polaron mobility is evaluated as a function of system parameters. Numerical estimates indicate that the solvated carriers can have mobilities orders of magnitude lower than the intrinsic values.Comment: Typo in Eq.(12) has been correcte

    Oxide formation at the surface of late 4d transition metals: Insights from first-principles atomistic thermodynamics

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    Using density-functional theory we assess the stability of bulk and surface oxides of the late 4d transition metals in a ``constrained equilibrium'' with a gas phase formed of O2 and CO. While the stability range of the most stable bulk oxide extends for ruthenium well into gas phase conditions representative of technological CO oxidation catalysis, this is progressively less so for the 4d metals to its right in the periodic system. Surface oxides could nevertheless still be stable under such conditions. These thermodynamic considerations are discussed in the light of recent experiments, emphasizing the role of (surface) oxides as the active phase of model catalysts formed from these metals.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm
