845 research outputs found

    William Butler Yeats and the Cuchulain Cycle

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    Barrier Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Barrier coverage is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for security applications, which aims to detect intruders attempting to penetrate protected areas. However, it is difficult to achieve desired barrier coverage after initial random deployment of sensors because their locations cannot be controlled or predicted. In this dissertation, we explore how to leverage the mobility capacity of mobile sensors to improve the quality of barrier coverage. We first study the 1-barrier coverage formation problem in heterogeneous sensor networks and explore how to efficiently use different types of mobile sensors to form a barrier with pre-deployed different types of stationary sensors. We introduce a novel directional barrier graph model and prove that the minimum cost of mobile sensors required to form a barrier with stationary sensors is the length of the shortest path from the source node to the destination node on the graph. In addition, we formulate the problem of minimizing the cost of moving mobile sensors to fill in the gaps on the shortest path as a minimum cost bipartite assignment problem and solve it in polynomial time using the Hungarian algorithm. We further study the k-barrier coverage formation problem in sensor networks. We introduce a novel weighted barrier graph model and prove that determining the minimum number of mobile sensors required to form k-barrier coverage is related with but not equal to finding k vertex-disjoint paths with the minimum total length on the WBG. With this observation, we propose an optimal algorithm and a faster greedy algorithm to find the minimum number of mobile sensors required to form k-barrier coverage. Finally, we study the barrier coverage formation problem when sensors have location errors. We derive the minimum number of mobile sensors needed to fill in a gap with a guarantee when location errors exist and propose a progressive method for mobile sensor deployment. Furthermore, we propose a fault tolerant weighted barrier graph to find the minimum number of mobile sensors needed to form barrier coverage with a guarantee. Both analytical and experimental studies demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms

    Liuqin Drama’s Origin and Early Development

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    Liuqin Drama did not have a long history. It started from Qing Dynasty. It did not have a glorious background. It actually started from begging. Yet its singing is marvelous. Its early name was “Lahun” Tune, which literally meant “soul-pulling” Tune in Chinese. Its attraction is enormous, and with generations of accumulation of artistic culture, it has become one of the major genres of folk drama of Southern Shandong, Northern Jiangsu and Northeastern Anhui Province. This paper introduces the beginning and the later development of the Liuqin Drama

    Machine Learning Methods for Finding Textual Features of Depression from Publications

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    Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. In 2015, WHO reports about 322 million people were living with some form of depression, which is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. In USA, there are approximately 14.8 million American adults (about 6.7% percent of the US population) affected by major depressive disorder. Most individuals with depression are not receiving adequate care because the symptoms are easily neglected and most people are not even aware of their mental health problems. Therefore, a depression prescreen system is greatly beneficial for people to understand their current mental health status at an early stage. Diagnosis of depressions, however, is always extremely challenging due to its complicated, many and various symptoms. Fortunately, publications have rich information about various depression symptoms. Text mining methods can discover the different depression symptoms from literature. In order to extract these depression symptoms from publications, machine learning approaches are proposed to overcome four main obstacles: (1) represent publications in a mathematical form; (2) get abstracts from publications; (3) remove the noisy publications to improve the data quality; (4) extract the textual symptoms from publications. For the first obstacle, we integrate Word2Vec with LDA by either representing publications with document-topic distance distributions or augmenting the word-to-topic and word-to-word vectors. For the second obstacle, we calculate a document vector and its paragraph vectors by aggregating word vectors from Word2Vec. Feature vectors are calculated by clustering word vectors. Selected paragraphs are decided by the similarity of their distances to feature vectors and the document vector to feature vectors. For the third obstacle, one class SVM model is trained by vectored publications, and outlier publications are excluded by distance measurements. For the fourth obstacle, we fully evaluate the possibility of a word as a symptom according to its frequency in entire publications, and local relationship with its surrounding words in a publication
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