805 research outputs found

    Educación superior para el desarrollo humano y social en Asia y el Pacífico. Nuevos desafíos y roles cambiantes

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    La educación superior en Asia y el Pacífico es un caso único en cuanto a su origen, a su desigual desarrollo y a los diferentes entornos culturales y políticos. Los progresos realizados tras la Conferencia Mundial sobre Educación Superior (CMES) de la UNESCO de 1998 son bastante impresionantes y dinámicos, aunque no son suficientes para afrontar los nuevos desafíos que han surgido y se han intensificado en la región desde entonces. Entre estos desafíos figuran las economías de rápido crecimiento, el ritmo acelerado de la globalización económica, la transición hacia la sociedad del conocimiento y la desconfianza, la tensión y el potencial de conflicto que provoca la competencia por los mercados, los recursos y las influencias, entre los países de la región y dentro de ellos, lo que afecta gravemente al desarrollo humano y social y al papel de la educación superior en las campañas de alfabetización, la reducción de la pobreza, la protección ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible, etcétera. La mayoría de las instituciones de educación superior, en particular las que se encuentran en países en vías de desarrollo, no están bien preparadas para afrontar estos desafíos. Para fijar un rumbo para el desarrollo humano y social, es necesaria la formulación de nuevas estrategias y la adopción de nuevas medidas en los ámbitos institucional, regional y nacional.Peer Reviewe

    High-Resolution Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning

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    The traditional platoon dispersion model is based on the hypothesis of probability distribution, and the time resolution of the existing traffic flow prediction model is too big to be applied to the adaptive signal timing optimization. Based on the view of the platoon dispersion model, the relationship between vehicle arrival at downstream intersection and vehicle departure from the upstream intersection was analyzed. Then, the high-resolution traffic flow prediction model based on deep learning was proposed. The departure flow rate at the upstream was taking as the input and the arrival flow rate at downstream intersection was taking as the output in this model. Finally, the parameters of the proposed model were trained by the field survey data, and this model was implemented to predict the arrival flow rate of the downstream intersection. The result shows that the proposed model can better reflect the fluctuant characteristics of traffic flow and reduced the sum of the squared errors (SSE), MSE, and MAE by 13.17%, 13.21%, and 14.24%, compared with Robertson’s model. Thus, the proposed model can be applied for real-time adaptive signal timing optimization

    Review of the background and application of triolein-containing semipermeable membrane devices in aquatic environmental study

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    This paper briefly reviews research on passive in situ samplers for aquatic environments but focuses on the development and application of the triolein-containing semipermeable membrane device in aquatic environmental monitoring. Special attention is paid to the calibration of the devices, quality control issues, and its potential uses in environmental assessments of aquatic contaminants. Also, the suitability of the technique for incorporation with selected bioassays is examined

    Invisible neutrino decays at the MOMENT experiment

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    We investigate invisible decays of the third neutrino mass eigenstate in future accelerator neutrino experiments using muon-decay beams such as MuOn-decay MEdium baseline NeuTrino beam experiment (MOMENT). MOMENT has an outstanding performance to measure the deficit or excess in the spectra caused by neutrino decays, especially in νμ\nu_\mu and νˉμ\bar{\nu}_\mu disappearance channels. Such an experiment will improve the constraints of the neutrino lifetime τ3\tau_3. Compared with exclusion limits in the current accelerator neutrino experiments T2K and NOvA under the stable ν\nu assumption, we expect that MOMENT gives the bound of τ3/m31.46×1011\tau_3/m_3\ge1.46\times10^{-11}~s/eV at 3σ3\sigma confidence level, which is better than their recent limits: τ3/m37×1013\tau_3/m_3\ge 7\times10^{-13}~s/eV in NOvA and τ3/m31.41×1012\tau_3/m_3\ge 1.41\times10^{-12}~s/eV in T2K. The non-decay scenario is expected to be excluded by MOMENT at the >3σ>3\sigma confidence level, if the best fit results in T2K and NOvA are confirmed. We further find that reducing systematic uncertainties is slightly more important than the running time. Finally, we find very little correlations between τ3/m3\tau_3/m_3 and other oscillation parameters, which point to an advantage of MOMENT to measure τ3/m3\tau_3/m_3.Comment: update plots and text