410 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium spin injection in monolayer black phosphorus

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    Monolayer black phosphorus (MBP) is an interesting emerging electronic material with a direct band gap and relatively high carrier mobility. In this work we report a theoretical investigation of nonequilibrium spin injection and spin-polarized quantum transport in MBP from ferromagnetic Ni contacts, in two-dimensional magnetic tunneling structures. We investigate physical properties such as the spin injection efficiency, the tunnel magnetoresistance ratio, spin-polarized currents, charge currents and transmission coefficients as a function of external bias voltage, for two different device contact structures where MBP is contacted by Ni(111) and by Ni(100). While both structures are predicted to give respectable spin-polarized quantum transport, the Ni(100)/MBP/Ni(100) trilayer has the superior properties where the spin injection and magnetoresistance ratio maintains almost a constant value against the bias voltage. The nonequilibrium quantum transport phenomenon is understood by analyzing the transmission spectrum at nonequilibrium.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Mining the Impact of Investor Sentiment on Stock Market from WeChat

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    In this study, the CSI 300 Index in China mainland and original articles from authoritative stock WeChat public accounts are investigated regarding their relations. First, a sentence-level sentiment classification approach for analyzing investor sentiment polarities in text corpus is proposed by expanding synonyms. Then, the Granger causality test is utilized to examine the impact of sentiment index on the stock price and volume-values. It shows that the influence of overall investor sentiment on volume-values is more rapid than that on stock price and the impact of positive sentiment is found to be more lasting than the negative in both stock price and volume-values. Furthermore, it is worth noting that there is a dual-stage phenomenon in the impact of positive sentiment on volume-values, which indicates that some investors react to positive information immediately while others may choose to wait and follow the trend

    Two-phase Flow Visualization Employing Gauss-Newton Method in Microchannel

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    Flow behaviour monitoring on the micro-scale is very important in many industrial and biochemical process. Electrical resistance tomography (ERT), as an alternative technique to visualize multi-phase flows, has high temporal resolution for monitoring fast transient processes. However, the complexity of microchannel fabrication end up with the difficulty of electrical data sampling and the non-linearity and ill-posedness of the inverse problem often cause the poor spatial resolution of the reconstructed images. Inthis paper, Agilent based data acquisition hardware was set up for reliable data retrieval from a novel microchannel. Gauss-Newton method with adaptive threshold (GNAT) technique was presented to improve the spatial resolution of ERT images.Preliminary experimental results reveal that ERT system based on Agilent data acquisition unit and GNAT method can effectively visualize the solid-liquid two-phase flow in microchannel

    Modeling acute toxicity of metal mixtures to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using the biotic ligand model-based toxic units method

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    The combined toxic effects of copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co) were predicted using the biotic ligand model (BLM) for different concentrations of magnesium (Mg2+) and pH levels, with parameters derived from Cu-only and Co-only toxicity data. The BLM-based toxic unit (TU) approach was used for prediction. Higher activities of Mg2+ linearly increased the EC50 of Cu and Co, supporting the concept of competitive binding of Mg2+ and metal ions in toxic action. The effects of pH on Cu and Co toxicity were related not only to free Cu2+ and Co2+ activity, respectively, but also to inorganic metal complexes. Stability constants for the binding of Cu2+, CuHCO3 +, CuCO3(aq), CuOH+, Mg2+, Co2+, CoHCO3+ and Mg2+ with biotic ligands were logK(CuBL) 5.87, logK(CuHCO3BL) 5.67, logK(CuCO3BL) 5.44, logK(CuOHBL) 5.07, logK(MgBL) 2.93, logK(CoBL) 4.72, logK(CoHCO3BL) 5.81 and logKMgBL 3.84, respectively. The combinations of Cu and Co showed additive effects under different conditions. When compared with the FIAM-based TU model (root mean square error [RMSE = 16.31, R-2 = 0.84]), the BLM-based TU model fitted the observed effects better (RMSE = 6.70, R-2 = 0.97). The present study supports the BLM principles, which indicate that metal speciation and major cations competition need to be accounted for when predicting toxicity of both single metals and mixtures of metals

    Evaluations of 5-fluorourcil treated lung cancer cells by atomic force microscopy

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can be used to obtain the physical information of single live cancer cells; however, the physical changes in live cells with time based on AFM remain to be studied, which play a key role in the evaluation of the efficacy and side effects of drugs. Herein, the treatment of the A549 cell line with the anticarcinogen 5-fluorouracil has been discussed based on the AFM analysis of their continuous physical changes, including their surface morphology, height, adhesion and Young's modulus, with time. In comparison, the African green monkey kidney (Vero) cell line was tested as normal cells to determine the side effects of 5-fluorouracil. The results show that the optimal concentration of 5-fluorouracil is about 500 μM, which presents the best anticancer effect and mild side effects