665 research outputs found
Probing neutral top-pion via a flavor-changing process
In the framework of topcolor-assisted-technicolor model(TC2), we study a
flavor-changing neutral top-pion production process . The study shows that there exists a resonance effect
which can enhance the cross section up to a few fb even tens fb. For a yearly
luminosity 100 at future linear colliders, there might be hundreds
even thousands events to be produced. On the other hand, the background of such
flavor-changing process is very clean due to the GIM mechanism in SM . With
such sufficient events and clean background, neutral toppion could be detected
at future linear colliders with high center of energy and luminosity. Our study
provides a possible way to test TC2 model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures,has been accepted by Phys.Rev.
The productions of the top-pions and top-Higgs associated with the charm quark at the hadron colliders
In the topcolor-assistant technicolor (TC2) model, the typical physical
particles, top-pions and top-Higgs, are predicted and the existence of these
particles could be regarded as the robust evidence of the model. These
particles are accessible at the Tevatron and LHC, and furthermore the
flavor-changing(FC) feature of the TC2 model can provide us a unique chance to
probe them. In this paper, we study some interesting FC production processes of
top-pions and top-Higgs at the Tevatron and LHC, i.e., and
productions. We find that the light charged top-pions
are not favorable by the Tevatron experiments and the Tevatron has a little
capability to probe neutral top-pion and top-Higgs via these FC production
processes. At the LHC, however, the cross section can reach the level of
pb for production and fb for
production. So one can expect that enough signals could be
produced at the LHC experiments. Furthermore, the SM background should be clean
due to the FC feature of the processes and the FC decay modes can provide us the typical signal to
detect the top-pions and top-Higgs. Therefore, it is hopeful to find the signal
of top-pions and top-Higgs with the running of the LHC via these FC processes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
The rare top quark decays in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model
We consider the rare top quark decays in the framework of topcolor-assisted
technicolor (TC2) model. We find that the contributions of top-pions and
top-Higgs predicted by the TC2 model can enhance the SM branching ratios by as
much as 6-9 orders of magnitude. i.e., in the most case, the orders of
magnitude of branching ratios are , , . With the reasonable values of the
parameters in TC2 model, such rare top quark decays may be testable in the
future experiments. So, rare top quark decays provide us a unique way to test
TC2 model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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Integrated filtering-antenna with controllable frequency bandwidth
An integrated design of a band-pass filter and a patch antenna is proposed in this paper by using an aperture coupled structure. Traditionally, the microwave filter and antenna are designed separately using 50 Ohm interface and then connected by transmission lines, which lead to a large size and more loss. Here, the antenna and microwave filter are directly integrated without a 50 Ohm interface between them. Compared with the traditional cascade designing, the co-design of filter and antenna has a more compact size, simpler configuration, improved frequency selectivity and higher system efficiency. The frequency bandwidth also can be controlled by adjusting the dimension of the coupling aperture in the ground. The measured results agree very well with the simulations, showing the filtering-antenna has good performance in impedance matching, radiation pattern and antenna gain
Lepton flavor violation decays in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model and the littlest Higgs model with parity
The new particles predicted by the topcolor-assisted technicolor ()
model and the littlest Higgs model with T-parity (called model) can
induce the lepton flavor violation () couplings at tree level or one loop
level, which might generate large contributions to some processes. Taking
into account the constraints of the experimental data on the relevant free
parameters, we calculate the branching ratios of the decay processes
with = , and
in the context of these two kinds of new physics models. We find
that the model and the model can indeed produce significant
contributions to some of these decay processes.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure
First Report of Alternaria Black Spot Disease Caused by Alternaria alternata on the Invasive Weed Solanum rostratum in Xinjiang, China
Solanum rostratum is a noxious weed, native to Mexico and the USA, which has invaded Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Inner
Mongolia, Shanxi, Xinjiang and Beijing, China (Eminniya et al., 2013). In August 2015, foliar symptoms of yellowish to black
spots were observed on plants of S. rostratum nearby an agricultural plantation in Changji, Xinjiang. The following year, about
17% of the 206 plants surveyed on about 0.2 ha of deserted farmland were infected from July-September (at 19-35°C under
29-97% RH)
Effect of Preliminary Torsional Strain on Low-Cycle Fatigue of Q345B Structural Steel
Effect of preliminary torsional strain on low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was studied. The specimens were first 0, 180, and 360° twisted, then the low-cycle fatigue of Q345B steel was evaluated in the strain range of 0.3–0.8% by the method of axisymmetrical strain. The cycling response, cyclic stress–strain relationship, strain–life relationship, fatigue life prediction model, and seismic stability at different torsion angles were obtained and analyzed. The strain–life curve is shown to slope down as a power function. The fatigue life comes down with preliminary torsional strain at a constant level. The cycling response varied from cyclic hardening to cyclic softening in preliminary torsion, and the cyclic hardening rate increased linearly with the strain amplitude. The parameters of the Coffin–Manson relation are corroborated with experimental data. After heat treatment, the seismic stability of the material is improved, with torsional strain greatly reducing this characteristic. Electron microscope examination of fatigue fracture revealed a fatigue crack initiating on the surface of the specimen. The propagating crack deviated from its direction, and plasticity of the material dropped as a result of preliminary torsional strain.Изучено влияние деформации предварительного кручения на малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B. Вначале образцы скручивали на 0, 180 и 360°, затем методом осесимметричной деформации определяли малоцикловую усталость стали Q345B в диапазоне деформаций 0.3 0.8%. Получены и проанализированы характеристика циклических изменений, зависимость циклического изменения напряжения от деформации, зависимость деформация долговечность, модель прогнозирования усталостной долговечности и сейсмостойкость при различных углах кручения. Показано, что кривая деформация долговечность идет вниз и описывается степенной функцией. Усталостная долговечность снижается с увеличением деформации предварительного кручения при постоянном уровне последней. Характеристика циклических изменений варьировала от циклического упрочнения до циклического разупрочнения при кручении, скорость циклического упрочнения возрастала линейно с повышением амплитуды деформации. Параметры зависимости Коффина Мэнсона подтверждаются экспериментальными данными. После термообработки сейсмостойкость материала улучшается, при этом деформация предварительного кручения существенно снижает ее. Электронно-микроскопическое исследование усталостного разрушения выявило зарождение усталостной трещины на поверхности образца. Растущая трещина отклонялась от своего направления, пластичность материала снижалась в результате деформации предварительного кручения.Вивчено вплив деформації попереднього кручення на малоціклову втому стали Q345B. Спочатку зразки скручували на 0, 180 і 360 °, потім методом вісесиметричної деформації визначали малоціклову втому стали Q345B в діапазоні деформацій 0.3-0.8%. Отримано і проаналізовано характеристику циклічних змін, залежність циклічної зміни напржень від деформації, залежність деформація-довговічність, модель прогнозування втомної довговічності і сейсмостійкості при різних кутах кручення. Показано, що крива деформація - довговічність йде вниз і описується ступеневою функцією. Втомна довговічність знижується зі збільшенням деформації попереднього кручення при постійному рівні останньої. Характеристика циклічних змін варіювала від циклічного зміцнення до циклічного знеміцнення при крученні, швидкість циклічного зміцнення зростала лінійно з підвищенням амплітуди деформації. Параметри залежності Коффина-Менсона підтверджуються експериментальними даними. Після термообробки сейсмостійкість матеріалу поліпшується, при цьому деформація попереднього кручення істотно знижує її. Електронно-мікроскопічне дослідження втомного руйнування виявило зародження втомної тріщини на поверхні зразка. Зростаюча тріщина відхилялася від свого напрямку, пластичність матеріалу знижувалася в результаті деформації попереднього кручення
Probing Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor from Top-Charm Associated Production at LHC
We propose to probe the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) model from the
top-charm associated productions at the LHC, which are highly suppressed in the
Standard Model. Due to the flavor-changing couplings of the top quark with the
scalars (top-pions and top-Higgs) in TC2 model, the top-charm associated
productions can occur via both the s-channel and t-channel parton processes by
exchanging a scalar field at the LHC. We examined these processes through Monte
Carlo simulation and found that they can reach the observable level at the LHC
in quite a large part of the parameter space of the TC2 model.Comment: Version to appear in PRD (Rapid Communication
Finite element assessment of the temperature field couple under joule heat and friction heat between a third rail and collector shoe
Based on the finite element software COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b, a temperature field model for an aluminium/stainless steel composite third rail and a copper impregnated carbon collector shoe contact with coupling of joule heat and friction heat was established. A method of coupling the two kinds of heat was developed, the temperature fields were calculated, and the maximum coupled temperature change under different electric current, normal forces, sliding velocities and sliding distances were studied. The results show that the temperature distribution expands around the contact area in a descending tendency at positions closer to the electric contact area and the temperature gradients are higher; the maximum coupled temperature increases with an increase of electric current; with an increase of normal force, the maximum coupled temperature initially decreases then increases; the maximum coupled temperature increases initially then gradually becomes stable with an increase of sliding distance; an optimal normal force range exists in frictional sliding with an electric current, at which the maximum coupled temperature is at its lowest; joule heat and friction heat are competitive with each other. When normal force is lower, the joule heat becomes the main heat source, but when normal force is greater, mechanical friction heat becomes the main heat source
Regulating C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub>/CO<sub>2</sub> adsorption selectivity by electronic-state manipulation of iron in metal-organic frameworks
The separation of C2H2 from C2H2/CO2 mixture is of great importance, yet highly challenging in the petrochemical industry due to their similar physicochemical properties. While open-metal sites (OMSs) in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are known to possess high affinity toward C2H2, its selective adsorption performance regulated by the electronic state of the same OMSs remains unexplored. Here, we report a metal electronic-state manipulation approach to construct a pair of isostructural Fe-MOFs, namely LIFM-26(Fe[II]/Fe[III]) and LIFM-27(Fe[III]) with different Fe[II] or Fe[III] oxidation states on the Fe centers, which display mixed-valent Fe[II]/Fe[III] centers in the former and sole Fe[III] centers in the latter. Remarkably, LIFM-26(Fe[II]/Fe[III]) shows significantly enhanced C2H2 uptake capacity than LIFM-27(Fe[III]), attested by adsorption isotherms and IAST calculations, as well as simulated and experimental breakthrough experiments. Furthermore, in situ infrared (IR) and molecular calculations unveil that the presence of Fe[II] in LIFM-26(Fe[II]/Fe[III]) results in stronger Fe[II]–C2H2 interactions than Fe[III]–C2H2, which plays a key role in the C2H2/CO2 separation
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