285 research outputs found


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    Conceptualizations of Happiness and Vegetarianism: Empirical Evidence from University Students in Spain

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    Vegetarianism improves human and planetary health in addition to animal welfare. Motivations for meat-reduced diets include health-related and ethical reasons, with the latter being the main driver for eschewing meat. However, evidence on vegetarian happiness is inconclusive and the results reported are mixed. This constitutes a challenge for policy aiming to encourage people to shift toward plant-based diets. In this research, we aim to provide some evidence on this question: to what extent is there a link between the different moral codes related to ideas of happiness and vegetarianism? To do so, we apply the happiness moral codes from the Conceptual Referent Theory, and assess vegetarianism from the perspective of the psychological aspect of vegetarian identity (flexitarian, pescatarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, and vegan) and dietary behavior (vegetarian self-assessment scale). Analyzing a sample of university students in Spain, we discover that some happiness constructs (tranquility, fulfilment, and virtue) are positively related to vegetarianism while others are inversely related (enjoyment and stoicism). In terms of policy implications, we find that ethical grounds one holds on happiness in relation to vegetarianism may play a role in fostering or hindering plant-based lifestyles.Universidad de Granada/CBUASpanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación and the European Regional Development Fund (project ECO2017–86822-R)The Regional. Government of AndalusiaThe European Regional Development Fund (project ECO2017–86822-R); the Regional. Government of Andalusia and the European Regional Development Fund (Projects P18-RT-576 and B-SEJ-018-UGR18)The University of Granada (Plan Propio. Unidad Científica de Excelencia: Desigualdad, Derechos Humanos y Sostenibilidad -DEHUSO)

    La referència bibliogràfica: cantar cançons d’altres...

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    Documentación y corrección: la carta de presentación, algo más que simple protocolo

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    In 1978 the international committee of directors of medical magazines met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), to establish, for the first time, the guidelines that, in relation to the format, the manuscripts sent to their magazines should contemplate. The group became known as Vancouver group. Their “Requirements of uniformity for the manuscripts sent to Biomedical Magazines” were published for the first time in 1979. In november of 2003 the committee published the last version, the sixth, in which the included topics go beyond the preparation of the manuscript. In any case, this last version of the “Vancouver Norms” makes expressed reference to the ethical aspects that converge when sending to publish a work. These ethical manifestations should be made explicit in the presentation letter, to which the new requirements give a special emphasis. It is necessary to establish a debate on the execution of the requirements of uniformity, as well as to begin, to continue and to vivify the reflection on the transcendence that supposes to fulfil them, with the purpose of facilitating the methodological normalization of the works subjected to publication

    Economic poverty and happiness in rural Ecuador: The importance of Buen Vivir (Living Well)

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    This research paper addresses the endemic dimensions of having or not having a good life using a concept of poverty based on self-reported subjective well- being. We build a subjective well-being poverty (SWBP) line and compare it with two income poverty (IP) lines. The endemic dimension comes from rural Ecuador and the indigenous happiness idea of Buen Vivir (Living Well), which has been the focus of growing attention in the scientific and the political arena. Discrepancies between SWBP and IP are deeply explored building models that explain SWBP with IP, as well as control variables and Buen Vivir related variables. We show that income poor households are more likely to be poor in terms of their reported subjective well-being. However, households that grow their own food and are in an indigenous community are less likely to report to be subjective well-being poor. The results suggest that low SWBP values in contrast with high IP may be explained by idiosyncratic components of the Buen Vivir philosophy. The components of the Buen Vivir ethos related to SWBP give rise to the idea of building multidi- mensional concepts of poverty based on what ethnic people consider to be good or bad for their specific way of life. In a general context, our study raises the importance of considering poverty and its dimensions taking into account the endemic factors of specific groups of people and cultures. That is, to take into account what is important for their lives.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (Project ECO2012-32189) and the Government of Andalucía (Project P11-SEJ-7039 and Project P12-SEJ- 1436)

    Valoración geriátrica integral

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    The main objective of the comprehensive geriatric assessment is to design an individualized plan of preventive action, therapeutic or rehabilitation, in order to achieve the highest level of independence and quality of life for the elderly. It is said that both in the hospital setting as well as primary care the comprehensive geriatric assessment is the best instrument, which can facilitate a family medical practice with a holistic vision that ensures a proper, and effective care and quality.El objetivo principal de la valoración geriátrica integral es diseñar un plan individualizado preventivo, terapéutico y rehabilitador, con el fin de lograr el mayor nivel de independencia y calidad de vida del anciano. Se puede decir que tanto en el ámbito hospitalario como en el de atención primaria la valoración geriátrica integral es el mejor instrumento, el cual puede facilitar una práctica médica con una visión holística que garantice una atención adecuada, efectiva y de calidad

    Evaluación nutricional en mayores

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    A good diet/nutrition is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the body, prevent diseases and when they appear to be able to overcome them and recover. This statement is true at any stage of life, but much more so when the individual begins to be vulnerable, as occurs with aging. Carrying out a nutritional screening will allow people who are at risk of malnutrition to be detected, and a complete assessment to identify alterations in their nutritional status.Una buena alimentación/nutrición es necesaria para mantener el buen funcionamiento del cuerpo, prevenir las enfermedades y cuando estas aparecen poder superarlas y recuperarse. Esta afirmación es una realidad en cualquier etapa de la vida, pero mucho más cuando el individuo empieza a ser vulnerable, como sucede en el envejecimiento. Realizar un cribado nutricional va a permitir detectar a las personas que presenten riesgo de malnutrición y mediante la valoración nutricional completa, identificar las alteraciones de su estado nutricional

    Documentación y corrección: la carta de presentación, algo más que simple protocolo

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    In 1978 the international committee of directors of medical magazines met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), to establish, for the first time, the guidelines that, in relation to the format, the manuscripts sent to their magazines should contemplate. The group became known as Vancouver group. Their “Requirements of uniformity for the manuscripts sent to Biomedical Magazines” were published for the first time in 1979. In november of 2003 the committee published the last version, the sixth, in which the included topics go beyond the preparation of the manuscript. In any case, this last version of the “Vancouver Norms” makes expressed reference to the ethical aspects that converge when sending to publish a work. These ethical manifestations should be made explicit in the presentation letter, to which the new requirements give a special emphasis. It is necessary to establish a debate on the execution of the requirements of uniformity, as well as to begin, to continue and to vivify the reflection on the transcendence that supposes to fulfil them, with the purpose of facilitating the methodological normalization of the works subjected to publication

    Bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature on dietary fiber in the MEDLINE bibliographic database

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    Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar, mediante análisis bibliométrico, la producción científica existente sobre la fibra dietética recopilada en la de datos MEDLINE, vía PubMed. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se calculó el tamaño muestral mediante la estimación de parámetros poblacionales en una población infinita (n=386). El método de muestreo fue el aleatorio simple sin reemplazo. Resultados: La tipología documental más frecuente fue el artículo original con 177 documentos (45,9%; IC95%:40,9-50,1), siendo el Índice de Productividad de 2,25. La edad de los documentos analizados fue de 17,7 años (IC95%:16,4-18,9), con mediana de 15,5 años. Lo documentos revisados estaban predominantemente escritos en inglés, en 352 ocasiones (91,2%; IC95%:88,4-94,0), seguidos del alemán en 11 artículos (2,9%; IC95%:1,2-4,5), del ruso en 7 ocasiones (1,8%; IC95%:0,5-3,1) y español con 6 artículos (1,6%; IC95%:0,3-2,8). Las revistas que presentaron 15 o más trabajos, en los resultados de búsqueda efectuada son 4: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition con 31 referencias (8,0%; IC95%:5,3-10,7), Journal of Animal Science con 20 referencias (5,2%; IC95%:3,0-7,4), British Journal of Nutrition con 16 referencias (4,2%; IC95%:2,2-6,1) y European Journal of Clinical Nutrition con 15 referencias (3,9%; IC95%:2,0-5,8). Conclusiones: Este estudio indica que la fibra dietética es una temática altamente investigada, donde el inglés sigue siendo el idioma mayoritario. Los descriptores se encuentran en línea con la temática a estudio.Introduction: To evaluate the scientific literature on dietary fiber collected in PubMed database by bibliometric analysis. Material and Methods: It is a descriptive study. It was calculated the sample size by estimating population parameters in an infinite population (n=386). The sampling method was simple random without replacement. Results: The most common type of document was original articles with 177 documents (45.9%; 95%CI:40.9 to 50.1), being the Productivity Index of 2.25. The age of the documents analyzed was 17.7 (95%CI:16.4 to 18.9), with a median of 15.5 years. Revised documents were predominantly written in English, 352 cases (91.2%; 95%CI:88.4 to 94.0), followed by German in 11 articles (2.9%; 95%CI:1.2 to 4.5), Russian 7 times (1.8%; 95%CI:0.5 to 3.1) and Spanish with 6 items (1.6%; 95%CI:0.3 to 2.8). The magazines that had 15 or more jobs in search results made, are 4: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition with 31 references (8.0%; 95%CI:5.3 to 10.7), Journal of Animal Science with 20 references (5.2%; 95%CI:3.0 to 7.4), British Journal of Nutrition with 16 references (4.2%; 95%CI:2.2 to 6.1) and European Journal of Clinical Nutrition with 15 references (3.9%; 95%CI:2.0 to 5.8). Conclusions: This study indicates that dietary fiber is a topic highly researched subject where English is still the majority language. The descriptors are in line with the subject studied