9 research outputs found

    Estudiantes del pre grado de enfermería y su relación con el tabaquismo

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    This study was designed to investigate: the prevalence of smokers among the UNIFESP nursing undergraduate students; some initial usage features; the smokers' dependence degree on nicotine. In order to compare the ratio of some variables, Pearson's Square Chi test was applied. The number of smokers among the nursing undergraduate students in the sample was 23 (8.2%) and 167 (59.9%) said they had never smoked a cigarette. Smokers' average age was 19.5 years old, and there is a significant difference between genders and only 2 (9.1%) smoking students may show a more severe discomfort while attempting to stop smoking, as showed the Fagerström's Test.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos investigar la prevalencia de fumadores entre estudiantes del pregrado de enfermería de la Universidad Federal de São Paulo ( UNIFESP), algunas características de su uso inicial, el grado de dependencia de los fumadores a la nicotina. Para comparar la relación de algunas variables se aplicó el test del Chi Cuadrado de Pearson. Se verificó que del número total de la muestra, 23 (8,2%) eran fumadores y 167 (59,9%) manifestaron no haber experimentado el cigarro. La edad promedio de los fumadores fue 19,5 años, existiendo una diferencia significativa entre sexos y apenas 2 (9,1%) de los fumadores podrían presentar disconfort más serio al tratar de parar de fumar, conforme el test de Fägerstrom.Foram objetivos deste estudo investigar a prevalência de fumantes entre os graduandos de enfermagem da UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)), algumas características de seu uso inicial e o grau de dependência dos fumantes para com a nicotina. Para comparar a relação de algumas variáveis foi aplicado o teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson. Dos 279 alunos que participaram do estudo, 23(8,2%) eram fumantes, 167(59,9%) referiram não ter experimentado o cigarro. A idade média dos fumantes foi 19,5 anos, havendo uma diferença significativa entre os sexos e apenas dois (9,1%) dos fumantes poderão apresentar um desconforto mais sério ao tentarem parar de fumar, conforme o Teste de FagerströmUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemEUSP Departamento de Enfermagem Materno - Infantil e PsiquiátricaUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL

    Nursing undergraduate students and their relationship with tobaccoism

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    Foram objetivos deste estudo investigar a prevalência de fumantes entre os graduandos de enfermagem da UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), algumas características de seu uso inicial e o grau de dependência dos fumantes para com a nicotina. Para comparar a relação de algumas variáveis foi aplicado o teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson. Dos 279 alunos que participaram do estudo, 23(8,2%) eram fumantes, 167(59,9%) referiram não ter experimentado o cigarro. A idade média dos fumantes foi 19,5 anos, havendo uma diferença significativa entre os sexos e apenas dois (9,1%) dos fumantes poderão apresentar um desconforto mais sério ao tentarem parar de fumar, conforme o Teste de FagerströmEste estudio tuvo como objetivos investigar la prevalencia de fumadores entre estudiantes del pregrado de enfermería de la Universidad Federal de São Paulo ( UNIFESP), algunas características de su uso inicial, el grado de dependencia de los fumadores a la nicotina. Para comparar la relación de algunas variables se aplicó el test del Chi Cuadrado de Pearson. Se verificó que del número total de la muestra, 23 (8,2%) eran fumadores y 167 (59,9%) manifestaron no haber experimentado el cigarro. La edad promedio de los fumadores fue 19,5 años, existiendo una diferencia significativa entre sexos y apenas 2 (9,1%) de los fumadores podrían presentar disconfort más serio al tratar de parar de fumar, conforme el test de Fägerstrom.This study was designed to investigate: the prevalence of smokers among the UNIFESP nursing undergraduate students; some initial usage features; the smokers' dependence degree on nicotine. In order to compare the ratio of some variables, Pearson's Square Chi test was applied. The number of smokers among the nursing undergraduate students in the sample was 23 (8.2%) and 167 (59.9%) said they had never smoked a cigarette. Smokers' average age was 19.5 years old, and there is a significant difference between genders and only 2 (9.1%) smoking students may show a more severe discomfort while attempting to stop smoking, as showed the Fagerström's Test

    Alcohol consumption, Quality of Life and Brief Intervention among Nursing university students

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    Objective: To evaluate nursing university students' alcohol consumption patterns, Brief Intervention and Quality of Life (QoL). Method: This is a prospective and longitudinal study containing sociodemographic, economic information concerning alcoholic beverages, BI and QoL evaluation among 281 nursing university students. Since surveys have been applied, seminars have been given and consumption patterns have been discussed, an educational material was delivered after university students' revaluation and BI reinforcement. Descriptive and analytical statistics have been conducted. Results: 90% of the students have already consumed alcohol and 20.6% that consumed for the first time and abused alcohol were minors. After the implementation of BI, the alcohol consumption has decreased among university students. Besides the vitality, generate state of health, and emotional aspects have decreased, mental health was substantially low among the students that used to drink. Conclusion: BI contributes to decrease alcoholic beverages consumption and promotes health.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Postgrad Program Hlth Sci, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Dept Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Postgrad Program Hlth Sci, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Enfermagem, Dept Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Intervenção breve aplicada a universitários consumidores de risco de bebidas alcoólicas

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    Objetivo: investigar o consumo de álcool entre universitários de enfermagem e avaliar intervenção breve para abusadores de álcool. Método: estudo longitudinal, experimental. Dados coletados por questionário autoaplicável e três instrumentos. Análise estatística descritiva e utilização de testes específicos. Resultados: participaram 36 universitários e as drogas mais utilizadas foram: álcool (vodka, cerveja), tabaco e maconha. Idade do primeiro uso de álcool: 15 anos; repercussões após uso: quedas, cefaleia, vômitos e amnésia; e os motivos para consumo: social, sensação e prazer. Intervenção breve diminuiu significativamente o consumo de risco entre os abusadores. Entre os bebedores de baixo risco, metade referiu estar preparada para diminuir o consumo. Conclusão: intervenção breve diminui significativamente o padrão de consumo de álcool, promovendo a saúde.Objective: to investigate the alcohol consumption among nursing college students and evaluate a brief intervention for abusers of alcoholic beverages. Method: longitudinal, experimental study. Data obtained through a self-applicable questionnaire and three instruments. Descriptive statistical analysis and use of specific tests. Results: 36 college students participated in this study. The most used drugs were: alcohol (vodka, beer), tobacco and marijuana. Age of first contact with alcoholic beverages: 15 years; repercussions after use: falls, headache, vomiting and amnesia; and the reasons for consumption: socialization, sensation and pleasure. The brief intervention significantly decreased the risk of consumption among those who abused alcoholic beverages. Among low-risk alcohol consumers, half of them said they were ready to reduce consumption. Conclusion: the short intervention significantly decreased the pattern of alcohol consumption thus promoting the health of the students.Objetivo: investigar el consumo de alcohol entre universitarios de enfermería y evaluar la intervención breve para los abusadores de alcohol. Método: estudio longitudinal, experimental. Los datos recolectados por cuestionario autoaplicable y tres instrumentos. Análisis estadístico descriptivo y uso de pruebas específicas. Resultados: participaron 36 universitarios, las drogas más utilizadas fueron alcohol (vodka, cerveza), seguido de tabaco y marihuana. La edad del primer uso de alcohol 15 años, repercusiones después del uso fueron caídas, cefalea, vómitos y amnesia y los motivos para el consumo: social, sensación y placer. La intervención breve disminuyó significativamente el consumo de riesgo entre los abusadores y entre los bebedores de bajo riesgo, la mitad, dijo estar dispuesta a disminuir el consumo. Conclusión: intervención breve disminuye significativamente el patrón de consumo de alcohol promoviendo la salud

    Cantrell Syndrome. Case report of an adult

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    Cantrell syndrome is characterized by defects that involve the diaphragm, abdominal wall, pericardium, heart, and lower region of the sternum. It is a rare entity, usually diagnosed at birth and accompanied by high mortality due to the complexity and gravity of the anomalies. In this report, we present a 32-year-old male patient, who was diagnosed in infancy but who reached adult age asymptomatic.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Alcohol consumption, Quality of Life and Brief Intervention among Nursing university students

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate nursing university students’ alcohol consumption patterns, Brief Intervention and Quality of Life (QoL). Method: This is a prospective and longitudinal study containing sociodemographic, economic information concerning alcoholic beverages, BI and QoL evaluation among 281 nursing university students. Since surveys have been applied, seminars have been given and consumption patterns have been discussed, an educational material was delivered after university students’ revaluation and BI reinforcement. Descriptive and analytical statistics have been conducted. Results: 90% of the students have already consumed alcohol and 20.6% that consumed for the first time and abused alcohol were minors. After the implementation of BI, the alcohol consumption has decreased among university students. Besides the vitality, generate state of health, and emotional aspects have decreased, mental health was substantially low among the students that used to drink. Conclusion: BI contributes to decrease alcoholic beverages consumption and promotes health