15 research outputs found

    A Chronological Review of the Development of the Shariah Supervision System in Islam

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    The Shariah supervision system is a process to ensure Shariah compliance in business and economic activities. Nowadays, the Shariah supervision system is structured within the Shariah governance framework. Owing to its development directly from the Islamic financial system, it is somehow presented as if it is new, substantiated by a modern theoretical framework. Less attention has been paid to its background from an Islamic perspective, which, as seen in Islamic historical records, is well connected to many practices. This loophole has to some extent downplayed the significance of the contributions of Islam to this supervision system in the economy. This article offers a review of relevant literature to unearth evidence of the evolution of Shariah supervision from the time of the ancient Islamic world untill now. Using a quantitave research approach, data was collected from Islamic literature relating to the issue, and was analysed thematically. This study found that Shariah supervision is evidently crucial in Islam. It was widely practised by the Prophet Himself, and the superseding caliphs, as a tool to oversee the adherence of business practices in the market to Islamic law. It also evolved following the needs and context of society

    [MANIFESTATIONS OF MERCY IN THE SOCIAL RIGHTS OF WOMEN FROM AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE AND COMPARISON WITH WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS] مظاهر الرحمة في الحقوق الاجتماعية للمرأة من منظور إسلامي ومقارنتها بالحضارات الغربية

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    The study aimed to shed light on the manifestations of mercy in women's social rights in Islam and see the situation of women in ancient civilizations. This study belongs to the pattern of studies estimating the situation based on the analytical inductive approach. It is one of the most important methods of scientific research, and the inductive approach relies on scientific observation, whereby texts and opinions related to the social rights of women are traced and then analyzed and inferring aspects of mercy in them in order to reach a complete perception of this study. The results of the study showed that the Islamic religion is the only one that strengthened the position of women, honored them, and gave them all their rights completely in a way that suits her natural fit compared to the situation of women in other civilizations. The researcher concluded that compassion is a basic principle with all the meanings of charity and softness away from the hardship in our true religion. The features of mercy were represented by the woman’s sense of psychological comfort and her sense of being and existence, giving her the right to self-determination like the right to choose a husband. These rights are based on stability and harmony, which contribute to the family achieving its goals. The study reached a set of conclusions, the most prominent of which is the definition of the landmarks of mercy in all areas related to women in our true religion, holding international conferences and symposia to be a tool for advocating the religion of God and working to make Muslim women aware of their rights and duties by educating spouses and everyone who is about to build a family in order to build informed and healthy Islamic societies, and activating the role of Muslim women and protecting their rights from being swept away in the current of Western culture                                                                                                              هدفت الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على مظاهر الرحمة  في الحقوق الاجتماعية المرأة في الإسلام والاطلاع على وضع المرأة في الحضارات القديمة، حيث تنتمي هذه الدراسة إلى نمط الدراسات تقدير الموقف بالاعتماد على المنهج الاستقرائي التحليلي، وهو منهج من أهم مناهج البحث العلمي، ويعتمد المنهج الاستقرائي على الملاحظة العلمية، حيث يتم تتبع النصوص والآراء المتعلقة بالحقوق الاجتماعية للمرأة ومن ثم تحليلها واستنتاج مظاهر الرحمة فيها للوصول إلى تصور كلي لهذه الدراسة، حيث أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن الدين الإسلامي هو الوحيد الذي عزز مكانة المرأة وأكرمها وأعطاها كافة حقوقها غير منقوصة بما يلائم فطرتها الطبيعية مقارنة مع وضع المرأة في الحضارات الأخرى، وتوصلت الباحثة إلى أن  الرحمة هو مبدأ رئيس بكل ما تحتوي من معاني الإحسان واللين بعيدا عن المشقة في ديننا الحنيف، وتمثلت معالم الرحمة من خلال شعور المرأة بالراحة النفسية وإحساسها بكيانها ووجودها، وإعطائها الحق في تقرير مصيرها مثل الحق في اختيار الزوج، فهذه الحقوق تؤسس إلى الاستقرار والانسجام مما يساهم في تحقيق الأسرة لأهدافها، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات من أبرزها التعريف بمعالم الرحمة في جميع المجالات والمتعلقة بالمرأة في ديننا الحنيف، وعقد المؤتمرات والندوات الدولية لتكـون أداة مـن أدوات الدعوة إلى دين الله والعمل على توعية المرأة المسلمة بحقوقها وواجباتها وذلك بتوعية الزوجين ولكل من هو مقبل على بناء أسرة من أجل بناء مجتمعات إسلامية واعية وصحية، وتفعيل دور المرأة المسلمة وحماية حقوقها من الانجراف في تـيار الثقافة الغربية

    al-Tanmiyyah al-zira’iyyah al-mustadamah fi al-Sudan bayna al-tumuh wa al-waqi‘

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    This paper dealt with the subject of sustainable agricultural development in Sudan, whereby it mentioned the importance and status of the agricultural sector in Sudan to the citizens and the whole world. Sudan represents the food basket of the Arab, Islamic and African world and is one of the dependable countries in achieving world food security. The paper also addressed the types of agriculture in Sudan and the arrangement of agricultural crops grown in Sudan and its position on the global map of agricultural products. The data of this research has been collected from the sources and references that dealt with these aspects in addition to the reports available at various authorities, especially the Sudanese Governmental bodies represented in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Sudan, and materials, reports, studies and researches published in the World Wide Web (Internet). This paper concluded that Sudan has many geographical components that can make it a pioneer in the field of sustainable agricultural development, due to its potentialities to produce various agricultural crops that contribute to the achievement of food security for it and for the world as a whole. With these potentialities it can play an effective role in alleviating poverty and achieving sustainable agricultural development conducive to economic and social development based upon agricultural production. The components of sustainable agricultural development in the Sudan are the diversity of the climate, the diversity of agricultural land, the different soil and the availability of water resources from many sources, such as the Nile River, its tributaries, groundwater and rainwater. This is in addition to the availability of suitable areas for agriculture and the existence of agricultural workers with extensive technical expertise and full knowledge of various agricultural works. The paper also concluded that Sudan has a wide variety of agricultural crops, but it faces many problems that negatively impact crop areas and the quantities produced. These include drought, desertification, poor agricultural finance and the lack of modern scientific methods in agriculture and narrow markets. The paper recommended the need for agricultural finance, the opening of new markets abroad, the expansion of modern methods, the development of new varieties of improved seeds and the fight against drought and desertification. تناولت هذه الورقة موضوع التنمية الزراعية المستدامة في السودان، حيث أوردت أهمية ومكانة القطاع الزراعي في السودان بالنسبة للمواطنين وبالنسبة للعالم أجمع ،فالسودان يمثل سلة غذاء العالم العربي والإسلامي والإفريقي وهو من الدول المعوَل عليها في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي للعالم أجمع ،كما تناولت هذه الورقة أنواع الزراعة في السودان وترتيب المحاصيل الزراعية التي تُزرع في السودان ووضعها في الخارطة العالمية للمنتوجات الزراعية، وقد تم جمع مادة هذه الورقة من المصادر والمراجع التي تناولت هذه الجوانب بالإضافة الى التقارير المتوفرة لدى الجهات المختلفة وخاصه الجهات الحكومية السودانية متمثلة في وزارة الزراعة بجمهورية السودان، والمواد والتقارير والدراسات والبحوث المنشورة في الشبكة العالمية العنكبوتية (الإنترنت) .وخلصت هذه الورقة الى أن السودان يمتلك مقومات جغرافية عديدة يمكن أن تجعله رائداَ في مجال التنمية الزراعية المستدامة ؛ لماله من الإمكانات لإنتاج محاصيل زراعية مختلفة تساهم في تحقيق الأمن الغذائي له وللعالم أجمع وبهذه الإمكانيات يمكن أن يلعب دوراً فاعلاً في تخفيف حدّة الفقر وتحقيق تنمية زراعية مستدامة تؤدى الى تنمية اقتصادية واجتماعية ،أساسها الإنتاج الزراعي. وتتمثل مقومات التنمية الزراعية المستدامة في السودان في تنوع المناخ وتنوع الأرض الزراعية مختلفة التربة وتوفر موارد مائية من مصادر عديدة، كنهر النيل وروافده والمياه الجوفية ومياه الأمطار هذا بجانب توفر المساحات الصالحة للزراعة ووجود عمالة زراعية ذات خبرة فنية واسعة ومعرفة تامة بالأعمال الزراعية المختلفة. وخلصت هذه الورقة أيضاً الى أن للسودان محاصيل زراعية متنوعة وكثيرة ولكنه يواجه الكثير من المشاكل التي تؤثر سلباً على المساحات المزروعة بالمحاصيل والكميات المنتجة منها، ومن هذه المشاكل الجفاف والتصحر وضعف التمويل الزراعي وعدم استخدام الأساليب العلمية الحديثة في الزراعة وضيق الأسواق.  وأوصت هذه الورقة بضرورة توفير التمويل الزراعي، وفتح أسواق جديدة بالخارج والتوسع في الأساليب الحديثة واستنباط أصناف جديدة من البذور المحسنة ومكافحة الجفاف والتصحر

    Creating a Culture of Sustainability using Mission Statements of Cooperative Organizations

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    Mission statements are recognized as effective strategic management tools that influence firms’ performance. The evolution of a culture of sustainability begins with a mission statement that strikes a balance between financial performance and social commitments. The clear articulation of sustainability as part of the firm’s mission, values, goals, and strategy are key factors in fostering sustainability focused culture. This study illustrates the fundamental tenets of the culture of organizational sustainability model proposed by Galpin, Whitttington, and Bell (2015) using selected cooperatives in Malaysia. The contents of the mission statements were then analyze using the nine elements model by Pearce and David (1987) in findings its relations to and the existence of sustainability culture within the cooperatives. Findings from the study confirm building an organizational infrastructure that fosters a culture of sustainability results in positive employee and organizational-level sustainability performance. A reference was made to Bank Rakyat, one of the leading cooperative-based banking in the country for its outstanding performance.© 2016. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.Keywords: Mission statement; sustainability; culture; cooperativ

    Konsep Kewarganegaraan Menurut Piagam Madinah: Suatu Sorotan Awal [The Concept of Citizenship According to The Constitution of Madinah: An Initial Highlight]

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    Kewarganegaraan merupakan satu cabang ilmu kenegaraan. Begitupun keprihatinan dan penghayatan terhadapnya dilihat semakin menguncup pada era globalisasi dan ledakan informasi. Fenomena global ini turut dirasakan di Malaysia dengan isu-isu seperti penghinaan terhadap instistusi beraja dan jata negara, kibaran bendera secara terbalik, memburukkan imej negara serta perbalahan perkauman yang tidak berkesudahan. Ini merupakan gambaran terhadap hilangnya semangat kewarganegaraan yang sihat. Sebenarnya, konsep kewarganeraan bukanlah suatu yang asing dalam Islam. Hal ini dapat difahami dari pelbagai sumber termasuklah Piagam Madinah yang merupakan kerangka berfikir seluruh masyarakatnya. Justeru, makalah ini bertujuan mengetengahkan konsep kewarganegaraan menurut Piagam Madinah yang sewajarnya dijadikan panduan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.  Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini merujuk kepada bahan-bahan kepustakaan demi melakukan analisis mencakupi deduktif dan historikal. Kajian mendapati, Piagam Madinah mengetengahkan konsep kewarganegaran yang unik, komprehensif dan realistik dengan suasana kemajmukan masyarakat. Masyarakat Madinah yang diberi kewarganegaraan secara undang-undang berjanji taat setia untuk mempertahankan piagam, malah mempunyai jati diri dan semangat patriotik yang kukuh berteraskan konsep ummah wahidah. Sebarang perlanggaran piagam akan dihukum, ditarik penyertaan dari perjanjian serta diusir dari negara. Jika elemen ini dapat dicerap dan difahami oleh masyarakat majmuk seperti di Malaysia, maka isu-isu pengabaian moral warganegara dapat ditegah dan dibendung. Citizenship is one of the crucial branch of statehood knowledge. Abominably, the concern and appreciation for it is seen to be shrinking in this era of globalization and information dissemination. This global phenomenon is also felt in modern Malaysia. Issues such as contempt for constitutional monarchy and the national coat of arms, intentionally waving the flag upside down, aggravating the country’s image and endless racial strife are a reflection of the loss of honor sense on citizenship spirit. In fact, the concept of citizenship is not something new in Islam. This can be understood from various sources including the Constitution of Madinah which was the thinking framework for its entire society. Hence, this paper aim is to highlight the concept of citizenship according to Constitution of Madinah, which is important as a guidance for social interaction. This qualitative study highlights the literature materials to carry out deductive and historical analysis. The study found that, the Constitution of Madinah highlights an unique, comprehensive and realistic concept of citizenship with the existing atmosphere of pluralistic society. People of Madinah were given citizenship by law, thus pledge their loyalty to defend the charter with strong sense of national identity and blessed with patriotic spirit based on the concept of ummah wahidah. Any violation to the charter will be punished, withdrawn from the agreement and expelled from the country. If this element can be observed and understood by a multiracial country like Malaysia, then the issues of moral neglect as a citizen can be prevented and curbed.Kewarganegaraan merupakan satu cabang utama ilmu kenegaraan. Begitupun keprihatinan dan penghayatan terhadapnya dilihat semakin menguncup pada era globalisasi dan ledakan informasi. Fenomena global ini turut dirasakan di Malaysia mutakhir ini. Isu-isu seperti penghinaan terhadap instistusi beraja dan jata negara, kibaran bendera secara terbalik, memburukkan imej negara serta perbalahan perkauman yang tidak berkesudahan merupakan gambaran terhadap hilangnya semangat kewarganegaraan yang sihat. Sebenarnya, konsep kewarganeraan bukanlah sesuatu yang asing dalam Islam. Hal ini dapat difahami dari pelbagai sumber termasuklah Piagam Madinah yang terbukti berjaya pernah melahirkan warganegara yang sebegitu bersatu-padu dan patriotik dalam membina serta mempertahankan negara.  Justeru, objektif makalah ini adalah untuk mengetengahkan elemen-elemen penting konsep kewarganegaraan dalam Piagam Madinah. Kajian kualitatif ini membuat sorotan terhadap bahan kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis dokumen. Kajian mendapati, Piagam Madinah mengetengahkan suatu konsep kewarganegaran yang unik, komprehensif dan realistik dengan suasana kemajmukan yang ada. Ia merangkumi elemen pengiktirafan dan ketaatan kepada pemimpin, kerakyatan dan penyatuan masyarakat berbilang kaum, serta hak asasi dan jaminan perlindungan warganegara. Dengan kewujudan semua elemen ini, negara Madinah ternyata mampu melahirkan warganegara yang benar-benar berkualiti. Jika elemen ini dapat diterapkan dalam sesebuah negara majmuk seperti Malaysia, maka isu-isu pengabaian moral warganegara dapat ditegah dan dibendung

    Creating a Culture of Sustainability using Mission Statements of Cooperative Organizations

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    Mission statements are recognized as effective strategic management tools that influence firms’ performance. The evolution of a culture of sustainability begins with a mission statement that strikes a balance between financial performance and social commitments. The clear articulation of sustainability as part of the firm’s mission, values, goals, and strategy are key factors in fostering sustainability focused culture. This study illustrates the fundamental tenets of the culture of organizational sustainability model proposed by Galpin, Whitttington, and Bell (2015) using selected cooperatives in Malaysia. The contents of the mission statements were then analyze using the nine elements model by Pearce and David (1987) in findings its relations to and the existence of sustainability culture within the cooperatives. Findings from the study confirm building an organizational infrastructure that fosters a culture of sustainability results in positive employee and organizational-level sustainability performance. A reference was made to Bank Rakyat, one of the leading cooperative-based banking in the country for its outstanding performance

    Kupasan historik status Malaysia sebagai negara Islam

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    Antara isu politik yang agak berpanjangan di Malaysia adalah isu keabsahan status Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam. la adalah suatu polemik yang berakar umbikan sejarah, kekinian dan masa hadapan. Pengisytiharan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam oleh Perdana Menteri keempat ternyata telah meredakan polemik ini tetapi tidak berjaya memadamkannya. Justeru objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis semula pengisytiharan ini secara strategi demi memberi impak yang positif pada masa mendatang. Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini merujuk kepada bahan-bahan kepustakaan demi melakukan beberapa analisis mencakupi induktif, deduktif, historikal, mahupun komparatif. Kajian ini mendapati ada Zima ciri negara Islam yang biasanya disebut dalam karya-karyafiqh kenegaraan Islam, iaitu keamanan, kepimpinan, penduduk, status asal sesebuah wilayah dan pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam. Polemik tentang status Malaysia sebagai negara Islam, kebiasaannya merujuk kepada penekanan pihak-pihak yang terlibat kepada ciri yang pertama dan kelima. Kajian juga melihat secara strateginya pengisytiharan tersebut yang bertunjangkan kepada keamanan dan kestabilan negara memberi impak yang positif dari sudut memberi ruang yang lebih kepada pelaksanaan Islam pada masa akan datang. Sungguhpun demikian, umat Islam perlu meneruskan penambahbaikan dari sudut pelaksanaannya dari masa ke semasa. Kajian ini amat bersetuju dengan status Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam ataupun sekurang­ kurangnya sebagai Dar al-Islam sebagaimana yang disebut oleh Wahbah al-Zuha ily

    Contextualising Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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    The Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah is one of the disciplines that has been given a unique space in various fields of study nowadays. Though a plethora of studies touched on Maqāṣid alSharī’ah, it rarely linked to the area of STEM education. This phenomenon is crucial in ensuring that the education world is in the mould of the Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah while at the same time realising the pure will of the Islamic Legal System. STEM Education in the image of the perfect Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah is believed to be able to shape and produce good people in the future, especially in driving a very challenging industrial revolution. Through a qualitative approach using document analysis, this study attempts to draw out the basics of education by the Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah that can form the perfect and proper thinking. Subsequently, the investigation continued by discussing the elements of the Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah identified in these fundamentals. The paper revealed that four main components identified in this issue, namely, the belief in good faith, noble morals, Sharī’ah-based thinking, and professionalising the world. All of these elements acquired by humans through the process of education. The implication is that the study found that placing the STEM education world in the purview of the Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah should be an influential agenda of national education to drive and meet the challenges of industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, this effort should be the attention of the national education policymakers who must involve scholars in the field