440 research outputs found

    Pharmacy Student's perceptions of Natural Science and Mathematics Subjects

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    Objective. To determine the level of importance pharmacy students placed on science and mathematics subjects for pursuing a career in pharmacy. Method. Two hundred fifty-four students completed a survey instrument developed to investigate students’ perceptions of the relevance of science and mathematics subjects to a career in pharmacy. Pharmacy students in all 4 years of a master of pharmacy (MPharm) degree program were invited to complete the survey instrument. Results. Students viewed chemistry-based and biology-based subjects as relevant to a pharmacy career, whereas mathematics subjects such as physics, logarithms, statistics, and algebra were not viewed important to a career in pharmacy. Conclusion. Students’ experience in pharmacy and year of study influenced their perceptions of subjects relevant to a pharmacy career. Pharmacy educators need to consider how they can help students recognize the importance of scientific knowledge earlier in the pharmacy curriculum

    The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Value at Risk (VaR): A Case Study of China Eastern Airline

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    This paper attempts to examine the impact of merger and acquisition on Value at Risk (VaR) of China Eastern Airline. The VaR is estimated for the whole sample and pre-merger periods by three methods: RiskMetrics , AR-GARCH and Generalized Extreme Value (GEV). The regression-based model reports the highest VaR followed by RiskMetrics and GEV. All models report a low VaR after the 11 June, 2009 merger, indicating a negative impact of merger and acquisition on VaR

    Paclitaxel loaded lipid nanoemulsions for the treatment of brain tumour

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current proficiency level of fundamental motor skills among primary students in Hong Kong. Three male and three female grade three students participated in this pilot study. The Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2) was employed. Four out of six students displayed an average mastery of the overall fundamental motor skills while two were rated as below average in their proficiency. The performance of the Locomotor subtests outweighed the performance of the Object Control subtests. Further studies with larger sample size and with subjects in different age groups will be conducted in order to have a better understanding of the mastery level of the whole school students and to suggest and implement appropriate intervention programs to improve their fundamental motor skills

    PEGylated graphene oxide for tumor-targeted delivery of paclitaxel.

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    AIM: The graphene oxide (GO) sheet has been considered one of the most promising carbon derivatives in the field of material science for the past few years and has shown excellent tumor-targeting ability, biocompatibility and low toxicity. We have endeavored to conjugate paclitaxel (PTX) to GO molecule and investigate its anticancer efficacy. MATERIALS & METHODS: We conjugated the anticancer drug PTX to aminated PEG chains on GO sheets through covalent bonds to get GO-PEG-PTX complexes. The tissue distribution and anticancer efficacy of GO-PEG-PTX were then investigated using a B16 melanoma cancer-bearing C57 mice model. RESULTS: The GO-PEG-PTX complexes exhibited excellent water solubility and biocompatibility. Compared with the traditional formulation of PTX (Taxol®), GO-PEG-PTX has shown prolonged blood circulation time as well as high tumor-targeting and -suppressing efficacy. CONCLUSION: PEGylated graphene oxide is an excellent nanocarrier for paclitaxel for cancer targeting

    A Lower Temperature FDM 3D Printing for the Manufacture of Patient-Specific Immediate Release Tablets

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    Purpose. The fabrication of a ready-to-use immediate release tablets via 3D printing provides a powerful tool to on-demand individualization of dosage form. This work aims to adapt a widely used pharmaceutical grade polymer, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), for instant on-demand production of immediate release tablets via FDM 3D printing. Methods. Dipyridamole or theophylline loaded filaments were produced via processing a physical mixture of API (10%) and PVP in the presence of plasticizer through hot-melt extrusion (HME). Computer software was utilized to design a caplet-shaped tablet. The surface morphology of the printed tablet was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The physical form of drug and its integrity following an FDM 3D printing were assessed using x-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD), thermal analysis and HPLC. In vitro drug release studies for all 3D printed tablets were conducted in a USP II dissolution apparatus. Results. Bridging 3D printing process with HME in the presence of a thermostable filler, talc, enabled the fabrication immediate release tablets at temperatures as low as 110oC. The integrity of two models drugs was maintained following HME and FDM 3D printing. XRPD indicated that a portion of the loaded theophylline remained crystalline in the tablet. The fabricated tablets demonstrated excellent mechanical properties, acceptable in-batch variability and an immediate in vitro release pattern. Conclusions. Combining the advantages of PVP as an impeding polymer with FDM 3D printing at low temperatures, this approach holds a potential in expanding the spectrum of drugs that could be used in FDM 3D printing for on demand manufacturing of individualised dosage forms

    從新歷史主義視角看黃帝大戰蚩尤 : 以神話、諸子學說及史家為例

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    黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭是中國古代規模較大的神話傳說。其始於戰國初年就有記載,至唐宋時代,其流傳演變不絕,是中國神話傳說影響最廣的。它基本反映了原始社會部落間的戰爭。從神話角度看,黃帝與蚩尤是天神;從傳說角度看,他們是兩大部落的首領。隨著時間的推移,黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭神話也因時勢而有所變改,更有和歷史雜糅的情況。 前人研究黃帝大戰蚩尤的主題有二:一,蚩尤的形象研究,如:吳家衡在〈「失敗戰神」——論蚩尤的戰神「專職化」和「神位條件」〉探討蚩尤形象二元對立的矛盾,衪是戰敗的一方,又是象徵邪惡的亂世叛臣,但卻被世人奉為民族的保護神。二,從互文性的角度分析不同作品中對黃帝大戰蚩尤的描寫,如:鄭巧賢、張仁軒於〈以《墉城集仙錄》為本看《太平廣記.西王母》中黃帝戰蚩尤的重現〉,就是以《墉城集仙錄》和《太平廣記.西王母》兩篇文本的對讀,分析當中黃帝與蚩尤形象,及兩部作品對大戰描寫的異同。 黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話雖然與歷史雜糅一起,又於戰國時代被諸子各家以其作學說的支持理據流傳,但就鮮有學者以此為主題作深入的探討。本文會從新歷史主義的角度出發,並以《山海經》、諸子各家學說及史家為例,察看黃帝大戰蚩尤的神話歷史化

    Spatiotemporal dipole source localization of face processing ERPs in adolescents: a preliminary study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite extensive investigation of the neural systems for face perception and emotion recognition in adults and young children in the past, the precise temporal activation of brain sources specific to the processing of emotional facial expressions in older children and adolescents is not well known. This preliminary study aims to trace the spatiotemporal dynamics of facial emotion processing during adolescence and provide a basis for future developmental studies and comparisons with patient populations that have social-emotional deficits such as autism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We presented pictures showing happy, angry, fearful, or neutral facial expressions to healthy adolescents (aged 10–16 years) and recorded 128-channel event-related potentials (ERPs) while they performed an emotion discrimination task. ERP components were analyzed for effects of age and emotion on amplitude and latency. The underlying cortical sources of scalp ERP activity were modeled as multiple equivalent current dipoles using Brain Electrical Source Analysis (BESA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Initial global/holistic processing of faces (P1) took place in the visual association cortex (lingual gyrus) around 120 ms post-stimulus. Next, structural encoding of facial features (N170) occurred between 160–200 ms in the inferior temporal/fusiform region, and perhaps early emotion processing (Vertex Positive Potential or VPP) in the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex. Finally, cognitive analysis of facial expressions (P2) in the prefrontal cortex and emotional reactions in somatosensory areas were observed from about 230 ms onwards. The temporal sequence of cortical source activation in response to facial emotion processing was occipital, prefrontal, fusiform, parietal for young adolescents and occipital, limbic, inferior temporal, and prefrontal for older adolescents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is a first report of high-density ERP dipole source analysis in healthy adolescents which traces the sequence of neural activity within the first 500 ms of categorizing emotion from faces. Our spatio-temporal brain source models showed the presence of adult-like cortical networks for face processing in adolescents, whose functional specificity to different emotions appear to be not yet fully mature. Age-related differences in brain activation patterns illustrate the continued development and maturation of distinct neural systems for processing facial expressions during adolescence and possible changes in emotion perception, experience, and reaction with age.</p

    An Epstein-Barr virus–encoded microRNA targets PUMA to promote host cell survival

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a herpesvirus associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), gastric carcinoma (GC), and other malignancies. EBV is the first human virus found to express microRNAs (miRNAs), the functions of which remain largely unknown. We report on the regulation of a cellular protein named p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) by an EBV miRNA known as miR-BART5, which is abundantly expressed in NPC and EBV-GC cells. Modulation of PUMA expression by miR-BART5 and anti–miR-BART5 oligonucleotide was demonstrated in EBV-positive cells. In addition, PUMA was found to be significantly underexpressed in ∼60% of human NPC tissues. Although expression of miR-BART5 rendered NPC and EBV-GC cells less sensitive to proapoptotic agents, apoptosis can be triggered by depleting miR-BART5 or inducing the expression of PUMA. Collectively, our findings suggest that EBV encodes an miRNA to facilitate the establishment of latent infection by promoting host cell survival

    Efeitos do tratamento com captopril e losartan em ratos Wistar e ratos espontaneamente hipertensos submetidos a hipertensão arterial pulmonar com monocrotalina

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    A hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) é uma doença que se inicia com o aumento da resistência das arteríolas pulmonares. Após a sua instalação, sucedem-se várias alterações sobre os sistemas cardiovascular, respiratório e autonômico. Apesar dos trabalhos disponíveis na literatura, o desenvolvimento desta doença em modelos experimentais de hipertensão arterial sistêmica permanece ainda por ser estudado, bem como os efeitos terapêuticos de bloqueadores do sistema renina-angiotensina na reversão desta doença. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares, autonômicos e respiratórios promovidos pela HAP induzida pela monocrotalina (MCT) em ratos Wistar e SHR e os efeitos terapêuticos do tratamento crônico com captopril e losartan na reversão da HAP. Para tanto, foram utilizados ratos Wistar (150-180g) e SHR (150-180g), divididos nos seguintes grupos: Wistar controle tratado com salina ou MCT (WIS-CON-SAL e WIS-CON-MCT, respectivamente), SHR controle tratado com salina ou MCT (SHR-CON-SAL e SHR-CON-MCT, respectivamente), Wistar tratados com Captopril + salina ou MCT (WIS-CPT-SAL e WIS-CPT-MCT, respectivamente), SHR tratados com Captopril + salina ou MCT (SHR-CPT-SAL e SHR-MCT-CPT, respectivamente), Wistar tratados com Losartan + salina ou MCT (WIS-LOS-SAL e WIS-LOS-MCT, respectivamente), SHR tratados com Losartan + salina ou MCT (SHR-LOS-SAL e SHR-LOS-MCT, respectivamente). Os animais tratados com MCT receberam uma única injeção subcutânea (60 mg/Kg SC) e os controles receberam o mesmo volume de salina (~0,8 mL). Ao término da 3ª senama, quando os animais MCTs controle apresentaram HAP, foi feito o tratamento com captopril (100 mg/Kg/mL) ou losartan (30 mg/Kg/mL) na água de beber por 2 semanas no volume diário de 30 mL. Após o tratamento com captopril ou losartan, foram realizados os registros cardiovasculares, respiratórios, gasométricos e a histologia pulmonar. Os resultados mostraram um significativo aumento do Índice Pulmonar nos animais controles tratados com MCT (Wistar e SHR) quando comparados com seus respectivos controles. As pressões ventriculares (PSmáx, PDI e PDF) também foram significativamente aumentadas nos grupos MCTs, bem como os valores de pressão arterial sistólica and diastólica, frequência cardíaca, pressão de pulso e labilidade da pressão arterial média. O tratamento com captopril normalizou todos os parâmetros estudados, no entanto, o losartan se mostrou ineficiente em normalizar os parâmetros hemodinâmicos. As análises morfométricas mostraram um espessamento da camada média dos dos ramos distais da artéria pulmonar e uma diminuição do lúmen nos grupos tratados com MCT. O tratamento com captopril e losartan normalizou estes parâmetros, embora o grupo tratado com losartan tenha sido menos eficaz que o captopril, pois os tratamentos mostraram diferenças significativas entre si. Quanto a avaliação autonômica, os animais MCT mostraram aumento do tônus simpático cardíaco e redução do tônus parassimpático cardíaco. Novamente, o tratamento com captopril normalizou estes parâmetros, enquanto que o losartan foi ineficaz em normalizá-los. Quanto aos parâmetros respiratórios, observamos aumentos no volume corrente, na frequência respiratória, na ventilação minuto e na ventilação alveolar dos animais controles tratados com MCT. Apenas o tratamento com captopril normalizou estes parâmetros. A avaliação gasométrica mostrou que os grupos controles tratados com MCT apresentaram redução da pressão parcial de O2 (hipóxia), aumento da pressão parcial de CO2 (hipercapnia), queda da porcentagem de saturação da hemoglobina (% Hb), aumento do bicarbonato (HCO3-) e acidose. O tratamento com captopril normalizou todos os parâmetros gasométricos, enquanto que o mesmo não foi observado com o losartan para os animais SHR submetidos a HAP. Nossos resultados mostraram que a MCT induziu ao quadro de HAP nos animais Wistar e SHR, bem como importantes alterações cardiovasculares, autonômicas, respiratórias, gasométricas e morfológicas pulmonares. Os tratamentos com captopril e losartan foram capazes de reverter a HAP em animais Wistar e SHR, porém, o captopril se mostrou mais eficiente em normalizar esses parâmetros quando comparados ao losartan. Estes resultados sugerem que o uso de bloqueadores do sistema renina angiotensina pode ser uma opção terapêutica para o tratamento da HAP. Palavras chave: hipertensão arterial pulmonar; monocrotalina; SHR; captopril; losartan