8 research outputs found

    Aluminum leakage from REDY sorbent cartridge

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    Although hemodialysis (HD) is able to keep patients with endstage renal disease (ESRD) alive, it does not completely reverse many of the sequellae of chronic renal failure. Hemofiltration (HF) based on convective transport principles similar to that of the natural kidney has been shown to have important advantages over HD. Studies have demonstrated that HF can result in: stabilization of blood pressure during treatment [1]; better control of hypertension between treatments [2]; improvement in uremic symptomatology [3]; improvement in uremic neuropathy [4]. One important drawback to HF as practiced today is the need to replace the large quantities of ultrafiltrate produced by an equal amount of sterile, pyrogen-free electrolyte solution. This procedure is costly and requires precise monitoring to avoid surfeits and deficits. To overcome this major drawback of HF, we examined a method of recycling ultrafiltrate by cleansing it with a sorbent system

    Delayed Muscle Soreness: A Review

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    High metabolomic microdiversity within co-occurring isolates of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber

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    Salinibacter ruber is an extremely halophilic member of the Bacteroidetes that thrives in crystallizer ponds worldwide. Here, we have analyzed two sets of 22 and 35 co-occurring S. ruber strains, newly isolated respectively, from 100 microliters water samples from crystalizer ponds in Santa Pola and Mallorca, located in coastal and inland Mediterranean Spain and 350 km apart from each other. A set of old strains isolated from the same setting were included in the analysis. Genomic and taxonomy relatedness of the strains were analyzed by means of PFGE and MALDI-TOF, respectively, while their metabolomic potential was explored with high resolution ion cyclotron resonance Fourier transform mass spectrometry (ICR-FT/MS). Overall our results show a phylogenetically very homogeneous species expressing a very diverse metabolomic pool. The combination of MALDI-TOF and PFGE provides, for the newly isolated strains, the same scenario presented by the previous studies of intra-specific diversity of S. ruber using a more restricted number of strains: the species seems to be very homogeneous at the ribosomal level while the genomic diversity encountered was rather high since no identical genome patterns could be retrieved from each of the samples. The high analytical mass resolution of ICR-FT/MS enabled the description of thousands of putative metabolites from which to date only few can be annotated in databases. Some metabolomic differences, mainly related to lipid metabolism and antibiotic-related compounds, provided enough specificity to delineate different clusters within the co-occurring strains. In addition, metabolomic differences were found between old and new strains isolated from the same ponds that could be related to extended exposure to laboratory conditions.This work was supported by the projects CLG2009-12651-C02-01 and 02; and CE-CSD2007-0005 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and all three projects were also co-financed with FEDER support from the European Union. JBE was financed by the Government of the Balearic Islands, Ministry of Economy and Finances