172 research outputs found

    Migratory patterns of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) revealed by natural geochemical tags in otoliths

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2007Geochemical signatures in the otoliths of diadromous fishes may allow for retrospective analyses of natal origins. In an assessment of river-specific signatures in American shad (Alosa sapidissima), an anadromous clupeid native to the Atlantic coast of North America, stable isotope and elemental ratios in otoliths of juvenile American shad produced accurate natal tags from 12 rivers. Significant inter-annual variability in geochemical signatures from several rivers was detected, due largely to differences in δ18O values among years. The database was further expanded to include 20 rivers from Florida to Quebec, encompassing all major spawning populations. This task was accomplished by collecting juvenile otoliths along with water samples from rivers where juveniles were not sampled. Regressions between otolith and water chemistry for those rivers where both were collected showed significant relationships for Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, δ18O, and 87Sr:86Sr ratios but not for Mg:Ca or Mn:Ca. Despite reducing the combined signature to only four chemical ratios, cross-validated classification accuracies of knownorigin juveniles averaged 93%. Ground-truthed signatures were used to classify migrants of unknown origins. Adults returning to spawn in the York River were classified according to their otolith composition. Only 6% of spawners originated from rivers other than the York, supporting the hypothesis that most American shad spawn in their natal river. Of remaining spawners, 79% originated from the Mattaponi River and 21% from the Pamunkey River. The results suggested that while most American shad home to their natal river there is less fidelity to individual tributaries, allowing subsidies to subpopulations with persistent recruitment failure. Otolith signatures were also used in mixed-stock analyses of immature migrants along the coast of Maine in the spring and Minas Basin in the summer. Mixed-stock compositions showed remarkably low diversity and were dominated by fish from the Shubenacadie and Hudson rivers, with an increasing proportion of Potomac River fish over time. In contrast to results from adult tagging studies, southern stocks were virtually absent. These data suggest ontogenetic shifts in migratory behavior. The thesis concludes with a report that water contributed 83% of Sr and 98% of Ba in the otoliths of a marine fish.Support was given by National Science Foundation grants to Dr. Thorrold (OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998). I received additional support from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Academic Programs Office, the American Museum of Natural History Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research, a SEASPACE, Inc. Research Scholarship, and a WHOI Ocean Life Institute Research Grant

    Geochemical signatures in otoliths record natal origins of American shad

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    Author Posting. © American Fisheries Society, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Fisheries Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137 (2008): 57–69, doi:10.1577/T07-029.1.Population connectivity is a critical component in the life history dynamics of anadromous fishes and in the persistence of local populations. We used geochemical signatures in the otoliths of American shad Alosa sapidissima to determine natal origins and estimate rates of straying among river-specific populations along the U.S. Atlantic coast. Stable isotope (δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr:86Sr) and elemental (Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca) signatures in otoliths of juvenile American shad from rivers from Georgia to New Hampshire varied significantly, allowing for an average of 91% cross-validated accuracy when classifying individual fish to their natal rivers. We also found significant interannual variability in the geochemical signatures from several rivers, due largely to differences in δ18O values among years. We then used the ground-truthed geochemical signatures in the otoliths of juvenile American shad to identify the natal origins of spawning adults in the York River system in Virginia. Approximately 6% of the spawning adults collected in the York River were strays from other rivers. Of the remaining fish, 79% were spawned in the Mattaponi River and 21% in the Pamunkey River. The combined results of this and other recent studies suggest that although most American shad spawning in the York River were homing to their natal river, there was much less fidelity to individual tributaries. Small-scale straying could allow fish spawned in the Mattaponi River to subsidize spawning in the Pamunkey River, which has experienced persistent recruitment failureThis work was funded by National Science Foundation grants OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998 to SRT and by the Wallop–Breaux Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Virginia Marine Resources Commission to J.E.O

    Inter-annual variability in isotope and elemental ratios recorded in otoliths of an anadromous fish

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geochemical Exploration 102 (2009): 181-186, doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2008.10.001.Isotope ratios and elemental concentrations in otoliths are often used as natural tags to reconstruct migratory movements and connectivity patterns in marine and anadromous fishes. Although differences in otolith geochemistry have been documented among geographically separated populations, inter-annual variation within locations is less frequently examined. We compared otolith isotope (δ18O and 87Sr:86Sr) and elemental ratios (Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca) from several annual cohorts of juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in three rivers. These four geochemical signatures distinguished among river-specific populations of this species at both large and small geographic scales, with δ18O and 87Sr:86Sr generating the majority of multivariate variation. We found significant variation among years for all variables in two to three rivers. However, the magnitude of variability differed among ratios, with δ18O ratios showing substantial inter-annual shifts while 87Sr:86Sr ratios were relatively stable across years. Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca ratios also varied among years. These results imply that investigators using environmentally labile signatures must quantify geochemical signatures for each cohort of interest in order to confidently identify origins of migrants.Funding was provided by National Science Foundation grants to SRT (OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998) and grants by the American Museum of Natural History Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research, SEASPACE, Inc., and the WHOI Ocean Life Institute to BDW

    Oral activated charcoal prevents experimental cerebral malaria in mice and in a randomized controlled clinical trial in man did not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate.

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    BACKGROUND: Safe, cheap and effective adjunct therapies preventing the development of, or reducing the mortality from, severe malaria could have considerable and rapid public health impact. Oral activated charcoal (oAC) is a safe and well tolerated treatment for acute poisoning, more recently shown to have significant immunomodulatory effects in man. In preparation for possible efficacy trials in human malaria, we sought to determine whether oAC would i) reduce mortality due to experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) in mice, ii) modulate immune and inflammatory responses associated with ECM, and iii) affect the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate in human volunteers. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that oAC provided significant protection against P. berghei ANKA-induced ECM, increasing overall survival time compared to untreated mice (p<0.0001; hazard ratio 16.4; 95% CI 6.73 to 40.1). Protection from ECM by oAC was associated with reduced numbers of splenic TNF(+) CD4(+) T cells and multifunctional IFNgamma(+)TNF(+) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we identified a whole blood gene expression signature (68 genes) associated with protection from ECM. To evaluate whether oAC might affect current best available anti-malarial treatment, we conducted a randomized controlled open label trial in 52 human volunteers (ISRCTN NR. 64793756), administering artesunate (AS) in the presence or absence of oAC. We demonstrated that co-administration of oAC was safe and well-tolerated. In the 26 subjects further analyzed, we found no interference with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral AS or its pharmacologically active metabolite dihydroartemisinin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: oAC protects against ECM in mice, and does not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate. If future studies succeed in establishing the efficacy of oAC in human malaria, then the characteristics of being inexpensive, well-tolerated at high doses and requiring no sophisticated storage would make oAC a relevant candidate for adjunct therapy to reduce mortality from severe malaria, or for immediate treatment of suspected severe malaria in a rural setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com ISRCTN64793756

    Continental-scale variation in otolith geochemistry of juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima)

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    Author Posting. © NRC Research Press, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (2008): 2623-2635, doi:10.1139/F08-164.We assembled a comprehensive atlas of geochemical signatures in juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima) to discriminate natal river origins on a large spatial scale and at a high spatial resolution. Otoliths and (or) water samples were collected from 20 major spawning rivers from Florida to Quebec and were analyzed for elemental (Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca) and isotope (87Sr:86Sr and δ18O) ratios. We examined correlations between water chemistry and otolith composition for five rivers where both were sampled. While Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, 87Sr:86Sr, and δ18O values in otoliths reflected those ratios in ambient waters, Mg:Ca and Mn:Ca ratios in otoliths varied independently of water chemistry. Geochemical signatures were highly distinct among rivers, with an average classification accuracy of 93% using only those variables where otolith values were accurately predicted from water chemistry data. The study represents the largest assembled database of otolith signatures from the entire native range of a species, encompassing approximately 2700 km of coastline and 19 degrees of latitude and including all major extant spawning populations. This database will allow reliable estimates of natal origins of migrating ocean-phase American shad from the 2004 annual cohort in the future.This work was funded by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998 to SRT and by an American Museum of Natural History Lerner–Gray Grant for Marine Research and a scholarship from SEASPACE, Inc., to BDW

    Limited diversity in natal origins of immature anadromous fish during ocean residency

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of NRC Research Press for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67 (2010): 1699-1707, doi:10.1139/F10-086.Variable migration patterns can play a significant role in promoting diverse life history traits among populations. However, population and stage specific movement patterns are generally unknown yet crucial aspects of life history strategies in many highly migratory species. We used a natural tag approach using geochemical signatures in otoliths to identify natal origins of one-year-old anadromous American shad (Alosa sapidissima) during ocean residency. Otolith signatures of migrants were compared to a database of baseline signatures from 20 source populations throughout their spawning range. Samples were dominated by fish from only two rivers, while all other potential source populations were nearly or completely absent. These data support the hypothesis that American shad exhibit diverse migratory behaviors and immature individuals from populations throughout the native range do not all mix on northern summer feeding grounds. Rather, our results suggest populations of anadromous fish are distributed heterogeneously at sea in the first year of life and thus may encounter different ocean conditions at a critical early life history stage.This work was funded by National Science Foundation grants OCE-0215905 and OCE-0134998 to SRT and by a WHOI Ocean Life Institute grant to BDW

    Quasi-phase-matched up- and down-conversion in periodically poled layered semiconductors

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    Nonlinear optics lies at the heart of classical and quantum light generation. The invention of periodic poling revolutionized nonlinear optics and its commercial applications by enabling robust quasi-phase-matching in crystals such as lithium niobate. However, reaching useful frequency conversion efficiencies requires macroscopic dimensions, limiting further technology development and integration. Here we realize a periodically poled van der Waals semiconductor (3R-MoS2_2). Due to its exceptional nonlinearity, we achieve macroscopic frequency conversion efficiency over a microscopic thickness of only 1.2μ{\mu}m, 10−100×10-100\times thinner than current systems with similar performances. Due to unique intrinsic cavity effects, the thickness-dependent quasi-phase-matched second harmonic signal surpasses the usual quadratic enhancement by 50%50\%. Further, we report the broadband generation of photon pairs at telecom wavelengths via quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric down-conversion. This work opens the new and unexplored field of phase-matched nonlinear optics with microscopic van der Waals crystals, unlocking applications that require simple, ultra-compact technologies such as on-chip entangled photon-pair sources for integrated quantum circuitry and sensing

    Reading the biomineralized book of life: expanding otolith biogeochemical research and applications for fisheries and ecosystem-based management

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    Chemical analysis of calcified structures continues to flourish, as analytical and technological advances enable researchers to tap into trace elements and isotopes taken up in otoliths and other archival tissues at ever greater resolution. Increasingly, these tracers are applied to refine age estimation and interpretation, and to chronicle responses to environmental stressors, linking these to ecological, physiological, and life-history processes. Here, we review emerging approaches and innovative research directions in otolith chemistry, as well as in the chemistry of other archival tissues, outlining their value for fisheries and ecosystem-based management, turning the spotlight on areas where such biomarkers can support decision making. We summarise recent milestones and the challenges that lie ahead to using otoliths and archival tissues as biomarkers, grouped into seven, rapidly expanding and application-oriented research areas that apply chemical analysis in a variety of contexts, namely: (1) supporting fish age estimation; (2) evaluating environmental stress, ecophysiology and individual performance; (3) confirming seafood provenance; (4) resolving connectivity and movement pathways; (5) characterising food webs and trophic interactions; (6) reconstructing reproductive life histories; and (7) tracing stock enhancement efforts. Emerging research directions that apply hard part chemistry to combat seafood fraud, quantify past food webs, as well as to reconcile growth, movement, thermal, metabolic, stress and reproductive life-histories provide opportunities to examine how harvesting and global change impact fish health and fisheries productivity. Ultimately, improved appreciation of the many practical benefits of archival tissue chemistry to fisheries and ecosystem-based management will support their increased implementation into routine monitoring.[GRAPHICS]

    Movements of Diadromous Fish in Large Unregulated Tropical Rivers Inferred from Geochemical Tracers

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    Patterns of migration and habitat use in diadromous fishes can be highly variable among individuals. Most investigations into diadromous movement patterns have been restricted to populations in regulated rivers, and little information exists for those in unregulated catchments. We quantified movements of migratory barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in two large unregulated rivers in northern Australia using both elemental (Sr/Ba) and isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratios in aragonitic ear stones, or otoliths. Chemical life history profiles indicated significant individual variation in habitat use, particularly among chemically distinct freshwater habitats within a catchment. A global zoning algorithm was used to quantify distinct changes in chemical signatures across profiles. This algorithm identified between 2 and 6 distinct chemical habitats in individual profiles, indicating variable movement among habitats. Profiles of 87Sr/86Sr ratios were notably distinct among individuals, with highly radiogenic values recorded in some otoliths. This variation suggested that fish made full use of habitats across the entire catchment basin. Our results show that unrestricted movement among freshwater habitats is an important component of diadromous life histories for populations in unregulated systems

    Upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134

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    The first science run of the LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors presented the opportunity to test methods of searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars. Here we present new direct upper limits on the strength of waves from the pulsar PSR J1939+2134 using two independent analysis methods, one in the frequency domain using frequentist statistics and one in the time domain using Bayesian inference. Both methods show that the strain amplitude at Earth from this pulsar is less than a few times 10−2210^{-22}.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 5th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 6-11 July 200
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