9,107 research outputs found

    A Profile of Smoking and Health in Wales

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    The SF36 as an outcome measure of services for end stage renal failure

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    OBJECTIVE: —To evaluate the use of the short form 36 (SF36) as a measure of health related quality of life of patients with end stage renal failure, document the results, and investigate factors, including mode of treatment, which may influence it. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey of patients with end stage renal failure, with the standard United Kingdom version of the SF36 supplemented by specific questions for end stage renal failure. SETTING: A teaching hospital renal unit. Subjects and methods—660 patients treated at the Sheffield Kidney Institute by haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and transplantation. Internal consistency, percentage of maximal or minimal responses, SF36 scores, effect sizes, correlations between independent predictor variables and individual dimension scores of the SF36. Multiple regression analysis of the SF36 scores for the physical functioning, vitality, and mental health dimensions against treatment, age, risk (comorbidity) score, and other independent variables. RESULTS: A high response rate was achieved. Internal consistency was good. There were no floor or ceiling effects other than for the two “role” dimensions. Overall health related quality of life was poor compared with the general population. Having a functioning transplant was a significant predictor of higher score in the three dimensions (physical functioning, vitality, and mental health) for which multiple regression models were constructed. Age, sex, comorbidity, duration of treatment, level of social and emotional support, household numbers, and hospital dialysis were also (variably) significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: The SF36 is a practical and consistent questionnaire in this context, and there is evidence to support its construct validity. Overall the health related quality of life of these patients is poor, although transplantation is associated with higher scores independently of the effect of age and comorbidity. Age, comorbidity, and sex are also predictive of the scores attained in the three dimensions studied. Further studies are required to ascertain whether altering those predictor variables which are under the influence of professional carers is associated with changes in health related quality of life, and thus confirm the value of this outcome as a measure of quality of care

    We Say NO! The Plain Man’s Guide to Pacifism

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    A classic defense of Christian pacifism, We Say NO! was published in 1935 by Anglican priest H.R.L. “Dick” Sheppard, who also founded the Peace Pledge Union, still going strong in Britain today. This critical edition includes an historical and thematic introduction, bibliography, and copious explanatory footnotes that annotate the text.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1032/thumbnail.jp

    A Critical reflection model to teach diversity and social justice

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    In the United States today, the fastest growing populations of public school students are collectively African American and Hispanic American, and the students who immigrate to the United States from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the Caribbean nations. And, at the same time, demographics are changing in our classrooms, the majority of teachers and administrators in the U. S. are White, live in the mainstream culture, and have limited cross-cultural experiences with groups other than their own. Teachers and administrators play key roles in ensuring students’ success. There is a far greater need today for teachers and administrators to gain more knowledge about diversity and social justice if we, as a nation, are to realize high levels of learning for all students. To that aim, in this article, we report on the Social Justice Critical Reflection Model (SJCRM) that we developed to teach for diversity and social justice

    Peripheral volume measurements as indices of peripheral circulatory factors in the cardiovascular orthostatic response

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    Peripheral volume measurements as indices of circulatory factors in cardiovascular orthostatic respons

    K-theory of noncommutative Bieberbach manifolds

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    We compute $K-theory of noncommutative Bieberbach manifolds, which quotients of a three-dimensional noncommutative torus by a free action of a cyclic group Z_N, N=2,3,4,6.Comment: 19 page

    Population changes in Leishmania chagasi promastigote developmental stages due to serial passage

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    Leishmania chagasi causes visceral leishmaniasis, a potentially fatal disease of humans. Within the sand fly vector, L. chagasi replicates as promastigotes which undergo complex changes in morphology as they progress from early stage procyclic promastigotes, to intermediate stage leptomonad and nectomonad promastigotes, and ultimately to terminal stage metacyclic promastigotes that are highly infective to vertebrates. This developmental progression is largely recapitulated in vitro using axenic promastigote cultures that have been passaged only a few times. Within a single passage (which takes about a week), axenic cultures progress from logarithmic to stationary growth phases; parasites within those growth phases progress from stages that do not have metacyclic cell properties to ones that do. Interestingly, repeated serial passage of promastigote cultures will result in cell populations that exhibit perturbations in developmental progression, in expression levels of surface macromolecules (major surface protease, MSP, and promastigote surface antigen, PSA), and in virulence properties, including resistance to serum lysis. Experiments were performed to determine whether there exists a direct relationship between promastigote developmental form and perturbations associated with repeated serial passage. Passage 2 to passage 4 L. chagasi cultures at stationary growth phase were predominately (\u3e85%) comprised of metacyclic promastigotes and exhibited high resistance to serum lysis and high levels of MSP and PSA. Serial passaging 8, or more, times resulted in a stationary phase population that was largely (\u3e85%) comprised of nectomonad promastigotes, almost completely devoid (\u3c2%) of metacyclic promastigotes, and that exhibited low resistance to serum lysis and low levels of MSP and PSA. The study suggests that the loss of particular cell properties seen in cells from serially passaged cultures is principally due to a dramatic reduction in the proportion of metacyclic promastigotes. Additionally, the study suggests that serially passaged cultures may be a highly enriched source of nectomonad-stage promastigotes, a stage that has largely been characterized only in mixtures containing other promastigote forms

    Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Close the Health Gap

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    This brief was created forSocial Innovation for America’s Renewal, a policy conference organized by the Center for Social Development in collaboration with the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, which is leading theGrand Challenges for Social Work initiative to champion social progress. The conference site includes links to speeches, presentations, and a full list of the policy briefs