7,230 research outputs found

    Sentry selection in sensor networks: theory and algorithms

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    Given a countable dense subset S of a finite-dimensional normed space X, and 0 \u3c p \u3c 1, we form a random graph on S by joining, independently and with probability p, each pair of points at distance less than 1. We say that S is Rado if any two such random graphs are (almost surely) isomorphic. Bonato and Janssen showed that in ℓd∞ almost all S are Rado. Our main aim in this paper is to show that ℓd∞ is the unique normed space with this property: indeed, in every other space almost all sets S are non-Rado. We also determine which spaces admit some Rado set: this turns out to be the spaces that have an ℓ∞ direct summand. These results answer questions of Bonato and Janssen. A key role is played by the determination of which finite-dimensional normed spaces have the property that every bijective step-isometry (meaning that the integer part of distances is preserved) is in fact an isometry. This result may be of independent interest

    Non-uniqueness of ergodic measures with full Hausdorff dimension on a Gatzouras-Lalley carpet

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    In this note, we show that on certain Gatzouras-Lalley carpet, there exist more than one ergodic measures with full Hausdorff dimension. This gives a negative answer to a conjecture of Gatzouras and Peres

    Topological entanglement entropy in the second Landau level

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    The entanglement entropy of the incompressible states of a realistic quantum Hall system in the second Landau level are studied by direct diagonalization. The subdominant term to the area law, the topological entanglement entropy, which is believed to carry information about topologic order in the ground state, was extracted for filling factors nu = 12/5 and nu = 7/3. While it is difficult to make strong conclusions about nu = 12/5, the nu = 7/3 state appears to be very consistent with the topological entanglement entropy for the k=4 Read-Rezayi state. The effect of finite thickness corrections to the Coulomb potential used in the direct diagonalization are also systematically studied.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    K-theory of noncommutative Bieberbach manifolds

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    We compute $K-theory of noncommutative Bieberbach manifolds, which quotients of a three-dimensional noncommutative torus by a free action of a cyclic group Z_N, N=2,3,4,6.Comment: 19 page

    Finite type approximations of Gibbs measures on sofic subshifts

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    Consider a H\"older continuous potential ϕ\phi defined on the full shift A^\nn, where AA is a finite alphabet. Let X\subset A^\nn be a specified sofic subshift. It is well-known that there is a unique Gibbs measure μϕ\mu_\phi on XX associated to ϕ\phi. Besides, there is a natural nested sequence of subshifts of finite type (Xm)(X_m) converging to the sofic subshift XX. To this sequence we can associate a sequence of Gibbs measures (μϕm)(\mu_{\phi}^m). In this paper, we prove that these measures weakly converge at exponential speed to μϕ\mu_\phi (in the classical distance metrizing weak topology). We also establish a strong mixing property (ensuring weak Bernoullicity) of μϕ\mu_\phi. Finally, we prove that the measure-theoretic entropy of μϕm\mu_\phi^m converges to the one of μϕ\mu_\phi exponentially fast. We indicate how to extend our results to more general subshifts and potentials. We stress that we use basic algebraic tools (contractive properties of iterated matrices) and symbolic dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Classical dynamics on graphs

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    We consider the classical evolution of a particle on a graph by using a time-continuous Frobenius-Perron operator which generalizes previous propositions. In this way, the relaxation rates as well as the chaotic properties can be defined for the time-continuous classical dynamics on graphs. These properties are given as the zeros of some periodic-orbit zeta functions. We consider in detail the case of infinite periodic graphs where the particle undergoes a diffusion process. The infinite spatial extension is taken into account by Fourier transforms which decompose the observables and probability densities into sectors corresponding to different values of the wave number. The hydrodynamic modes of diffusion are studied by an eigenvalue problem of a Frobenius-Perron operator corresponding to a given sector. The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the hydrodynamic modes of diffusion and has the Green-Kubo form. Moreover, we study finite but large open graphs which converge to the infinite periodic graph when their size goes to infinity. The lifetime of the particle on the open graph is shown to correspond to the lifetime of a system which undergoes a diffusion process before it escapes.Comment: 42 pages and 8 figure
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