10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of texture distribution during the industrial polishing process of porcelain stoneware tiles

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    The present work addresses the distribution of texture over the surface of porcelain stoneware tiles due to kinematics imposed by industrial polishing process. The scratching process was simulated using a computational algorithm, which was based on the kinematic equations for the whole myriad of abrasive particles. Different scratching patterns were identified over the polished surface and their corresponding positions were mapped. The experimental results showed that regions in the tile centre present smaller tendencies for exhibiting preferential textures than those of the lateral ones. The final texture was slightly asymmetric and different from those simply left by the last scratches. The definition of three polishing domains was then suggested according to different phenomenological criteria. Results from both experiments and simulations made evident the influence of the kinematic parameters adopted by the industries on the polishing quality of porcelain stoneware tiles.This work was carried out with the support of the follow- ing entities: the Advanced Material Engineering – AME, the Carl–Zeiss Foundation, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG, and the Coordination for the Improvement of High Educa- tion Personnel – CAPES, in the scope of the Brazilian – German Collaborative Research Initiative on Manufacturing Technology – BRAGECRIM