849 research outputs found

    The Violent Interstellar Medium of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies

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    High resolution HI observations of nearby dwarf galaxies (most of which are situated in the M 81 group at a distance of about 3.2 Mpc) reveal that their neutral interstellar medium (ISM) is dominated by hole-like features most of which are expanding. A comparison of the physical properties of these holes with the ones found in more massive spiral galaxies (such as M 31 and M 33) shows that they tend to reach much larger sizes in dwarf galaxies. This can be understood in terms of the galaxy's gravitational potential. The origin of these features is still a matter of debate. In general, young star forming regions (OB-associations) are held responsible for their formation. This picture, however, is not without its critics and other mechanism such as the infall of high velocity clouds, turbulent motions or even gamma ray bursters have been recently proposed. Here I will present one example of a supergiant shell in IC 2574 which corroborates the picture that OB associations are indeed creating these structures. This particular supergiant shell is currently the most promising case to study the effects of the combined effects of stellar winds and supernova-explosions which shape the neutral interstellar medium of (dwarf) galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PASA, in press. Online version: http://www.atnf.csiro.au/pasa/16_1/walter/paper

    Ram booster

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    The present invention is a space launch system and method to propel a payload bearing craft into earth orbit. The invention has two, or preferably, three stages. The upper stage has rocket engines capable of carrying a payload to orbit and provides the capability of releasably attaching to the lower, or preferably, middle stage. Similar to the lower stage, the middle stage is a reusable booster stage that employs all air breathing engines, is recoverable, and can be turned-around in a short time between missions

    Jahresbericht 2008 : Landschaftsstation im Kreis Höxter e.V.

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    Die Grundlage der meisten in diesem Jahresbericht dargestellten Aktivitäten (Gliederungspunkte 2.-7., ohne 4.2) bildet ein mit den zuständigen Fachbehörden abgestimmter Arbeits- und Maßnahmenplan, in dem die Aufgaben der Landschaftsstation für das Jahr 2008 festgelegt wurden und dessen gebietsbezogene Erledigung den Fachbehörden in Form von umfangreichen „Fachdatenblättern“ übermittelt wurde. Der hier vorliegende Bericht ist daher nicht nur für die Aufsichtsbehörden gedacht. Allen anderen interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern soll er einen knappen Einblick in die Arbeit der Landschaftsstation des Jahres 2008 geben. Der Schwerpunkt der wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten lag 2008 im Monitoring verschiedener „Natura 2000“(Fauna-Flora-Habitat – FFH)-Arten, so des Kammmolchs im FFH-Gebiet „Steinheimer Holz“ (2.1), des Laubfroschs im FFH-Gebiet „Nieheimer Tongrube“ (2.2) oder der Schlingnatter im FFH-Gebiet „Kalkmagerrasen bei Willebadessen“ (2.3), sowie in der Optimierung der Betreuung der Gebiete und der Landnutzer (3.). Da das Jahr 2008 aber für alle Mitarbeiter auch durch die angelaufenen, v. a. wissenschaftlichen und touristisch orientierten Projekte des sog. „projektfinanzierten“ Stationsbereichs geprägt war, wollen wir am Ende dieses Jahresberichtes kurz aus diesen Vorhaben referieren (vgl. 8.). Auf ein Angebot unserer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit möchten wir an dieser Stelle besonders hinweisen: Als beliebt bei Volkshochschul-Kunden, Vereinen und Bürgern erwiesen sich unsere Vorträge und Powerpoint-Präsentationen über einzelne Gebiete, Lebensräume, Arten und Projekte im Kreis Höxter. Gerne können Sie uns betreffs einer solchen Veranstaltung ansprechen, die z. B. bei Ihnen, vor-Ort oder im dafür bestens geeigneten Steinernen Haus in Borgentreich stattfinden könnte - hier sowohl mit Führung und Besuch der Ausstellung als auch mit Ihrem Vereinsabend oder Ihrer Jahreshauptversammlung kombinierbar

    Outcome of radioiodine therapy without, on or 3days off carbimazole: a prospective interventional three-group comparison

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    Purpose: Carbimazole ameliorates hyperthyroidism but reduces radioiodine uptake and adversely affects the outcome of simultaneous radioiodine therapy. We explored whether withdrawal of carbimazole for 3 days can restore the outcome of radioiodine treatment without concurrent exacerbation of hyperthyroidism. By generating three groups with comparable radioiodine uptake, we also investigated whether the effect of carbimazole depends on the radioiodine uptake. Methods: Stratified by a radioiodine uptake >30%, 227 consecutive adult patients were prospectively assigned to radioiodine therapy (target dose 200Gy) without, on or 3days off carbimazole. Patients were clinically (Crooks-Wayne score) and biochemically (T3, fT4, TSH) followed up after 3, 6 and 12months. Primary endpoint was outcome 12months after radioiodine therapy. Results: A total of 207 patients completed follow-up (toxic nodular goitre, n=117; Graves' disease, n=90). The overall success rate was 71.5%. Patients without and 3days off carbimazole had similar biochemical (81.4% and 83.3%, respectively; p=0.82) and clinical outcomes [median (range) Crooks-Wayne score 0 (0-16) and 1 (0-10), respectively; p=0.73], which were both higher than in patients on carbimazole [42.6%, p<0.001; Crooks-Wayne score 3 (0-30), p<0.03]. Time to achieve cure was delayed on carbimazole. No changes in thyroid hormone levels occurred after 3days' discontinuation of carbimazole. Logistic regression revealed that all observed cure rates were independent of entity, sex, age, thyroid volume, radioiodine uptake, radioiodine half-life, fT4, T3 and TSH. Conclusion: Patients under carbimazole treatment can be referred for radioiodine therapy after withdrawal of carbimazole for only 3days. Three days of carbimazole withdrawal is long enough to restore the success of radioiodine therapy and short enough to avoid the risk of exacerbation of hyperthyroidis

    Tätigkeitsbericht 2009 und 2010 // Landschaftsstation im Kreis Höxter

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    Seit 2005 nutzt die Landschaftsstation die Schriftenreihe, um den interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern einen Einblick in die Arbeit unserer Einrichtung zu gewähren. Aufgrund der späten Drucklegung dieses Heftes ist es möglich, den Bericht für die Jahre 2009 und 2010 zusammenzufassen. Dies haben wir getan, denn so können wir Sie zeitnah über unsere Arbeiten auf dem Laufenden halten

    The value of [18F]FDG-PET in the diagnosis of large-vessel vasculitis and the assessment of activity and extent of disease

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    Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ([18F]FDG-PET) in the diagnosis of large-vessel vasculitis and the assessment of activity and extent of disease. Methods: Twenty-six consecutive patients (21 females, 5 males; median age -years, range 17-86years) with giant cell arteritis or Takayasu's arteritis were examined with [18F]FDG-PET. Follow-up scans were performed in four patients. Twenty-six age- and gender-matched controls (21 females, 5 males; median age 71years, range 17-86years) were included. The severity of large-vessel [18F]FDG uptake was visually graded using a four-point scale. C-reactive protein (CRP) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were measured and correlated with [18F]FDG-PET results by logistic regression. Results: [18F]FDG-PET revealed pathological findings in 18 of 26 patients. Three scans were categorised as grade I, 12 as grade II and 3 as grade III arteritis. Visual grade was significantly correlated with both CRP and ESR levels (p=0.002 and 0.007 respectively; grade I: CRP 4.0mg/l, ESR 6mm/h; grade II: CRP 37mg/l, ESR 46mm/h; grade III: CRP 172mg/l, ESR 90mm/h). Overall sensitivity was 60% (95% CI 40.6-77.3%), specificity 99.8% (95% CI 89.1-100%), positive predictive value 99.7% (95% CI 77-100%), negative predictive value 67.9% (95% CI 49.8-80.9%) and accuracy 78.6% (95% CI 65.6-88.4%). In patients presenting with a CRP <12mg/l or an ESR <12mm/h, logistic regression revealed a sensitivity of less than 50%. In patients with high CRP/ESR levels, sensitivity was 95.5%/80.7%. Conclusion: [18F]FDG-PET is highly effective in assessing the activity and the extent of large-vessel vasculitis. Visual grading was validated as representing the severity of inflammation. Its use is simple and provides high specificity, while high sensitivity is achieved by scanning in the state of active inflammatio

    Methylphenidate for Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Adult Patients With Substance Use Disorders: Good Clinical Practice

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    Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a widespread neurodevelopmental disorder in children and adolescents, persisting into adulthood in a majority of them. ADHD and substance use disorders (SUDs) commonly co-occur in the clinical adult population. The higher-than-normal prevalence rates of SUDs in people with ADHD indicate increased risk for developing SUD. This narrative review deals with the question of whether or not adults with both disorders should be treated with methylphenidate (MPH), addressing specific issues surrounding this form of treatment. MPH is considered as first-line pharmacotherapy for ADHD. However, because of its stimulant-like reinforcing properties, MPH has a significant addictive potential to which persons with SUDs are especially susceptible. Appropriate treatment is therefore complex. Because of concerns about misuse and diversion of MPH medication, clinicians may be reluctant to use MPH to manage ADHD symptoms in these patients. However, it is essential to diagnose and treat ADHD adequately as appropriate therapy reduces the impairments, as well as the risk of developing comorbid disorders and poor treatment response. MPH should not be deprived of these patients because of the risk for misuse, especially as several strategies can be applied to minimize this risk. To conclude, carefully applied guideline-based diagnostics to clarify the potential presence of ADHD as well as a responsible prescription practice in a well-defined therapeutic setting with reliable monitoring of medication intake and regular consultations are essential conditions for a safe and proficient MPH treatment of ADHD in patients with SUD
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