1,299 research outputs found

    New nodules at incidence low-dose CT lung cancer screening

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    Longkanker is met 1,6 miljoen sterfgevallen per jaar wereldwijd de belangrijkste kankergerelateerde doodsoorzaak. Een vroege diagnose is essentieel voor overleving en de 5-jaars overlevingscijfers variĂ«ren van 12 tot 100%, afhankelijk van het stadium van longkanker. Tijdens longkankerscreening met laaggedoseerde computertomografie (CT) ondergaan hoogrisico (ex-)rokers in regelmatige tijdsintervallen een CT scan van de long om te evalueren of een vlekje (“nodule”) op de long te zien is. Deze vorm van screening wordt al toegepast in de Verenigde Staten. In Europa wordt gewacht op de eindresultaten van de Nederlands-Belgische longkanker screeningsstudie (NELSON). Dit proefschrift is gebaseerd op de NELSON-studie en is gericht op nieuwe nodules die tijdens de screeningsrondes ontstaan en niet aanwezig waren tijdens de allereerste CT scan van een deelnemer. Het doel is om goedaardige en kwaadaardige nieuwe nodules zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te onderscheiden om een zo vroeg mogelijke longkanker diagnose mogelijk te maken. In dit proefschrift werd gevonden dat nieuwe nodules regelmatig worden aangetroffen tijdens CT longkankerscreening en dat deze nodules een hoge longkankerkans hebben, zelfs als ze klein zijn. Daarom werd een geoptimaliseerde beslissingsstrategie ontwikkeld, die een vroege detectie van longkanker in nieuwe nodules mogelijk maakt. Het juiste beleid voor nieuw gedetecteerde nodules tijdens een lopend longkankerscreeningsprogramma is de sleutel tot het succes van de screening, aangezien dat uiteindelijk de meeste longkankers zullen worden gevonden in nieuwe nodules

    Mr. and Mrs. Mondale, 20 October 1977

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    Copy printed invitation from Vice President & Mrs. Mondale to dinner honoring Hubert H. Humphrey on 20 October 1977. Attached: RSVP card and envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_h/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Environmental justice and the SDGs: from synergies to gaps and contradictions

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    Through their synergies, trade-offs, and contradictions, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have the potential to lead to environmental justices and injustices. Yet, environmental justice (EJ), and social justice more broadly, are not currently embedded within the language and spirit of the SDGs. We part from the premise that “many ‘environmental’ problems are, by their very nature, problems of justice” (Lele, Wiley Interdiscip Rev Water 4:e1224, 2017). We review progress in EJ frameworks in recent years, arguing for the need to move beyond a focus on the four principles of mainstream EJ (distribution, procedure, recognition, and capabilities) towards a more intersectional decolonial approach to environmental justice that recognises the indispensability of both humans and non-humans. EJ frameworks, and the SDGs should recognise power dynamics, complex interactions among injustices, and listens to the different ‘senses of justice’ and desires of theorists, activists, and other stakeholder from the Global South. We analyze how EJ frameworks are, or fail to be, incorporated in the SDGs with a focus on the food–water–health nexus (SDG2, 3, 6); climate-energy (SDG7, 13), conservation (SDG14, 15); and poverty and inequality (SDG1, 10). We call attention to the ‘elephant in the room’—the failure to go beyond GDP but instead include economic growth as a goal (SDG8). We argue that sustainable degrowth and intersectional decolonial environmental justices would create better conditions for the transformative changes needed to reach the broader aim of the SDGs: to leave no one behind

    Convergence of gut microbiotas in the adaptive radiations of African cichlid fishes

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    Ecoevolutionary dynamics of the gut microbiota at the macroscale level, that is, in across-species comparisons, are largely driven by ecological variables and host genotype. The repeated explosive radiations of African cichlid fishes in distinct lakes, following a dietary diversification in a context of reduced genetic diversity, provide a natural setup to explore convergence, divergence and repeatability in patterns of microbiota dynamics as a function of the host diet, phylogeny and environment. Here we characterized by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing the gut microbiota of 29 cichlid species from two distinct lakes/radiations (Tanganyika and Barombi Mbo) and across a broad dietary and phylogenetic range. Within each lake, a significant deviation between a carnivorous and herbivorous lifestyle was found. Herbivore species were characterized by an increased bacterial taxonomic and functional diversity and converged in key compositional and functional community aspects. Despite a significant lake effect on the microbiota structure, this process has occurred with remarkable parallels in the two lakes. A metabolic signature most likely explains this trend, as indicated by a significant enrichment in herbivores/omnivores of bacterial taxa and functions associated with fiber degradation and detoxification of plant chemical compounds. Overall, compositional and functional aspects of the gut microbiota individually and altogether validate and predict main cichlid dietary habits, suggesting a fundamental role of gut bacteria in cichlid niche expansion and adaptation

    Trabajo remoto y productividad laboral en los trabajadores de una institución administradora de fondos de aseguramiento en salud, año 2022

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    El presente estudio, nace de la aplicación del trabajo remoto en plena pandemia por covid19, la problemåtica surge al querer indagar si es productividad laboral entre los trabajadores institución administradora de fondos de aseguramiento en salud en el año 2022 fue del todo eficiente y de esta idea se plantea objetivo general comprobar si existe relación entre el trabajo remoto y la productividad laboral. La investigación es tipo båsica, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, diseño transversal y enfoque cuantitativo. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante dos cuestionarios de 22 y 18 preguntas que estån relacionadas con las dos variables de estudio. La muestra utilizada corresponde a 159 trabajadores de la institución. Los valores obtenidos en la confiabilidad de los instrumentos fueron 0.865 para el trabajo remoto y 0.947 para la productividad laboral. Finalmente los datos obtenidos mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado de Pearson entregaron valores menores al 5%, con lo cual se dio por rechazada las hipótesis nulas y tomar las hipótesis alternas como correcta

    Famous Last Words

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    What would your professor have to say at their \u27last lecture\u27? Would they give advice? Would they reminisce? Would they talk about academics? Would they talk about spirituality? Come to the Fairfield University \u27Last Lecture\u27 series and find out. Find out more about your professors. Find out what makes them tick.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1307/thumbnail.jp

    Electronic Health Records and Population Health Research

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    Adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) by clinical practices and hospitals in the US has increased substantially since 2009, and offers opportunities for population health researchers to access rich structured and unstructured clinical data on large, diverse, and geographically distributed populations. However, because EHRs are intended for clinical and administrative use, the data must be curated for effective use in research. We describe EHRs, examine their use in population health research, and compare the strengths and limitations of these applications to traditional epidemiologic methods. To date, EHR data have primarily been used to validate prior findings, to study specific diseases and population subgroups, to examine environmental and social factors and stigmatized conditions, to develop and implement predictive models, and to evaluate natural experiments. Although primary data collection may provide more reliable data and better population retention, EHR-based studies are less expensive and require less time to complete. In addition, large patient samples that can be readily identified from EHR data enable researchers to evaluate simultaneously multiple risk factors and/or outcomes while maintaining study power. In addition to current advantages, improved capture of social, behavioral, environmental, and genetic data, and use of natural language processing, clinical biobanks, and personal sensing via smartphone should further enable EHR researchers to understand complex diseases with multifactorial etiologies. Integrating emerging technologies with clinical care could lead to innovative approaches to precision public health, reduce health care spending on individuals, and directly improve population health

    Squeezing Kappa (Îș) out of the transportable array: A strategy for using bandlimited data in regions of sparse seismicity

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    The Îș parameter (Anderson and Hough, 1984), and namely its site-specific component (Îș0), is important for predicting and simulating high-frequency ground motion. We develop a framework for estimating Îș0 and addressing uncertainties under the challenging conditions often imposed in practice: 1. Low seismicity (limited, poor-quality, distant records); 2. Limited-bandwidth data from the Transportable Array (maximum usable frequency 16 Hz); 3. Low magnitudes (ML1.2-3.4) and large uncertainty in stress drop (corner frequency). We cannot resolve stress drop within the bandwidth, so we propose an approach that only requires upper and lower bounds on its regional values to estimate Îș0. To address uncertainties, we combine three measurement approaches (acceleration spectrum slope, AS; displacement spectrum slope, DS; broadband spectral fit, BB). We also examine the effect of crustal amplification, and find that neglecting it can affect Îș0 by up to 35%. DS estimates greatly exceed AS estimates. We propose a reason behind this bias, related to the residual effect of the corner frequency on ÎșAS and ÎșDS. For our region, we estimate a frequency-independent mean S-wave Q of 900±300 at 9-16 Hz, and an ensemble mean Îș0 over all sites of 0.033±0.014 s. This value is similar to the native Îș0 of the NGA-West2 ground motion prediction equations, indicating that these do not need to be adjusted for Îș0 for use in Southern Arizona. We find that stress drop values in this region may be higher compared to estimates of previous studies, possibly due to trade-offs between stress drop and Îș0. For this dataset, the within-approach uncertainty is much larger than the between-approach uncertainty, and it cannot be reduced if the data quality is not improved. The challenges discussed here will be relevant in studies of Îș for other regions with band-limited data, e.g., any region where data come primarily from the TA
