979 research outputs found

    Sagittarius Tidal Debris 90 kpc from the Galactic Center

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    A new overdensity of A-colored stars in distant parts of the Milky Way's stellar halo, at a dereddened SDSS magnitude of g_0 = 20.3, is presented. Identification of associated variable RR Lyrae candidates supports the claim that these are blue horizontal branch stars. The inferred distance of these stars from the Galactic center is 90 kpc, assuming the absolute magnitude of these stars is M_g_0 = 0.7 and that the Sun is 8.5 kpc from the Galactic center. The new tidal debris is within 10 kpc of same plane as other confirmed tidal debris from the disruption of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, and could be associated with the trailing tidal arm. Distances to the Sagittarius stream estimated from M stars are about 13% smaller than our inferred distances. The tidal debris has a width of at least 10 degrees, and is traced for more than 20 degrees across the sky. The globular cluster NGC 2419 is located within the detected tidal debris, and may also have once been associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.Comment: 4 figures, ApJL in pres

    A Rapidly Moving Shell in the Orion Nebula

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    A well-resolved elliptical shell in the inner Orion Nebula has been investigated by monochromatic imaging plus high- and low-resolution spectroscopy. We find that it is of low ionization and the two bright ends are moving at -39 and -49 km/s with respect to OMC-1. There is no central object, even in the infrared J bandpass although H2 emission indicates a possible association with the nearby very young pre-main-sequence star J&W 352, which is one of the youngest pre-main-sequence stars in the inner Orion Nebula. Many of the characteristics of this object (low ionization, blue shift) are like those of the Herbig-Haro objects, although the symmetric form would make it an unusual member of that class

    Strip intercropping systems

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    Economic, environmental, and biological concerns prompt the search for alternative, sustainable, agricultural production systems. Farmers need cropping systems that reduce negative impacts on the environment while maintaining or even improving farm profitabilit

    Dynamical Confirmation of SDSS Weak Lensing Scaling Laws

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    Galaxy masses can be estimated by a variety of methods; each applicable in different circumstances, and each suffering from different systematic uncertainties. Confirmation of results obtained by one technique with analysis by another is particularly important. Recent SDSS weak lensing measurements of the projected-mass correlation function reveal a linear relation between galaxy luminosities and the depth of their dark matter halos (measured on 260 \hinv kpc scales). In this work we use an entirely independent dynamical method to confirm these results. We begin by assembling a sample of 618 relatively isolated host galaxies, surrounded by a total of 1225 substantially fainter satellites. We observe the mean dynamical effect of these hosts on the motions of their satellites by assembling velocity difference histograms. Dividing the sample by host properties, we find significant variations in satellite velocity dispersion with host luminosity. We quantify these variations using a simple dynamical model, measuring \mtsd a dynamical mass within 260 \hinv kpc. The appropriateness of this mass reconstruction is checked by conducting a similar analysis within an N-body simulation. Comparison between the dynamical and lensing mass-to-light scalings shows reasonable agreement, providing some quantitative confirmation for the lensing results.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Human intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle cells are potent producers of IL-6.

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    BACKGROUND: Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a pluripotent cytokine, has traditionally been considered the product of proinflammatory cells. However, many other cell types have been shown to produce IL-6. Since intestinal inflammation is commonly associated with a vigorous systemic inflammatory response, we hypothesized that intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle cells might contribute to that response by producing IL-6. We therefore studied the capacity of differentiated human intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle cell lines to produce IL-6 in response to various proinflammatory stimuli. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CCL-241, a human intestinal epithelial cell line, and HISM, a human intestinal muscle cell line, were grown to confluency and then treated for 24 h with various concentrations of lipopolysaccharide, Clostridium difficile culture extract containing both toxin A and toxin B, recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), or recombinant human interleukin-1 beta (IL-1beta). Supernatants were then collected for IL-6 determination using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cell numbers were determined using a Coulter counter. For comparison, parallel studies were performed using phorbol ester-primed U-937 and THP-1 human macrophage cell lines. RESULTS: Both human intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle cells produced IL-6 under basal conditions. In HISM cells, but not in CCL-241 cells, IL-6 release was increased slightly by treatment with C. difficile culture extract containing both toxin A and toxin B and with lipopolysaccharide. In both cell lines, IL-6 production was profoundly stimulated by treatment with IL-1beta and less so with TNF-alpha. Combinations of high-dose TNF-alpha and IL-1beta may have a slightly additive, but not synergistic, effect on IL-6 release. The amount of IL-6 produced by IL-1-stimulated intestinal cell lines was 70-fold higher than that produced by stimulated macrophage cell lines. CONCLUSIONS; Both intestinal epithelial and smooth muscle cells demonstrate the ability to release significant amounts of IL-6. The profound response to IL-1beta and TNF-alpha stimulation by both cell lines suggests that human intestinal parenchymal cells, influenced by paracrine mediators liberated from proinflammatory cells, might significantly contribute to the overall systemic inflammatory response by producing IL-6

    Sequence harmony: detecting functional specificity from alignments

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    Multiple sequence alignments are often used for the identification of key specificity-determining residues within protein families. We present a web server implementation of the Sequence Harmony (SH) method previously introduced. SH accurately detects subfamily specific positions from a multiple alignment by scoring compositional differences between subfamilies, without imposing conservation. The SH web server allows a quick selection of subtype specific sites from a multiple alignment given a subfamily grouping. In addition, it allows the predicted sites to be directly mapped onto a protein structure and displayed. We demonstrate the use of the SH server using the family of plant mitochondrial alternative oxidases (AOX). In addition, we illustrate the usefulness of combining sequence and structural information by showing that the predicted sites are clustered into a few distinct regions in an AOX homology model. The SH web server can be accessed at www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/seqharmwww

    Sequence harmony: detecting functional specificity from alignments

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    Multiple sequence alignments are often used for the identification of key specificity-determining residues within protein families. We present a web server implementation of the Sequence Harmony (SH) method previously introduced. SH accurately detects subfamily specific positions from a multiple alignment by scoring compositional differences between subfamilies, without imposing conservation. The SH web server allows a quick selection of subtype specific sites from a multiple alignment given a subfamily grouping. In addition, it allows the predicted sites to be directly mapped onto a protein structure and displayed. We demonstrate the use of the SH server using the family of plant mitochondrial alternative oxidases (AOX). In addition, we illustrate the usefulness of combining sequence and structural information by showing that the predicted sites are clustered into a few distinct regions in an AOX homology model. The SH web server can be accessed at www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/seqharmwww

    Molecular Characterization of Host-Specific Biofilm Formation in a Vertebrate Gut Symbiont

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    Although vertebrates harbor bacterial communities in their gastrointestinal tract whose composition is host-specific, little is known about the mechanisms by which bacterial lineages become selected. The goal of this study was to characterize the ecological processes that mediate host-specificity of the vertebrate gut symbiont Lactobacillus reuteri, and to systematically identify the bacterial factors that are involved. Experiments with monoassociated mice revealed that the ability of L. reuteri to form epithelial biofilms in the mouse forestomach is strictly dependent on the strain’s host origin. To unravel the molecular basis for this host-specific biofilm formation, we applied a combination of transcriptome analysis and comparative genomics and identified eleven genes of L. reuteri 100-23 that were predicted to play a role. We then determined expression and importance of these genes during in vivo biofilm formation in monoassociated mice. This analysis revealed that six of the genes were upregulated in vivo, and that genes encoding for proteins involved in epithelial adherence, specialized protein transport, cell aggregation, environmental sensing, and cell lysis contributed to biofilm formation. Inactivation of a serine-rich surface adhesin with a devoted transport system (the SecA2-SecY2 pathway) completely abrogated biofilm formation, indicating that initial adhesion represented the most significant step in biofilm formation, likely conferring host specificity. In summary, this study established that the epithelial selection of bacterial symbionts in the vertebrate gut can be both specific and highly efficient, resulting in biofilms that are exclusively formed by the coevolved strains, and it allowed insight into the bacterial effectors of this process