2,902 research outputs found

    Evaluating Unsupervised Dutch Word Embeddings as a Linguistic Resource

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    Word embeddings have recently seen a strong increase in interest as a result of strong performance gains on a variety of tasks. However, most of this research also underlined the importance of benchmark datasets, and the difficulty of constructing these for a variety of language-specific tasks. Still, many of the datasets used in these tasks could prove to be fruitful linguistic resources, allowing for unique observations into language use and variability. In this paper we demonstrate the performance of multiple types of embeddings, created with both count and prediction-based architectures on a variety of corpora, in two language-specific tasks: relation evaluation, and dialect identification. For the latter, we compare unsupervised methods with a traditional, hand-crafted dictionary. With this research, we provide the embeddings themselves, the relation evaluation task benchmark for use in further research, and demonstrate how the benchmarked embeddings prove a useful unsupervised linguistic resource, effectively used in a downstream task.Comment: in LREC 201

    Misaligned gas discs around eccentric black-hole binaries and implications for the final-parsec problem

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    We investigate the evolution of low mass (Md /Mb = 0.005) misaligned gaseous discs around eccentric supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries. These are expected to form from randomly oriented accretion events onto a SMBH binary formed in a galaxy merger. When expanding the interaction terms between the binary and a circular ring to quadrupole order and averaging over the binary orbit, we expect four non-precessing disc orientations: aligned or counter-aligned with the binary, or polar orbits around the binary eccentricity vector with either sense of rotation. All other orientations precess around either of these, with the polar precession dominating for high eccentricity. These expectations are borne out by smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of initially misaligned viscous circumbinary discs, resulting in the formation of polar rings around highly eccentric binaries in contrast to the co-planar discs around circular binaries. Moreover, we observe disc tearing and violent interactions between differentially precessing rings in the disc significantly disrupting the disc structure and causing gas to fall onto the binary with little angular momentum. While accretion from a polar disc may not promote SMBH binary coalescence (solving the `final-parsec problem'), ejection of this infalling low-angular momentum material via gravitational slingshot is a possible mechanism to reduce the binary separation. Moreover, this process acts on dynamical rather than viscous time scales, and so is much faster.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Application of pattern recognition techniques to the identification of aerospace acoustic sources

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    A pattern recognition system was developed that successfully recognizes simulated spectra of five different types of transportation noise sources. The system generates hyperplanes during a training stage to separate the classes and correctly classify unknown patterns in classification mode. A feature selector in the system reduces a large number of features to a smaller optimal set, maximizing performance and minimizing computation

    Reflection positivity in higher derivative scalar theories

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    Reflection positivity constitutes an integral prerequisite in the Osterwalder-Schrader reconstruction theorem which relates quantum field theories defined on Euclidean space to their Lorentzian signature counterparts. In this work we rigorously prove the violation of reflection positivity in a large class of free scalar fields with a rational propagator. This covers in particular higher-derivative theories where the propagator admits a partial fraction decomposition as well as degenerate cases including e.g. p^4 -type propagators.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Symbolic model checking of analog/mixed-signal circuits*

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    Journal ArticleAbstract- This paper presents a Boolean based symbolic model checking algorithm for the verification of analog/mixedsignal (AMS) circuits. The systems are modeled in VHDL-AMS, a hardware description language for AMS circuits. The VHDLAMS description is compiled into labeled hybrid Petri nets (LHPNs) in which analog values are modeled as continuous variables that can change at rates in a bounded range and digital values are modeled using Boolean signals. System properties are specified as temporal logic formulas using timed CTL (TCTL). The verification proceeds over the structure of the formula and maps separation predicates to Boolean variables. The state space is thus represented as a Boolean function using a binary decision diagram (BDD) and the verification algorithm relies on the efficient use of BDD operations

    Residential Treatment: A Review of the National Literature

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    Though the evidence base for the effectiveness of residential treatment is still weak, three main components for increasing successful outcomes have emerged in the empirical literature. There is consistent evidence (1) for the need of family involvement in all aspects of treatment, (2) for the centrality of regular contacts between children and their families, and (3) for the importance of aftercare and support to maintain gains made in RT. Insights from families, youth, and professionals converge with these findings. Based on a review of the national literature, this report summarizes current trends, challenges, and knowledge; examines existing efforts to make RT more family-centered; and offers recommendations for best practices.© 2007 State of Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services May be reproduced in original form Prepared under grant No. KAN23373; and contract No. 0702-HCP-0603-07

    Suicide Prevention for Children and Youth: A Review of the National Literature

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    Each year, about 1,600 youth in the U.S. die by their own hands making suicide the third leading cause of death for children and adolescents. This report summarizes current findings about epidemiology, current trends, risk and protective factors, as well as findings about strategies and programs for suicide prevention and intervention. Specifically highlighted are strategies such as awareness and education, gatekeeper training, screening and assessment, hotlines, means restriction, media education, pharmacological treatment, and cognitive-behavioral treatment and skills training.© 2007 State of Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services May be reproduced in original form. Prepared under grant No. KAN23373; and contract No. 0702-HCP-0603-07