519 research outputs found

    The Political Philosophy of Impersonation: A Libertarian Analysis

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    Impersonation is a criminal act; it constitutes invasion and, in some cases, fraud. Although often associated with the term “identity theft,” impersonation is primarily a violation of the rights of the recipient of the communication, rather than that of the person being impersonated, whose rights are only sometimes violated. The present paper is devoted to defending this position. It attempts to overcome the objection that there is no violence necessarily connected to this act, or that the violence is directed toward the person being impersonated instead of the recipient of the impersonating message

    Concert: Ithaca College Jazz Workshop

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    Berufslaufbahnkonzepte: Instrumente zur Weiterentwicklung des Berufsbildungssystems?

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    In diesem Beitrag geht es um Berufslaufbahnkonzepte als Instrument zur Weiterentwicklung des Berufsbildungssystems. Die Autoren zeigen wesentliche Entstehungsbedingungen auf, die für die Formulierung von Berufslaufbahnkonzepten von Bedeutung sind. Dabei werden vor dem Hintergrund von sich verändernden Qualifikationsanforderungen und steigender beruflicher Mobilität insbesondere Entwicklungen bezüglich der abnehmenden Attraktivität des dualen Systems für leistungsstärkere Jugendliche (bzw. der Trend zur Akademisierung) einerseits und die Herausforderung, leistungsschwächere Jugendliche zu intergrieren andererseits, als relevant erachtet. Es folgen eine Verdichtung von Kernelementen bestehender Laufbahnkonzepte zu einem Laufbahnmodell sowie eine Diskussion der Funktionen von Laufbahnkonzepten. (DIPF/Orig.


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    The mechanism by which Bordetella pertussis organisms and their products induce lymphocytosis in mice was analyzed in terms of the localization of syngeneic Cr-51-labeled lymph node cells. Labeled lymphoid cells incubated in vitro with the supernatant of B. pertussis cultures and then injected intravenously into normal recipients, or labeled cells injected into pertussis-treated recipients were unable to "home" to lymphoid organs but persisted for long periods in the blood. In animals "equipped" with a population of Cr-51-labeled lymphoid cells, administration of B. pertussis organisms or culture supernatant effected a shift of radioactivity from lymph nodes and spleen into the peripheral blood, coincident with the lymphocytosis. In in vitro experiments it was found that the active principle could bind to both erythrocytes and lymphocytes and could spontaneously elute from these cells onto labeled lymphocytes which were then unable to home efficiently. The data suggest that Bordetella pertussis-induced lymphocytosis involves a reversible attachment of the pertussis factor onto the surfaces of lymphocytes which prevents their recirculation to lymphoid organs. Recirculating lymphocytes are presumably affected as they emerge from lymphoid organs to enter the blood

    Análisis comparativo de la medición de aciertos en el reconocimiento de voz ante la presencia de ruido blanco usando los dispositivos de “google assistant” y “Alexa

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    En este trabajo se presentó un estudio que tiene por finalidad el análisis y comparación de aciertos entre los asistentes de reconocimiento de voz más utilizados “Google Assistant” y “Alexa” sometidos ante la presencia del ruido blanco, para esto se aplicó un diseño experimental basado en la utilización de los 10 comandos más usados por los usuarios en cada uno de los asistentes virtuales, con estos comandos se procedió a realizar las pruebas tanto con hombres y mujeres a las distancias de 1m, 1.5m y 2m de los dispositivos de reconocimiento de voz; y para cada una de las distancia se emitieron 14 intensidades diferentes de ruido blanco manteniendo siempre la distancia de 0.05m del emisor del ruido al receptor. Los resultados de estas mediciones arrojaron que el dispositivo Alexa tuvo un mejor desempeño al obtener 55% de los aciertos con respecto a Google Assistant que obtuvo un 47% por lo que, se concluye que Alexa en este análisis respecto al ruido blanco es superior al de Google AssistantIn this work, a study was presented whose purpose is the analysis and comparison of successes between the most used voice recognition assistants ""Google Assistant"" and ""Alexa"" subjected to the presence of white noise, for this an experimental design was applied based on the use of the 10 commands most used by users in each of the virtual assistants, with these commands the tests were carried out with both men and women at distances of 1m, 1.5m and 2m from the recognition devices of voice; and for each of the distances, 14 different intensities of white noise were emitted, always maintaining a distance of 0.05m from the noise emitter to the receiver. The results measured showed that the Alexa device had a better performance by obtaining 55% of the correct answers with respect to Google Assistant which obtained 47%, therefore, it is concluded that Alexa in this analysis with respect to white noise is superior to that of Google Assistant.Tesi

    Competencia digital y desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto SISE, Lima, 2021

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    El presente estudio de investigación lleva el título: “Competencia digital y desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto SISE, Lima, 2021”, el cual tuvo como principal objetivo determinar la relación entre la competencia digital y el desarrollo profesional docente en el Instituto SISE, Lima, 2021. La metodología utilizada fue tipo básica, el diseño no experimental, descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. La población censal estuvo conformada por 73 docentes que laboran en el instituto Superior SISE; a quienes se les administraron dos cuestionarios de la siguiente manera, el primero sobre la competencia digital y el segundo enfocado en el desarrollo profesional, ambos cumplieron con los requisitos de validez por juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad cuyos resultados fueron altamente confiables. El método que se utilizó fue el hipotético deductivo, para la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó la prueba Rho Spearman y se realizaron los cálculos estadísticos necesarios mediante las fórmulas de Correlación de Spearman. El resultado obtenido fue que la competencia digital se relaciona con el desarrollo profesional docente, con un nivel de correlación considerable (Rho 0,503 y p-valor 0,000). Por tanto, se demuestra que a mayor competencia digital va existir un alto desarrollo profesional

    The Contribution of Forest Ecosystem Services Toward the Local Community Living Vicinity to The Forest Protected Area: The Case of Kawang Forest Reserve, Sabah Malaysia

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    Kawang Forest Reserve covered an area of 1,551 ha, located in the eastern part of Sabah, Malaysia. The Kawang forest was gazetted as a forest reserve since 1957 and was reclassified in 2014 from Class III (Domestic Forest) to Class I (Protected Forest). The reclassification of the forest area is an effort to preserve the main function of the area to sustain the immense amount of biodiversity of the protected area. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the community perceptions’ on the contributions of Kawang Forest Reserve to support their livelihood. The ecosystem services that are provided by the forest are categorized into three main services namely provisioning, regulating, and cultural services. The study was conducted using structural administered questionnaires in a Likert scale (scale of 1.00 – very low to 5.00 - very high) settings. Local community living vicinity to Kawang Forest Reserve were selected as the research respondents using convenient sampling. A total of 102 respondents were selected from villages located around the forest reserve namely, Tanaki, Mook, Tampasak, Kaiduan, Bisuang and Bolotikon to assess their perceptions on the forest ecosystem services contributing to their livelihood development. The regulating services based on soil fertility and erosion control shows the highest value with an average of 4.58 min score, followed by the provisioning services based on the ‘source for clean water supply & filtration’ sub-services with a min score of 4.48 and cultural services based on ‘provides tourism area (interesting area, climbing, hiking and waterfall’ with an average min score of 4.42. Hence, the conservation of Kawang Forest Reserve is vital to support the welfare of the local community residing within the protected area as well contributing to a more sustainable forest management by the decision makers