32 research outputs found

    A model for drug dispensing service based on the care process in the Brazilian health system

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    Access to medication emphasizes the availability of the product at the expense of providing a service. The goal of this paper is to propose a theoretical model for a drug dispensing service, beginning with a reflection on the current realities of the Unified Health System and drug dispensation in Brazil. A conceptual analytical research made by a methodological course called disciplined imagination was mainly the approach applied to develop the model. The drug dispensing service is part of the care process, which considers access as an attribute; reception, connection and accountability, management, and clinical pharmaceutical aspects as components; and the rational use of drugs as the purpose. The proposed model addresses access to the dispensing service and demands a reorientation of routines, instruments, and practices.O acesso a medicamentos enfatiza a disponibilidade do produto em detrimento da provisão de um serviço. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo teórico para um serviço de dispensação de medicamentos, iniciando com uma reflexão sobre a realidade atual do Sistema Único de Saúde e a dispensação de medicamentos no Brasil. Uma pesquisa analítica conceitual realizada por meio de um percurso metodológico chamado de imaginação disciplinada constituiu a estratégia principal para o desenvolvimento do modelo. O serviço de dispensação é parte do processo de cuidado, o qual considera o acesso como um atributo; os aspectos acolhimento, vínculo e responsabilização, gestão e clínica farmacêutica como componentes e o uso racional de medicamentos como o propósito. O modelo proposto direciona o acesso para o serviço de dispensação e demanda a reorientação de rotinas, instrumentos e práticas

    Constraining fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interaction with noble gases in Australia ore deposits

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    Traditional isotope systems are variably successful at constraining either fluid sources or fluidrock interaction. In contrast, new analyses of multiple noble gas isotopes in fluid inclusions demonstrate that the noble gases can be used to simultaneously constrain both fluid sources and the extent of fluid-rock interaction. This is possible because noble gases are transported by crustal fluids, and they collect in the fluid phase during fluid-rock interaction instead of undergoing isotopic exchange. As a result, fluid-rock interaction produces noble gas mixing arrays that range from the wall-rock composition to the fluid’s original source reservoir. In addition, targeted analysis of discrete fluid inclusion assemblages (e.g. H₂O, CO₂ and CH₄) within a single ore deposit or metamorphic terrane can reveal the nature of fluid-fluid interaction. This is because volatiles with a common origin lie along a single mixing line, whereas volatiles derived independently define discrete mixing arrays. In this talk we concentrate on the isotopes of Ne and Ar, and illustrate the above concepts with data from the U-rich Mary Kathleen Fold Belt, northeast Australia, and the St Ives Goldfield, Western Australia

    Epidote-clinozoisite as a hyperspectral tool in exploration for Archean gold

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    Hyperspectral analysis at seven gold deposits within the eastern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia has revealed significant occurrences of previously unrecognised clinozoisite, and spatial relationships between the distribution of clinozoisite, epidote and gold deposits. Here we report the development of an index to allow the systematic spectral mapping of the epidote-clinozoisite solid solution. The combination of the wavelength position and depth of the 1550 nm absorption was used to characterise the solid-solution series spectrally. The spectral responses from CSIRO HyChips (TM), fitted with an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec-3 spectrometer, and a SisuCHEMA (TM) spectral-imaging camera were calibrated against electron microbe analyses of epidote-clinozoisite. The spectral-imaging camera helped resolve correlations for samples with complex paragenetic histories. Textural studies found genetic links between epidote and Mg-chlorite, and between clinozoisite and Fechlorite, with each mineral combination part of separate, diagnostic hydrothermal assemblages. Spectra from epidote-clinozoisite-dominated veins showed that shifts in the 2250 nm absorption correlate with epidote-clinozoisite composition and not with chlorite composition, and that coexisting amphibole phases have a closer compositional tie than chlorite in the given samples. The genetic affiliation, yet compositional discordance, between coexisting epidote-clinozoisite and chlorite suggests that the compositional spectral index associated with each are wholly independent, but in combination are diagnostic for the mapping of separate hydrothermal assemblages. Of the newly defined compositional relationships, vein-hosted clinozoisite was found to be a proxy for pre-existing structurally-controlled hydrothermal tschermakite. A comparison of spectral and stable isotopic characteristics from diamond drill hole CD5026, St Ives mining camp, shows correlations between the epidote-clinozoisite spectral index and delta(13)C of carbonate and delta(34)S of sulfide. Such correlations imply a redox control on the distribution of clinozoisite and epidote, and mean that the spectral logging of epidote-clinozoisite transitions can serve as a proxy for mapping paleoredox gradients

    Wilson's disease: acute and presymptomatic laboratory diagnosis and monitoring

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    Wilson's disease, the most common inherited disorder of copper metabolism, is a recessive genetic condition. The clinical presentation of Wilson's disease is very variable. It is characterised by low serum copper and caeruloplasmin concentrations coupled with the pathological accumulation of copper in the tissues. However, there are diagnostic difficulties and these are discussed. The current value of DNA diagnosis, both in gene tracking in families or as applied to de novo cases, is examined. Wilson's disease can be treated successfully but treatment must be life long. Patients are best treated by specialist centres with experience and expertise in the condition. Key Words: Wilson's disease • copper • diagnosi

    Mineral system analysis of the Mt Isa–McArthur River region,\ud Northern Australia

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    The Mt Isa–McArthur region is renowned for a range of commodities and deposit types of world-class proportions. The region is described here in the context of a ‘mineral system,’ through consideration of processes that operate across a range of scales, from geodynamics and crustal architecture, to fluid sources, pathways, drivers and depositional processes. The objective is to improve targeting of Pb–Zn, Cu and Cu–Au deposits. Repeated extension and high heat flow characterise much of the history prior to 1640 Ma. The pre-Barramundi Orogeny (pre-1.87 Ga) metamorphic basement was the substrate on which a volcanic arc developed, focussed along the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt Belt. This is related to an inferred east-directed subduction between 1870 and 1850 Ma. From 1755 to 1640 Ma, three successive volcano-sedimentary basins developed, the Leichhardt, Calvert and Isa Superbasins, in an interpreted distal back-arc environment. The Isan Orogeny, from 1640 to 1490 Ma, overlapped with Isa Superbasin sedimentation, suggesting a transition from back-arc to a foreland basin setting. Most crustal thickening occurred in the Eastern Fold Belt, an area earlier characterised by thinned crust and deep marine environments. This region was deformed into nappe-like structures with high-temperature–low-pressure regional metamorphism and associated granites; the latter are absent from the Western Fold Belt. Metal deposition mainly occurred late in the history, with all known (and preserved) major base metal occurrences either hosted by Isa Superbasin rocks or formed during the Isan Orogeny. Earlier superbasins were potential fluid source regions. Sedimentary formation waters, metamorphic and magmatic fluids were present at prospect scale, while meteoric and possibly mantle sources are also implicated. The spatial distribution of metallogenic associations (i.e. iron oxide–copper–gold, Pb–Zn–Ag, U, Au) across the inlier may result from differences in the geodynamic make-up and evolution of the pre-1.87 Ga tectonic elements. Penetrative faults are interpreted as predominantly steeply dipping and to have acted as pathways for fluids, both in extension and compression. Fluid mixing was a potentially significant ore deposit control. Examples are drawn from the Ernest Henry iron oxide–copper–gold-related hydrothermal breccias in the east and from the Mt Isa Copper deposit in the west. Stress switching during late-stage deformation appears to have triggered a fluid mixing event that led to formation of the major copper deposits