25,670 research outputs found

    High frequency sampling of the 1984 spring bloom within the mid-Atlantic Bight: Synoptic shipboard, aircraft, and in situ perspectives of the SEEP-I experiment

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    Moorings of current meters, thermistors, transmissometers, and fluorometers on the mid-Atlantic shelf, south of Long Island, suggest a cumulative seaward export of perhaps 0.35 g C/sq m/day between the 80 and 120 m isobaths during February-April 1984. Such a horizontal loss of algal carbon over the lower third of the water column would be 23 to 78% of the March-April 1984 primary production. This physical carbon loss is similar to daily grazing losses from zooplankton of 32-40% of the algal fixation of carbon. Metabolic demands of the benthos could be met by just the estimated fecal pellet flux, without direct consumption of algal carbon, while bacterioplankton needs could be served by excretory release of dissolved organic matter during photosynthesis. Sediment traps tethered 10 m off the bottom at the 120 m isobath and 50 m above the 500 m isobath caught as much as 0.16 to 0.26 g C /sq m/day during March-April 1984, in reasonable agreement with the flux estimated from the other moored instruments

    A New Superwind Wolf-Rayet Galaxy Mrk 1259

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    We report the discovery of a starburst-driven wind (superwind) from the starburst nucleus galaxy Mrk 1259. The estimated number ratio of Wolf-Rayet (WR) to O stars amounts to ~0.09. While the nuclear emission-line region is due to usual photoionization by massive stars, the circumnuclear emission-line regions show anomalous line ratios that can be due to cooling shocks. Since the host galaxy seems to be a face-on disk galaxy and the excitation conditions of the circumnuclear emission-line regions show the spatial symmetry, we consider that we are seeing the superwind nearly from a pole-on view. Cooling shock models may explain the observed emission line ratios of the circumnuclear regions although a factor of 2 overabundance of nitrogen is necessary. All these suggest that the high-mass enhanced starburst occurred ~5X10^6 years ago in the nuclear region of Mrk 1259.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, 15 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of high temperature heat treatments on the quality factor of a large-grain superconducting radio-frequency niobium cavity

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    Large-grain Nb has become a viable alternative to fine-grain Nb for the fabrication of superconducting radio-frequency cavities. In this contribution we report the results from a heat treatment study of a large-grain 1.5 GHz single-cell cavity made of "medium purity" Nb. The baseline surface preparation prior to heat treatment consisted of standard buffered chemical polishing. The heat treatment in the range 800 - 1400 C was done in a newly designed vacuum induction furnace. Q0 values of the order of 2x1010 at 2.0 K and peak surface magnetic field (Bp) of 90 mT were achieved reproducibly. A Q0-value of (5+-1)1010 at 2.0 K and Bp = 90 mT was obtained after heat treatment at 1400 C. This is the highest value ever reported at this temperature, frequency and field. Samples heat treated with the cavity at 1400 C were analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry, secondary electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, point contact tunneling and X-ray diffraction and revealed a complex surface composition which includes titanium oxide, increased carbon and nitrogen content but reduced hydrogen concentration compared to a non heat-treated sample

    Lattice dynamics and vibrational spectra of the orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic phases of methylammonium lead iodide

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    The hybrid halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 exhibits a complex structural behaviour, with successive transitions between orthorhombic, tetragonal and cubic polymorphs at ca. 165 K and 327 K. Herein we report first-principles lattice dynamics (phonon spectrum) for each phase of CH3NH3PbI3. The equilibrium structures compare well to solutions of temperature-dependent powder neutron diffraction. By following the normal modes we calculate infrared and Raman intensities of the vibrations, and compare them to the measurement of a single crystal where the Raman laser is controlled to avoid degradation of the sample. Despite a clear separation in energy between low frequency modes associated with the inorganic PbI3 network and high-frequency modes of the organic CH3NH3+ cation, significant coupling between them is found, which emphasises the interplay between molecular orientation and the corner-sharing octahedral networks in the structural transformations. Soft modes are found at the boundary of the Brillouin zone of the cubic phase, consistent with displacive instabilities and anharmonicity involving tilting of the PbI6 octahedra around room temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Unraveling the Helix Nebula: Its Structure and Knots

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    Through HST imaging of the inner part of the main-ring of the Helix Nebula together with CTIO 4-m images of the fainter outer parts, we have an unprecedented-quality view of the nearest bright planetary nebula. These images have allowed determination that the main-ring of the nebula is composed of an inner-disk of about 499\arcsec diameter (0.52 pc) surrounded by an outer-ring (in reality a torus) of 742\arcsec diameter (0.77 pc) whose plane is highly inclined to the plane of the disk. This outer-ring is surrounded by an outermost-ring of 1500\arcsec (1.76 pc) diameter which is flattened on the side colliding with the ambient interstellar medium. The inner-disk has an extended distribution of low density gas along its rotational axis of symmetry and the disk is optically thick to ionizing radiation, as is the outer-ring. Published radial velocities of the knots provides support for the two-component structure of the main-ring of the nebula and to the idea that the knots found there are expanding along with the nebular material from which it recently originated. There is a change in the morphology of the knots as a function of the distance from the local ionization front. This supports a scenario in which the knots are formed in or near the ionization front and are then sculpted by the stellar radiation from the central star as the ionization front advances beyond them.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, many figures have reduce fidelity for astroph preprint. Note: URLs in preprint were change

    Inverse-kinematics one-neutron pickup with fast rare-isotope beams

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    New measurements and reaction model calculations are reported for single neutron pickup reactions onto a fast \nuc{22}{Mg} secondary beam at 84 MeV per nucleon. Measurements were made on both carbon and beryllium targets, having very different structures, allowing a first investigation of the likely nature of the pickup reaction mechanism. The measurements involve thick reaction targets and γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy of the projectile-like reaction residue for final-state resolution, that permit experiments with low incident beam rates compared to traditional low-energy transfer reactions. From measured longitudinal momentum distributions we show that the \nuc{12}{C} (\nuc{22}{Mg},\nuc{23}{Mg}+\gamma)X reaction largely proceeds as a direct two-body reaction, the neutron transfer producing bound \nuc{11}{C} target residues. The corresponding reaction on the \nuc{9}{Be} target seems to largely leave the \nuc{8}{Be} residual nucleus unbound at excitation energies high in the continuum. We discuss the possible use of such fast-beam one-neutron pickup reactions to track single-particle strength in exotic nuclei, and also their expected sensitivity to neutron high-\ell (intruder) states which are often direct indicators of shell evolution and the disappearance of magic numbers in the exotic regime.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Galactic Cosmic Ray Origins and OB Associations: Evidence from SuperTIGER Observations of Elements 26_{26}Fe through 40_{40}Zr

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    We report abundances of elements from 26_{26}Fe to 40_{40}Zr in the cosmic radiation measured by the SuperTIGER (Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder) instrument during 55 days of exposure on a long-duration balloon flight over Antarctica. These observations resolve elemental abundances in this charge range with single-element resolution and good statistics. These results support a model of cosmic-ray origin in which the source material consists of a mixture of 196+11^{+11}_{-6}\% material from massive stars and \sim81\% normal interstellar medium (ISM) material with solar system abundances. The results also show a preferential acceleration of refractory elements (found in interstellar dust grains) by a factor of \sim4 over volatile elements (found in interstellar gas) ordered by atomic mass (A). Both the refractory and volatile elements show a mass-dependent enhancement with similar slopes.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Ap

    A multiscale analysis of gene flow for the New England cottontail, an imperiled habitat specialist in a fragmented landscape

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    Landscape features of anthropogenic or natural origin can influence organisms\u27 dispersal patterns and the connectivity of populations. Understanding these relationships is of broad interest in ecology and evolutionary biology and provides key insights for habitat conservation planning at the landscape scale. This knowledge is germane to restoration efforts for the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), an early successional habitat specialist of conservation concern. We evaluated local population structure and measures of genetic diversity of a geographically isolated population of cottontails in the northeastern United States. We also conducted a multiscale landscape genetic analysis, in which we assessed genetic discontinuities relative to the landscape and developed several resistance models to test hypotheses about landscape features that promote or inhibit cottontail dispersal within and across the local populations. Bayesian clustering identified four genetically distinct populations, with very little migration among them, and additional substructure within one of those populations. These populations had private alleles, low genetic diversity, critically low effective population sizes (3.2-36.7), and evidence of recent genetic bottlenecks. Major highways and a river were found to limit cottontail dispersal and to separate populations. The habitat along roadsides, railroad beds, and utility corridors, on the other hand, was found to facilitate cottontail movement among patches. The relative importance of dispersal barriers and facilitators on gene flow varied among populations in relation to landscape composition, demonstrating the complexity and context dependency of factors influencing gene flow and highlighting the importance of replication and scale in landscape genetic studies. Our findings provide information for the design of restoration landscapes for the New England cottontail and also highlight the dual influence of roads, as both barriers and facilitators of dispersal for an early successional habitat specialist in a fragmented landscape

    Chemical Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

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    Spectrophotometry and imaging of the two planetary nebulae He2-436 and Wray16-423, recently discovered to be in the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy, are presented. Wray16-423 is a high excitation planetary nebula (PN) with a hot central star. In contrast He2-436 is a high density PN with a cooler central star and evidence of local dust, the extinction exceeding that for Wray16-423 by E(B-V)=0.28. The extinction to Wray16-423, (E(B-V)=0.14), is consistent with the extinction to the Sagittarius (Sgr) Dwarf. Both PN show Wolf-Rayet features in their spectra, although the lines are weak in Wray16-423. Images in [O III] and H-alpha+[N II], although affected by poor seeing, yield a diameter of 1.2'' for Wray16-423 after deconvolution; He~2-436 was unresolved. He2-436 has a luminosity about twice that of Wray16-423 and its size and high density suggest a younger PN. In order to reconcile the differing luminosity and nebular properties of the two PN with similar age progenitor stars, it is suggested that they are on He burning tracks The abundance pattern is very similar in both nebulae and shows an oxygen depletion of -0.4 dex with respect to the mean O abundance of Galactic PN and [O/H] = -0.6. The Sgr PN progenitor stars are representative of the higher metallicity tail of the Sgr population. The pattern of abundance depletion is similar to that in the only other PN in a dwarf galaxy companion of the Milky Way, that in Fornax, for which new spectra are presented. However the abundances are larger than for Galactic halo PN suggesting a later formation age. The O abundance of the Sgr galaxy deduced from its PN, shows similarities with that of dwarf ellipticals around M31, suggesting that this galaxy was a dwarf elliptical before its interaction with the Milky Way.Comment: 24 pages, Latex (aas2pp4.sty) including 5 postscript figures. To appear in Ap

    Beyond a warming fingerprint: individualistic biogeographic responses to heterogeneous climate change in California.

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    Understanding recent biogeographic responses to climate change is fundamental for improving our predictions of likely future responses and guiding conservation planning at both local and global scales. Studies of observed biogeographic responses to 20th century climate change have principally examined effects related to ubiquitous increases in temperature - collectively termed a warming fingerprint. Although the importance of changes in other aspects of climate - particularly precipitation and water availability - is widely acknowledged from a theoretical standpoint and supported by paleontological evidence, we lack a practical understanding of how these changes interact with temperature to drive biogeographic responses. Further complicating matters, differences in life history and ecological attributes may lead species to respond differently to the same changes in climate. Here, we examine whether recent biogeographic patterns across California are consistent with a warming fingerprint. We describe how various components of climate have changed regionally in California during the 20th century and review empirical evidence of biogeographic responses to these changes, particularly elevational range shifts. Many responses to climate change do not appear to be consistent with a warming fingerprint, with downslope shifts in elevation being as common as upslope shifts across a number of taxa and many demographic and community responses being inconsistent with upslope shifts. We identify a number of potential direct and indirect mechanisms for these responses, including the influence of aspects of climate change other than temperature (e.g., the shifting seasonal balance of energy and water availability), differences in each taxon's sensitivity to climate change, trophic interactions, and land-use change. Finally, we highlight the need to move beyond a warming fingerprint in studies of biogeographic responses by considering a more multifaceted view of climate, emphasizing local-scale effects, and including a priori knowledge of relevant natural history for the taxa and regions under study