4,346 research outputs found

    Parametric Oscillation with Squeezed Vacuum Reservoirs

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    Employing the quantum Hamiltonian describing the interaction of two-mode light (signal-idler modes) generated by a nondegenerate parametric oscillator (NDPO) with two uncorrelated squeezed vacuum reservoirs (USVR), we derive the master equation. The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation for the Q-function is then solved employing a propagator method developed in Ref. \cite{1}. Making use of this Q-function, we calculate the quadrature fluctuations of the optical system. From these results we infer that the signal-idler modes are in squeezed states and the squeezing occurs in the first quadrature. When the NDPO operates below threshold we show that, for a large squeezing parameter, a squeezing amounting to a noise suppression approaching 100% below the vacuum level in the first quadrature can be achieved.Comment: 16 page

    Quantum-dot-spin single-photon interface

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    Using background-free detection of spin-state-dependent resonance fluorescence from a single-electron charged quantum dot with an efficiency of 0:1%, we realize a single spin-photon interface where the detection of a scattered photon with 300 picosecond time resolution projects the quantum dot spin to a definite spin eigenstate with fidelity exceeding 99%. The bunching of resonantly scattered photons reveals information about electron spin dynamics. High-fidelity fast spin-state initialization heralded by a single photon enables the realization of quantum information processing tasks such as non-deterministic distant spin entanglement. Given that we could suppress the measurement back-action to well below the natural spin-flip rate, realization of a quantum non-demolition measurement of a single spin could be achieved by increasing the fluorescence collection efficiency by a factor exceeding 20 using a photonic nanostructure

    Influence of External Fields and Environment on the Dynamics of Phase Qubit-Resonator System

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    We analyze the dynamics of a qubit-resonator system coupled with a thermal bath and external electromagnetic fields. Using the evolution equations for the set of Heisenberg operators, that describe the whole system, we derive an expression for the resonator field, accounting for the resonator-drive,-bath, and -qubit interaction. The renormalization of the resonator frequency, caused by the qubit-resonator interaction, is accounted for. Using solutions for the resonator field, we derive the equation describing qubit dynamics. The influence of the qubit evolution during the measurement time on the fidelity of a single-shot measurement is studied. The relation between the fidelity and measurement time is shown explicitly. Also, an expression describing relaxation of the superposition qubit state towards its stationary value is derived. The possibility of controlling this state, by varying the amplitude and frequency of drive, is shown.Comment: 15 page

    Coherent state LOQC gates using simplified diagonal superposition resource states

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    In this paper we explore the possibility of fundamental tests for coherent state optical quantum computing gates [T. C. Ralph, et. al, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{68}, 042319 (2003)] using sophisticated but not unrealistic quantum states. The major resource required in these gates are state diagonal to the basis states. We use the recent observation that a squeezed single photon state (S^(r)1\hat{S}(r) \ket{1}) approximates well an odd superposition of coherent states (αα\ket{\alpha} - \ket{-\alpha}) to address the diagonal resource problem. The approximation only holds for relatively small α\alpha and hence these gates cannot be used in a scaleable scheme. We explore the effects on fidelities and probabilities in teleportation and a rotated Hadamard gate.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Hierarchy of integrable Hamiltonians describing of nonlinear n-wave interaction

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    In the paper we construct an hierarchy of integrable Hamiltonian systems which describe the variation of n-wave envelopes in nonlinear dielectric medium. The exact solutions for some special Hamiltonians are given in terms of elliptic functions of the first kind.Comment: 17 page

    Outcoupling from a Bose-Einstein condensate with squeezed light to produce entangled atom laser beams

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    We examine the properties of an atom laser produced by outcoupling from a Bose-Einstein condensate with squeezed light. We model the multimode dynamics of the output field and show that a significant amount of squeezing can be transfered from an optical mode to a propagating atom laser beam. We use this to demonstrate that two-mode squeezing can be used to produce twin atom laser beams with continuous variable entanglement in amplitude and phase.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Measuring photon-photon interactions via photon detection

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    The strong non-linearity plays a significant role in physics, particularly, in designing novel quantum sources of light and matter as well as in quantum chemistry or quantum biology. In simple systems, the photon-photon interaction can be determined analytically. However, it becomes challenging to obtain it for more compex systems. Therefore, we show here how to measure strong non-linearities via allowing the sample to interact with a weakly pumped quantized leaking optical mode. We found that the detected mean-photon number versus pump-field frequency shows several peaks. Interestingly, the interval between neighbour peaks equals the photon-photon interaction potential. Furthermore, the system exhibits sub-Poissonian photon statistics, entanglement and photon switching with less than one photon. Finally, we connect our study with existing related experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum dynamics in single spin measurement

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a model for the single-spin measurement in magnetic-resonance force microscopy. We consider an oscillating driven cantilever coupled with the magnetic moment of the sample. Then, the cantilever is damped through an external bath and its readout is provided by a radiation field. Conditions for reliable measurements will be discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Synchronization of many nano-mechanical resonators coupled via a common cavity field

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    Using amplitude equations, we show that groups of identical nano-mechanical resonators, interacting with a common mode of a cavity microwave field, synchronize to form a single mechanical mode which couples to the cavity with a strength dependent on the square sum of the individual mechanical-microwave couplings. Classically this system is dominated by periodic behaviour which, when analyzed using amplitude equations, can be shown to exhibit multi-stability. In contrast groups of sufficiently dissimilar nano-mechanical oscillators may lose synchronization and oscillate out of phase at significantly higher amplitudes. Further the method by which synchronization is lost resembles that for large amplitude forcing which is not of the Kuramoto form.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure