48 research outputs found

    Software-Entwicklung durch schrittweise Komplettierung

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    Die Arbeit beschreibt die Software-Entwicklung durch schrittweise Komplettierung. Darin sind die Prinzipien der traditionellen Programmentwicklung nach einem Phasenplan mit dem Prototyp-Ansatz verbunden. Auf diese Weise bleiben die Vorteile beider Ansätze erhalten. Das Vorgehen erfordert starke Unterstützung durch die Software-Entwicklungsdatenbank. Diese Datenbank wird gegenwärtig in unserer Gruppe realisiert

    Gamification Risks to Enterprise Teamwork: Taxonomy, Management Strategies and Modalities of Application

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    Gamification corresponds to the use of game elements to encourage certain attitudes and behaviours in a serious context. When applied to enterprise teamwork, gamification can lead to negative side-effects which compromise its benefits. For example, applying competitive elements such as leaderboard may lead to clustering amongst team members and encourage adverse work ethics such as intimidation and pressure. Despite the recognition of the problem in the literature, the research on concretising such gamification risks is scarce. There is also a lack of methods to identify gamification risks and their management strategies. In this paper, we conduct a multi-stage qualitative research and develop taxonomy of risks, risk factors and risk management strategies. We also identify the modalities of application of these strategies, including who should be involved and how. Finally, we provide a checklist to help the risk identification process as a first step towards a comprehensive method for eliciting and managing gamification risks to teamwork within enterprises

    The Role of Chest Compressions on Ventilation during Advanced Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

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    There is growing interest in the quality of manual ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but accurate assessment of ventilation parameters remains a challenge. Waveform capnography is currently the reference for monitoring ventilation rate in intubated patients, but fails to provide information on tidal volumes and inspiration–expiration timing. Moreover, the capnogram is often distorted when chest compressions (CCs) are performed during ventilation compromising its reliability during CPR. Our main purpose was to characterize manual ventilation during CPR and to assess how CCs may impact on ventilation quality. Methods: Retrospective analysis were performed of CPR recordings fromtwo databases of adult patients in cardiac arrest including capnogram, compression depth, and airway flow, pressure and volume signals. Using automated signal processing techniques followed by manual revision, individual ventilations were identified and ventilation parameters were measured. Oscillations on the capnogram plateau during CCs were characterized, and its correlation with compression depth and airway volume was assessed. Finally, we identified events of reversed airflow caused by CCs and their effect on volume and capnogram waveform. Results: Ventilation rates were higher than the recommended 10 breaths/min in 66.7% of the cases. Variability in ventilation rates correlated with the variability in tidal volumes and other ventilatory parameters. Oscillations caused by CCs on capnograms were of high amplitude (median above 74%) and were associated with low pseudo-volumes (median 26 mL). Correlation between the amplitude of those oscillations with either the CCs depth or the generated passive volumes was low, with correlation coefficients of −0.24 and 0.40, respectively. During inspiration and expiration, reversed airflow events caused opposed movement of gases in 80% of ventilations. Conclusions: Our study confirmed lack of adherence between measured ventilation rates and the guideline recommendations, and a substantial dispersion in manual ventilation parameters during CPR. Oscillations on the capnogram plateau caused by CCs did not correlate with compression depth or associated small tidal volumes. CCs caused reversed flow during inspiration, expiration and in the interval between ventilations, sufficient to generate volume changes and causing oscillations on capnogram. Further research is warranted to assess the impact of these findings on ventilation quality during CPR.This research was funded by the grant PID2021-126021OB-I00 by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, and by the grant IT1590-22 by the Basque Government. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    SMYD2 targets RIPK1 and restricts TNF-induced apoptosis and necroptosis to support colon tumor growth

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    SMYD2 is a histone methyltransferase, which methylates both histone H3K4 as well as a number of non-histone proteins. Dysregulation of SMYD2 has been associated with several diseases including cancer. In the present study, we investigated whether and how SMYD2 might contribute to colorectal cancer. Increased expression levels of SMYD2 were detected in human and murine colon tumor tissues compared to tumor-free tissues. SMYD2 deficiency in colonic tumor cells strongly decreased tumor growth in two independent experimental cancer models. On a molecular level, SMYD2 deficiency sensitized colonic tumor cells to TNF-induced apoptosis and necroptosis without affecting cell proliferation. Moreover, we found that SMYD2 targeted RIPK1 and inhibited the phosphorylation of RIPK1. Finally, in a translational approach, pharmacological inhibition of SMYD2 attenuated colonic tumor growth. Collectively, our data show that SMYD2 is crucial for colon tumor growth and inhibits TNF-induced apoptosis and necroptosis

    Computerunterstützte Rekonstruktion des Leopoldstädter Tempels

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    Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit umfasst die computergestützte Rekonstruktion des von Architekt Ludwig von Förster entworfenen Leopoldstädter Tempels in der Tempelgasse im 2. Wiener Gemeindebezirk, welcher in der sog. Reichskristallnacht 1938 der Zerstörung anheim fiel. Die zur Anwendung gelangende virtuelle Rekonstruktionen basiert auf archivierten Plänen und Zeichnungen und trachtet danach, einen umfänglichen räumlichen Eindruck dieses Bauwerkes in Form visualisierter räumlicher Einblicke als auch in Gestalt umfänglicher 2D-Planunterlagen zu ermöglichen.8

    Sexarbeit als Herausforderung für die Soziale Arbeit: Die Bedeutung von Diskursen, Gesetzgebung und professioneller Haltung

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    Das gesellschaftliche Bild der Sexarbeit ist von medialer Berichterstattung und aus Stigmatisierung geborenen Vorurteilen geprägt. Nur selten wird sachlich oder gar wissenschaftlich diskutiert – nicht zuletzt, da unvoreingenommene Forschung auf diesem Gebiet einen großen Seltenheitswert besitzt. Davon bleibt auch die Soziale Arbeit nicht unberührt. Die vorliegende Arbeit wagt den Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme und richtet ihren Blick auf die aktuellen Diskurse, Positionen, Formen, Gesetzeslagen und Beratungsangebote rund um Sexarbeit in Deutschland. Sie kommt unter anderem zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein professionelles Handeln nur mit ausreichender Forschung und stetiger Selbstreflexion unabhängig von herrschenden Diskursen gewährleistet werden kann und bietet somit nicht nur einen Überblick über den Status Quo, sondern dient auch als Orientierung und Wegweiser für die Soziale Arbeit und ihren zukünftigen Umgang mit den daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen.Society‘s view on sex work is widely influenced by media reports and prejudices born from stigmatization. Discussions are rarely held objectively or based on scientific facts – mostly because unbiased research on this subject is rare. This also affects social work. This paper hazards a try to overview and shines a light on current discourses, positions,forms, legislation and offers on advisory services around sex work. It reaches the conclusion amongst other things that professional action can only be ensured with sufficient scientific research and constant self reflection regardless of dominant discourses. Hence it offers not only an overview of status quo, but functions as an orientation and direction sign for social work and its future handling with the results from this

    Adapting Classical Restoration Concepts in Moving Image Restoration and the Role of Digital Techniques

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    Ethical and aesthetic guidelines in the field of moving image restoration have been adapted from classical restoration theory. Focusing on film but valid for moving images in general, the article provides definitions of relevant terms and discusses ethical criteria for restoration and their adaptability for moving images. Mainly the claim for authenticity in restoration opens a wide field of discussion, starting from the question about what is authentic about film. The perception of moving images and the components their aesthetic value is build upon have a great impact on restoration interventions. Digital restoration tools and digitization have gained importance during the last years. While providing a wide field of new solutions, their seemingly endless range of possibilities has lead to a revival of the discussion about ethical and aesthetic aspects in moving image restoration