161 research outputs found

    Oregon Nonprofit Sector Report

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    Based on survey data, provides an overview of Oregon's nonprofit organizations; their employees; financial health; organizational capacity, including collaboration; advocacy and public policy activities; economic and social impact; and future outlook

    Computing Hive Plots: A Combinatorial Framework

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    Hive plots are a graph visualization style placing vertices on a set of radial axes emanating from a common center and drawing edges as smooth curves connecting their respective endpoints. In previous work on hive plots, assignment to an axis and vertex positions on each axis were determined based on selected vertex attributes and the order of axes was prespecified. Here, we present a new framework focusing on combinatorial aspects of these drawings to extend the original hive plot idea and optimize visual properties such as the total edge length and the number of edge crossings in the resulting hive plots. Our framework comprises three steps: (1) partition the vertices into multiple groups, each corresponding to an axis of the hive plot; (2) optimize the cyclic axis order to bring more strongly connected groups near each other; (3) optimize the vertex ordering on each axis to minimize edge crossings. Each of the three steps is related to a well-studied, but NP-complete computational problem. We combine and adapt suitable algorithmic approaches, implement them as an instantiation of our framework and show in a case study how it can be applied in a practical setting. Furthermore, we conduct computational experiments to gain further insights regarding algorithmic choices of the framework. The code of the implementation and a prototype web application can be found on OSF.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023

    LinSets.zip: Compressing Linear Set Diagrams

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    Linear diagrams are used to visualize set systems by depicting set memberships as horizontal line segments in a matrix, where each set is represented as a row and each element as a column. Each such line segment of a set is shown in a contiguous horizontal range of cells of the matrix indicating that the corresponding elements in the columns belong to the set. As each set occupies its own row in the matrix, the total height of the resulting visualization is as large as the number of sets in the instance. Such a linear diagram can be visually sparse and intersecting sets containing the same element might be represented by distant rows. To alleviate such undesirable effects, we present LinSets.zip, a new approach that achieves a more space-efficient representation of linear diagrams. First, we minimize the total number of gaps in the horizontal segments by reordering columns, a criterion that has been shown to increase readability in linear diagrams. The main difference of LinSets.zip to linear diagrams is that multiple non-intersecting sets can be positioned in the same row of the matrix. Furthermore, we present several different rendering variations for a matrix-based representation that utilize the proposed row compression. We implemented the different steps of our approach in a visualization pipeline using integer-linear programming, and suitable heuristics aiming at sufficiently fast computations in practice. We conducted both a quantitative evaluation and a small-scale user experiment to compare the effects of compressing linear diagrams.Comment: To be presented at PacificVis 202

    MetroSets: Visualizing Sets as Metro Maps

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    We propose MetroSets, a new, flexible online tool for visualizing set systems using the metro map metaphor. We model a given set system as a hypergraph H=(V,S)\mathcal{H} = (V, \mathcal{S}), consisting of a set VV of vertices and a set S\mathcal{S}, which contains subsets of VV called hyperedges. Our system then computes a metro map representation of H\mathcal{H}, where each hyperedge EE in S\mathcal{S} corresponds to a metro line and each vertex corresponds to a metro station. Vertices that appear in two or more hyperedges are drawn as interchanges in the metro map, connecting the different sets. MetroSets is based on a modular 4-step pipeline which constructs and optimizes a path-based hypergraph support, which is then drawn and schematized using metro map layout algorithms. We propose and implement multiple algorithms for each step of the MetroSet pipeline and provide a functional prototype with \new{easy-to-use preset configurations.} % many real-world datasets. Furthermore, \new{using several real-world datasets}, we perform an extensive quantitative evaluation of the impact of different pipeline stages on desirable properties of the generated maps, such as octolinearity, monotonicity, and edge uniformity.Comment: 19 pages; accepted for IEEE INFOVIS 2020; for associated live system, see http://metrosets.ac.tuwien.ac.a

    Permanencia de compuestos bioactivos de frutos del caqui procesados por dos métodos de conservación, para la formulación de alimentos funcionales

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    Objetivos: El elevado consumo de alimentos ricos en nutrientes críticos, favorece el incremento de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como la diabetes mellitus (DM). La actividad antioxidante compuestos bioactivos presentes en el caqui (Diospyros kaki L), mejoran el control metabólico de la glucosa. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: Analizar la presencia de determinados compuestos del caqui, vinculados con efectos antiinflamatorios y su permanencia en el tiempo en caquis frescos y procesados por dos métodos: APH (altas presiones hidrostáticas) y liofilización. Formular productos alimenticios utilizando el caqui que preservó mayor cantidad de compuestos bioactivos

    Teaching vocabulary to adolescents with language disorder: perspectives from teachers and speech and language therapists

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    Children with language disorder frequently experience difficulties with vocabulary acquisition, and these difficulties often persist into adolescence. The literature indicates that clinical studies tend to investigate phonological-semantic approaches, whereas educational studies focus on the derivation of meaning within a literacy context. Little is known about whether the practices of Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and teachers reflect these findings from the literature. The current paper reports on a survey which gathered information from SLTs and Mainstream Secondary School Teachers (MSSTs), about their current practice concerning vocabulary support for adolescents, aged 11 – 16, who have language disorder. An online questionnaire was distributed through teaching and speech and language therapy professional networks. The aim of the study was to establish which specific strategies were used in practice by SLTs and MSSTs to teach vocabulary to adolescents with language disorder, and which strategies were the most effective. Responses were obtained from 127 SLTs and 47 MSSTs in the UK. SLTs were more likely than MSSTs to teach phonological awareness and semantic feature analysis as strategies for developing vocabulary skills. Both professions used literacy-related strategies as well as strategies for independent word learning such as the derivation of meaning from morphology and context. Increased joint working and training opportunities would further develop the knowledge and skills of both MSSTs and SLTs, enabling theoretically-grounded and relevant vocabulary support for this group of adolescents

    Traditional medicines and ancestral knowledge. Embrace of the serpent (2015)

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    The film tells an epic journey where the confrontation of two different cultures is observed. In it two stories that occur in different historical times are intermingled. It begins with the meeting of Karamakate, a Cohihuano Indian, with a German anthropologist named Theo who is ill. He asks him to help him find the yakruna, a sacred plant, that grow where his people used to live and which he needs to cure his illness. After some doubts finally the Indian agrees to accompany him. Then the action takes place around 1940, when Karamakate is now an old Indian and has lost some of his memories. He meets Evans, an American ethnobotanist, who tells him that he is looking for the yakruna, a plant he met in a book written by a famous explorer who had been in those lands many years ago. The meeting reminds him of the one that happened approximately 30 years ago, and that still brings him back sad memories. The final scenes show, the decisions that Karamakate and Evans take against several dilemmas: to forgive or continue to distrust, to respect and try to understand the culture of the other or just use it for their benefit, to share the knowledge or let them die in oblivion.</p

    The resilience of weed seedbank regulation by carabid beetles, at continental scales, to alternative prey

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    Carabids are generalist predators that contribute to the agricultural ecosystem service of seedbank regulation via weed seed predation. To facilitate adoption of this ecosystem services by farmers, knowledge of weed seed predation and the resilience of seedbank regulation with co-varying availability of alternative prey is crucial. Using assessments of the seedbank and predation on seed cards in 57 cereal fields across Europe, we demonstrate a regulatory effect on the soil seedbank, at a continental scale, by groups formed of omnivore, seed-eating (granivore+omnivore) and all species of carabids just prior to the crop-harvest. Regulation was associated with a positive relationship between the activity-density of carabids and seed predation, as measured on seed cards. We found that per capita seed consumption on the cards co-varied negatively with the biomass of alternative prey, i.e. Aphididae, Collembola and total alternative prey biomass. Our results underline the importance of weed seedbank regulation by carabids, across geographically significant scales, and indicate that the effectiveness of this biocontrol may depend on the availability of alternative prey that disrupt the weed seed predation