1,520 research outputs found

    Gravitational solution to the Pioneer 10/11 anomaly

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    A fully relativistic modified gravitational theory including a fifth force skew symmetric field is fitted to the Pioneer 10/11 anomalous acceleration. The theory allows for a variation with distance scales of the gravitational constant G, the fifth force skew symmetric field coupling strength omega and the mass of the skew symmetric field mu=1/lambda. A fit to the available anomalous acceleration data for the Pioneer 10/11 spacecraft is obtained for a phenomenological representation of the "running" constants and values of the associated parameters are shown to exist that are consistent with fifth force experimental bounds. The fit to the acceleration data is consistent with all current satellite, laser ranging and observations for the inner planets.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. typo's were corrected at Equations (4) and (12) and a third table including our predictions for the anomalous perihelion advance of the planets was adde

    The Generic, Incommensurate Transition in the two-dimensional Boson Hubbard Model

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    The generic transition in the boson Hubbard model, occurring at an incommensurate chemical potential, is studied in the link-current representation using the recently developed directed geometrical worm algorithm. We find clear evidence for a multi-peak structure in the energy distribution for finite lattices, usually indicative of a first order phase transition. However, this multi-peak structure is shown to disappear in the thermodynamic limit revealing that the true phase transition is second order. These findings cast doubts over the conclusion drawn in a number of previous works considering the relevance of disorder at this transition.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Mean Field Theory of the Localization Transition

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    A mean field theory of the localization transition for bosonic systems is developed. Localization is shown to be sensitive to the distribution of the random site energies. It occurs in the presence of a triangular distribution, but not a uniform one. The inverse participation ratio, the single site Green's function, the superfluid order parameter and the corresponding susceptibility are calculated, and the appropriate exponents determined. All of these quantities indicate the presence of a new phase, which can be identified as the {\it Bose-glass}.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, 2 figures appende

    Longitudinal Current Dissipation in Bose-glass Superconductors

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    A scaling theory of vortex motion in Bose glass superconductors with currents parallel to the common direction of the magnetic field and columnar defects is presented. Above the Bose-glass transition the longitudinal DC resistivity ρ(T)(TTBG)νz\rho_{||}(T)\sim (T-T_{BG})^{\nu' z'} vanishes much faster than the corresponding transverse resistivity ρ(T)(TTBG)ν(z2)\rho_{\perp}(T)\sim (T-T_{BG})^{\nu' (z'-2)}, thus {\it reversing} the usual anisotropy of electrical transport in the normal state of layered superconductors. In the presence of a current J\bf J at an angle θJ\theta_J with the common field and columnar defect axis, the electric field angle θE\theta_E approaches π/2\pi/2 as TTBG+T\rightarrow T_{BG}^+. Scaling also predicts the behavior of penetration depths for the AC currents as TTBGT\rightarrow T_{BG}^-, and implies a {\it jump discontinuity} at TBGT_{BG} in the superfluid density describing transport parallel to the columns.Comment: 5 pages, revte

    Preliminary design study of a baseline MIUS

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    Results of a conceptual design study to establish a baseline design for a modular integrated utility system (MIUS) are presented. The system concept developed a basis for evaluating possible projects to demonstrate an MIUS. For the baseline study, climate conditions for the Washington, D.C., area were used. The baseline design is for a high density apartment complex of 496 dwelling units with a planned full occupancy of approximately 1200 residents. Environmental considerations and regulations for the MIUS installation are discussed. Detailed cost data for the baseline MIUS are given together with those for design and operating variations under climate conditions typified by Las Vegas, Nevada, Houston, Texas, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. In addition, results of an investigation of size variation effects, for 300 and 1000 unit apartment complexes, are presented. Only conceptual aspects of the design are discussed. Results regarding energy savings and costs are intended only as trend information and for use in relative comparisons. Alternate heating, ventilation, and air conditioning concepts are considered in the appendix

    Vortex Flow and Transverse Flux Screening at the Bose Glass Transition

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    We investigate the vortex phase diagram in untwinned YBaCuO single crystals with columnar defects. These randomly distributed defects, produced by heavy ion irradiation, are expected to induce a ``Bose Glass'' phase of localized vortices characterized by a vanishing resistance and a Meissner effect for magnetic fields transverse to the defect axis. We directly observe the transverse Meissner effect using an array of Hall probe magnetometers. As predicted, the Meissner state breaks down at temperatures Ts that decrease linearly with increasing transverse magnetic field. However, Ts falls well below the conventional melting temperature Tm determined by a vanishing resistivity, suggesting an intermediate regime where flux lines are effectively localized even when rotated off the columnar defects.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Critical temperature and the transition from quantum to classical order parameter fluctuations in the three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We present results of extensive quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional (3D) S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet. Finite-size scaling of the spin stiffness and the sublattice magnetization gives the critical temperature Tc/J = 0.946 +/- 0.001. The critical behavior is consistent with the classical 3D Heisenberg universality class, as expected. We discuss the general nature of the transition from quantum mechanical to classical (thermal) order parameter fluctuations at a continuous Tc > 0 phase transition.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex, 4 PostScript figures include

    Non-Universality in Random Matrix Ensembles with Soft Level Confinement

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    Two families of strongly non-Gaussian random matrix ensembles (RME) are considered. They are statistically equivalent to a one-dimensional plasma of particles interacting logarithmically and confined by the potential that has the long-range behavior V(ϵ)ϵαV(\epsilon)\sim |\epsilon|^{\alpha} (0<α<10<\alpha<1), or V(ϵ)ln2ϵV(\epsilon)\sim \ln^{2}|\epsilon|. The direct Monte Carlo simulations on the effective plasma model shows that the spacing distribution function (SDF) in such RME can deviate from that of the classical Gaussian ensembles. For power-law potentials, this deviation is seen only near the origin ϵ0\epsilon\sim 0, while for the double-logarithmic potential the SDF shows the cross-over from the Wigner-Dyson to Poisson behavior in the bulk of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 3 postscript figures appended, ICTP/9/94/ckw.