149 research outputs found

    Enabling Product-Service System Development Using Creative Workshops: Experience from Industry Cases

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    Manufacturing industries are undergoing a transition from the manufacturing of products towards the integration of services and providing Product-Service Systems (PSS). When buying a new car today for example, you do not only get the hard product of a vehicle but you can receive several offers that enhances the value of the car such as software products, service deals, insurance packages and applications, making the car not only a product, but a product-service system. PSS delivers more customized solutions since it puts more focus on the use and functionality of the product, rather than the actual product itself. PSS can therefore be said to respond more appropriately to the demands of today than existing systems of mass production. To deliver solutions rather than products changes the perspective within product development since it is the function of the product that is sold rather than the technical dimensions of it. The product is delivered in a package together with software and services, which also needs to be considered during the development of the product. In the aerospace industry the increasing service integration can be exemplified with TotalCare® offers by Rolls Royce, where airlines pay for services in a package together with the product. There is an extended value in offering commitment and availability compared to the sale and purchase of a traditional product. However, the industry still focuses on the traditional product concepts where e.g. lifecycle services such as supply of spare parts, repairs and maintenance are additional. The aim with this research is to support the transition towards development of PSS in industry. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to contribute to understanding of the challenges companies face in such transition, and to test methods that could support the teams responsible for developing PSS. Creative workshops are an example of such a methodology and therefore the research question for this paper is: How can PSS development be supported by creative workshop methods? In this paper a number of creative methods were selected for testing since they were found to respond to the challenges of developing PSS. The selected methods have then been tested in two actual industrial cases, with teams working on PSS issues at present. The first case is a business-to-business (B2B) company in the aerospace industry and the second is a business-to-consumer (B2C) company in the automotive industry

    Enabling organizational changes for development of product-service system offers

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    The manufacturing industry is going through a transition from developing of products to the provision of product-service systems (PSS). Earlier research has identified different types of PSS offers, from product offers that include services as “add-on”, to the sale of services that include tangible goods as “add-on”. This paper addresses what consequences this has on manufacturing organizations undergoing PSS transition. The purpose of the paper is to clarify key success factors for organizational changes needed in the transition process of developing different types of PSS offers. The results are based on a case study of a manufacturer in the aerospace domain; the analysis approached organizational changes from organizational theory perspective. The study identified four key areas that need to be considered in the organizational transformation to PSS development: Business strategy and decision-making, Internal organizational structure, Team composition, and External networks and customer relationship. Based on the analysis of empirical data from these four areas, the paper discusses the successful organizational changes that are required in the transition towards PSS development

    Arbetstillfredsställelse hos röntgensjuksköterskor i Sverige

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    Background: Job satisfaction is a well studied factor within health care but in the field of radiography the research is limited. Aim: The aim was to describe the Swedish radiographers job satisfaction in a national perspective. Method: The study was conducted as a quantitative cross-sectional study using a web questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to 2114 registerd radiographers based on the membership list of the Swedish Association of Health Professionals. Result: 871 (41 %) radiographers responded. The majority of the respondents were satisfied with their career choice and perceived their work stimulating and interesting. Work relations, community and opportunities of development were also positively valued. The lowest estimated area was work load. Conclusion: Highlighting the positive aspects of the Swedish radiographers work and working towards improving the negative parts that appeared in this study could make the profession more attractive and help maintaining the current radiographers which can create a bright future for the radiographers job satisfaction and thereby facilitating a good quality of care

    Modell för hur busstrafi ken ska ordnas i Borgå

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    Joukkoliikenteen järjestämistavat muuttuvat uudistuneen lainsäädännön vuoksi vuodesta 2014 alkaen. Ratkaisun uudesta järjestämistavasta tekee joukkoliikennelain mukainen toimivaltainen viranomainen, joka Porvoon linja-autoliikenteessä on Uudenmaan ELY-keskus. Tämän selvityksen tarkoituksena on valmistella Uudenmaan ELY-keskuksen ratkaisua linja-autoliikenteen järjestämistavasta Porvoon seudulla. Selvityksessä on kuvattu lainsäädännön muutokset sekä millaiset vaihtoehtoiset järjestämistavat ovat mahdollisia. Järjestämistapavaihtoehdot sekä niiden hyvät ja huonot puolet on kuvattu LVM:n Linja-autotyöryhmän työn pohjalta. Vaihtoehdoista on valittu Porvoon seudulle eri liikennealueille parhaiten soveltuvat mallit. Selvityksessä esitetään markkinaehtoista mallia pitkämatkaiseen Helsingistä Porvoon kautta Kaakkois-Suomeen suuntautuvaan sekä Helsingin ja Porvoon väliseen seutuliikenteeseen. Porvoon paikallisliikenne esitetään kilpailutettavaksi alueellisena käyttöoikeussopimuksena. Muu Porvoon sisäinen, lähinnä koululaisliikenne, esitetään järjestettäväksi reittipohjaisen käyttöoikeussopimuksen nojalla. Kustannusvaikutuksia on arvioitu paikallisliikenteen osalta. Arviossa on tuotu lähinnä esiin ne muutostekijät, jotka voivat aiheuttaa muutoksia kustannuksiin. Työn yhteydessä on valmisteltu alueellisen käyttöoikeussopimuksen tarjousasiakirjat, jotka ovat raportin liitteenä. Lisäksi on valmisteltu kunta/ELY -sopimusSätten att ordna kollektivtrafi ken ändras på grund av ny lagstiftning med början 2014. Beslutet om det nya arrangemanget ska fattas av en behörig myndighet enligt kollektivtrafi klagen. I Borgå busstrafi k är denna myndighet ELY-centralen i Nyland. Syftet med denna utredning är att bereda ELY-centralens beslut om hur busstrafi ken ska ordnas i Borgåregionen. I utredningen beskrivs förändringarna i lagstiftningen och vilka alternativa arrangemangen som är möjliga. Alternativen samt deras goda och dåliga sidor beskrivs utgående från arbetet i KM:s Bussarbetsgrupp. Av alternativen har de modeller som bäst passar de olika trafi kområdena i Borgåregionen valts ut. I utredningen presenteras en marknadsbestämd modell för den långväga trafi ken från Helsingfors mot sydöstra Finland via Borgå samt för regiontrafi ken mellan Helsingfors och Borgå. För Borgå lokaltrafi k föreslås ett regionalt koncessionsavtal som konkurrensutsätts. För den övriga interna trafi ken i Borgå, närmast skolskjutsarna, föreslås arrangemang på basis av ett ruttbaserat koncessionsavtal. Kostnadseffekterna har uppskattats för lokaltrafi ken. I uppskattningen har närmast de förändringsfaktorer beaktats som kan orsaka ändrade kostnader. I samband med arbetet utformades de anbudshandlingar för ett regionalt koncessionsavtal som är bifogade rapporten. Dessutom bereddes avtalet kommun/ELY.

    A Polyphonic Story of Urban Densification

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    Urban strategies, representing stories of possible futures, often intervene in already established local communities and therefore call for a considerate urban intervention. This article utilises the ideas of Henri Lefebvre's socially produced space and of literature on stories involved in planning. Our empirical example tells a story of urban densification aspirations for an inner-city neighbourhood in Tampere, Finland. By combining the interviews of local people and planners with policy documents, we argue that planners' stories pay too little attention to the place and to local stories. Planners' abstract visions of the future and local stories building on lived experiences both draw meanings from the same place but have very different intentions. In our case, the consultation of the project started out wrong because the planners neglected a neighbourhood thick in symbolic meanings and the local stories' power in resistance. By understanding the place as polyphonic in its foundation, planners could learn about the symbolic elements and reasons for people's place attachment, and thus end up re-writing the place together. Urban interventions such as urban densification should connect to the place as part of its polyphonic historical continuum and acknowledge the residents' place attachments.Peer reviewe


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    Additive manufacturing has the potential to decrease the climate impact of aviation by providing more light-weight designs. Sustainability is however required to be assessed from a systemic view, including all lifecycle phases, and from a social, ecologic, and economic dimension. This is however challenging in early phase design, where also a large design space need to be explored. A case study is carried out with an aerospace company where two candidate engineering design tools are combined to address this. The integration of these two engineering tools are applied on a Turbine Rear Structure, and shows promising results in enabling a systemic view of sustainability to be integrated and assessed in early phase design space explorations of additive manufactured components. It is recommended that the integration between the two tools is further established and validated

    Kasvatuksen muuttuvat työ- ja toimintaympäristöt : 10 eläytymismenetelmätutkimusta

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    Kasvatusinstituutiot peruskoulusta yliopistoon ovat jatkuvan muutoksen keskiössä. Globaalit ja paikalliset yhteiskunnalliset muutokset, kuten esimerkiksi sosiaalisen median levittäytyminen osaksi arkea tai synnytyssairaaloiden keskittäminen, asettavat ammattilaisille uusia osaamisvaatimuksia sekä eettisiä haasteita. Kokoomateoksen kymmenessä tutkimusartikkelissa tarkastellaan eläytymismenetelmän avulla näiden muuttuvien ympäristöjen vaikutusta niissä toimivien ihmisten arkeen. Tutkimusartikkeleissa käsitellään esimerkiksi oppilaiden näkemyksiä yhteisopettajuudesta, kätilöiden osaamista, rekrytoijien ammattitaitoa sekä seksuaalista häirintää verkossa kohtaavien nuoren toimijuutta. Menetelmällisen painotuksensa ansiosta teosta voi hyödyntää myös eläytymismenetelmän soveltamistapoja kuvaavana oppikirjana. Teos on kolmas osa vuosikirjasarjassa, joka esittelee eläytymismenetelmän käyttöä tutkimusmenetelmänä. Teos osallistuu ajankohtaiseen keskusteluun laadullisen tutkimuksen luotettavuudesta hahmottamalla menetelmän käytettävyyden mahdollisuuksia ja rajoja sen metodologisten erityispiirteiden kautta. Painettu teos on tilattavissa verkkokaupoista (mm. Booky.fi, Suomalainen.com ja Adlibris.com) Sisällys Esipuhe 9 Saaga Härkönen, Johanna Lätti, Anna Rytivaara & Anna Wallin / Johdanto: Eläytymismenetelmä kasvatustieteellisessä tutkimuksessa 13 I Osallisuus ja toimijuus kasvatusinstituutioiden muutoksissa 1 Aino Wihersaari, Anna Rytivaara & Jari Eskola / ”Opettajana koen riittämättömyyttä”. Opettaja kolmiportaisen tuen toteuttajana 27 2 Anna Toriseva, Anna Rytivaara & Jari Eskola / ”Ihan sama onks yks vai kaks opee”. Oppilaiden näkemyksiä hyvästä oppimisympäristöstä yhteisopetuksessa 53 3 Reetta Auvinen, Jenni Helenius & Jari Eskola / ”Jokainen haluaa tuntea kuuluvansa johonkin”. Kahdeksasluokkalaisten oppilaiden käsityksiä osallisuudesta koulussa ja kouluyhteisöön kuulumisesta 79 4 Tanja Kallonen, Tuulikki Ukkonen-Mikkola & Jari Eskola / ”Opetussuunnitelmaan ja sen sisältöihin on vaikea vaikuttaa”. Yliopisto-opiskelijoiden tulkintoja opetussuunnitelman omistajuudesta, osallisuudesta ja osallistumattomuudesta 109 II Uusien toimintaympäristöjen ammatilliset ja eettiset haasteet 5 Anna Nieminen, Armi Kurkikangas & Jari Eskola / Estää, ilmiantaa, heruttaa vai petkuttaa? Nuorten toimijuus verkon seksuaalisessa häirinnässä 145 6 Jussi Hänninen, Laura Pylväs, Anna Wallin & Jari Eskola / Suunnittelemattomat sairaalan ulkopuoliset synnytykset. Tarinoita ensihoitajien ja kätilöiden osaamisesta 177 III Rekrytointiala kasvatustieteilijöiden toimikenttänä 7 Camilla Rahkola, Saaga Härkönen & Jari Eskola / Subjektiivisuus rekrytointihaastattelussa. Rekrytoijien kertomuksia vuorovaikutuksesta 205 8 Noora Silfversten, Saaga Härkönen & Jari Eskola / Rekrytointi riskillä vai varman päälle? 233 9 Emilia Haapajärvi, Saaga Härkönen & Jari Eskola / Onko rekrytoijalla väliä? Rekrytoijan käytöksen merkitys yrityksen työnantajakuvan ja houkuttelevuuden muutoksiin hakuprosessin aikana 263 10 Bettina Klinge, Saaga Härkönen,Johanna Lätti & Jari Eskola / Rekrytoijien näkemyksiä osaamisesta, ammattitaidosta ja muodollisen rekrytointikoulutuksen tarpeellisuudesta 285 IV Yhteenveto Anna Rytivaara, Johanna Lätti, Saaga Härkönen & Anna Wallin / Suuntaviivoja eläytymismenetelmätutkimusten luotettavuuden arviointiin 313 Saaga Härkönen, Johanna Lätti, Anna Rytivaara & Anna Wallin / Eläytymismenetelmä – mahdollisuuksia ja rajoja 337This edited book is the third in a series of yearbooks that introduces the principles and applicability of the method of empathy-based stories. The book presents ten empirical studies which all use this method as a tool for data collection. In addition, the work examines the reliability of the method of empathy-based stories as a method and as part of qualitative research. The research articles in the book provide a current overview of the change in different work and operating environments. These environments include various educational institutions from elementary school to universities, social media, and human resource management. Studies examine the social inclusion, participation and agency of pupils, students, young people, and professionals, as well as the professional and ethical challenges of those working in new environments. The method of empathy-based stories is used to observe, for example, university students’ interpretations of involvement in the curriculum process, pupils' views on co-teaching, different forms of agency of young people who experience sexual harassment online, and the subjectivity of recruiters and the reasons for recruitment choices. Methodologically, the book focuses on the reliability of the method of empathy-based stories and considers the characteristics of the method among qualitative research methods. Reflecting on the research articles, the work discusses what kind of requirements and challenges the method poses for both the researcher and the respondents. The book provides guidelines for evaluating the reliability of the method of empathy-based stories, while participating also in a general discussion of the reliability, potential, and limitations of qualitative research. The book indicates how the method of empathy-based stories can be applied to a wide variety of research in different contexts. The strength of the method is its ability to utilize the respondents' imagination, thus providing the researchers with opportunities to find new perspectives and invent propositions. The book also provides practical examples of how the method can be used in research. Available in print from online bookstores (e.g. Booky.fi, Suomalainen.com and Adlibris.com

    One-Pot 3D Printing of Robust Multimaterial Devices

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    Polymer 3D printing is a broad set of manufacturing methods that permit the fabrication of complex architectures, and, as a result, numerous efforts focus on formulating processible chemistries that produce desirable material behavior in printed parts. However, current resin chemistries typically result in a single fixed set of properties once fully polymerized, a fact that poses significant engineering challenges to obtaining multimaterial devices. As an alternative to single-property materials, we introduce a ternary sequential reaction scheme that exhibits diverse multimaterial properties by profoundly altering the polymer microstructure from within a single resin composition. In this system, the photodosage during 3D printing sets both the shape and extent of conversion for each subsequent reaction. This different polymerization mechanisms of the subsequent stages yield disparate crosslink densities and viscoelastic properties. As a result, our materials possess Young's Moduli spanning over three orders of magnitude (400 kPa < E < 1.6 GPa) with smooth transitions between soft and stiff regions. We successfully pattern a 500x change in modulus in under a millimeter while the sequential assembly of our polymer networks ensures robust interfaces and enhances toughness by 10x compared to the single property materials. Most importantly, the final objects remain stable to UV and thermal aging, a key limitation to applications of previous multimaterial chemistries. We demonstrate the ability to 3D print intricate multimaterial architectures by fabricating a soft, wearable braille display.Comment: 54 pages including supplemental information, 5 main text figure