592 research outputs found

    Subcentimeter depth resolution using a single-photon counting time-of-flight laser ranging system at 1550 nm wavelength

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    We demonstrate subcentimeter depth profiling at a stand off distance of 330m using a time-of-flight approach based on time-correlated single-photon counting. For the first time to our knowledge, the photon-counting time-of-flight technique was demonstrated at a wavelength of 1550nm using a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. The performance achieved suggests that a system using superconducting detectors has the potential for low-light-level and eye-safe operation. The system’s instrumental response was 70ps full width at half-maximum, which meant that 1cm surface-to-surface resolution could be achieved by locating the centroids of each return signal. A depth resolution of 4mm was achieved by employing an optimized signal-processing algorithm based on a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method

    An almost sure limit theorem for super-Brownian motion

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    We establish an almost sure scaling limit theorem for super-Brownian motion on Rd\mathbb{R}^d associated with the semi-linear equation ut=1/2Δu+βu−αu2u_t = {1/2}\Delta u +\beta u-\alpha u^2, where α\alpha and β\beta are positive constants. In this case, the spectral theoretical assumptions that required in Chen et al (2008) are not satisfied. An example is given to show that the main results also hold for some sub-domains in Rd\mathbb{R}^d.Comment: 14 page

    Exact Path-Integral Representations for the TT-Matrix in Nonrelativistic Potential Scattering

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    Several path integral representations for the TT-matrix in nonrelativistic potential scattering are given which produce the complete Born series when expanded to all orders and the eikonal approximation if the quantum fluctuations are suppressed. They are obtained with the help of "phantom" degrees of freedom which take away explicit phases that diverge for asymptotic times. Energy conservation is enforced by imposing a Faddeev-Popov-like constraint in the velocity path integral. An attempt is made to evaluate stochastically the real-time path integral for potential scattering and generalizations to relativistic scattering are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the workshop "Relativistic Description of Two- and Three-Body Systems in Nuclear Physics", ETC*, October 19-23, 2009. v2: typo corrected, matches published version + additional reference

    The Glauber model and the heavy ion reaction cross section

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    We reexamine the Glauber model and calculate the total reaction cross section as a function of energy in the low and intermediate energy range, where many of the corrections in the model, are effective. The most significant effect in this energy range is by the modification of the trajectory due to the Coulomb field. The modification in the trajectory due to nuclear field is also taken into account in a self consistent way. The energy ranges in which particular corrections are effective, are quantified and it is found that when the center of mass energy of the system becomes 30 times the Coulomb barrier, none of the trajectory modification to the Glauber model is really required. The reaction cross sections for light and heavy systems, right from near coulomb barrier to intermediate energies have been calculated. The exact nuclear densities and free nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross sections have been used in the calculations. The center of mass correction which is important for light systems, has also been taken into account. There is an excellent agreement between the calculations with the modified Glauber model and the experimental data. This suggests that the heavy ion reactions in this energy range can be explained by the Glauber model in terms of free NN cross sections without incorporating any medium modification.Comment: RevTeX, 21 pages including 9 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Single Spin Measurement using Single Electron Transistors to Probe Two Electron Systems

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    We present a method for measuring single spins embedded in a solid by probing two electron systems with a single electron transistor (SET). Restrictions imposed by the Pauli Principle on allowed two electron states mean that the spin state of such systems has a profound impact on the orbital states (positions) of the electrons, a parameter which SET's are extremely well suited to measure. We focus on a particular system capable of being fabricated with current technology: a Te double donor in Si adjacent to a Si/SiO2 interface and lying directly beneath the SET island electrode, and we outline a measurement strategy capable of resolving single electron and nuclear spins in this system. We discuss the limitations of the measurement imposed by spin scattering arising from fluctuations emanating from the SET and from lattice phonons. We conclude that measurement of single spins, a necessary requirement for several proposed quantum computer architectures, is feasible in Si using this strategy.Comment: 22 Pages, 8 Figures; revised version contains updated references and small textual changes. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    New directions in island biogeography

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    Aim: Much of our current understanding of ecological and evolutionary processes comes from island research. With the increasing availability of data on distributions and phylogenetic relationships and new analytical approaches to understanding the processes that shape species distributions and interactions, a re-evaluation of this ever-interesting topic is timely. Location: Islands globally. Methods: We start by arguing that the reasons why island research has achieved so much in the past also apply to the future. We then critically assess the current state of island biogeography, focusing on recent changes in emphasis, including research featured in this special issue of Global Ecology and Biogeography. Finally, we suggest promising themes for the future. We cover both ecological and evolutionary topics, although the greater emphasis on island ecology reflects our own backgrounds and interests. Results: Much ecological theory has been directly or indirectly influenced by research on island biotas. Currently, island biogeography is renascent, with research focusing on, among other things, patterns and processes underlying species interaction networks, species coexistence and the assembly of island communities through ecological and evolutionary time. Continuing island research should provide additional insight into biological invasions and other impacts of human activities, functional diversity and ecosystem functioning, extinction and diversification, species pools and more. Deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between island and mainland systems will aid transferability of island theory to continental regions. Main conclusions: As research in biogeography and related fields expands in new directions, islands continue to provide opportunities for developing insights, both as natural laboratories for ecology and evolution and because of the exceptions islands often present to the usual ‘rules’ of ecology. New data collection initiatives are needed on islands world-wide and should be directed towards filling gaps in our knowledge of within-island distributions of species, as well as the functional traits and phylogenetic relationships of island species

    Extragalactic neutrino background from very young pulsars surrounded by supernova envelopes

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    We estimate the extragalactic muon neutrino background which is produced by hadrons injected by very young pulsars at an early phase after supernova explosion. It is assumed that hadrons are accelerated in the pulsar wind zone which is filled with thermal photons captured below the expanding supernova envelope. In collisions with those thermal photons hadrons produce pions which decay into muon neutrinos. At a later time, muon neutrinos are also produced by the hadrons in collisions with matter of the expanding envelope. We show that extragalactic neutrino background predicted by such a model should be detectable by the planned 1 km2^2 neutrino detector if a significant part of pulsars is born with periods shorter than ∼10\sim 10 ms. Since such population of pulsars is postulated by the recent models of production of extremely high energy cosmic rays, detection of neutrinos with predicted fluxes can be used as their observational test.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, A&A style, accepted to A&A Let

    Safety and efficacy of a natural mixture of dolomite plus magnesite and magnesium-phyllosilicates (Fluidol) as feed additive for all animal species

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    The additive, a natural mixture of dolomite plus magnesite and magnesium-phyllosilicates, is intended to be used as a technological additive (functional groups: anticaking agents) in feedingstuffs for all animal species. The additive is safe in complete feed for dairy cows, piglets and pigs for fattening at a maximum concentration of 20,000 mg/kg. No conclusions can be drawn for all the other animal species/categories. The additive is not genotoxic. As the additive is essentially not absorbed from the gut lumen, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed considers that use of the additive in animal nutrition is safe for consumers of food products from animals fed diets containing the additive. The additive is not an irritant to the eyes and the skin, it is not a skin sensitiser and it is of low toxicity by the inhalation route. The components of the additive (dolomite, magnesite, talc and chlorite) are natural constituents of soil. Consequently, the use of the additive in animal nutrition will not pose a risk to the environment. The additive is effective as an anticaking agent at a minimum inclusion level of 5,000 mg/kg feed

    Safety and efficacy of methylester of conjugated linoleic acid (t10,c12 isomer) for pigs for fattening, sows and cows

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    A mixture of methylated conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers (t10,c12 and c9,t11) in equal proportions was not genotoxic and caused no reproductive toxicity. In a sub-acute study in dogs, a sub-chronic toxicity study in rats and a chronic study in dogs, no adverse effects were seen up to the highest levels tested. The maximum recommended feed concentration (5 g CLA (t10,c12)-ME from Lutalin (R)/kg feed for piglets, pigs for fattening and sows) or dose (30 g CLA (t10,c12)-ME from Lutrell (R) Pure/cow per day) is considered safe for target species. The CLA content of milk from cows treated with the highest recommended dose did not exceed background values (in milk of untreated cows) for both CLA isomers. An estimate of consumer exposure to both CLA isomers from food from pigs receiving 3 g of both CLA isomers/kg feed is <= 320 mg CLA isomers/person and day. This quantity corresponds to about 9% of the quantity considered safe for 6 months and is considered unlikely to raise concerns for consumer safety. Exposure of users by inhalation of the additive is likely to be minimal. Neither of the products under application, the liquid or the solid product, was tested as such for skin and eye irritation and skin sensitisation. The use of the additive in animal nutrition would not pose a risk to the environment. In pigs for fattening, CLA (t10,c12)-ME has a potential for improving feed to gain ratio. More consistent effects are a reduction in subcutaneous fat, an increase in intramuscular fat and fat firmness. No essential effects were found in sows. Administration of CLA to dairy cows reduces in a dose-dependent manner the fat content of milk, and milk fat yield. Energy balance in early lactation is improved by CLA (t10,c12)-ME; however, reproductive parameters were not influenced

    Safety and efficacy of lactic acid and calcium lactate when used as technological additives for all animal species

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    This opinion concerns the re-authorisation of lactic acid and calcium lactate for use as preservatives in feed and a new authorisation for lactic acid as a preservative in water for drinking. The maximum level of 50 000 mg lactic acid/kg complete feed and 30 000 mg calcium lactate/kg complete feed are considered safe for functional ruminants and pigs. The maximum safe concentration in water for drinking for pigs can be derived from the maximum safe level in feed (15 000 mg lactic acid/L water). No conclusions on the safety of lactic acid in pre-ruminants and poultry can be drawn. These conclusions cannot be extrapolated to other animal species/categories. The use of lactic acid and calcium lactate as feed additives is safe for the consumer. Lactic acid is considered an irritant to eyes and skin and there is a risk of serious damage to the eyes. Inhalation of the mist causes irritation of the respiratory system. Calcium lactate should be considered an irritant to skin, eyes and the respiratory tract. It is likely that handling the additive will result in the production of respirable dust, which could present a risk to unprotected workers. The use of lactic acid and calcium lactate in animal nutrition would not pose a risk to the environment, provided that the concentrations regarded as safe for the target species are not exceeded. Lactic acid and calcium lactate are used in food as preservatives. It is reasonable to expect that the effect seen in food will be observed in feed when these additives are used at comparable concentrations and under similar conditions. However, the Panel has reservations about the effectiveness of lactic acid and calcium lactate as preservatives in complete feedingstuffs with a typical moisture content of <= 12 %
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