48,076 research outputs found

    Space-time correlations in turbulent flow: A review

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    This paper reviews some of the principal uses, over almost seven decades, of correlations, in both Eulerian and Lagrangian frames of reference, of properties of turbulent flows at variable spatial locations and variable time instants. Commonly called space--time correlations, they have been fundamental to theories and models of turbulence as well as for the analyses of experimental and direct numerical simulation turbulence data.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure


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    Prior to leaving for Claremont Colleges’ Envriolab Asia trip to Malaysia and Singapore, I was conflicted by the question: Do we have the moral authority to interfere with resource extraction and oil-palm development in SE Asia? At that time, the trip seemed imperialistic. Why should people from Malaysia, Indonesia or any developing SE Asia country listen to a group of liberal arts college faculty from a city where widespread habitat modifications have led to significant loss of native habitats, declines in biodiversity, and changes in how these ecosystems function? Many observations transformed my opinion and have inspired me to advocate for transformative environmental and social change both in SE Asia and at home

    Interchange of electronic design through VHDL and EIS

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    The need for both robust and unambiguous electronic designs is a direct requirement of the astonishing growth in design and manufacturing capability during recent years. In order to manage the plethora of designs, and have the design data both interchangeable and interoperable, the Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) program is developing two major standards for the electronic design community. The VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is designed to be the lingua franca for transmission of design data between designers and their environments. The Engineering Information System (EIS) is designed to ease the integration of data betweeen diverse design automation systems. This paper describes the rationale for the necessity for these two standards and how they provide a synergistic expressive capability across the macrocosm of design environments

    Tools for the trade

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    A brief review is given of daily operations in the airline business, with emphasis on the decisions made by pilots and the information used to make those decisions. Various wind shears are discussed as they affect daily operations. The discussion of tools focuses on airborne reactive and predictive systems. The escape maneuver used to fly out of a severe windshear is from a pilot's point of view

    USSR Space Life Sciences Digest, volume 1, no. 3

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    An overview of the developments and direction of the USSR Space Life Sciences Program is given. Highlights of launches, program development, and mission planning are given. Results of ground-based research and space flight studies are summarized. Topics covered include: space medicine and physiology; space biology; and life sciences technology

    Guidelines for the Provision of Garbage Reception Facilities at Ports Under MARPOL Annex V

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    This report offers guidelines for the provision of adequate port reception facilities for vessel-generated garbage under the requirements of Annex V of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 (MARPOL 73/78), Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships. MARPOL Annex V prohibits at-sea disposal of plastic materials from vessels, and specifies the distance from shore at which other materials may be dumped. Annex V also requires the provision of port reception facilities for garbage, but it does not specify these facilities or how they are to be provided. Since the at-sea dumping restrictions apply to all vessels, the reception facility requirement applies to all ports, terminals, and marinas that serve vessels. These guidelines were prepared to assist port owners and operators in meeting their obligation to provide adequate reception facilities for garbage. The report synthesizes available information and draws upon experience from the first years ofimplementation of MARPOL Annex V. (PDF file contains 55 pages.

    Earthing The Spirit: With Mark Wallace

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    An experimental measurement of galactic cosmic radiation dose in conventional aircraft between San Francisco and London compared to theoretical values for conventional and supersonic aircraft

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    These direct measurements are in fair agreement with computations made using a program which considers both basic cosmic ray atmospheric physics and the focusing effect of the earth's magnetic field. These measurements also agree with those made at supersonic jet aircraft altitudes in Rb-57 aircraft. It is concluded that experiments and theory show that the doses received at conventional jet aircraft altitudes are slightly higher than those encountered in supersonic flights at much higher altitudes

    A Community Education and Intervention Program for Level Crossing Risk Management in Australia

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    This project aims to design, implement and evaluate a community road safety program using an intervention and control community methodology. It is a 3-year national project funded by the Cooperative Research Centre for Railway Engineering and Technologies in Australia. With level crossing accidents constituting a significant proportion of death and injury associated with rail operations the need to conduct research in level crossing safety is warranted. To date, there has been little research conducted in Australia that evaluates community road safety programs targeting level crossing safety as well as identifying impediments towards the development of safe level crossing behaviour
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