373 research outputs found

    Grassy Narrows Blockade: Reworking Relationships between Anishnabe and Non-Indigenous Activists at the Grassroots

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    The case example of Grassy Narrows argues that the localized experiences and discourses between Grassy Narrows First Nation ‘blockaders’ and non-Indigenous ‘activists’ reflected constrained and emancipatory practices of transforming various forms of asymmetrical power between them. Both a process and an outcome of negotiated understandings, collaboration and trust delineated by solidarity, the case of the Grassy Narrows First Nation (GNFN) blockade offered examples of grassroots practices for wider social change. In this case study, it was the negotiation from a marginalized position too often accorded the ontologies and epistemologies of one group—in this case, GNFN (Anishnabe peoples)—, and repositioning (privileging) it as the centre point of practice and leadership vis-à-vis another group (non-Indigenous activists). The case example asked what could be learned from a grassroots situation where differently situated parties have different privileges/status at the structural (macro) level but choose to attempt to renegotiate these at the local level. It suggested that transforming of larger social relations of power began at the local level through inverting/disabling unequal past practices and that in doing so, offered a counter point to established relations of power.L’exemple de Grassy Narrows soutient que les expériences et discours localisés des « bloqueurs » de la Première Nation Grassy Narrows et ceux des « activistes » non autochtones se reflétaient dans des pratiques limitées et émancipatrices de transformation des différentes formes de pouvoir asymétrique entre eux. Tant dans le processus que dans les résultats des ententes, de la collaboration et de la confiance négociées et définies par la solidarité, le cas du barrage routier de la Première Nation Grassy Narrows a offert des exemples de pratiques populaires de changement social plus vaste. La présente étude de cas portait sur la négociation d’une position marginalisée accordée trop souvent aux ontologies et épistémologies d’un groupe (en l’espèce, la Première Nation Grassy Narrows – les peuples Anishnabe) à son repositionnement (ou sa préemption) comme point central de la pratique et du leadership par rapport à un autre groupe (des activistes non autochtones). L’exemple de cas s’interrogeait sur les leçons tirées d’une situation où les différentes parties à la base essayent de renégocier, au niveau local, différents privilèges ou statuts qu’elles ont au niveau structurel (macro). Le cas suggère que la transformation des rapports de force sociaux plus vastes a commencé au niveau local par le biais des pratiques inégales d’inversion et d’invalidation dans le passé, ce qui a, par conséquent, apporté un contrepoids aux relations de pouvoir établies

    Which factors increase the risk of an infant becoming an overweight child?

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    Variables that increase the risk of overweight in childhood include formula feeding, high birth weight, high rate of weight gain in the first 4 months of life, low socioeconomic status, and maternal obesity (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, systematic reviews and consistent cohort studies). No single risk factor predicts overweight, and not all infants with risk factors become overweight children

    What should you tell pregnant women about exposure to parvovirus?

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    Tell patients that parvovirus infections before 20 weeks' gestation confer a risk of fetal morbidity and mortality as high as 16%, but don't significantly increase long-term developmental sequelae (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, prospective cohort studies). Parvovirus infection rates are similar in a variety of maternal workplace environments (SOR: A, prospective cohort studies); routinely excluding pregnant women from the workplace is unwarranted (SOR: C, expert opinion). Physicians should order immunologic assays for women who may have been exposed to parvovirus to assess maternal immunity and determine whether evaluation for fetal hydrops is necessary (SOR: C, expert opinion)

    Do patients at high risk of Alzheimer's disease benefit from early treatment?

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    Treating patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease yields statistically significant, though perhaps not clinically significant, improvement in cognition and global function (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, consistent evidence from multiple randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). In a few cases, it may delay loss of function and need for long-term care

    What behavioral interventions are safe and effective for treating obesity?

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    Interventions that include a combination of behavioral and lifestyle modification -- including decreased caloric intake, specific aids to changing diet, increased physical activity, and treatment of binge eating disorders -- have modest benefit with appropriate use (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on multiple randomized controlled trials). Hypnosis can be used as an adjunct to behavioral therapy for weight loss (SOR: A, based on systematic reviews)

    Which tool is most useful in diagnosing bipolar disorder in children?

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    No single, well-validated screening instrument for clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children exists. That said, the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (KSADS), a semi-structured interview, along with clinical evaluation by a childhood mental health specialist, is used most frequently in major research studies (strength of recommendation [SOR]: C)

    How does colonoscopy compare with fecal occult blood testing as a screening tool for colon cancer?

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    No studies have directly compared colonoscopy with fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). Multiple screening trials have demonstrated that a primary strategy of 3-card home FOBT with follow-up colonoscopy for positive results is associated with a significant reduction in mortality from colorectalcancer (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on systematic reviews of randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials). A single negative office-based digital FOBT does not decrease the likelihood of advanced neoplasia (SOR: B, based on a single prospective cohort study). There are no publications of screening trials with colonoscopy, but the odds of dying from colorectal cancer are lower for patients undergoing colonoscopy compared with patients not having a colonoscopy (SOR: B, based on extrapolation from a case-control study). Both strategies are cost-effective (SOR: A, based on a systematic review of high-quality cost-effective analyses)

    Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Osteoarthritis

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    Glucosamine reduces pain and improves function in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis. (Strength of recommendation: B, based on systematic reviews and a meta-analysis) Glucosamine may be beneficial in other forms of osteoarthritis as well. (Strength of recommendation: B, based on a randomized controlled trial [RCT]) Chondroitin has not consistently been found to improve pain or functional status. (Strength of recommendation: B, based on a systematic review and a meta-analysis

    A Longitudinal Examination of Mobile App Usage in Medical Students

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to determine both the usefulness of librarian instruction on mobile apps and student preference for mobile apps during 3rd and 4th year clinical rotations. Methods: An electronic RedCap survey was administered to students for the purpose of gathering baseline information on library-provided mobile apps and instruction. This brief survey was given to 3rd year medical students at the beginning of this school year (2021-2022) with a second follow-up survey scheduled for later in the academic year. (spring 22) The students were asked questions about their mobile app usage and preferences as well as how often they reach out to librarians for assistance. The follow-up survey will assess any changes in preferences for or comfort with apps and will monitor any changes to the number of self-reported interactions with library staff. Results: Results of the initial survey confirmed that students are largely comfortable with the technical aspects of mobile app use both in and outside of the medical sphere; however, they may require more guidance on app content to determine which apps are most useful for researching different topics or different styles of questions. DynaMed was chosen by students as their favorite medical mobile app so far likely due to its wide coverage of topics and content. While the library instruction session increased student confidence with using medical mobile apps, students showed a lack of history of contacting librarians for assistance. Conclusions: This survey confirms librarian suspicions that students may require guidance not on how to use apps, but on which apps are recommended for use in which scenarios. Although students report that library instruction is beneficial for their understanding of app use, they also report that they do not frequently ask librarians for assistance. This may be due to various reasons such as student insecurity, lack of perceived time, or lack of understanding about which questions may be asked or what apps to ask questions about. The follow-up survey will gather information on these topics and will seek to address student knowledge of which apps to use in different clinical scenarios as well as whether contact with librarians has increased or whether faculty recommendations in clinical settings change student app preferences
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