934 research outputs found

    Early life stress influences acute and sensitised responses of adult mice to cocaine by interacting with GABAA α2 receptor expression

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    Early life stress (ELS) is known to exert long term effects on brain function, with resulting deleterious consequences for several aspects of mental health, including the development of addiction to drugs of abuse. One potential mechanism in humans is suggested by findings that ELS interacts with polymorphisms of the GABRA2 gene, encoding alpha2 subunits of GABAA receptors, to increase risk for both posttraumatic stress disorder, and vulnerability to cocaine addiction. We used a mouse model, in which the amount of material for nest building was reduced during early postnatal life, to study interactions between ELS and expression of alpha2-containing GABAA receptors in influencing cocaine-related behaviour. Breeding of parents heterozygous for deletion of alpha2 resulted in litters containing homozygous knockout (alpha2-/-), heterozygous knockout (alpha2+/-), and wildtype (alpha2+/+) offspring. Following the ELS procedure, the mice were allowed to develop to adulthood before being tested for the acute effect of cocaine on locomotor stimulation, behavioural sensitisation to repeated cocaine, and to cocaine-conditioned activity. Exposure to ELS resulted in increased acute locomotor stimulant effects of cocaine across all genotypes, with the most marked effects in alpha2-/- mice (which also showed increased activity following vehicle). Repeated cocaine administration to non-stressed mice resulted in sensitisation in alpha2+/+ and alpha2+/- mice, but, in keeping with previous findings, not in alpha2-/- mice. Prior exposure to ELS reduced sensitisation in alpha2+/+ mice, albeit not significantly, and abolished sensitisation in alpha2+/- mice. Conditioned activity was elevated following ELS in all animals, independently of genotype. Thus, while the enhanced acute effects of cocaine following ELS being most marked in alpha2-/- mice suggests a function of alpha2-containing GABAA receptors in protecting against stress, the interaction between ELS and genotype in influencing sensitisation may be more in keeping with ELS reducing expression of alpha2-containing GABAA receptors. The ability of ELS to increase cocaine-conditioned locomotor activity appears to be independent of alpha2-containing GABAA receptors

    Deficiency of Cks1 leads to learning and long-term memory defects and p27 dependentformation of neuronal cofilin aggregates

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    In mitotic cells, the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) subunit protein CKS1 regulates S phase entry by mediating degradation of the CDK inhibitor p27. Although mature neurons lack mitotic CDKs, we found that CKS1 was actively expressed in post-mitotic neurons of the adult hippocampus. Interestingly, Cks1 knockout (Cks1−/−) mice exhibited poor long-term memory, and diminished maintenance of long-term potentiation in the hippocampal circuits. Furthermore, there was neuronal accumulation of cofilin-actin rods or cofilin aggregates, which are associated with defective dendritic spine maturation and synaptic loss. We further demonstrated that it was the increased p27 level that activated cofilin by suppressing the RhoA kinase-mediated inhibitory phosphorylation of cofilin, resulting in the formation of cofilin aggregates in the Cks1−/− neuronal cells. Consistent with reports that the peptidyl-prolyl-isomerase PIN1 competes with CKS1 for p27 binding, we found that inhibition of PIN1 diminished the formation of cofilin aggregates through decreasing p27 levels, thereby activating RhoA and increasing cofilin phosphorylation. Our results revealed that CKS1 is involved in normal glutamatergic synapse development and dendritic spine maturation in adult hippocampus through modulating p27 stability

    Extravascular fibrinogen in the white matter of Alzheimer's disease and normal aged brains : implications for fibrinogen as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease

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    The research was supported by the Alzheimer’s Society (grant numbers AS-PG-2013-011 and AS-JF-18-01). Tissue for this study was provided by the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource, which is funded in part by a grant from the UK Medical Research Council (G0400074) and by Brains for Dementia research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.The blood‐brain barrier (BBB) regulates cerebrovascular permeability and leakage of blood‐derived fibrinogen has been associated with cerebral arteriolosclerosis small vessel disease (SVD) and subsequent white matter lesions (WML). Furthermore, BBB‐dysfunction is associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) with the presence of CSF plasma proteins suggested to be a potential biomarker of AD. We aimed to determine if extravascular fibrinogen in the white matter was associated with the development of AD hallmark pathologies, i.e., hyperphosphorylated tau (HPτ) and amyloid‐β (Aβ), SVD, cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and measures of white matter damage. Using human post‐mortem brains, parietal tissue from 20 AD and 22 non‐demented controls was quantitatively assessed for HPτ, Aβ, white matter damage severity, axonal density, demyelination and the burden of extravascular fibrinogen in both WML and normal appearing white matter (NAWM). SVD severity was determined by calculating sclerotic indices. WML‐ and NAWM fibrinogen burden was not significantly different between AD and controls nor was it associated with the burden of HPτ or Aβ pathology, or any measures of white matter damage. Increasing severity of SVD was associated with and a predictor (both p < 0.05) of both higher WML‐ and NAWM fibrinogen burden (both P<0.05) in controls only. In cases with minimal SVD NAWM fibrinogen burden was significantly higher in the AD cases (p<0.05). BBB dysfunction was present in both non‐demented and AD brains and was not associated with the burden of AD‐associated cortical pathologies. BBB dysfunction was strongly associated with SVD but only in the non‐demented controls. In cases with minimal SVD, BBB dysfunction was significantly worse in AD cases possibly indicating the influence of CAA. In conclusions, extravascular fibrinogen is not associated with AD hallmark pathologies but indicates SVD, suggesting that the presence of fibrinogen in the CSF is not a surrogate marker for AD pathology.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Enhanced surface passivation of sub-nanometer silicon dioxide films by superacidic treatments

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    Subnanometer-scale silicon dioxide (SiO2) films are frequently present before, during, and after silicon device processing, yet they offer minimal surface passivation and can detrimentally impact subsequent processing steps. Here we develop a process whereby the surface passivation of nanometer and subnanometer SiO2 films is enhanced by up to 2 orders of magnitude by a simple room temperature treatment using the superacid bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide (TFSA, sometimes TFSI). By accurately modeling the effective lifetime curves corresponding to the superacid treated SiO2 samples, we have determined that the enhanced passivation is mainly due to a reduction in the interface defect density (Dit) at the Si/SiO2 interface, with a minor contribution also arising from the presence of negative charge. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the treated SiO2 films reveals the presence of fluorine, and this, along with hydrogen, is a strong candidate for the chemical passivation of defects at the Si/SiO2 interface. Post treatment, the SiO2 films show short time scale electronic instability, whereby a degradation and then recovery are observed over a period of 1–10 h which is attributed to variations in the Dit, as determined from our analysis of the injection-dependent lifetime data. Following the instability period, the surface passivation remains relatively stable for days. Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of superacid-based solutions reveal that electron-donating solvents should be avoided, as they exacerbate surface passivation instabilities. The results presented demonstrate that simple strategies can be used to enhance the passivation properties of ultrathin films greatly, which in the age of nanotechnology could offer benefits to device performance in a range of applications including solar cells and batteries

    Seizure control by decanoic acid through direct AMPA receptor inhibition

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    The medium chain triglyceride ketogenic diet is an established treatment for drug-resistant epilepsy that increases plasma levels of decanoic acid and ketones. Recently, decanoic acid has been shown to provide seizure control in vivo, yet its mechanism of action remains unclear. Here we show that decanoic acid, but not the ketones β-hydroxybutryate or acetone, shows antiseizure activity in two acute ex vivo rat hippocampal slice models of epileptiform activity. To search for a mechanism of decanoic acid, we show it has a strong inhibitory effect on excitatory, but not inhibitory, neurotransmission in hippocampal slices. Using heterologous expression of excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptor AMPA subunits in Xenopus oocytes, we show that this effect is through direct AMPA receptor inhibition, a target shared by a recently introduced epilepsy treatment perampanel. Decanoic acid acts as a non-competitive antagonist at therapeutically relevant concentrations, in a voltage- and subunit-dependent manner, and this is sufficient to explain its antiseizure effects. This inhibitory effect is likely to be caused by binding to sites on the M3 helix of the AMPA-GluA2 transmembrane domain; independent from the binding site of perampanel. Together our results indicate that the direct inhibition of excitatory neurotransmission by decanoic acid in the brain contributes to the anti-convulsant effect of the medium chain triglyceride ketogenic diet

    Speech Sound Production in 2-Year-Olds Who Are Hard of Hearing

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    The purpose of the study was to 1) compare the speech sound production abilities of 2-year-old children who are hard of hearing (HH) to children with normal hearing (NH), 2) identify sources of risk for individual children who are HH, and 3) determine whether speech sound production skills at age two were predictive of speech sound production skills at age three

    Deletion of the gabra2 gene results in hypersensitivity to the acute effects of ethanol but does not alter ethanol self administration

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    Human genetic studies have suggested that polymorphisms of the GABRA2 gene encoding the GABA(A) α2-subunit are associated with ethanol dependence. Variations in this gene also convey sensitivity to the subjective effects of ethanol, indicating a role in mediating ethanol-related behaviours. We therefore investigated the consequences of deleting the α2-subunit on the ataxic and rewarding properties of ethanol in mice. Ataxic and sedative effects of ethanol were explored in GABA(A) α2-subunit wildtype (WT) and knockout (KO) mice using a Rotarod apparatus, wire hang and the duration of loss of righting reflex. Following training, KO mice showed shorter latencies to fall than WT littermates under ethanol (2 g/kg i.p.) in both Rotarod and wire hang tests. After administration of ethanol (3.5 g/kg i.p.), KO mice took longer to regain the righting reflex than WT mice. To ensure the acute effects are not due to the gabra2 deletion affecting pharmacokinetics, blood ethanol concentrations were measured at 20 minute intervals after acute administration (2 g/kg i.p.), and did not differ between genotypes. To investigate ethanol's rewarding properties, WT and KO mice were trained to lever press to receive increasing concentrations of ethanol on an FR4 schedule of reinforcement. Both WT and KO mice self-administered ethanol at similar rates, with no differences in the numbers of reinforcers earned. These data indicate a protective role for α2-subunits, against the acute sedative and ataxic effects of ethanol. However, no change was observed in ethanol self administration, suggesting the rewarding effects of ethanol remain unchange

    Parietal white matter lesions in Alzheimer’s disease are associated with cortical neurodegenerative pathology, but not with small vessel disease

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    The research was supported by the Alzheimer’s Society (Grant Number: AS-PG-2013-011). Tissue for this study was provided by the Newcastle Brain Tissue Resource, which is funded in part by a grant from the UK Medical Research Council (G0400074) and by Brains for Dementia research, a joint venture between Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK.Cerebral white matter lesions (WML) encompass axonal loss and demyelination, and the pathogenesis is assumed to be small vessel disease (SVD)-related ischemia. However, WML may also result from the activation of Wallerian degeneration as a consequence of cortical Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology, i.e. hyperphosphorylated tau (HPτ) and amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition. WML seen in AD have a posterior predominance compared to non-demented individuals but it is unclear whether the pathological and molecular signatures of WML differ between these two groups. We investigated differences in the composition and aetiology of parietal WML from AD and non-demented controls. Parietal WML tissue from 55 human post-mortem brains (AD, n = 27; non-demented controls, n = 28) were quantitatively assessed for axonal loss and demyelination, as well as for cortical HPτ and Aβ burden and SVD. Biochemical assessment included Wallerian degeneration protease calpain and the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) to proteolipid protein (PLP) ratio (MAG:PLP) as a measure of hypoperfusion. WML severity was associated with both axonal loss and demyelination in AD, but only with demyelination in controls. Calpain was significantly increased in WML tissue in AD, whereas MAG:PLP was significantly reduced in controls. Calpain levels were associated with increasing amounts of cortical AD-pathology but not SVD. We conclude that parietal WML seen in AD differ in their pathological composition and aetiology compared to WML seen in aged controls: WML seen in AD may be associated with Wallerian degeneration that is triggered by cortical AD-pathology, whereas WML in aged controls are due to ischaemia. Hence, parietal WML as seen on MRI should not invariably be interpreted as a surrogate biomarker for SVD as they may be indicative of cortical AD-pathology, and therefore, AD should also be considered as the main underlying cause for cognitive impairment in cases with parietal WML.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Early detection of cardiovascular changes after radiotherapy for breast cancer: protocol for a European multicenter prospective cohort study (MEDIRAD EARLY HEART Study)

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    Background: breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and radiotherapy plays a major role in its treatment. However, breast cancer radiotherapy can lead to incidental irradiation of the heart, resulting in an increased risk for a variety of heart diseases arising many years after radiotherapy. Therefore, identifying breast cancer patients at the highest risk for radiation-induced cardiac complications is crucial for developing strategies for primary and secondary prevention, which may contribute to healthy aging. There is still a need for precise knowledge on the relationship between radiation dose to specific cardiac structures and early subclinical cardiac changes and their occurrence over time that could finally lead to cardiac complications. Objective: the MEDIRAD EARLY HEART study aims to identify and validate new cardiac imaging and circulating biomarkers of radiation-induced cardiovascular changes arising within first 2 years of breast cancer radiotherapy and to develop risk models integrating these biomarkers combined with precise dose metrics of cardiac structures based on three-dimensional dosimetry. Methods: the EARLY HEART study is a multicenter, prospective cohort study in which 250 women treated for breast cancer and followed for 2 years after radiotherapy will be included. Women treated with radiotherapy without chemotherapy for a unilateral breast cancer and aged 40-75 years meet the inclusion criteria. Baseline and follow-up data include cardiac measurements based on two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography, computed tomography coronary angiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, and a wide panel of circulating biomarkers of cardiac injury. The absorbed dose will be evaluated globally for the heart and different substructures. Furthermore, the dose-response relationship will allow modeling the radiation-induced occurrence and evolution of subclinical cardiac lesions and biomarkers to develop prediction models. Results: this study details the protocol of the MEDIRAD EARLY HEART study and presents the main limits and advantages of this international project. The inclusion of patients began in 2017. Preliminary results are expected to be published in 2019, and complete analysis should be published in 2021. Conclusions: the MEDIRAD EARLY HEART study will allow identifying the main cardiac imaging and blood-based determinants of radiation-induced cardiac injuries to better propose primary and secondary preventive measures in order to contribute to enhanced patient care and quality of life

    Modern Solutions for Ancient Pathogens: Direct Pathogen Sequencing for Diagnosis of Lepromatous Leprosy and Cerebral Coenurosis.

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    Microbes unculturable in vitro remain diagnostically challenging, dependent historically on clinical findings, histology, or targeted molecular detection. We applied whole-genome sequencing directly from tissue to diagnose infections with mycobacteria (leprosy) and parasites (coenurosis). Direct pathogen DNA sequencing provides flexible solutions to diagnosis of difficult pathogens in diverse contexts