1,556 research outputs found

    Research Process with Primary Students

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    Industry - higher education partnerships: a case study analysis of learning together

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    In order to remain competitive in the world market, corporations must have highly skilled employees who can keep the enterprise economically viable in a global economy. Partnerships between higher education and industry corporations can be a useful strategy in providing workforce training and maintaining knowledgeable employees. The purpose of this evaluative case study research was to study an existing industry - higher education institution partnership. The specific attributes examined included formation activities, communication and information sharing processes, perceived and actual benefits gained, and challenges that arose and how they were resolved. Data were collected through artifact analysis, an electronic stakeholder survey, and follow-up interviews. The outcome of the partnership was a 128-hour polymer certification program. Reasons for forming the partnership included improving employee skills, retraining employees, knowledge exchange, and improving product quality. Information shared between partners was centered on the curriculum development process and logistics related to launching the certificate program. Benefits realized by both partners were customized training program development, content knowledge, cost savings, problem solving skills, access to subject matter experts and leading edge products / technology, real life work experience, and increased sales. Challenges realized by both partners were timeliness of communication and project work completion, lack of clarity of mutually agreed upon goals, and resource availability. Conclusions included that the partnership formation process was straightforward based on the industry training needs and the higher education institution expertise. Second, the problems of communication and loss of focus towards goals are likely to be expected in a partnership. Third, partnerships are difficult and a project manager is needed. And lastly, an evaluation of the partnership process itself must be incorporated into the process. This case study research supports that industry - higher education institution partnerships can continue to prove beneficial in the future. Recommendations include: 1) monthly feedback sessions to assess partner satisfaction and the partnership progress, 2) a lessons learned session at the end of curriculum development to determine if the partnership goals were reached, and 3) a capstone review session to integrate feedback results from individual classes and to gauge partner satisfaction with the partnership outcomes

    The Methodist Home Mission Party, On Stage in New Zealand, 1924-1934

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    Revolutionary Every Day: A Dramatic Exploration of Women and Their Agency in The Black Panther Party.

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    This capstone project is centered around Black Panther women and explores what it means to be a revolutionary black woman dealing with politics surrounding gender in both private and public spaces during the late 1960’s and beyond. In addition, the project includes an original fictional play based on the experiences of Panther women around the world. In addressing the social conditions that impacted female Panther activism and agency, together the capstone project and play operate as a commentary on power, gender relations, and society in and around the Black Panther Party

    Supercritical Pyrolysis of 1-Methylnaphthalene

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    Fuels used in future high-speed jet aircraft will act as coolants to absorb excess heat produced by the engine, exposing the fuel to elevated temperatures and pressures beyond the fuel’s critical point before entering the combustion environment. Fuels used in this capacity are subject to pyrolysis reactions in the supercritical environment, forming polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and eventually carbonaceous solids, a disastrous effect for aircraft operation. Thus, it is important to understand how different components of jet fuel will react in the supercritical pyrolysis environment, particularly if their reactions will lead to PAH and/or carbonaceous solids. To better understand these reactions, the model fuel 1-methylnaphthalene, an aromatic component of jet fuel, has been investigated in order to determine the supercritical pyrolysis conditions that form PAH and carbonaceous solids. Experiments have been performed at temperatures ranging from 550 to 650 °C, pressures from 50 to 110 atm, and residence times from 70 to 200 seconds in a supercritical fluid flow reactor. The products have been analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode-array ultraviolet-visible detection (UV) in series with mass spectrometry (MS), as well as gas chromatography with flame ionization detection and mass spectrometry. Over thirty PAH products have been identified, seventeen of which have never before been reported as products of 1-methylnaphthalene pyrolysis or combustion. A 9-ring PAH product, benzo[cd]phenanthro[1,2,3-lm]perylene, has been identified for the first time as a product of any fuel. The structures of all of the products identified from supercritical 1-methylnaphthalene pyrolysis reveal that in this environment, the two-ring aromatic unit remains intact. Reaction pathways explaining the formation of each product species and yield profiles of the products species at varying temperatures and pressures are presented. All PAH product yields were found to increase with respect to both increasing temperature and pressure, and the largest PAH exhibited dramatic increases in yields at conditions where the onset of solids formation was observed. The conversion of 1-methylnaphthalene conformed to a global first-order kinetic reaction rate, and the pressure-dependent and temperature-dependent parameters of the reaction rate have been calculated with respect to conversion of the reactant

    The prevention of spoilage in fruit juices by alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and propionibacterium cyclohexanicum

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    During the past two decades several novel spoilage micro-organisms have emerged. Raw materials and products have been contaminated in increasing numbers of spoilage incidents causing widespread problems within the juice and beverage industry. This study investigates two such spoilage micro-organisms, A licyclobacillus acidoterrestris and Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum, both isolated from pasteurised contaminated fruit juice. A variety of media were tested to determine which supported optimal growth of A. acidoterrestris with Orange Serum Agar providing consistently high plate counts. The presence of A. acidoterrestris in raw materials and shelf stable products was monitored and the effects on its growth and survival of temperature, headspace and movement of containers during storage were investigated. The survival of P. cyclohexanicum after pasteurisation was assessed and growth determined at a variety of temperatures. The survival of each bacterium was investigated in different fruit juices, when challenged by the preservatives sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate and the bacteriocin nisin and when grown in the same juice container and co-cultured on the same solid medium. 17% of samples tested were contaminated by A. acidoterrestris; however P. cyclohexanicum was not isolated from any sample. P. cyclohexanicum survived 10 minutes at temperatures of 4°C to 95°C and grew in orange, tomato and pineapple juice while A. acidoterrestris grew in all juices tested. A. acidoterrestris was inhibited by sodium benzoate (500ppm), potassium sorbate (500ppm) and nisin (51U/ml). P. cyclohexanicum, although not inhibited by nisin (1000IU/ml), was susceptible to sodium benzoate (500ppm) and potassium sorbate (l000ppm). I-Ieadspace, movement of containers and storage temperatures affected detection rates of A. acjdoterrestrjs. Co-cultures demonstrated that if found within the same enviromnent, both bacilli can survive and cause spoilage. A. acidoterrestris is a world wide contaminant within the soft drinks industry and, considering the results of these studies P. cyclohexanicum with its heat resistance and tolerance to nisin may also emerge as a major spoilage microorganis

    Remarkable Lives : Michelle Walker in conversation with Jerome Carson

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a profile of Michelle Walker. In this single Case Study, Michelle gives a short background to the development of her depression and is then interviewed by Jerome. Michelle sets out the reasons she developed depression. These map onto the research conducted by Brown and Harris some 50 years ago, showing how social factors can create a vulnerability to develop depression. Single case studies provide us with one person’s narrative. That narrative is however unique and can often offer us insights that are lost in large statistical surveys. Michelle found the CBT approach really helped her. However she should never have had to wait as long as she did for that help. Mental health services must respond quickly, even if only to offer a triage assessment. Brown and Harris identified four key vulnerability factors for depression in women. Michelle met three of these. How many other women are in a similar situation and are suffering in silence? We can learn a lot from the factors that helped Michelle recover from her depressive episode. Medication, CBT, the support of her mother, education and finding her soulmate and although she doesn’t say it, her own rugged determination and personal resilience

    Leadership Matters: Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Black and Latina/o Students in a Post COVID-19 World

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    Communities throughout the United States were devastated by the COVID-19 virus. For instance, the mortality rates are higher within Black and Latina/o communities compared to the overall United States population. The pandemic represents another problem that will contribute to anxiety disorders and depression among Black and Latina/o students. How we combat these issues is important. During the 2020-2021 school year millions of students returned to schools and some struggled to adjust because of the traumatic experiences associated with COVID-19. Students will need the support of administrators, teachers, and mental health practitioners. For this reason, this review of literature examined the mental health challenges Black and Latina/o students encountered prior to and during the pandemic. Further, the authors developed recommendations for school leaders, mental health specialists, and teachers while providing important resources. Overall leaders can use the article as a roadmap to navigate the challenges at PreK-12 schools
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