1,339 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Movement of Livestock Guardian Dogs in the Edwards Plateau of Texas: Implications for Efficacy, Behavior, and Territoriality

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    Livestock guardian dog (Canis lupus familiaris; LGD) breeds of domestic dog worldwide provide a degree of control over predation losses. The application of LGDs as a wildlife damage management tool evolved as a cultural practice in the Old World. In the 1970s, this tool emerged in North America. Despite several decades of science and application, gaps still exist in our knowledge regarding applications for LGDs. From February 2016 to November 2017, we deployed global positioning system transmitters on 4 LGDs on a 20-km2 ranch in Menard County, Texas, USA operated by Texas A&M AgriLife Research to investigate their fine scale movement and activity patterns, site fidelity to livestock management units (i.e., pastures), and fidelity to anthropogenic features, such as feed and water locations. The LGDs remained within study site boundaries for 90% of the study period. Additionally, daily activity patterns differed for dogs associated primarily with sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). All of the LGDs we studied were active throughout the 24-hour day. We determined that feed and water locations concentrated LGD activity to an extent, likely reflecting a livestock affinity for water sources, and provide an additional method by which to distribute them over the landscape. Our results, based on a small sample size, suggest that LGDs may provide effective association with livestock management areas, maintain a high fidelity to area perimeter boundaries, and distribute themselves across the area of use

    Phosphorylation of telokin by cyclic nucleotide kinases and the identification of in vivo phosphorylation sites in smooth muscle

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    AbstractThe Ca2+-independent acceleration of dephosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of smooth muscle myosin and relaxation of smooth muscle by telokin are enhanced by cyclic nucleotide-activated protein kinase(s) [Wu et al. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 11362–11369]. The purpose of this study was to determine the in vivo site(s) and in vitro rates of telokin phosphorylation and to evaluate the possible effects of sequential phosphorylation by different kinases. The in vivo site(s) of phosphorylation of telokin were determined in rabbit smooth muscles of longitudinal ileum and portal vein. Following stimulation of ileum with forskolin (20 μM) the serine at position 13 was the only amino acid to exhibit increased phosphorylation. Rabbit portal vein telokin was phosphorylated on both Ser-13 and -19 as a result of forskolin and GTPγS stimulation in vivo. Point mutation of Ser-13 (to Ala or Asp) abolished in vitro phosphorylation by cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases

    The Spatial and Emission Properties of the Large [O III] Emission Nebula Near M31

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    Drechsler et al. (2023) reported the unexpected discovery of a 1.5 degree long [O III] emission nebula 1.2 degrees southeast of the M31 nucleus. Here we present additional images of this large emission structure, called SDSO, along with radial velocity and flux measurements from low-dispersion spectra. Independent sets of [O III] images show SDSO to be composed of broad streaks of diffuse emission aligned NE-SW. Deep Hα\alpha images reveal no strong coincident emission suggesting a high [O III]/Hα\alpha ratio. We also find no other [O III] emission nebulosity as bright as SDSO within several degrees of M31 and no filamentary Hα\alpha emission connected to SDSO. Optical spectra taken along the arc's northern limb reveal [O III] λλ\lambda\lambda4959,5007 emissions matching the location and extent seen in our [O III] images. The heliocentric velocity of this [O III] nebulosity is 9.8±6.8-9.8 \pm 6.8 km s1^{-1} with a peak surface brightness of (4±2)×1018(4\pm2) \times 10^{-18} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{-2} arcsec2^{-2} (\sim0.55 Rayleigh). We discuss SDSO as a possible unrecognized supernova remnant, a large and unusually nearby planetary nebula, a stellar bow shock nebula, or an interaction of M31's outer halo gas with high-velocity circumgalactic gas. We conclude that galactic origins for SDSO are unlikely and favor instead an extragalactic M31 halo--circumgalactic cloud interaction scenario, despite the nebula's low radial velocity. We then describe new observations that may help resolve the true nature and origin of this large nebulosity so close to M31 in the sky.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Analysis of the human Alu Ya-lineage

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    The Alu Ya-lineage is a group of related, short interspersed elements (SINEs) found in primates. This lineage includes subfamilies Ya1-Ya5, Ya5a2 and others. Some of these subfamilies are still actively mobilizing in the human genome. We have analyzed 2482 elements that reside in the human genome draft sequence and focused our analyses on the 2318 human autosomal Ya Alu elements. A total of 1470 autosomal loci were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays that allow analysis of individual Ya-lineage Alu elements. About 22% (313/1452) of the Ya-lineage Alu elements were polymorphic for the insertion presence on human autosomes. Less than 0.01% (5/1452) of the Ya-lineage loci analyzed displayed insertions in orthologous loci in non-human primate genomes. DNA sequence analysis of the orthologous inserts showed that the orthologous loci contained older pre-existing Y, Sc or Sq Alu subfamily elements that were the result of parallel forward insertions or involved in gene conversion events in the human lineage. This study is the largest analysis of a group of young , evolutionarily related human subfamilies. The size, evolutionary age and variable allele insertion frequencies of several of these subfamilies makes members of the Ya-lineage useful tools for human population studies and primate phylogenetics. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Variety is the spice of life : flying-foxes exploit a variety of native and exotic food plants in an urban landscape mosaic

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    Generally, urbanization is a major threat to biodiversity; however, urban areas also provide habitats that some species can exploit. Flying-foxes (Pteropus spp.) are becoming increasingly urbanized; which is thought to be a result of increased availability and temporal stability of urban food resources, diminished natural food resources, or both. Previous research has shown that urban-roosting grey-headed flying-foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus) preferentially forage in human-modified landscapes. However, which land-use areas and food plants support its presence in urban areas is unknown. We tracked nine P. poliocephalus roosting in Adelaide, South Australia, between December 2019 and May 2020, using global positioning systems (GPS), to investigate how individuals used the urban landscape mosaic for feeding. The most frequently visited land-use category was “residential” (40% of fixes) followed by “road-side,” “reserves” and “primary production” (13–14% each). However, “reserves” were visited four times more frequently than expected from their areal availability, followed by the “residential” and “road-side” categories that were visited approximately twice more than expected each; in contrast, the “primary production” category was visited approximately five times less than expected. These results suggest that while residential areas provide most foraging resources supporting Adelaide’s flying-fox population, reserves contain foraging resources that are particularly attractive to P. poliocephalus. Primary production land was relatively less utilized, presumably because it contains few food resources. Throughout, flying-foxes visited an eclectic mixture of diet plants (49 unique species), with a majority of feeding fixes (63%) to locally indigenous Australian native species; however, in residential areas 53% of feeding visits were to non-locally indigenous species, vs only 13% in reserves. Flowering and fruiting phenology records of the food plants visited further indicated that non-locally indigenous species increase the temporal availability of foraging resources for P. poliocephalus in urban Adelaide. Our findings demonstrate the importance of residential areas for urban-roosting P. poliocephalus, and suggest that the anthropogenic mixture of food resources available in the urban landscape mosaic supports the species’ year-round presence in urban areas. Our results further highlight the importance of conserving natural habitats within the urban landscape mosaic, and stress the need for accounting for wildlife responses to urban greening initiatives

    Isolated neutropenia as a rare but serious adverse event secondary to immune checkpoint inhibition

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    Background Compared to conventional chemotherapy, Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) are known to have a distinct toxicity profile commonly identified as immune-related adverse events (irAEs). These irAEs that are believed to be related to immune dysregulations triggered by ICI can be serious and lead to treatment interruptions and in severe cases, precipitate permanent discontinuation. Isolated neutropenia secondary to ICI has been rarely documented in the literature and needs further description. We report a case of pembrolizumab related severe isolated neutropenia in a patient with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. We were also able to obtain serial blood and plasma-based biomarkers for this patient during treatment and during neutropenia to understand trends that may correlate with the irAE. In addition we summarize important findings from other studies reporting on ICI related neutropenia. Case presentation A 74 years old Caucasian male treated with single-agent pembrolizumab for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer presented with fevers, chills, and an isolated neutrophil count (ANC) of 0 2 weeks after the fourth dose. In addition to antibiotics, due to the strong suspicion of this neutropenia being immune-mediated, he was started on 1 mg/kg of steroids and also received filgrastim to accelerate neutrophil recovery. Serial trends in C-reactive protein and certain other inflammatory cytokines demonstrated a corresponding rise at the time of neutropenia. Post recovery, his pembrolizumab was kept on hold. Eight weeks later he had a second episode of neutropenia which was again managed similar to the first episode. Despite permanent discontinuation of ICI after the first neutropenia, his disease showed an ongoing complete metabolic response on imaging. Our literature review reveals that hematological toxicities constitute < 1% irAEs with isolated neutropenia roughly accounting for one-fourth of the hematological irAEs. Based on the handful of ICI related neutropenia cases reported to date, we identified nivolumab to be the most common offender. The median number of ICI cycles administered before presenting with neutropenia was three, and the median time to recovery was approximately two weeks. All of these neutropenic episodes were ≥ grade 3 and led to permanent ICI discontinuation. Using immunosuppressive therapies in conjunction with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor was the most common strategy described to have favorable results. Conclusion Neutropenia as an isolated irAE secondary to ICI is rare but represents a severe toxicity that needs early recognition and can often result in treatment discontinuations. Careful monitoring of these patients with the prompt initiation of immunosuppressive and supportive measures to promote rapid recovery as well as prevent and treat infectious complications should be part of the management algorithms. Serial monitoring of blood and plasma-based biomarkers from more extensive studies may help in identifying patients at risk for irAEs and thus guide patient selection for ICI

    Silkworms with Spider Silklike Fibers Using Synthetic Silkworm Chow Containing Calcium Lignosulfonate, Carbon Nanotubes, and Graphene

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    Silkworm silk has become increasingly relevant for material applications. However, the industry as a whole is retracting because of problems with mass production. One of the key problems is the inconsistent properties of the silk. A means by which to improve the silk material properties is through enhanced sericulture techniques. One possible technique is altering the feed of the silkworms to include single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) or graphene (GR). Recently published results have demonstrated substantial improvement in fiber mechanical properties. However, the effect of the surfactant used to incorporate those materials into the feed on the fiber mechanical properties in comparison to normal silkworm silk has not been studied or reported. Thus, the total effect of feeding the SWNT and GR in the presence of surfactants on silkworms is not understood. Our study focuses on the surfactant [calcium lignosulfonate (LGS)] and demonstrates that it alone results in appreciable improvement of mechanical properties in comparison to nontreated silkworm silk. Furthermore, our study demonstrates that mixing the LGS, SWNT, and GR directly into the artificial diet of silkworms yields improved mechanical properties without decline below the control silk at high doses of SWNT or GR. Combined, we present evidence that mixing surfactants, in this case LGS, directly with the diet of silkworms creates a high-quality fiber product that can exceed 1 GPa in tensile strength. With the addition of nanocarbons, either SWNT or GR, the improvement is even greater and consistently surpasses control fibers. However, feeding LGS alone is a more economical and practical choice to consistently improve the mechanical properties of silkworm fiber

    Glucocorticoid signaling enhances expression of glucose-sensing molecules in immature pancreatic beta-like cells derived from murine embryonic stem cells in vitro

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    Pluripotent stem cells may serve as an alternative source of beta-like cells for replacement therapy of type 1 diabetes; however, the beta-like cells generated in many differentiation protocols are immature. The maturation of endogenous beta cells involves an increase in insulin expression starting in late gestation and a gradual acquisition of the abilities to sense glucose and secrete insulin by week 2 after birth in mice; however, what molecules regulate these maturation processes are incompletely known. Here, we aim to identify small molecules that affect immature beta cells. A cell-based assay, employing pancreatic beta-like cells derived from murine embryonic stem (ES) cells harboring a transgene containing an Insulin 1-promoter driven enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter, was used to screen a compound library (NIH Clinical Collection-003). Cortisone, a glucocorticoid, was among five positive hit compounds. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that glucocorticoids enhance the gene expression of not only insulin 1 but also glucose transporter-2 (Glut2; Slc2a2) and glucokinase (Gck), two molecules important for glucose sensing. Mifepristone, a pharmacological inhibitor of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling, reduced the effects of glucocorticoids on Glut2 and Gck expression. The effects of glucocorticoids on ES-derived cells were further validated in immature primary islets. Isolated islets from 1-week-old mice had an increased Glut2 and Gck expression in response to a 4-day treatment of exogenous hydrocortisone in vitro. Gene deletion of GR in beta cells using rat insulin 2 promoter-driven Cre crossed with GRflox/flox mice resulted in a reduced gene expression of Glut2, but not Gck, and an abrogation of insulin secretion when islets were incubated in 0.5 mM D-glucose and stimulated by 17 mM D-glucose in vitro. These results demonstrate that glucocorticoids positively regulate glucose sensors in immature murine beta-like cells