778 research outputs found

    Lifelong Learning im Open CÂłS. Akademischen Weiterbildung im Bereich Cyber-Sicherheit: Zielgruppen, Inhalte, Organisationsformen und Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen. Erwartungen von Experten im Umfeld von Open CÂłS

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    Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Kooperationsprojektes Open Competence Center for Cyber Security (kurz Open C³S) und im Sinne des projektinternen Qualitätsmanagements wurde eine empirische Erhebung zu Fragen der Ausgestaltung akademischer Weiterbildungen im Bereich Cyber-Sicherheit durchgeführt. Die zentralen Schwerpunkte dieser Studie umfassen die Ermittlung der Zielgruppen sowie der Erwartungen hinsichtlich der Inhalte und Organisationsformen im Kontext der Anrechnung berufl icher Kompetenzen auf hochschulische und universitäre Studiengänge

    „Explorative Analyse zur Korrelation prädiktiver Testverfahren und der Ausprägung akuter und später Nebenwirkungen einer Strahlentherapie“

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    Für die Individualisierung strahlentherapeutischer Konzepte ist es von großem Interesse, einen gering invasiven, schnellen Test zu entwickeln, mit dem im Voraus die individuelle Strahlenempfindlichkeit ermittelt werden kann. Bisher wurden prädiktive Testverfahren häufig retrospektiv durchgeführt, bei der vorliegenden Studie wurden hingegen bei 49 Patienten vor Beginn der Strahlentherapie Blutproben entnommen, um an Lymphozyten die Mikronukleus-Induktion spontan sowie mit und ohne in vitro Bestrahlung, die Zell-Zyklus-Phasen-Progression und den Anteil der Zellen im 2. Zell-Zyklus zu analysieren. Des Weiteren wurde die gesamte antioxidative Kapzität im Patientenserum bestimmt. Es zeigt sich, dass klinisch strahlensensible Patienten signifikant höhere MN direkt Werte aufweisen. Die explorative Analyse der prädiktiven Testverfahren bietet konkrete Anhaltspunkte für den Einsatz des MN direkt Tests zur Bestimmung der individuellen Strahlensensibilität

    Ueber Karyokinese

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    How Did It Get So Late So Soon? The Effects of Time Management Knowledge and Practice on Students' Time Management Skills and Academic Performance

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    Time management is regarded as an important prerequisite for effective and efficient learning in higher education. However, university students' time management frequently proves to be deficient, especially with freshman students, who can therefore benefit from appropriate time management interventions. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of an intervention focused on imparting time management knowledge with those of an intervention focused on time management practice. We conducted an experiment with N = 118 university students who took part in a course over the duration of one semester. Participants with a time management deficit at the beginning of the semester (n = 88) were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: (a) time management knowledge, (b) time management practice, (c) control group. Exam scores at the end of the semester were considered as an indicator of participants' academic performance. The results showed significant time management improvements for both time management intervention groups, but the time management practice group appeared superior. Academic performance was better in the time management practice group also, although the results were inconsistent. The effect of time management practice on academic performance was mediated by students' time management skills

    A moderated mediation analysis of conscientiousness, time management strategies, effort regulation strategies, and university students' performance

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    This paper examined the interplay of conscientiousness, two categories of learning strategies (i.e., time management and effort regulation), and academic performance in higher education. Based on data from two samples of first-year students (N1 = 106; N2 = 355), we aimed to validate previous results on a mediation model using a repeated measurement design. Second, we aimed to extend prior research by testing the hypothesis that the mediation process is conditional on the level of conscientiousness. Results of both studies indicate that the effect of conscientiousness on academic performance is mediated by using effort regulation strategies and time management strategies. Furthermore, for effort regulation strategies, the effect is moderated: the effect vanishes when conscientiousness is low (though this effect occurred only in Study 2). This study sheds light on the mechanisms through which both conscientiousness and the use of relevant learning strategies affect academic performance and implies practical applications to assist with greater achievement in higher education

    Handreichung Anrechnung Teil 1. Ein theoretischer Ăśberblick

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    Diese Handreichung gibt in neun Kapiteln einen theoretischen Einblick in das Thema Anrechnung. Dabei werden u. a. Anrechnungsverfahren, zentrale Konzepte und Bezugsrahmen sowie die Qualitätssicherung in Anrechnungsprozessen in den Blick genommen. Die Handreichung wird ergänzt durch einen zweiten Teil, der Praxiserfahrungen mit Anrechnung einbezieht. Diese Publikation ist im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Bund-Länder-Wettbewerbs „Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen“ entstanden. (Hrgs.

    Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease: The Future

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    Despite considerable advances in reducing the global burden of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by targeting conventional risk factors, significant residual risk remains, with low-grade inflammation being one of the strongest risk modifiers. Inflammatory processes within the arterial wall or systemic circulation, which are driven in a large part by modified lipoproteins but subsequently trigger a hypercoagulable state, are a hallmark of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and, in particular, its clinical complications. Extending conventional guideline-based clinical risk stratification algorithms by adding biomarkers of inflammation may refine phenotypic screening, improve risk stratification and guide treatment eligibility in cardiovascular disease prevention. The integration of interventions aimed at lowering the inflammatory burden, alone or in combination with aggressive lipid-modifying or even antithrombotic agents, for those at high cardiovascular risk may hold the potential to reduce the still substantial burden of cardiometabolic disease. This review provides perspectives on future clinical research in atherosclerosis addressing the tight interplay between inflammation, lipid metabolism and thrombosis, and its translation into clinical practice

    Reinstatement of "germinal epithelium" of the ovary

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    BACKGROUND: The existing dogma that the former term ovarian "germinal epithelium" resulted from a mistaken belief that it could give rise to new germ cells is now strongly challenged. DISCUSSION: Two years ago, a research group of the University of Tennessee led by Antonin Bukovsky successfully demonstrated the oogenic process from the human ovarian covering epithelium now commonly called the ovarian surface epithelium. They showed the new oocyte with zona pellucida and granulosa cells, both originated from the surface epithelium arising from mesenchymal cells in the tunica albuginea, and stressed that the human ovary could form primary follicles throughout the reproductive period. This gives a big impact not only to the field of reproductive medicine, but also to the oncologic area. The surface epithelium is regarded as the major source of ovarian cancers, and most of the neoplasms exhibit the histology resembling mĂĽllerian epithelia. Since the differentiating capability of the surface epithelium has now expanded, the histologic range of the neoplasms in this category may extend to include both germ cell tumors and sex cord-stromal cell tumors. SUMMARY: Since the oogenic capability of ovarian surface cells has been proven, it is now believed that the oocytes can originate from them. The term "germinal epithelium", hence, might reasonably be reinstated
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