35 research outputs found

    Filosofia, ciência e a formação do profissional de artes marciais

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    The martial arts emanate from ancient and focused during this time to the wars, self-defense and health. Many dogmas are involved in its process of transmission and needed to be philosophically and scientifically discussed. Several studies point to health benefits with the practice of martial arts, such as prevention of fractures by falls in the elderly and improving their physical condition and health of type 2 diabetes and the general public. Moreover, several injuries can occur in contact sports and be enhanced by the inadequate training of instructors. Already the sports training must be planned based on its principles and on actualized scientific information, considering the development phase, type of metabolism used and what muscle groups most requested. So, the professional of this area needs to sound academic background, to ensure the health and performance of their students.As artes marciais têm origem milenar e foram utilizadas ao longo deste tempo para as guerras, autodefesa e saúde. Muitos dogmas estão envolvidos em seu processo de transmissão e precisam ser questionados filosófica e cientificamente. Vários estudos apontam benefícios para saúde com a prática das artes marciais, como prevenção de fraturas por quedas em idosos e melhora da condição física e de saúde de diabéticos tipo 2 e da população em geral. Por outro lado, várias lesões podem ocorrer nos esportes de contato e serem potencializadas pela formação inadequada dos instrutores. Já o treinamento esportivo precisa ser planejado em seus princípios usando informações cientificas atualizadas, considerando a fase de desenvolvimento, o tipo de metabolismo utilizado e quais os grupamentos musculares mais solicitados. Portanto, o profissional desta área precisa de sólida formação acadêmica, para assegurar a saúde e o rendimento de seus alunos

    Lifestyle changes and risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases and immune system of sedentary women

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    OBJETIVO: Observar os efeitos de dois meses de um programa de reeducação de hábitos sobre variáveis do sistema imunológico e de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e as associações destas entre si e com a composição corporal. MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta mulheres sedentárias, com idade de 36 anos (DP=10), e índice de massa corporal de 31kg/m² (DP=12) participaram do estudo. Foram avaliados a composição corporal (antropometria e bioimpedância), o hemograma, o perfil lipídico, as concentrações plasmáticas das vitaminas A, C, betacaroteno, do zinco, do ácido úrico e da glicemia. O treinamento consistia de circuito de peso ou caminhada por 1h, três vezes por semana no primeiro mês e 1h, quatro vezes por semana no segundo mês, mais reeducação alimentar. RESULTADOS: A gordura corporal, as concentrações plasmáticas do ácido úrico, do colesterol total e da lipoproteína de alta densidade foram significativamente reduzidas. Os triglicérides, a lipoproteína de baixa densidade e as variáveis do sistema imunológico não foram alterados. O zinco não foi associado a qualquer variável. Os glóbulos brancos, os linfócitos, as plaquetas e a vitamina C foram positivamente associados à gordura corporal e negativamente, quando divididos pela massa corporal (kg). O colesterol total e a lipoproteína de baixa densidade divididos pela concentração de vitamina A e do betacaroteno foram negativamente correlacionados à gordura corporal. A vitamina C teve a maior correlação com outros fatores bioquímicos de risco. CONCLUSÃO: Houve redução dos fatores de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, mas não nos marcadores do sistema imunológico. O aumento da gordura corporal foi associado negativamente aos marcadores do sistema imunológico e das vitaminas.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to observe the effects of two months of a lifestyle-changing program on the immune system and risk of non-communicable chronic diseases and how they associate with each other and with body composition. METHODS: Fifty women aged 36 years (SD=10) with a mean body mass index of 31kg/m² (SD=12) participated in this study. The following data were investigated: body composition (by anthropometry and bioimpedance), complete blood count, lipid profile, plasma concentrations of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, zinc, uric acid and glucose. The program consisted of circuit weight training or walking for 1 hour, three times per week during the first month and for 1 hour, four times per week during the second month and changes to their eating habits. RESULTS: There was a significant reduction in body fat and plasma concentrations of uric acid, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein. Triglycerides, low density lipoprotein and immune system variables remained unchanged. Zinc was not associated with any variable. The leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets and vitamin C were positively associated with body fat and negatively associated when divided by body mass (kg). Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein divided by vitamin A and beta-carotene concentrations had a negative correlation with body fat. Vitamin C correlated the most with other biochemical risk factors. CONCLUSION: The risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases reduced, but immune system markers remained unchanged. Increased body fat was negatively associated with immune system markers and vitamins

    Lifestyle and risk factors associated to body fat increase in women

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    The objectives were to describe the association between body mass index (BMI, kg/m²), body composition and risk factors to metabolic diseases; observe the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and list the characteristics of overweight and obese women. Voluntaries (n=50; BMI=31±6; age=36±11 years old), were evaluated regarding clinical examination, anthropometrics measurements, samples of blood and urine, resting energy expenditure and food register. Phases in which they become obese in descending order: adulthood, pregnancy, adolescence, over 40 years old and after marriage. The odds to have one or more obese family members were 316%. They were anxious (60%), depressives (12%), compulsives (34%) and had sleep disturbance (32%). The odds to dyslipidemia was 28%, to hypertension was 25% and to glucose over 100 mg/dL 35%. They were in caloric deficit, but, nitrogen balance was positive. The metabolic syndrome was present in 25% of these women and was positively correlated with body fat indicators and age. The obesity of these women seems to be multifactorial with a family influence that could be caused by genetics and environment contributions. The emotional/physical balance should be influenced on this process.Os objetivos eram descrever a associação entre índice de massa corporal (IMC, kg/m²), porcentagem de gordura e fatores de risco para doenças metabólicas; observar a prevalência da síndrome metabólica e relacionar às características de mulheres com sobrepeso e obesas. As voluntárias (n=50; IMC=31±6; idade=36±11 anos) eram avaliadas quanto ao exame clínico, medidas antropométricas, coletas de sangue e urina, gasto energético de repouso e registro alimentar. Fases em que se tornaram obesas em ordem decrescente: idade adulta, gravidez, adolescência, depois dos 40 anos e depois do casamento. O odds de ter um ou mais familiares obesos era de 316%. Eram ansiosas (60%), depressivas (12%), compulsivas (34%) e com distúrbios do sono (32%). O odds para dislipidemia era 28%, hipertensão, 25% e para glicemia acima de 100 mg/dL era de 35%. Elas estavam em déficit calórico, mas o balanço nitrogenado era positivo. A síndrome metabólica era presente em 25% delas e estava positivamente correlacionada a indicadores da gordura corporal e idade. A obesidade destas mulheres era multifatorial com influência familiar, podendo ter contribuições genéticas e ambientais. O equilíbrio físico/emocional parece ter influenciado neste processo


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    Falls represent the main cause of loss of functional capacity in the elderly, resulting from individual and/or environmental factors that lead to loss of autonomy and independence. This study aims to analyze falls in elderly people living in the state of Rondônia, in the period from 2007 to 2022. This study is justified by the methodology of analysis in space and time (innovative for the subject), and no studies were found that addressed the issue for the entire state of Rondônia. An ecological study was carried out based on secondary data, with analysis in space and time. A multivariate model and maps were generated between socioeconomic variables and rates of falls, in addition to clusters of higher Relative Risk for these events. During the period of analysis, 5,711 admissions for falls were observed. The final multivariate model had as explanatory variables (with their respective standardized Betas): dependency ratio (-0.378), proportion of illiterate elderly (-0.305), elderly with vision difficulties (-0.257), elderly with hearing difficulties (0.312 ), reports of violence against the elderly (0.583) and elderly people with up to half a minimum wage (-0.800). As for spatial autocorrelation, the variables proportion of male elderly who are not responsible for the household (0.115), proportion of economically active elderly (0.129), proportion of elderly living in households with piped water (0.221) and proportion of elderly people were selected. elderly people living in adequate households (0.227). Hospitalizations due to falls were associated with the variables proportion of male elderly who are not responsible for the household, proportion of economically active elderly, proportion of elderly people living in households with piped water and proportion of elderly people living in adequate households. We suggest preventive actions aimed at performing exercises to improve static and dynamic balance, guidelines for safe movements/transfers and actions to prevent serious injuries, as well as periodic assessment of the safety of the home environment and specialized care. This study serves to engage health managers involved with issues related to the health of the elderly, reinforcing concepts of Collective Health and National Public Health.Las caídas representan la principal causa de pérdida de la capacidad funcional en los ancianos, como resultado de factores individuales y/o ambientales que conducen a la pérdida de autonomía e independencia. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las caídas en ancianos residentes en el estado de Rondônia, en el período de 2007 a 2022. Este estudio se justifica por la metodología de análisis en espacio y tiempo (innovadora para el tema), y no se encontraron estudios que abordó el tema para todo el estado de Rondônia. Se realizó un estudio ecológico a partir de datos secundarios, con análisis en espacio y tiempo. Se generó un modelo multivariado y mapas entre variables socioeconómicas y tasas de caídas, además de clusters de mayor Riesgo Relativo para estos eventos. Durante el período de análisis se observaron 5.711 ingresos por caídas. El modelo multivariado final contó con las variables explicativas (con sus respectivas Betas estandarizadas): relación de dependencia (-0,378), proporción de adultos mayores analfabetos (-0,305), adultos mayores con dificultades visuales (-0,257), adultos mayores con dificultades auditivas (0,312), informes de violencia contra adultos mayores (0,583) y adultos mayores con hasta medio salario mínimo (-0,800). En cuanto a la autocorrelación espacial, se seleccionó la proporción de hombres que no son responsables del hogar (0,115), proporción de ancianos económicamente activos (0,129), proporción de ancianos que viven en hogares con agua entubada (0,221) y proporción de ancianos . ancianos que viven en hogares adecuados (0,227). Las internaciones por caídas se asociaron con las variables proporción de ancianos varones que no son responsables del hogar, proporción de ancianos económicamente activos, proporción de ancianos que viven en viviendas con agua entubada y proporción de ancianos que viven en viviendas adecuadas. Sugerimos acciones preventivas encaminadas a la realización de ejercicios para mejorar el equilibrio estático y dinámico, pautas para movimientos/transferencias seguras y acciones para prevenir lesiones graves, así como evaluación periódica de la seguridad del entorno domiciliario y atención especializada. Este estudio sirve para involucrar a los gestores de salud involucrados con las cuestiones relacionadas con la salud de los ancianos, reforzando los conceptos de Salud Colectiva y Salud Pública Nacional.Quedas representam a principal causa de perda de capacidade funcional em idosos, resultantes de fatores individuais e/ou ambientais que levam à perda de autonomia e de independência. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar quedas em idosos residentes no estado de Rondônia, no período de 2007 a 2022. Justifica-se este estudo pela metodologia de análise no espaço e no tempo (inovadora para o tema), não sendo encontrados trabalhos que abordassem a questão para todo o estado de Rondônia. Foi realizado um estudo ecológico a partir de dados secundários, com análises no espaço e no tempo. Foram gerados modelo multivariado e mapas entre variáveis socioeconômicas e taxas de quedas, além de aglomerados de maior Risco Relativo para estes eventos. Durante o período de análise, foram observadas 5.711 internações por quedas. O modelo final multivariado teve como variáveis explicativas (com seus respectivos Betas padronizados): razão de dependência (-0,378), proporção de idosos analfabetos (-0,305), idosos com dificuldade de enxergar (-0,257), idosos com dificuldade de ouvir (0,312), notificações de violência contra idosos (0,583) e idosos com até meio salário-mínimo (-0,800). Quanto à autocorrelação espacial, foram selecionadas as variáveis proporção de idosos do sexo masculino que não são responsáveis pelo domicílio (0,115), proporção de idosos economicamente ativos (0,129), proporção de idosos que vivem em domicílios com água encanada (0,221) e proporção de idosos que vivem em domicílios adequados (0,227). Sugerem-se ações preventivas voltadas à realização de exercícios para melhora do equilíbrio estático e dinâmico, orientações visando movimentos/transferências seguros e ações de prevenção de sérias lesões, bem como a avaliação periódica da segurança do ambiente doméstico e cuidados especializados. Este estudo serve para engajamento de gestores da saúde envolvidos com questões referentes à saúde do idoso, reforçando conceitos da Saúde Coletiva e da Saúde Pública nacionais


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    This study aimed to elaborate and verify the effects of a bodyweight funcional training protocol on strength, balance, flexibility, endurance, agility and motor skills in elderly in two different weekly training volumes, one lower and other higher than the recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine and World Health Organization. Thirty-two elderly were distributed in two training groups (120 and 180 minutes weekly). Every training session consisted of 12 parts that worked out one of six physical capacities. There was improvement (p<0.05) in strength, non-dominant limb one-stance balance, flexibility in upper limbs, endurance, agility and motor skills of the elderly, with no significant difference between groups 120 and 180 (p>0.05). Dominant lower limb balance and lower limbs flexibility were maintained with the proposed protocol. Thereby, the functional training protocol was able to maintain and improve the physical fitness in its participants.El objetivo de la investigación fue elaborar y verificar los efectos de un protocolo de entrenamiento funcional con peso corporal sobre la fuerza, equilibrio, flexibilidad, resistência aerobica, agilidad y coordinación motora en ancianos en dos volúmenes de entrenamiento semanal diferentes, uno inferior y otro superior al recomendado por el American College of Medicina Deportiva y Organización Mundial de la Salud. Treinta y dos ancianos fueron distribuidos en dos grupos (120 y 180 minutos semanales). Cada sesión de entrenamiento constaba de 12 partes que ejercitava una de las seis capacidades físicas. Hubo mejoría (p<0,05) en fuerza, equilibrio en un solo apoyo de miembros non-dominantes, flexibilidad en miembros superiores, resistência aerobica, agilidad y coordinación motora de los ancianos, sin diferencia significativa entre grupos 120 e 180 (p>0,05). El equilibrio en el miembro inferior dominante y la flexibilidad del miembro inferior se mantuvieron con el protocolo propuesto. Así, el protocolo de entrenamiento funcional logró mantener y mejorar la condición física de sus participantes.Este estudo teve como objetivo elaborar e verificar os efeitos de um protocolo de treinamento funcional com peso corporal na força, equilíbrio, flexibilidade, resistência aeróbica, agilidade e coordenação motora de idosos em dois diferentes volumes semanais de treinamento, um menor e outro maior que o recomendado pelo Organização Mundial da Saúde e do Colégio Americano de Medicina Esportiva. Trinta e dois idosos foram distribuídos em dois grupos (120 e 180 minutos semanais). Cada sessão de treinamento consistia em 12 partes que exercitava uma das seis capacidades físicas. Houve melhora (p<0,05) na força, equilíbrio unipodal do membro não-dominante, assimetria de flexibilidade de membros superiores, resistência aeróbica, agilidade e coordenação motora dos idosos, sem diferença significativa entre os grupos 120 e 180 (p>0,05). O equilíbrio no membro inferior dominante e a flexibilidade dos membros inferiores foram mantidas com a intervenção proposta. Dessa forma, o protocolo proposto foi capaz de manter e melhorar o condicionamento físico de seus participantes

    The effect of caffeine supplementation on trained individuals subjected to maximal treadmill test

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    Background: Intense physical training increases oxidative stress and inflammation, resulting into muscle and cellular damage. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of caffeine supplementation on trained young individuals subjected to two treadmill maximal tests.Materials and Methods: It was a double-blind and crossover study comprising 24 active individuals within the age group 18-30 years. The comparisons were conducted: the effect of exercise (week 1 x 2) and caffeine intake (GC x GP) on thiobarbituric acid (TBARS), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 10 (IL-10) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) variables during pre-exercise time (30 min. after caffeine or placebo intake) and post-exercise (5 min after treadmill test).Results: The comparison between weeks 1 and 2 showed increase in the first week, in the following items: TBARS, IL-6 and IL-10 in the GC and GP groups. The comparison within the same week showed that GC individuals presented lower post-exercise TBARS values in the first and second weeks; IL- 6 presented higher post-exercise values in the GC group in both weeks. The paired analysis comparing pre- and post-exercise, with and without caffeine showed that IL-6 presented higher post-exercise values in the GC group.Conclusion: Caffeine used by athletes can decrease oxidative stress. The increased IL-6 suggest that this ergogenic supplement may stimulate muscle hypertrophy, since IL-6 has myokine effect. However, the caffeine effect on IL-6 level and muscle hypertrophy increase should be better investigated in future studies.Keyword: Caffeine; Exercise; Interleukin; Oxidative stres

    Timed up and go test and self-perceived health in elderly: population-based study

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    Due to the aging process, chronic diseases arise with increased use of medications and there is a need to evaluate the elderly to prevent functional dependence and falls. The aim of this study was to compare gender, sociodemographic characteristics, fall occurrences, self-reported diseases, quantity of drugs with timed up and go test (TUG) and TUG-cognitive, and to associate these factors with the self-perception of health of the elderly in the community. Were selected 513 elderly people, with 384 that completed the TUG test to evaluate the functional capacity. There was difference between the female and male, in the variables: age-group 70 to 79 years (p=0.036) ≥ 80 years (p=0.013); per capita income in the female ≤ 1 minimum wage (p=0.005) and >2 (p=0.013), falls (p=0.001), systemic hypertension (p<0.001), arthritis or rheumatism (p=0.033), depression (p=0.048), osteoporosis (p<0.001), medications 3 to 4 (p=0.008), self-perceived health (p=0.030) and in the TUG (p<0.001) and TUG-cognitive (p=0.002). The prevalence by Poisson regression Robust (RPa), the variables associated with health self-perceived: heart disease (p=0,047), stroke (p=<0,001), osteoporosis (p=0,013) and TUG motor (p=0,028). Women had more health problems, weakness and poor physical performance, indicating the need for special attention as the aging aspects. So, TUG test can be useful tool for risk evaluate of falls in the elderly living in the community

    Physical and functional aspects of persons with multiple sclerosis practicing Tai-Geiko: randomized trial

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to verify the influence of Tai-Geiko on the physical and functional aspects of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: This was a parallel-group, randomized trial with two arms. People with MS were allocated to an experimental group (EG) (n=10) and control group (CG) (n=09). The participants received multidisciplinary care supervised by a physiotherapist in the Tai-Geiko exercise. Participants underwent the assessments after the intervention. The Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS-maximum score of 6.0), strength test (kgf) using a dynamometer, Timed Up and Go mobility test (TUG), and stabilometric balance test (Platform EMG systems) were evaluated. Demographic data were recorded, including age, sex, comorbidities, lifestyle and classification of MS. Clinical Trials (ReBeC): RBR-4sty47. RESULTS: The EG group improved in 12 variables, and the CG improved in 3 variables. The following values were obtained for pre/postintervention, respectively: EG: lumbar force (38/52 kgf), TUG (11/9 s), locomotion velocity (519/393 ms); double task two (53/39 s); platform stabilometric trajectory: traversed get up (39/26 s) and sit (45/29 s); anteroposterior (AP) amplitude rise (11/8 cm) and sit (12.40/9.94 cm) and anteroposterior frequency rise (1.00/1.56 Hz) and sit (0.8/1.25 Hz) (po0.05); CG: right-hand grip force (26/29 kgf); TUG (9.8 /8.7 s) and AP (11.84 /9.53 cm) stabilometric amplitude at the sitting moment (po0.05), (3.2/5.99 Hz, p=0.01) and sit (3.47/5.01 Hz, p=0.04). CONCLUSION: Tai-Geiko practice can be suggested as complementary exercise in the rehabilitation of persons with MS

    Dietary Re-education, Exercise Program, Performance and Body Indexes Associated with Risk Factors in Overweight/Obese Women

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    This study observed the effect of a dietary re-education plus regular physical activity on body composition, risk factors and physical test performance of sedentary overweight/obese women and to correlate these variables one with each other. Fifty women (36 ± 10 yrs; 31 ± 6 body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)) volunteered for the study. Body compositions were obtained by anthropometry and bioimpedance and some body indexes were established. One-repetition maximum (1-RM) and treadmill VO2max tests were carried out and blood samples were obtained for lipid, glucose and uric acid analyses before (T1) and after two months of intervention (T2). Diet was established by indirect calorimetry. Body fat, glucose, uric acid, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure were significantly reduced. The 1-RM and VO2max tests were significantly increased. Neck circumference (NC) was correlated with body composition, back muscle 1-MR, HDL and LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL ratio, uric acid, and resting energy expenditure. BMI was found to be significantly correlated with waist/hip ratio, circumference sum, and body fat percentage by anthropometry and bioimpedance. Body fat percentage determined by bioimpedance and anthropometry was significantly correlated with arm fat area and arm fat area corrected respectively, and both with BMI at T1 and T2. This study suggests that a dietary reeducation plus physical activity around 200 min/week improved body composition and the health of these women. Many anthropometry measurements have correspondence to risk factors and NC could be a simple approach to reflect these results, without other more complex techniques