61 research outputs found

    Adapting agriculture in 2050 in Flevoland; perspectives from stakeholders

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    Although recently more research has gone into farm level studies, little attention has been given to the variety of responses of farmers, considering their characteristics, objectives and the socio-economic, technological and political contexts (Reidsma et al, 2010). In the Agri-Adapt project we focus on farm level adaptation within an agricultural region considering the socio-economic context of 2050

    Reframing the future: the role of reflexivity in governance networks in sustainability transitions

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    Contains fulltext : 183569.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)30 november 201

    Mediators of the effect of the JUMP-in intervention on physical activity and sedentary behavior in Dutch primary schoolchildren from disadvantaged neighborhoods.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Important health benefits can be achieved when physical activity in children from low socio-economic status is promoted and sedentariness is limited. By specifying the mediating mechanisms of existing interventions one can improve future physical activity interventions. This study explored potential mediators of the long-term effect of the school-based multicomponent JUMP-in intervention on sport participation, outdoor play and screen time in Dutch primary schoolchildren from disadvantaged neighborhoods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total, 600 primary schoolchildren (aged 9.8 ± 0.7, 51% girls, 13% Dutch ethnicity, 35% overweight) from 9 intervention and 10 control schools were included in the analyses. JUMP-in was developed using Intervention Mapping, and targeted psychological and environmental determinants of physical activity. Outcome behaviors were self-reported sport participation, outdoor play, TV-viewing behavior and computer use. Potential mediators were self-reported psychological, social and physical environmental factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>JUMP-in was effective in improving sport participation after 20 months, but not in improving outdoor play, or reducing TV-viewing or computer time. JUMP-in was not effective in changing hypothesized mediators so no significant mediated effects could be identified. However, changes in self-efficacy, social support and habit strength were positively associated with changes in sport participation, and changes in social support, self-efficacy, perceived planning skills, enjoyment and habit strength were positively associated with changes in outdoor play. Changes in enjoyment was positively associated with changes in TV-viewing while parental rules were negatively associated. Having a computer in the bedroom and enjoyment were positively associated with changes in computer use, while changes in parental rules were negatively associated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Besides a significant positive effect on sports participation, no significant intervention effect on outdoor play, screen time or any of the potential mediators was found. This suggest that other (unmeasured) factors operated as mediating mechanisms of the intervention, that we used unsuccessful intervention strategies, that the strategies were inappropriately implemented, or that children are unable to accurately recall past activities and cognitions. Additionally, the school setting might not be the sole channel to influence leisure time activities. Still, several personal and environmental constructs were found to be relevant in predicting change in sport participation, outdoor play and screen behavior and seem to be potential mediators. Future interventions are recommended including more effective strategies targeting these relevant constructs, addressing different constructs (e.g. pedagogic skills of parents), and focusing on different implementation settings.</p> <p>Trail registration</p> <p>ISRCTN17489378</p

    Активні штами ентомопатогенних бактерій Bacillus thuringiensis з комах природних популяцій

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    З комах природних популяцій півдня України виділено штами бактерій Bacillus thuringiensis, що діють ефективно проти листогризучих комах Lepidoptera і Diptera. Вивчені фізіолого-біохімічні властивості і спектр ентомопатогенної дії даних бактерій. Активність патогенів проти личинок колорадського жука (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, ряд Coleoptera), гусениць капустяної совки (Mamesta brassicae, ряд Lepidoptera) та американського білого метелика (Hyphantria cunea Dryri, ряд Lepidoptera) молодшого віку становить 74,7-100 %. Штами передано до колекції бактеріальних ентомопатогенів Інституту сільськогосподарської мікробіології УААН як перспективні для розробки біопрепаратів для захисту рослин від листогризучих шкідників.Из насекомых природных популяций юга Украины выделены штаммы бактерий Bacillus thuringiensis, эффективные против листогрызущих насекомых Lepidoptera и Diptera. Изучены физиолого-биохимические свойства и спектр энтомопатогенного действия данных бактерий. Активность патогенов против личинок колорадского жука (Leptinotarsa decemlineata, отр. Coleoptera), гусениц капустной совки (Mamesta brassicae, отр. Lepidoptera) и американской белой бабочки (Hyphantria cunea Dryri, отр. Lepidoptera) младшего возраста составляет 74,7-100 %. Штаммы переданы в коллекцию бактериальных энтомопатогенов Института сельскохозяйственной микробиологии УААН как перспективные для разработки биопрепаратов для защиты растений от листогрызущих насекомых.Strains of Bacillus thuringiensis effecient against leaf-chewing insects of Lepidoptera and Diptera genus have been isolated from insects of nature populations. Their physiological and biochemical properties and the spectrum of entomopathogenic action were studed. The activity of pathogens against the larva of potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlinaeta, order Coleoptera), caterpillars of cabbage moth (Mamesta brassicae, order Lepidoptera) and fall webworm moth (Hyphantria cunea Dryri, order Lepidoptera) of small age grade was around 74,7-100 %. These strains were added to bacterial entomopathogene collection of the Institute of agricultural microbiology of UAAS as perspective for elaboration of biopreparations for plants protection against leaf-chewing insects

    A first approach to deal with cumulative effects on birds and bats of offshore wind farms and other human activities in the southern North Sea

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    Around 100 offshore wind farms are scheduled to be operational by 2023 in the southern North Sea (51-56°N) alone. There may be two sides to this development in environmental terms: on the one hand this will help reduce CO2 emissions, on the other hand protected North Sea biota may be negatively impacted. This report considers the cumulative impact of all projected wind farms in the southern North Sea (by 2023) on birds and bats

    Strong floristic distinctiveness across Neotropical successional forests

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    Forests that regrow naturally on abandoned fields are important for restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services, but can they also preserve the distinct regional tree floras? Using the floristic composition of 1215 early successional forests (≤20 years) in 75 human-modified landscapes across the Neotropic realm, we identified 14 distinct floristic groups, with a between-group dissimilarity of 0.97. Floristic groups were associated with location, bioregions, soil pH, temperature seasonality, and water availability. Hence, there is large continental-scale variation in the species composition of early successional forests, which is mainly associated with biogeographic and environmental factors but not with human disturbance indicators. This floristic distinctiveness is partially driven by regionally restricted species belonging to widespread genera. Early secondary forests contribute therefore to restoring and conserving the distinctiveness of bioregions across the Neotropical realm, and forest restoration initiatives should use local species to assure that these distinct floras are maintained