241 research outputs found

    Dynamic Partnership in Online Logistics Community

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    Agents of various capabilities in the logistics community individually or together collaboratively serve very different shipment requests offline. With the challenges of global e-business, the capabilities of collaborative partnering and planning online increase agents’ competitiveness and enhance logistics process performance. In this paper, we define dynamic partnership – a conceptual underpinning to maximize the four e-rights for the online logistics community. Three core factors, namely credibility, reliability and viability are introduced to guide successful partnership online. A survey of logistics service providers in Hong Kong confirms the relevancy of the four e-rights and three core factors in collaboration efforts. A conceptual analysis with respect to partnership flexibility, collaboration and performance of dynamic partnership is given. To realize such partnership in the logistics community, the electronic platform requirements are identified

    An Architectural Framework of a Decision Support Platform for e-Business

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    The rapid development of e-Business urges the need for online integrative partnership and collaborative business process management. These trends call for a new dimension of decision support: online multiplicitive decision interoperability. We define it as a decision support platform for e-Business, which facilitates inter-organizational decision making process allowing dynamic partnership. As it is not the common decision support system we familiar with, we propose a new architectural framework of this decision support platform. This framework carries a set of unique characteristics that should be incorporated in the design and development of such platform

    Mobil-telefónia és az IKT Kínában: A vándormunkások esete a Gyöngy-folyó deltájában

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    Dél-Kínában a vándormunkások a legalacsonyabb jövedelmű csoporthoz tartoznak, az utóbbi években mégis meredeken emelkedett közöttük a mobiltelefonnal rendelkezők száma. Még érdekesebb, hogy az általuk használt mobiltelefonok ára havi jövedelmük háromszorosát vagy négyszeresét is elérheti. Ennek a jelenségnek a nyomába szegődve, a tanulmány szerzői 2003-tól kezdve mélyinterjúkat készítettek a vándormunkások mobiltelefon-használatáról és annak társadalmi következményeiről Dongguan Cityben. Tanulmányukban áttekintik a mobil-telefónia fejlődését Kínában és bemutatják a vándormunkások körében kialakult tipikus mobiltelefon-használati mintákat, feltárva azoknak a munkások társadalmi kapcsolataira gyakorolt hatásait. Rávilágítanak arra, hogy a kiterjesztett kapcsolati hálózatok hogyan segítik a vándormunkásokat a számukra kedvezőbb munkafeltételek elérésében. Végül bemutatják a rohamosan terjedő alkalmi munkavállalás jelenségét és előrejelzéseket tesznek az IKT terjedésének várható jövőbeli hatásaira vonatkozólag a mai Kínában

    Relationship between cortical thickness and neuropsychological performance in normal older adults and those with mild cognitive impairment

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been extensively investigated in recent decades to identify groups with a high risk of dementia and to establish effective prevention methods during this period. Neuropsychological performance and cortical thickness are two important biomarkers used to predict progression from MCI to dementia. This study compares the cortical thickness and neuropsychological performance in people with MCI and cognitively healthy older adults. We further focus on the relationship between cortical thickness and neuropsychological performance in these two groups. Forty-nine participants with MCI and 40 cognitively healthy older adults were recruited. Cortical thickness was analysed with semiautomatic software, Freesurfer. The analysis reveals that the cortical thickness in the left caudal anterior cingulate (p=0.041), lateral occipital (p=0.009) and right superior temporal (p=0.047) areas were significantly thinner in the MCI group after adjustment for age and education. Almost all neuropsychological test results (with the exception of forward digit span) were significantly correlated to cortical thickness in the MCI group after adjustment for age, gender and education. In contrast, only the score on the Category Verbal Fluency Test and the forward digit span were found to have significant inverse correlations to cortical thickness in the control group of cognitively healthy older adults. The study results suggest that cortical thinning in the temporal region reflects the global change in cognition in subjects with MCI and may be useful to predict progression of MCI to Alzheimer's disease. The different pattern in the correlation of cortical thickness to the neuropsychological performance of patients with MCI from the healthy control subjects may be explained by the hypothesis of MCI as a disconnection syndrome

    What are the opportunities for manufacturing in the “one belt one road” initiative? The case of Hong Kong’s textiles and clothing sector

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    The One Belt, One Road (hereafter OBOR) initiative is a development strategy launched by China in 2015. Its aim is to increase economic co-operation among countries along the China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road that connect Asia, Europe and Africa. As one of China’s important economic drivers, Hong Kong’s anticipated gains taking part in this initiative are substantial. This is particularly true for companies in the textiles and clothing (T&C) sectors, as the OBOR initiative offers investment opportunities in developing low-cost production bases in developing countries and promotes global trade. The main objective of this paper is twofold. First, it investigates how Hong Kong can strengthen its “superconnector” role, facilitating sustainable trade and development in the T&C industries among some OBOR countries. Specific measures are identified so that T&C companies in Hong Kong can establish and facilitate technological upgrades and transformation to potential production facilities in some developing countries under the OBOR initiative. This would contribute to the sustainable development of the T&C sectors in Hong Kong. Second, the study extends the gravity trade model to analyze the development of T&C trade patterns between Hong Kong and OBOR countries. Especially it covered some of the key factors not considered in previous studies, such as Logistics Performance Index (LPI), demographical factors, and those related to the business environment and policies. The analysis covers the impacts of country-specific, social, economic and supply chain factors on T&C trade. Based on the results, recommendations are provided to address how Hong Kong helps to facilitate trade and development of the T&C sectors under the OBOR initiative

    The central policy unit in the governance of Hong Kong : a study of institutional dynamics

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    HBV genotype B is associated with better response to interferon therapy in HBeAg( + ) chronic hepatitis than genotype C

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype and precore/core promoter mutations have been implicated in spontaneous and interferon alfa (IFN-Α)—related hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) seroconversion. We performed a retrospective analysis of a previously reported randomized controlled trial to determine the effects of HBV genotype and precore/core promoter mutations on IFN-Α response in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis. Clinical data and stored sera from 109 (95%) patients in the original trial were analyzed. Seventy-three patients received IFN-Α and 34 received no treatment (controls). Almost all patients had HBV genotypes B (38%) and C (60%). Antiviral response was achieved in 39% and 17% of IFN-Α—treated patients ( P = 0.03) and in 10% and 8% of untreated controls ( P = 0.88) with HBV genotype B and C, respectively. Multivariate analysis identified HBV genotype B, elevated pretreatment alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, and low pretreatment HBV-DNA levels but not IFN-Α treatment as independent factors associated with antiviral response. Among the 66 patients with elevated pretreatment ALT level, antiviral response was achieved in 57% and 21% of IFN-Α—treated patients ( P = 0.019), and in 25% and 8% of untreated controls ( P = 0.45) with HBV genotype B and C, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that genotype B and low pretreatment HBV-DNA levels were independent predictors of antiviral response. In conclusion, our data showed that HBV genotype B was associated with a higher rate of IFN-induced HBeAg clearance compared with genotype C. Stratification for HBV genotypes should be considered in future clinical trials of antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B. (H EPATOLOGY 2002;36:1425–1430).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38415/1/1840360619_ftp.pd