2 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Dan Karakterisasi Film Pati Kulit Ari Singkong/Kitosan Dengan Plasticizer Asam Oleat

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    Penelitian tentang pembuatan dan karakterisasi film pati kulit ari singkong/kitosan dengan plasticizer asam oleat telah dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini, pati kulit ari singkong bertindak sebagai matriks, kitosan sebagai biopolimer pencampur dan asam oleat sebagai lipida. Formulasi larutan yang digunakan diberi nama sebagai berikut: CS75 OA 0%, CS60/CH15/OA 0%, CS45/CH30/OA 0%, CS37,5/CH37,5/OA 0%, CH75/OA 0%, CS75/OA 1%, CS60/CH15/OA 1%, CS45/CH30/OA 1%, CS37,5/CH37,5/OA 1%, dan CH75/OA 1%. CS merupakan pati kulit ari singkong, CH merupakan kitosan dan OA merupakan asam oleat. Asam oleat ditambahkan hingga mencapai konsentrasi akhir larutan FFD sebesar 0% dan 1% (v/b). Film yang dibuat dikarakterisasi dengan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Tensile Strenght dan analisa water uptake. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa film kulit ari singkong/kitosan dengan plasticizer asam oleat memiliki penampakan visual transparan dan homogen. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pati kulit ari singkong, kitosan dan asam oleat mampu berinteraksi dengan baik. Penambahan asam oleat hingga mencapai konsentrasi akhir larutan 1% (v/b) mempengaruhi sifat fisik film, yaitu meningkatkan % elongasi, namun menurunkan nilai stress, nilai Modulus Young dan nilai water uptake secara signifikan. ================================================================================================================== The preparation and characterization of epidermis cassava starch/chitosan has been conducted using oleic acid plasticizer. In this study, epidermis cassava starch acts as a matrix, chitosan as a mixing biopolymer and oleic acid as lipids. Solution formulations used were as follows: CS75 OA 0%, CS60/CH15/OA 0%, CS45/CH30/OA 0%, CS37,5/CH37,5/OA 0%, CH75/OA 0%, CS75/OA 1%, CS60/CH15/OA 1%, CS45/CH30/OA 1%, CS37,5/CH37,5/OA 1%, and CH75/OA 1% where CS was the epidermis cassava strach, CH was chitosan and OA was oleic acid. The oleic acid was put to the final concentration of FFD solution at 0% and 1% (v/b). Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Tensile Strenght dan analysis of water uptake were used to characterized the film formed. The results showed that the epidermis cassava starch/chitosan’s film with oleic acid plasticizer has transparent and homogeneous visual appearance indicating that all the three compound was able to interact well. The addition of oleic acid solution until at final concentration of 1% (w/v) influenced the physical properties of the film by increasing the % elongation but lowers the stress, the modulus Young and water uptake significantly

    Physical and Chemical Properties of Gelatin from Red Snapper Scales : Temperature Effects

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    The extent of applications in various fields makes the need for gelatin continue to increase in the global market. Fish gelatin is an alternative to mammalian gelatin and its use is more universal because it can be consumed by all religious followers. The high variability of fish gelatin properties is caused by the availability of many extraction methods to obtain it. This preliminary study was carried out to find the optimum range of gelatin extraction procedures using Red Snapper scales because it had not been widely studied, although it was reported that gelatin yield was not significantly different from the bone and skin part. The optimum condition of the extraction procedure was obtained by pre-treatment using 5 % CH3COOH with extraction temperature of 60 °C which produces 58.19% swelling of fish scales and yield of gelatin is 8.76% with the moisture quality of 6.68%, pH of 6.225, viscosity of 15.54 cP and the melting point of 60 °C. The functional groups of gelatin was also successfully confirmed by FT-IR spectra