89 research outputs found

    Ecological Communication in Information Society: Reflections on Niklas Luhmann's Thought in Understanding Ecological & Disaster Issues in Indonesia

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    Ecological issues pose a serious threat to the continued existence of contemporary society. The recent development of humanity as an information society has been unable to overcome ecological issues; indeed, they have become more complex. Rapid advances in information and communication technology have fundamentally transformed various dimensions of human life. At the same time, ecological problems have been complicated by increasingly intense disasters, limited awareness of environmental degradation, as well as the increasingly apparent threat of global warming and climate change. Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist, offered ecological communication as a conceptual framework for understanding the ecological problems faced by modern society. Through his system theory and concept of resonance, Luhmann sought to explain how modern society, as a complex social system, responds to ecological issues. This article seeks to explore in detail the ecological communication framework developed by Luhmann and use it to understand the ecological issues facing today#39;s information society, especially in Indonesia. The main method used by this research is exploration and explication of the principles of Luhmann#39;s theory, which are implemented to analyze various ecological issues and natural disasters in Indonesia. This research involved the collection of materials on ecological communication from Luhmann#39;s books, as well as the linking of these materials to the ecological problems faced by information society

    Mainstreaming climate change issues: Challenges for journalism education in Indonesia

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    This article aims to explain the challenges of journalism education in Indonesia on the issue of mainstreaming climate change. As the world’s largest archipelago, Indonesia has to deal with some climate change impacts such as rising sea levels, extreme weather, floods, drought, and forest fires. Climate change is a real serious threat, but public awareness of this issue is low in Indonesia. Mass media have a capacity to mainstream climate change and increase public awareness. The data for this article has been collected through qualitative content analysis of newspaper articles, interviews with communication lecturers and scholars, and document reviews. Some of the important findings are: 1) The climate change issue in the Indonesian mass media is less popular than other issues such as corruption, elections, terrorism and refugees; 2) Journalism education in Indonesia does not contribute enough to mainstreaming climate change on mass media; 3) There are three levels of problem in macro, messo, and micro level of journalism education in Indonesia to mainstreaming climate change issue. At a micro level, the problem is related to the lack of lecturers with competence in climate change. On a messo level, journalism education has failed to connect with the problem of climate change through curricula. At a macro level, the problem is related to the popularity of journalism than other subjects in general socio-political environment.  Systemic theory by Niklas Luhmann was used as tool to analyse these problems. From this perspective, Indonesian journalism education as a system faces plenty of challenges to reduce the complexity of problems to optimise its role in mainstreaming climate change

    Relasi Media-Negara-Masyarakat dan Pasar dalam Era Reformasi

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    The withdrawal of state domination does not necessarily lead to the institutionalization of market. Freedom of information also requires a new kind of societal conduct. Indonesia currcntly faces tension in settling a triangular relationship between state, market and the societ

    Kecenderungan “Framing” Media Massa Indonesia dalam Meliput Bencana Sebagai Media Event

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    Mass media industries always frame their news based on their perspective and interest. This paper will examine the framing of disaster event and issues of contemporary Indonesia: the media framing on the natural disaster event (Yogyakarta’s earth quake, Mei 2006 and Padang’s earth quake, March 2007); the media framing on the disaster because of human factor (Senopati Tragedy, December 2006 and Adam Air Tragedy, January 2007); the media framing on the natural disaster because of natural and human factor (Lapindo Case, May 2006–March 2007). Based on framing analysis, this paper presents some interesting findins and discussion the different framing of each mass media as friends, foe, adversarial agent and empowerment agent

    Pandemic in the complexity of the Digital Era: How online media in Indonesia construct the reality of COVID-19

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    This article aims to examine the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic constructed by online media outlets in Indonesia as one of the primary sources of information during the crisis. It uses qualitative content analysis to determine how online media in Indonesia construct the reality of COVID-19. The country’s eight most accessed online media websites are the objects of this study with a three-unit analysis: context, message and tone. The result shows that Indonesian media coverage has predominantly emphasised the pandemic’s political context over the health and economic context. Informants have predominantly been politicians; epidemiologists and scientists have been given little space. In this case, the media system in Indonesia through online news media were not able to play an optimal role in the early phases of the pandemic due to the tendency of this news construction

    EDITORIAL: Connecting the Pacific dots

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    When University of the South Pacific climate change scientist Elisabeth Holland gave a keynote address at the Second Pacific Climate Change Conference at Te Papa Tongarewa in Wellington, New Zealand, on February 2018, her message was simple but inspiring. In an address advocating ‘connecting the dots’ about the climate challenges facing the globe, and particularly the coral atoll microstates of the Asia-Pacific region, she called for ‘more Pacific research, by the Pacific and for the Pacific’. The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize co-recipient, Professor Holland, director of the University of the South Pacific’s Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD), noted many of the global models drawn from average statistics were not too helpful for the specifics in the Pacific where climate change had already become a daily reality

    Bonding, bridging and linking relationships of the CSR target communities of PT Pertamina Refinery Unit II Sungai Pakning

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    PT Pertamina (Persero) Sungai Pakning Refinery Unit II as one of Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas companies has contributed to the empowerment of communities around its operational areas through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme. In carrying out CSR programs, the company pays attention to the social relations of the target communities. This study focuses on analyzing the forms of social relations of the CSR target communities and their impacts on the implementation of CSR programs of PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit II Sungai Pakning. Social relations in this study are defined into three forms of relations, namely bonding, bridging and linking, each of which has different impacts on the social conditions of the beneficiary communities. This research is based on qualitative approach, conducted in three target communities in different areas within Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, namely Sungai Pakning Village, Sungai Selari Village, and Pangkalan Jambi Village, during the period of 2017-2018. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentations. The study finds various forms of social relations. Bonding relations show that intra-group bonds are important to maintain group cohesiveness. Bridging relations show that ties between groups need to be developed in order to connect each others and work together. While the linking relationships show that there is a good impact for groups that have closer relationships with the higher power institutions. These results indicate that the forms of social relations have important impacts on the implementation of CSR programs and need to be maintained through participatory communication activities in order to create sustainable social relations. This study also finds that good social relations will be strong support to raise community awareness and participation in practicing sustainable environmental management


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    Library as one of information systems has vital role in collecting, arranging, and spreading information to public who need it. Library has strategic position in learning public because its role is to collect, arrange, and prepare knowledge recording to read and study. There haven't been many user come and utilize the facilities in library. One of factors is lack of promotion or socialization to public about library through mass media, in this case coverage in newspaper. To get general illustration about tendency of coverage with theme library and information literacy in Republika, Kompas, Kedaulatan Rakyat, and Bernas November 2006-April 2007 edition. This research has purpose to get general illustration about the tendency of coverage of library theme in Republika, Kompas, Kedaulatan Rakyat, and Bernas, November 2006 — April 2007.Research method in this research is descriptive qualitative method which coverage content of library in the four newspaper Republika, Kompas, Kedaulatan Rakyat, and Bernas. Data from research will be process and analyzed by category analysis and showed descriptively.Research data in the four newspaper, Republika, Kompas, Kedaulatan Rakyat, and Bernas showed that the amount of library coverage is still low. Based of more detailed category, those are (1) library management, (2) library facilities and medium, (3) library technology, (4) librarians, (5) non-substantive, (6) information literacy, the most amount of coverage is on Kedaulatan Rakyat. Coverage theme that often covered the four newspaper is just on coverage category which is not connected directly with library, that is non-subtantive coverage. In this case, it is connected with book information, consist of resensi or book promotin. Meanwhile, for information literacy coverage is placed in second range in its coverage. Key word: Library Coverage, Information Literacy, Newspape

    Nilai-Tanda sebagai Jantung Makna Relasi Konsumen dan Merek

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas konstelasi pembentukan relasi konsumen dan merek dalam dimensi simbolik. Metode yang digunakan adalah reflektivitas dan kajian literatur mendalam untuk mengonstruk teori merek Lury dan nilai-tanda Baudrillard atau konsep berkaitan dengan konteks isu yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa relasi konsumen dan merek terbentuk melalui proses penandaan (signifikansi). Merek merupakan institusi nilai-tanda yang menstimuli produksi dan konsumsi makna-makna simbolik oleh konsumen yang secara hasrati menciptakan berbagai kesenangan simbolik. Makna merek sering digunakan sebagai simbol gaya hidup tertentu, simbol kesuksesan, simbol kejantanan, simbol kepedulian sosial, simbol kekerenan dalam pergaulan, simbol percaya diri, simbol prestise, dan makna-makna simbolik lain. Merek menjadi obyek kenyamanan dan kesenangan individual yang secara terus-menerus direproduksi oleh konsumen melalui berbagai akrobat makna yang dikonstruknya. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan relasi konsumen dan merek berkelindan dalam ruang-ruang simbolik perseptual konsumen melalui kekuasaan nilai-tanda yang terartikulasikan dalam berbagai kharisma. Nilai-tanda hadir untuk mengalienasi subyek dari obyek riil dan membiak di tataran pemaknaan konsumen. Kajian ini memberi implikasi bagi pengembangan teori komunikasi merek dari perspektif kajian-kajian budaya
