45 research outputs found

    The Role of Indonesia Parliamentary Television as Government Broadcasting to Enhance Public Trust

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    This article describes an idea about the democratization in Indonesia Parliamentary Television. There are many political interests brought about at the parliament house. Therefore, it disables the freedom of news coverage in Indonesia's House of Representatives. This paper aimed to explain how broadcasting democratization is portrayed in Parliamentary Television. The method used was a field study where the interviews and observation took place at the Parliamentary Building of Indonesia's House of Representatives. This study used qualitative analysis to examine how Indonesia Parliamentary Television was upholding democratic broadcasting systems to voice the equitability of all political parties. Parliamentary Television implemented accountability in broadcasting content programs; thus, the public could supervise the house council's policies.  The easiness of the public to get information directly through Parliamentary Television is needed to prioritize openness as the foundation of democracy and improve public trust in the Indonesian government

    Episteme Dakwatologi Komunikasi: Menakar Komunikasi Islam dalam Epsitemologi Triangular Relationship

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    Building a paradigm on Islamic communication does not actually have to start from the scratch. Synthesis heavy foundation can be use the existing communication theories, but the more important for Muslim scholars is to create a new synthesis through meta-theories aspects which include epistemology, ontology and perspectives. Settling on the aspects of the value and ethics dimensions must be able to collaborate with monotheism and responsibilities hereafter. Islamic communication functions is to realize the meaning of the equation, thus there will be changes in attitude or behavior of the Muslim societies. While the ultimate goal of Islam is the point which stressed on the aspect communicant, not the communicator. In the aspect of social change and community development, communication tends to be positivistic and functionally oriented to the individual, instead the social system and sociocultural functions that are critical to stimulate social changes. Quality of communication regarding the values of truth, simplicity, kindness, honesty, integrity, fairness, validity of the message and sources, are the important aspect in the Islamic  communication. Therefore, in this perspective, communication is established to joint Islamic Triangular Relationship between "God, man and society"

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dakwah 2017

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    Tema: "Evaluasi Perkembangan Ilmu dan Kelembagaan Dakwah Islam

    Commodification broadcast television program on local television in Bandung, West Java

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    The media has now become a tool that performs many functions, beyond its function as a conduit of information to the public.As an industry, television programming impressions always count with the economic calculations that led to the result of profit.Media with strengths and opportunities will see any loopholes that benefit the industry into a viable commodity.The commodification in a critical view of the media sees the commodities and commodification with two things that connect the object and process.It is one indicator of global capitalism that is now taking place.Commodification is the transformation of the shape of the relationship, which is initially trafficked into things that are free of the commercial nature of the relationship

    Literasi media : Cerdas dan kritis dalam bermedia

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    Buku ini merupakan sekumpulan hasil pemikiran dan analisa riset terhadap program-program TV lokal di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tim peneliti yang terdiri dari dosen-dosen program studi Ilmu Komunikasi - Telkom University telah melakukan kerja sama penelitian bersama KPID Jawa Barat untuk terus menggelorakan melek media pada masyarakat dan lembaga penyiaran. Dalam brainstorming laporan penelitian kami, KPID Jawa Barat telah berhasil menjadi media penyampai suara masyarakat yang mendambakan tontonan yang sehat, mendidik, dan informatif. Buku ini berisi 8 tulisan yang diharapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi, saran, serta masukan bagi dunia penyiaran TV lokal Jawa Barat. Penerbitan buku ini didasari pada kepedulian kami sebagai para akademisi Ilmu Komunikasi untuk menumbuhkan kecintaan masyarakat Jawa Barat menonton program TV lokal Jawa Barat yang kental dengan nilai religi, local wisdom, dan seni budaya Jawa Barat

    Desacralization of Islamic Values in 'Bismillah Cinta': Semiotics Analysis in the Character of Ustadz Rehan

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    This study aims to analyze the construction of an ustadz (Moslem teacher) in the religious drama series (sinetron) 'Bismillah Cinta'. The research is focussed on exploring the desacralization aspect related to the commodification of the ustadz character shown in 'Bismillah Cinta' drama series. The researchers used qualitative research method with the semiotic approach of Charles Sanders Pierce. There are 5 scenes that have been selected based on the criteria of the desacralization in the ustadz character. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation and documentation. The results showed that the commodification of the ustadz character in the drama series of 'Bismillah Cinta' did not reflect an ustadz who hold the role in keeping peaceful and harmony with the religious messages

    Refleksi filsafat dan komunikasi

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    Buku Refleksi Filsafat dan Komunikasi ini merupakan upaya untuk memberikan kontribusi akademik dalam perkuliahan pada program studi Komunikasi, komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam, dan studi-studi dalam ilmu sosial lain. Buku ini memberikan pemahaman mengenai filsafat dan komunikasi, filsafat dan sains, agama termasuk persentuhan dengan filsafat Islam, filsafat pengetahuan, filsafat sebagai akar ilmu komunikasi, analisis pohon komunikasi, sejarah pemikiran filsafat barat dan timur, sejarah pemikiran filsafat komunikasi, ontologi, epistemologi, aksiologi, landasan ilmiah komunikasi, mazhab pemikiran dalam kajian komunikasi, paradigma dalam komunikasi, dan tradisi-tradisi dalam kajian komunikasi

    Clickbait Journalism: Media Logics in Journalism Practices on Online Media

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    This article will examine the practice of clickbait journalism, which is increasingly common in news titles in online media, through the lens of Altheide and Snow's media logic. Due to social distancing policies during the pandemic, this article employs the library research method by collecting materials and references online by observing several clickbait news titles on Tribunnews.com. Trends can be identified based on data analysis, such as exaggeration, graphics or titles containing obscene, disturbing/disgusting, or shady material, bait-and-switch, and ambiguous or confusing and tend to grab readers' interest. Nevertheless, although this practice has been criticized as a mere business, this article argues that this practice does not always represent the poor credibility of online media since this practice is not only caused by the technical logic of online media but also caused by the changing behavior of the readers which is more increasingly digitalized


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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a set of methods which is applied and integrated for suppliers, employers, warehouses and other storage areas effectively and efficiently. This study aims to facilitate the management of goods stock, starting from the process of ordering good from suppliers, supplying goods until managing the goods to the customers. Dodi Sport is a company in the field of sports equipment that sells products such as, pants, jersey shirts, shoes, bags, ball and other sport equipments. The company is located in at Ciamis Street number 97 Windujanten Kadugede – Kuningan. The system created uses Rational Unified Process (RUP) method, web-base system design and using supporting applications such as XAMPP, the design programming language using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) language and the design user interface and DBMS (Database Management System) uses MySQL, this application helps companies to store data management of goods, ordering, purchasing, sales, returning goods and others that still uses manual system, or not computerized yet with the aim of maximizing the performance and also profits for the company, suppliers, including end customers. It is expected to provide satisfaction to suppliers and companies so that running the business process will be easy.Keywords : Web, RUP, SCM, Dodi Sport Kuninga