88 research outputs found

    Tawakal Sebagai Formula Kebahagiaan

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    Sufism is an esoteric (inner) aspect in Islam that teaches self-purification (taskiyatun nafs) in an effort to get closer to God which has an impact on the behavior of one's life. Human behavior at this time, the world hit by the Covid-19 outbreak still has not shown the right behavior, as there are still many people who violate the rules of the government and recommendations from health experts in an effort to break the Covid-19 chain. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the formulation of the problem of how to describe the role of Sufism in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. The purpose of this research is to describe the teachings of Sufism in contributing to breaking the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The result of this research is that the practice of uzlah (seclusion) and seclusion (solitude) in Sufism can be used as alternatives in breaking the rate of spread of the Covid-19 outbreak

    Javanese Religious Humanism (Critical Study of R.M.P. Sosrokartono)

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    Humanism is a school in philosophy which states that humans are the center of everything, or referred to as anthropocentric. So it gives a negative impression of humanism itself. There is a discourse that God is removed or not functioned with the understanding of humanism that upholds the values of human beings. Javanese society is famous for its friendly, humanist and religious people in religion. One of the figures who came from Java was R.M.P. Sosrokartono, he has ideas and thoughts that indirectly contain humanistic values that are wrapped in the values of Javanese society. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, the data in this study there are two forms, primary data and secondary data. The purpose of this study is to reveal the values of humanism in the thinking of R.M.P. Sosrokartono and how it is relevant to today's life. The result of this research is that there are teachings of R.M.P. Sosrokartono name is ilmu kantong bolong dan ilmu kantong kosong, in which there are humanistic values. In addition, the humanism model of R.M.P. Sosrokartono has a new variant with the humanism that developed in the West

    Psikoterapi Sufistik dalam Pengobatan Reiki pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Reiki Sufism is a spiritual practice and healing of physical and psychological ailments through Sufism values using the Reiki method. Sufism is a scientific field in Islam that concentrates on the inner realm (esoteric). Meanwhile, reiki is a healing technique from Japan that utilizes the energy of the universe or is called Divine energy. Seeing the current conditions in the world that is being hit by the Covid-19 outbreak, the behavior shown by the community has changed. This incident not only had an impact on the health sector but also had an impact on the religious sector. So it is necessary to do research on how to mitigate or handle the Covid-19 outbreak. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and literature study with the formulation of the problem of how the contribution of Reiki Sufism in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak. The purpose of this research is to describe Reiki Sufism techniques in breaking the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The results of this research are the practice of self-healing, uzlah (self-isolation), khalwat (solitude), and meditation dhikr that can be used as alternatives in breaking the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak and making individuals able to adapt to the pandemic

    Psikologi Sufi: Tasawuf Sebagai Terapi

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    The study in this study reveals about Sufi Psychology, a therapeutic effort in the literature of Sufism teachings. This study focuses on behaviors associated with Sufi teachings or disease prevention, both physiologically and psychologically. The results obtained from this study are the discovery of alternative treatment or preventive against the disease appropriately in accordance with the demands of today's society. It was found that Sufi psychology is an alternative form of therapy as well as overcoming psychological problems carried out using Sufism values as a way of treatment or prevention. This model has been known in the society since Islam and Sufism flourished. Scientific references from the system of treatment work can be found in various theories of Islamic psychology, in which consciousness is the focus of study. The conclusion is the relationship between mind, soul and body in human health

    Analisis Pemanfaatan E-Banking Dalam Industri Perbankan di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm

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    The development of information and communication technology (ICT) was growing rapidly and was used in many fields including the banking industry in Indonesia. The aims of this research were :  1) to  analyze the impact of ICT development in developing the business strategies of the banking industry in Indonesia (E-Banking),and 2) to analyze the impact of e-banking utilization in the banking industry in Indonesia in terms of Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) paradigm. Theresults showed thate-banking was a business strategyof the banking industry in Indonesia that appeared asthe impact of ICT development. Impact of utilization of e-banking in Indonesia did not havea significant impact on improving the performance of the banking industry inIndonesia.Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT) berkembang pesat dan digunakan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan termasuk industri perbankan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) menganalisis dampak perkembangan ICT dalam pengembangan strategi bisnis industri perbankan di Indonesia (E-Banking), serta dan 2) menganalisis pemanfaatan e-banking dalam industri perbankan di Indonesia ditinjau dari paradigma Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-banking merupakan strategi bisnis industri perbankan di Indonesia yang muncul sebagai dampak perkembangan ICT. Dampak pemanfaatan e-banking di Indonesia belum berdampak nyata terhadap peningkatan kinerja industri perbankan di Indonesia

    Analisis Manajemen Rantai Pasok Benih Jambu Mete (Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Flores Timur)

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    Supply chain management analysis of cashew seed (Case study in the district of East Flores). East Flores is sourced reference ofsuperio cashew seeds, so that this region is potentially a superior seed producer of cashew for development program in the future. This study aimed toanalyze supply chain management (SCM) and development strategy of cashew superior seed. The research was conducted in East Fl ores, East NusaTenggara Province in June - August 2010. The data used are primary and secondary data. Analysis used model of supply chain management. Theresults showed that the demand for cashew seed is dependent on the procurement project undertaken by the government. The time often not coincidewith the harvest of cashew seeds. Supply chain management applications has been running optimal although more are caused by g overnmentintervention in terms of distribution of seeds, so that the optimization process of SCM has not been produced from a process of good business activity.Strategies that can be achieved are: (i) government needs to encourage the process of seed certification by an official agency, (ii) developing the seedgarden in an amount sufficient to consider the projected seed demand in the future, either in the form of seeds and scion, (iii) the farmer / farmergroup, the owner of seed source should be able to apply the seed stock management so that demand outside the crop seed remain to be fulfilled, (iv) thebreeder needs to make improvements in a poly bag seed distribution methods, (v) The Government needs to introduce grafting technology, particularlyto the breeder and farmer groups, (vi) The Government needs to do the planning and mapping needs and promoting improved s eed varieties MPF 1

    Perubahan Makna pada Wacana Humor Cak Lontong

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ada dua yaitu 1) mendeskripsikan bentuk satuan lingual yang mengalami perubahan makna pada wacana humor lawakan Cak Lontong 2) mendeskripsikan analissis komponen makna pada perubahan makna wacana humor lawakan Cak Lontong. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode agih dan metode padan. Hasil penelitian menemukan penggunaan bahasa humor yang dilakukan oleh Cak Lontong mengandung perubahan makna. Terdapat berbagai jenis perubahan makna seperti (1) perubahan makna generalisasi, (2) perubahan makna spesialisasi, (3) perubahan makna total, (4) perubahan makna ameliorasi, (5) perubahan makna peyorasi, (6) perubahan makna asosiasi, dan (7) perubahan makna metafora. Bentuk perubahan makna pada bahasa humor Cak Lontong sempurna karena terdapat berbagai jenis perubahan makna. Ada perubahan makna yang khusus dalam penelitian ini dibandingkan dengan penelitian terdahulu yaitu perubahan makna metafora yang berjumlah 8 data yang mengalami perubahan makna tersebut, terdapat pada video ke-1, 2, 3,11 dan 14. Perubahan makna metafora tersebut digunakan oleh Cak Lontong untuk memberikan gambaran atau penjelasan maksud tujuan tertent. Data tersebut umumnya terdiri dari gabungan dua kata yang masing-masing memiliki makna, setelah bergabung kata tersebut memiliki makna baru. Misalnya data “patah cinta” yang terdapat pada video ke-1, kata tersebut berasal dari gabungan kata “patah” dan kata “cinta”, setelah bergabung kata tersebut memiliki makna baru yakni kesedihan, kekecewaan atau kegagalan dalam hal percintaan. Analisis komponen makna yang terdapat pada kata yang telah mengalami perubahan makna dianalisis menggunakan fitur makna biner (+) dan (-). Komponen makna kata yang mengalami perubahan makna tersebut diberikan fitur tersebut untuk mengetahui komponen-komponen makna yang dimiliki oleh kata tersebut. Sebagai contoh komponen makna dari kata yang telah mengalami perubahan makna, kata bujangan memiliki komponen makna yaitu [+manusia], [+jantan], [-betina], [+dewasa], [+remaja], [-kawin], dan [+single]. Tanda (+) mempunyai komponen makna tersebut, dan tanda (-) tidak mempunyai komponen makna tersebut