42 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT To improve the quality of existing police resources, motivation must be given for achievement in participating in educational activities. The selection system was carried out both by the Bengkulu Regional Committee according to instructions and directions given by the National Police Headquarters. So that in accordance with the motto proclaimed by the National Police Headquarters namely Clean, Transparent, Accountable and Humanist. (Bersih, Transparan, Akuntabel dan Humanis).  The selection system used is still using MicroSoft Excel as its assistance software, especially the acceptance of the Police Academy, Police and Private Officers. For other selections, it is also possible to use a special program created. Whereas the determination of the best DikBangUm participants will be better if it is processed using good management techniques and rules in the form of a decision support system (DSS) used by the Weighted Product Method (WPM) which is considered the most appropriate to be applied.  Keywords: DSS,WPM, Dikbangu

    Pengenalan Budaya Bengkulu Melalui Puzzle Game Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Teaching aids at the higher education level are not something strange and rare, because the level of need in terms of material presentation is felt more useful and easy. Especially for the basic education level, a tool for delivering material to elementary school children which have been more conventional in the form of teachers reading or writing material, meanwhile, students copy what the class teacher writes. This habit of course will be slow and monotonous and can increase boredom in following the teaching and learning process.  To reduce the level of boredom and the less attractive way of delivering this teaching material, it is necessary to have a way that can arouse learning enthusiasm for students at the basic education level, namely in the form of visual displays using computers as the main tool with more material content. new and innovative. This is even more so if it is applied in the form of introduction to nature reserves, history, and cultural heritage.  The enthusiasm of the students while trying the puzzle game application based on the introduction of Bengkulu's culture and natural wealth encouraged the students to get to know and understand more about the importance of maintaining and being proud of the natural and cultural wealth of the Bengkulu people

    Sistem Pakar Deteksi Penyakit Tanaman Jeruk yang disebabkan oleh Bakteri

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    Sistem Pakar yang dibangun dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dalam proses identifikasi suatu penyakit. Kegunaan identifikasi terhadap suatu penyakit sebagai pengganti keberadaan seorang pakar yang dapat saja pada waktu dibutuhkan, sedang tidak ada di tempat atau berhalangan. Sehingga sebuah program komputer yang berfungsi sebagai aplikasi yang mampu menggantikan tugas seorang pakar dapat mewakilinya. Tentunya pengetahuan yang dipakai dalam pembuatan program ini merujuk dari pengetahuan pakar dalam proses pembuatannya. Tanaman jeruk, bagi petani yang bergantung pencahariannya melalui budidaya tanaman jeruk sudah tentu sangat terpengaruh oleh penyakit yang berjangkit pada tanamannya. Sehingga sangat diperlukan keberadaan program aplikasi yang dapat membantu mendeteksi kepastian penyakit pada tanaman jeruk dengan menyebutkan ciri-ciri yang muncul pada akar, batang, daun maupun buah jeruk. Dalam hal ini terlihat jelas betapa diperlukannya pengetahuan yang dimiliki pakar untuk membantu melakukan identifakasi terhadap tanda-tanda penyakit yang terlihat pada tanaman jeruk. Alat bantu berupa program aplikasi sistem pakar yang mampu mendeteksi kepastian penyakit dan cara penanggulangannya yang dibangun bersifat program sistem cerdas yang telah banyak diketahui merupakan cabang dari ilmu kecerdasan buatan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan sistem dengan sumber data yang dikumpulkan melalui konsultasi dengan pakar yang direkomendasi oleh Dinas Pertanian Provinsi Bengkulu melalui Balai Proteksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (BPTPH) Bengkulu. Dalam pengenalan dan implementasi dari program aplikasi deteksi penyakit tanaman jeruk yang disebabkan oleh bakteri menunjukkan perubahan membaik bagi para petani yang telah melakukan uji coba terhadap program yang telah dibangun. Meskipun perlu banyak perbaikan pada beberapa fitur dan tanda-tanda yang timbul pada tanaman jeruk yang terjangkiti oeh penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Oleh sebab itu, program aplikasi ini terus menerus dilakukan upaya perbaikan dan penambahan data gejala-gejala penyakit serta penanggulanggannya agar program ini dapat terus dipakai oleh petani yang membutuhkannya

    Sistem Pakar Kerusakan Handphone Nokia 5130 Xpressmusic Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Mobile phone was a luxury, only some people who can have it, but now mobile phone has become a necessity and is quite affordable can be owned by everyone. Phone function now varies not only to call or send messages only. With the research, entitled Damage Expert Systems Mobile Nokia 5130 XpressMusic, the author hopes to serve as a reference or beneficial to the reader and to assist the public in recognizing the symptoms of damage to the phone from damage and found to be able to find the right solution to be able to fix

    Implementasi Metode Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Untuk Seleksi Penerimaan Beasiswa Pada SMA Negeri 4 Bengkulu Tengah

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    Abstract_Bengkulu Middle 4 State Senior High School is the only senior high school in Pagar Jati District, Central Bengkulu Regency. Selection of scholarships at SMA Negeri 4 Bengkulu Tengah is still done manually to select scholarship recipients and this results in errors and often inaccurate selection of scholarships. The Additive Ratio Assessment Method (ARAS) implementation application for selecting scholarship recipients at the Bengkulu Tengah 4 State Senior High School was created to assist teachers in making decisions easier in selecting the right scholarship recipients and assisting in the correct data collection. Processing in terms of data storage. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, functionally the application of the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Implementation Method for selecting scholarship recipients at Senior High School 4 Bengkulu Tengah is going well as expected. &nbsp

    Comparison of the DES Cryptographic Algorithm and the AES Algorithm in Securing Document Files

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    The document file security application at the Bengkulu City Education Office was made using the Visual Basic .Net programming language. In this application, 2 cryptographic algorithms have been implemented that can be used to secure document files, especially the employee payroll list file, namely the DES algorithm and the AES algorithm. In addition, this application has also embedded a process to analyze the comparison of the DES and AES algorithms, so that it can be known which algorithm is better to use. The comparison aspect consists of 2 aspects, namely processing time and file size after processing. Based on the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the document file security application at the Bengkulu City Education Office is capable of carrying out the process of encrypting and decrypting document files and the functionality of the application has run as expected. From the test data that has been carried out by the encryption and decryption process, the results obtained based on the encryption processing time show that the AES algorithm is faster than the DES algorithm, based on the decryption processing time it is found that the AES algorithm is faster than the DES algorithm, based on the file size after the encryption process it is found that the DES algorithm and the AES algorithm have the same file size, based on the file size after the decryption process it is found that the DES algorithm and the AES algorithm have the same file siz

    Pengolahan Makanan Beku Berbahan Dasar Jamur Sawit Sebagai Nilai Tambah di Desa Talang Jambu dan Desa Pasar Bembah Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    Talang Jambu Village and Pasar Bembah Village, North Bengkulu Regency are villages located near oil palm processing plantations so that they have great potential to produce palm mushrooms. But public consumption interest in general is still low due to lack of knowledge and information on the nutritional content of oil palm mushrooms. Though palm mushrooms have high nutritional content of 34.24% protein, 39.83% fiber, and 5.47% carbohydrates and low fat which is 1.95%. The quality of oil palm mushrooms is also very low because it decays quickly. This issue is faced by partners in an effort to increase mushroom consumption as well as commercial food, in addition to a lack of knowledge (soft skills) and skills.. The activity was carried out in four stages, namely the preparation phase (initial condition survey and visit to the partner area to find out the problems faced by partners), the counseling phase (providing information to partners in the form of nutrient content of palm mushrooms, palm mushroom processing technology into frozen food) , diversification of products made from oil palm mushrooms into meatballs, nuggets and dimsum, packaging methods, demonstration stage (implementation or practice results of counseling with partners, acceptance and estimation of shelf life for palm mushroom products), marketing system development stage (packaging design and sales design in online media)

    Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Sugeno untuk Menentukan Reward pada Game Edukasi Platformer Berbasis Android

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    The development of information and communication technology devices makes the teaching and learning process easier and more fun, students are now not only able to learn from books but can also learn from various other media such as games. The use of games in the teaching and learning process will make it easier for students to understand concepts in learning. By applying games in the teaching and learning process, it can increase students' motivation and interest in learning. The purpose of this research is to build a game that is fun and can help students in learning.In this game, Sugeno fuzzy logic is applied which serves to determine the rewards / bonuses that players will get when completing the challenges of each level

    Metode Weighted Product (WP) pada Pembuatan Sistem Penilaian Tenaga Medis Puskesmas Kampung Bali – Kota Bengkulu

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    To find out the performance achievements of medical personnel who have very good achievements, the Decision Support System is used with the Weighted Product (WP) method, where this method is very suitable for selecting various alternatives that depart from the determination of the weight of each assessment criterion. By having determined the optimal weight by the Head of the Puskesmas, this method of weighting matrix has been compiled to be an exponential factor of each suitability rating owned by each medical personnel. Based on the sequence of steps to complete the next calculation, an application program is prepared that is expected to be able to provide assistance in accelerating the calculation process. The program outputs obtained were not much different compared to manual calculations. Although there are slight differences between the two results, the difference is very small, ranging from 0.001 to0.002. Testing is done by comparing the results of the program with a manual count. But because the main purpose of a decision support system is to get the best ranking from the alternatives

    Expert System in Helping Students Diagnose Car Engine Damage Using the Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) Method

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    At school, especially in Automotive Vocational High Schools, a learning process is carried out by helping students to recognize and overcome problems that occur in motorbike/car damage. One of the SMKs that has an Automotive expertise program is SMK Negeri 2 Bengkulu City. So far, the automotive learning system has used books and pictures to support the learning process at school. However, this sometimes has problems, where students do not fully understand the material given, and on the other hand students have difficulty learning independently either in the school environment or at home. Expert systems in helping students diagnose car engine damage using the Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) method can be accessed online with internet access via the web link http://riska.vad.my.id. This expert system application is made using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. This expert system application has been embedded with the ESDLC method with the Forward Chaining inference engine which is used to trace damage to car engines based on the symptoms experienced by the car engine. This expert system application can help facilitate the understanding of students at SMK Negeri 2 Bengkulu City in diagnosing car engine damage, by providing consultation directions starting from entering symptoms to getting consultation results. Based on the system testing that has been done, it can be concluded that the functionality of the application has been running well and this expert system can provide consultation results based on the symptoms selected by the user through the stages of the Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) method