124 research outputs found

    PERSEPSI REMAJA TENTANG BULETIN SUARA HISMAG (Studi pada \ud pelajar MA Muhammadiyah 03 Godog Laren Lamongan)

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    This Research is constituted of researcher to know perception of society about community media \ud residing in countryside of Godog kec. Laren. Kab Lamongan. Suara Hismag is published by \ud Hismag. Hismag is a very unique organization, as knowed researcher there is no organizationwhich born from a small village has a good media like Suara Hismag. Besides, as long as \ud existence of Suara Hismag which almost more than 10 year there is no researcher conducting a \ud research to know and also measure the reader. As a member and society of Godog, researcher \ud has responsibility sense of belonging and interest to research about this bulletin \ud This research used Selective Perception theory, explaining that psychological and sosiologis are \ud especial variable which differentiate human being as media audiens. Every responder have a \ud difference of perception to bulletin content and also appearance of Suara Hismag generated by \ud difference of enthusiasm, trust, knowledge, attitude, requirement of individual, social category \ud and social relationship. \ud This research used survey method, with quantitative descriptive research type that is research \ud defining or depicting a number of variable which have the pleasure to with accurate unit and \ud problem without questioning variable relation. Amount of population in this research counted \ud 160 and responder of sampel taken counted 61 responder. Technique data collecting is quesioner \ud closed, the answering has been provided by researcher so that responder remain to chosen \ud appropriately. Technique analyse data use processing of statistic by using formula of Mean to \ud look for mean from overall of adolescent perception about bulletin Suara Hismag. \ud Result of research indicate that responder which have read bulletin Suara Hismag have positive \ud perception. the Positive perception can know to through totally answer is amounting to 4012. \ud After that divided with amount of circularized question to responder, namely 19 question and \ud then obtained with result of mean that is dot of kontinum 211,1 with Interval value 206,6 Β­ 255,4 \ud which in positive Interpretation. After that can be concluded that most responder have good \ud perception with existence of bulletin Suara Hismag

    Distribution System Dewatering in Coal Mining at PIT Sena Sungai Lilin District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province

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    The purpose of this research is to calculate the total design discharge of water entering the mining site in the sena pit of PT Putra Muba Coal (PMC), design the appropriate shape and dimensions of the sump to accommodate the amount of water entering the mining site and calculate the number of pumps needed to remove water entering the mine to the settling pond. The source of water entering the mine area comes from rainwater entering the mine opening, water runoff from the rainwater catchment area in the area around the mine opening, and groundwater rise. Based on the results of the analysis of rainfall data for 2013-2022, a rainfall plan of 77, 225 mm/day, rainfall intensity of 9.714 mm/hour with a rainfall return period of 2 years was obtained. The rainfall catchment area at the research site is 72,936 m2 with a discharge generated of 0.03 m3 / second and groundwater discharge of 0.00812 m3 / second. To remove the water entering the mine, it is flowed naturally into the sump with dimensions of 50 m length, 14 m top width, 13 m bottom width, and 5 m depth. The dimensions of the open channel are planned with a channel width of 32 cm, a flow depth of 28 cm, a wet cross-sectional area of 13.6 cm2, a wet circumference of 97 cm, a hydraulic radius of 9.25 cm, and a channel length of 233m.  The water in the sump is pumped into an open channel. The pump used has a maximum discharge of 150 m3 / hour and a total pump head of 11.8712 m with a pipe diameter of 6 inches


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    There is no doubt about the achievements in badminton in Indonesia until now, even some countries have made Indonesia a threat to them because Indonesian athletes have a good track record and have extraordinary talent. However, Indonesia's achievements in this badminton sport must always survive and continue to be improved, through several track records and some existing match results data can be used as good evaluation material for the future. This certainly attracts the attention of researchers to conduct research by analyzing the development of Indonesia's achievements in international championships in the last 10 years. Therefore, the researchers made a research design, namely "Analysis of Indonesian Badminton Achievements at the International Level in the Last 10 Years (2012-2022)". The purpose of this research is as a form of researchers' efforts to find out how far the improvement of badminton achievement in Indonesia in the last 10 years. So that this research is not ambiguous and widespread, the researchers only focus on the development of the Indonesian national team's badminton achievements over the last 10 years. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research using documentary analysis techniques. Based on the results of the curve image above, it shows that the development of Indonesian badminton achievements has experienced an ups and downs in the last 10 years even in the Uber Cup tournament, Indonesia has not set a record in the last 10 years, but Indonesia is starting to experience progress in 2020. It can be predicted that in 2020. 2022 Indonesia will experience an increase in international achievements. Keywords: Achievement, Badminton, Indonesi


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan agility ladder drill terhadap kelincahan pemain futsal SPORTIFO FC U-(14-16) Pamekasan. Mengingat pemain dalam tim ini sangat kesulitan pada saat pertandingan, dibuktikan dengan seringnya kehilangan bola, sulit mengubah arah, dan kalah pada saat situasi satu lawan satu. Itu semua terjadi akibat kurangnya kelincahan yang dimiliki pemain mengingat dengan ukuran lapangan yang cukup sempit.Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian praeksperimen (weak-eksperiment). Dengan menggunakan desain penelitian praeksperimen (pre-eksperimental designs). Populasi dalam penelitian ini yakni Pemain SPORTIFO FC U-(14-16) Pamekasan dengan jumlah 20 pemain. Teknik sampling dalam peneltian ini yakni menggunakan (simple random sampling) dan sampel berjumlah 15 pemain. Instrumen dalam penelitian yaitu Agility T-TEST. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, sedangkan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t. Berdasarkan data penelitian yang telah diperoleh, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari latihan agility ladder drill terhadap kelincahan pemain futsal SPORTIFO FC U-(14-16) Pamekasan, terbukti dengan hasil perhitungan nilai sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 ≀ 0,05. Kemudian dari hasil nilai mean pretest (1189,93) dan postest 1087,27 terdapat peningkatan dengan selisih 102,667. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa latihan agility ladder drill, two foot foward, two foot sideway, ickey shuffle, back ickey shuffle, dan SL in & out sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan kelincahan dalam olahraga futsal. Kata kunci: latihan Agility Ladder Drill, Kelincaha


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    Abstrak Tahun 2018 merupakan tahun yang bersejarah untuk olahraga Pencak Silat Indonesia, pada tahun ini untuk pertama kalinya pencak silat dipertandingkan di ajang kejuaraan terbesar se-benua Asia yakni Asian Games. Pada gelaran ini, Indonesia mampu menyapu bersih total 14 medali emas dari 16 medali emas yang diperebutkan, dengan sumbangan emas dari cabang olahraga silat tersebut menempatkan Indonesia ke posisi 4 besar dalam meraih medali emas di ajang Asian Games 2018. Dari 14 peraih medali emas tersebut, ada satu pesilat yang sudah diprediksi untuk meraih medali emas yaitu Wewey Wita. Pasalnya Wewey Wita merupakan pesilat pertama Indonesia yang telah lolos sebanyak 4 kali di final kejuaraan dunia secara berturut-turut pada tahun 2013, 2015, 2017 dan di tambah lagi pada event Asian Games 2018. fenomena diatas peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisis mengenai fakta kemenangan Wewey Wita berdasarkan jenis dan jumlah teknik yang digunakan untuk mengalahkan lawannya di dalam bentuk persentase. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui fakta kemenangan Wewey Wita berdasarkan jenis dan jumlah teknik yang digunakan untuk mengalahkan lawannya dalam pertandingan Asian Games 2018 pada babak perempat final hingga final. Adapaun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pada babak perempat final Wewey wita berhasil mengalahkan lawannya dari Thailand dengan score 5:0, pada babak semi final melawan Loas dengan score 5:0 dan di partai puncak atau final melawan pesilat Vietnam dengan score yang sama pula yaitu 5:0. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Wewey Wita mendominasi disetiap pertandingan dalam Asian Games 2018 cabang olahraga pencak silat dengan menggunakan teknik tendangan T. Hal ini dikarenakan Wewey Wita memiliki keahlian bertahan menggunakan teknik Tendangan T untuk mendapatkan point dengan cara memancing lawan untuk menekan, kemudian memapak dengan tendangan T. Kata Kunci : Analisis, Pencak Silat, Asian Games 2018, teknik pencak silat. Abstract 2018 is a historic year for Indonesia Pencak Silat sport, this year for the first time pencak silat is competed in the biggest championship on the Asian continent, the Asian Games. In this event, Indonesia was able to wipe out a total of 14 gold medals out of the 16 gold medals contested, with gold donations from the martial arts branch putting Indonesia in the top 4 position in winning gold medals at the 2018 Asian Games. Of the 14 gold medalists, there is one fighter who has been predicted to win a gold medal, namely Wewey Wita. became the first Indonesian fighter to have won four times in the world championship finals in a row in 2013, 2015, 2017 and added again at the 2018 Asian Games event. From the above phenomena the researcher is interested in analyzing the facts of Wewey Witas victory based on the type and number of techniques used to defeat his opponent in the form of a percentage. This research is a descriptive analysis research to find out the facts of Wewey Witas victory based on the type and number of techniques used to defeat his opponents in the 2018 Asian Games in the quarter-finals to the finals. As for the results of this study, in the quarter-finals Wewey Wita defeated his opponent from Thailand with a score of 5: 0, in the semi-final against Loas with a score of 5: 0 and in the top or final party against Vietnamese fighters with the same score, namely 5 : 0. The results of the analysis show that Wewey Wita dominates every match in the 2018 Asian Games in pencak silat by using the T kick technique. This is because Wewey Wita has the defensive skills to use the T kick technique to get points by luring the opponent to press, then tapping with the kick T. Keywords: Analysis, Pencak Silat, 2018 Asian Games, martial arts techniques


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    Abstrak Anak tunagrahita sedang memiliki karakteristik mengalami hambatan dalam perkembangan motorik nya sehingga mereka kesulitan dalam bergerak demi menunjang kehidupan sehari-hari yang memaksa mereka untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan dengan unsur motorik kasar maupun motorik halus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motorik kasar anak tunagrahita melalui permainan bola bocce pada siswa kelas IV di SLB Delta Sejahtera Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu yang menggunakan desain penelitian One Group Pre test-Post test Design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa tunagrahita sedang kelas IV SLB Delta Sejahtera Tanggulangin Sidoarjo, dengan tatap muka 3 minggu 18 kali pertemuan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes permainan bola bocce. Teknik analisis untuk memperoleh data menggunakan Uji-t. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa program latihan selama 3 minggu 18 kali pertemuan terdapat peningkatan, pada saat pre test siswa tunagrahita sedang SLB Delta Sejahtera Sidoarjo mempunyai rata-rata 274,571 dan meningkat di saat post test yaitu 197,000, dikarenakan nilai yang lebih besar merupakan nilai yang tidak lebih bagus dari yang kecil maka bisa disimpulkan adanya peningkatan motorik kasar anak tunagrahita sedang melalui permainan bola bocce. Bahwa metode ini perlu dipraktekkan dan disosialisasikan di sekolah – sekolah SLB bahwa permainan bola bocce tersebut sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan motorik kasar anak berkebutuhan khusus, khususnya anak tunagrahita sedang. Kata kunci : Tunagrahita sedang, motorik kasar, permainan bola bocce. Abstract The middle mental retardation children had having characteristics impediment in the development of their motoric so they would be difficult to support their daily life and they force to do motoric activities with elements of rough motoric or soft motoric. The study aims to determine the increase rough motoric mental retardation children through bocce ball games in the fourth grade students of Delta Sejahtera Special School Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. This type of research is the use of quasi - experimental research design of the study one group pre test - post test design. Subjects in this study are mental retardation students in the fourth grade of Delta Sejahtera Special School Tanggulangin Sidoarjo, with face-to-face 3 weeks in 18 times meetings. The research instrument in this study is used test bocce ball. Analysis techniques to acquire data using t-test. Based on the research that exercise program for 3 weeks 18 times meetings there was an increase, during the pretest to middle mental retardation students in the Delta Sejahtera Special School Tanggulangin Sidoarjo has averaged 274.571 and it increase when posttest is 197,000, because it has the greater value that the value is not better than small ones it could be inferred an increase rough motoric of mental retardation children is going through a bocce ball. This method should be practiced and promoted in special schools that bocce ball games that it is so effective to increase rough motoric mental retardation children, especially to middle mental retardation students.Keywords: The middle mental retardation, rough motoric, bocce ball


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    AbstractIn order to get optimal performance, physical strength and agility are the basic needs of soccer players. The T-Sprint running exercise is an agilty training model with a T-Shaped trajectory that is very suitable for increasing the agility of soccer athletes. This study aims to determine the exent of the effect of T-Sprint training in order to increase agility in soccer players at the soccer School (SSB) Mitra Football Club Age 19 Sumenep. In taking the sample, this research used a quasi-experimental method and purpusive sampling technique. The number of samples in this study were 15 players of the Soccer School (SSB) Mitra Football Club Age 19 Sumenep. Illinois agility run test is used as a benchmark to measure agility. The implementation of the exercise lasted for 6 weeks with 3 exercise per week and each exercise was provided with a times allocation of 60 minutes. The data analysis used in this study was a one-way ANOVA with a significance level of = 0,05 and used the SPSS application. Based on the one-way ANOVA test, the significance result = 0,001 which means it is smaller than = 0,05 (p < 0,05), then there is an increase in agility in the Soccer School (SSB) players of the Mitra Football Club Age 19 Sumenep by 0,25 seconds. From this study, it was concluded that there was an effect of T-Sprint running training on increasing the agility of players at the Soccer School (SSB) Mitra Football Club Age-19 Sumenep.Keywords: T-Sprint, Agility, Footbal

    Analisis SWOT Pembinaan di Sekolah Sepakbola Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep

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    Football is a sport of team games. So a good, strong, tough team is a team consisting of players who are able to influence the game, meaning that it has good teamwork and is also supported by good technique. To get the maximum results, the Football School Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep conducted a SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats. This study aims to determine what factors influence the Football Mitra FC Kebunagung Sumenep to achieve maximum performance The method used in purely descriptive qualitative research, namely research that really only describes what is or occurs in a particular scene, field, or area. Data were obtained using observations and interviews, namely data about coaching, facilities and infrastructure, funding and human resourThe research results show that Strength includes the quality of the coach and the talent of the players. Weaknesses include the lack of funds and infrastructure. Opportunities include the injection of funds. Threats include the athlete's loss of motivation to develop. Keywords :  Football, SWOT Analysi


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    Permainan bola tangan merupakan olahraga beregu yang memiliki 14 pemain dalam 1 tim, dengan memiliki gerakan dasar terutama shooting. Shooting dalam bola tangan yaitu suatu bentuk serangan yang ditujukan untuk dapat menghasilkan point serta senjata untuk memenangkan suatu pertandingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran presentase kontribusi kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot tungkai, dan keseimbangan terhadap ketepatan shooting bola tangan. Dengan subyek penelitian atlet putra unit kegiatan mahasiswa bola tangan Universitas Negeri Surabaya yang berjumlah 14 pemain. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif analisis korelasi dengan pengambilan data kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot tungkai, keseimbangan dan ketepatan shooting 7 meter. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya kontribusi antara variabel kekuatan otot lengan (X1), kekuatan otot tungkai (X2), dan keseimbangan (X3) secara bersama – sama terhadap ketepatan shooting bola tangan (Y) dengan nilai Fhitung = 2,339 < Ftabel 3,34. Secara individu hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kontribusi terbesar diperoleh dari kekuatan otot lengan dengan besaran presentase 38,44%, dan variabel lainnya (kekuatan otot tungkai dan keseimbangan) tidak terdapat kontribusi terhadap ketepatan shooting bola tangan. Dengan besaran kontribusi yang didapat dari kekuatan otot tungkai sebesar 1,34% dan keseimbangan sebesar 8,35%. Kata Kunci : Bola Tangan, Kekuatan, Keseimbangan, dan Ketepatan shooting
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